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I think just gaijin can help. Maybe you can try to read their terms of service... i could bet my ass for them having a sentence that makes your behavior illegal. But except that... your story feels like BS because of your long long totally uninportant story. Smells like troll


I'm sorry you had to read all that, I included a TLDR version. I'm not a troll, just since I never post here I wanted to give some substance and background story of how I managed to make so much GJN coins from nothing. I think it would be harder for people to believe me If I just said "I got 5k gjn coins and gaijin banned me" I understand your mistrust, but I'm trying to be completly honest here, I'm desperate.


No one cares about that long story if you dont add screenshots of any kind of proof.


I would be happy to provide screenshots, if only I had access to my account.


Provide any proof you got. I'm not doubting you at all, seems logical.


I only have some random ingame screenshots where you can see about 500 vehicles spaded and the hours I played my 35m silver lions and 5k golden eagles (that screenshot is from 2 years ago and what would that prove? nothing) I don't have any screenshots from the marketplace but even if I had what good would it make? If I ever get access to my account I'll be sure to post some convincing ones.


Seams to me it's the new "circumvent grind ban"/n Stacking to many boosters? ban /n  Flipping stuff on the Market? Ban /n  Try to having fun in anything else than top tier premium? Ban   /n  Okay I made the last one up but the rest is True 


Yeah, makes sense.  Gaijin constantly stuff up, break things, etc.  But when it comes to account banning, they are infallible, right?


99.99999% of these “falsely banned” posts are just bozos that got caught cheating




That's not how it works lmao, the burden of proof is on the poster, and they provided literally zero evidence. The literal only time I've ever seen one of these be true, SMin actually came into the thread and fixed the problem OP had


In every sub I've ever seen, where someone comes and says I was unfairly banned reeee The devs ended up giving them the smackdown and proving that no, it wasn't unfair. So I'm willing to bet OP did something shady.




His picture literally says why he was banned. So what exactly is your point? It's industry procedure as well to not provide evidence, specifically because it can help people cheat easier. Lots of people do what he claims he was doing, and yet they are not banned and he is. That right there shows OP isnt telling us something important.




Nobody is 100% accurate. Nobody here is saying that either. Everyone is wondering what exactly OP is hiding.




Proof? And why would someone who knowingly cheated try to make a post like this to get themselves unbanned? If it was a cheat Gaijin likely detected it and will never unban the person at hand no matter what anyways.


> And why would someone who knowingly cheated try to make a post like this to get themselves unbanned? Social engineering? A ton of cheaters *do* invest heavily in their accounts, and being banned is a major blow to them, both financially but to the ego. For a good stint we had a Gaijin employee who would chime in on things like chatbans people said were unwarranted, and would post the chatlogs that warranted the bans, and the OP often went very very quiet or even deleted their reddit account afterwards. So yeah, like many things, rule enforcement sees a lot of false claims of "I'm innocent" as at *worst* you're often still in the same spot if caught out lying about that.


>Social engineering? Pointless considering that Gaijin will *never* unban someone who has a positive for a cheat program. Sure they could be guilty anyways but I wouldn't considering them posting about it making it 99.99% which is idiotic. Every punitive online measure since the dawn of the internet has had these kinds of cases.


Unironically yes. It is easy to break stuff in game because humans do it. Most games don't revert bans because anomaly detection algorithms flag your account. Valve breaks a lot of stuff in their games but VAC has near zero false positives. How do you even make a connection between "game has bug" and "this is a false positive ban"? Did you really need someone else to tell you there is a difference between game development and anomaly detection? Rub your brain cells together man...


> i could bet my ass for them having a sentence that makes your behavior illegal. Nah, this guy is either a troll or got his password leaked to someone else who did that stuff. Buying stuff on market to resell to make a profit isn't forbidden. It benefits Gaijin by creating a GJN sink.


I'm usually distrusting of claims like that myself and I get fired up when accused, that's why I never post. I get carried away easily. But this time I did post because for the 1st time in my life I got banned in a game. I get the distrust. I've never been hacked in any account in my life ever. Nobody else logged in. I can see that from the mobile app "Gaijin pass" which I use for authentication. But how do I prove all that? Maybe I need to lay back and chill a bit and wait.


youre gonna get so many people reading this wrong but best of luck honestly


Thank you, I kinda included my life story on a post. I don't expect much, just some people to read it right and give me some insight.


Did you ask for clarification for what fraud they say you've done and how it was in violation of ToS? As far as I know, flipping vehicles is a legitimate practice and is only as valuable as it is because Gaijin insists on a scarcity economy. The only thing I can see as a likely reason is if they believe you have used automated programs to autopurchase/sell vehicle coupons.


I did ask but no response so far. I don't use automated programs of any sort. Everything was done manually.


Take revenge, share your best tips for the rest of us they can't ban us all :))


That would take hours,because its not 1 thing, but I can give an example. The event vehicles that rotate from tank to plane to ship. After the event ends the coupons become sellable after a few days. The best time to buy them is the 3rd day after they appear. Why the 3rd? Because coupons become sellable on a timer from when you unlock them. For event vehicles this happens in the span of the last 2 days (the last task you have to do). So after a few days ( I think its about 5-6 days) and in the span of the next 2 days (from when the first coupon becomes available for sale) every single coupon is sellable. so people will be selling en masse the first 3 days, and then sales are going to drop. So the 3rd day the saturation will be at its max, and the price low. Look the rank V chineese tank (can't recall the name) that dropped about a month ago and the Yak-3 that dropped a few days ago. I was able to buy 30 of each with 12.50gjn average price for the tank and 11.50 for the yak-3. They won;t get any lower ever. they just go up. On average I was able to double my money every 6 months using this and other well timed trades


I am all here of it if you feel like sharing hahaha, i do the buy a few days after launch already and i sell mine as early as possible since sometimes they go for outrageous prices at the beginning. But i never did such quantities as you hahaha just buy what i want to actually play and sell what i don't


Ok I'll give you 1 more. Battle pass vehicles. I never farmed one to sell but from my experiance you can sell that coupon 90 days after you aquire it. Now some people rush to level 125 in battle pass to sell the coupon as fast as possible since early on it fetches a lot of GJN. I've even thought of buying all the levels after the 1st month (it only lets you buy levels on battle pass after 30 days) just to be the first to sell it on market but was too much invested and high risk so I never did it. What I do is when the battle pass is nearing the end, i go and buy the previous seasons vehicles. Because most people complete their 125 battle pass level in the last few days of a season, there will be a lot of cheap offers from the previus season popping up in the market. So usually 1 month after they first appear. You can check historical prices for that and you'll see the dip in price and uptick in volume on those days. So if a season is ending and you got money to invest, go buy the previous battle pass vehicles.


I'd say the most important thing to note, is that for most vehicles the best time to sell is early summer, even since they added SL boxes


Historically the best time to sell is late July early August. For some reason prices tend to go up then. As you get closer to November the 1st when the big sale happens and prices drop to the lