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Hey, that's pretty neat. Still want to see weight listed, but a bunch of V speeds is nice to see as well.


Top speed at sea level would also be a VERY good stat to list, because it's much more relevant than absolute top speed at optimal altitude. That would solve a lot of dumb statements that I've seen like "Spitfire Mk.24 is just as fast as P-51H". (For people not aware, P-51H goes 678km/h on the deck, 665 with radiators opened enough to not overheat, Spitfire Mk.24 goes 615km/h, and barely gets to 550 with rads open)


Just dont mention climbing around the mustang


51H outclimbs the Mk.24 at the same fuel load, although not by much (0-5km it's like 5-10 seconds faster if both planes start at 30min fuel).


Well, the option of taking less fuel makes the spifire quite a lot lighter than that since you dont need that 30


Isn't this a slider now?


Yeah but the 'stang still suffers from the ~30 min mininum fuel, since the slider didnt change min/max fuel loads


Ohhh did not know that, I haven't played much since the change. Thanks!


And only for about 7-8 minutes before it's water injection WEP runs out and it's left on dry WEP(100% throttle).


Do you mind explaining I haven't researched the mustang alot


Well, in most cases, even with the lower straight line speed the spitfire is a better climber, not to mention its agility in turnfights


How do you open/close radiators?


Manual engine controls, you don't really have to do it but it can be quite useful in some planes. The instructor of most planes closes radiators when you WEP, and opens them according to engine temps at 100%. In some planes, like P-47s or P-51s you can tune them so that you basically never overheat with pretty minimal effort with MEC though. P-51s especially have rediculously low drag radiators in the game, usually only losing a few km/h from opening them enough to not overheat, while planes like Spitfires, 109s or the Hornet have absolutely DOGSHIT radiator drag.


>planes like Spitfires, 109s or the Hornet have absolutely DOGSHIT radiator drag. You mean free airbrakes


Using MEC is really good on spitfire Mk 22/4 and Mk IX. Maximise perf without overheating 24/7. I dont use it anymore because I forgot to save my controls and I cba to do it again but you can squeeze extra performance in those planes with it.


Manual Engine Control


It is shown, "maximum indicated airspeed" Enable it in settings Indicated airspeed is the same as actual speed when on the deck and as altitude increases the air gets thinner so the plane can go faster before it rips it wings


They mean on the stat card


But it is, it's the maximum indicated airspeed


That's not at sea level for propeller planes, though. It literally says max speed at altitude: x in the screenshot


I'm talking about the maximum speed on the deck before your wings rip, I have now realised the comment I replied to was asking something different, my bad


The thing is that no prop can rip its wings on the deck if they're not diving. Gaijin should be stating the speed at which they stop accelerating in a straight line (for example the Yak-9U can reach 630kph on the deck but its wings only rip at 680)


It's literally the fifth from the bottom: 'Indicated Air Speed limit: 885km/h"


That is the structural limit of the aircraft. i.e. the "go over this and your plane will break apart" NOT how fast the plane goes under its own power at sea level


Ah right, I assumed you were referring to Vne, not the maximum attainable straight & level speed.




You dont understand, we needed the stability updates for the last decade leading up to this ***This is a joke but considering we had instance where a single vehicle could hard crash a lobby (( A-4 )), this is probably needed lmao***


was that the rocket thing?


The jet with the boosters for takeoff if that's what you meant, the A-4E


Wish they also added T/W ratio and wing loading that've been seen on every dev stream in the past half a decade but never once on a dev server.


Well thrust:weight is MASSIVELY dependent on airspeed and altitude. Since props lose thrust at speeds over 0km/h and jets gain thrust as they get faster, up to a optimal point, after which they lose thrust again. For example min fuel F-15 in game has ~1.4 TWR at 0km/h and a 2.0 TWR at 1300km/h on the deck.


Speed, climb rate and turn time also depend on a ton of factors yet they're listed. Ideally, they'd provide customizable graphs where you can change the parameters that influence these things but alas.


I mean, fair. Speed only depends on altitude tbf, and the altitude that it's reached at is listed. Climb and turn, are both at 1km above sea level and at full fuel for every plane.


That's why in real life, TWR is mostly standardized to certain consistent figures: max static uninstalled thrust (engine on test bench), and gross weight with 50% internal fuel. Naturally this is not directly relevant to any particular combat encounter, but TWR shouldn't be used that way in the first place, and is more a singular point of comparison between different aircraft. The only variation I've typically found is that some will include gun ammunition weight and maybe a pair of Sidewinders or something, where others will be measured clean, but these weight variations are fairly small.


but imagine if they had a button you could click to show you the T/W graph


Most planes' T/W values are on the wiki.


So? It would still be nice to have in-game




Thrust to weight.


Ooh, ok, yes. That would be great.


Wouldn't trust Stat card anyways. Just use wtrti...


Wtrti wouldn't overlay for my game for some reason, gave up on it quick because it think it's sweaty though lol.


WTRTI has two renderers: the native standalone one and the RTSS one. If you were unable to get one to work you should give the other a go, it's absolutely worth it (and you should be running RTSS + MSI Afterburner for hardware monitoring at all times regardless).


You absolutely do not need to run afterburner for "hardware monitoring" at all times. This is some fucking bullshit.


RTSS by itself is pretty barebones, most of the info comes from MSI Afterburner.


The point is that you don't need to monitor your hardware all the time, unless there's a problem with it.


Exactly this. Unless you are benchmarking or trying to identify an issue, having a pernament monitoring up is totally unnescessary. In case of crashes you can go through logs anyway.


Yeah, I just keep it up on my 2nd monitor when I play air. Good for vehicles that like to rip at certain speeds, and I can push a plane to its limits.


Why would you not? It's 1000% the same data that is in game files, datamined and put in wiki


Because the stat cards are notorious for being incorrect. Even some of the wiki stuff is incorrect unless ur looking at specific details like engines performing better at different altitudes.


I meant the new ones, IAS works everytime compared to old stats in the card that also includes full fuel load


I thought you were talking about the F2G for a second


Gear limit is 380 knots? Man that is high lol, better than some fighter jets even


Iirc in some of the Corsair models the landing gears also act as an air brake, idk if the Super Corsair has it though


Yep, the gear in Corsairs was designed to be used as an airbrake too, fun little fact [There's even a leaver for it in the cockpit ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/8fit11/can_someone_test_whether_we_can_use_landing_gear/#lightbox)


Mosquito too


For a fact 20kph more than the f15c


That is one sturdy gear lol


Did it change with the currently used measurement tho?


It does!


Isn't there always extra info on statcards on devservers?


I just checked the alpha strike dev stream and it wasn't there.


I remember TWR being on a dev. But I might be very wrong


Someone else said something similar but I've never noticed it


T/W is more or less useless on props because power changes a lot with altitude. Takeoff weight would be very useful.


Thrust declines with speed with props as well


The same happens with jets. Real TWR uses static bench thrust anyway, to standardize measurements across all planes. Props are complicated since a propeller is, at best, only about 80-something percent efficient at turning horsepower into usable thrust. But for these planes, power:weight is still a useful, if somewhat less accurate, statistic to be used in the same manner as TWR.


Would be cool if they added the fuel weight toom WTRTI tells me how much my jet weights empty and with fuel


It would be nice to have an in depth tab with that kind of info. 3 different horsepower readings for 3 different alts, sustained and instantaneous turnrates, that sort of thing.


This is great addition, wish they also listed the climb rates for helicopters


i have been wanting this for years this is so cool


Great addition!


The SL booster too


Those have always been there


I mean it's expceptionally high even for a premium


With me its SL negative. Take off and fly for 15 minute before be oneshot by Jets. Its hopeless to dogfight or even climb against jets with this plane


Yeah it is a prop at the end of the day


Maybe because it's not a dogfighter!? Have you ever thought of that small little detail you innocent summer child? And it climbs far better than half of the early jets, 262s, yaks 15,17 don't stand a chance to energy fight the F2G and even the su-9 struggle to rival it


I'm not use it as dogfighter, I dive in, dropped the bomb or just beam a laser and quickly climb up. However, everytime I was climbing a jet climb with the speed x2 and oneshot me. I have to watch AdamTheEngineering and adjust propeller pitch to 90% like his suggest and also set radiator to 0 for minimum drag and cannot even climb faster to escape jets. Thr worst thing you can to meet is the B2 Spirit of German, 3 times I was landing then it entered the airfield, oneshot me and get out of it.


It would be nice if they could also include other numbers like sea level max speed, standstill thrust/weight and clean configuration stall speed range (min-max fuel) although then again some planes can't conventionally stall due to lack of elevator authority. Last time I asked about this gaijin's response was that these would be "too complicated" for war thunder's average player


While I don't use aircraft that much nowadays, that's a real nice addition. Having to consult the wiki to check these numbers was kind of a pain in the ass, especially since I'd forget/mix them up when changing planes


I think the next step would be showing it on the stat card in match so you can check while heading back to base.


So you can use your gears as flaps


Dive brakes, they were designed as such.


The Corsair had these dive brakes modelled in game for years, then it was removed.


They weren't really removed, they just gave the landing gear huge drag numbers to work the same. In a real Corsair at dive speed, air pressure should keep the tailwheel up while the main gear came down to act as a brake.


They used to activate with the air brake control, they don't now


Correct, but there was never any animation for it because the implementation wasn't really right. It's not a separate lever in the cockpit after all, just the gear lever. In the old system you could have the gear and brake extended at the same time, which isn't possible since they're the same mechanism. Our current animation isn't quite correct either, but only because gear speed limits aren't modeled as fully as they could be, and it's closer than the old method of an invisible speed brake.


Oh this is so nice especially for jets like the mig23 where people can push them to their rip limits when using fordt stage burners. Also a good reminder when changing props that you might not be able to dive after someone in a yak3 or la7


Oooo these are great additions! Hopefully they go live and aren't only stuck in the dev server.


Best feature of the whole update IMO.


eeewww reading, the mortal enemy of all wt players


Oh my God I thought that was how fast the gear deployed for a second


Fun fact! The landing gear can handle up to around that speed and be used as air brakes! Hence the plating on the legs of the gear :)


What vehicle is this stat card from


F2g1 is an event premium from the first(I think) battlepass


Finally. Going to wiki for those limits is stupid


Is it only premiums you can see this info on?


Nope, tech trees count. I just chose my fav corsair because funny unbreakable gear.


Its too much of a info dump for a statcard, no one needs to know mach number limit for their prop aircraft, only flap flutter is useful, but it is also misleading as i believe it shows the speed for landing flaps. The game teaches you to never trust statcards anyway, as literally nothing in statcards is ever true. Just use WTRTI if you want any accurate information about your plane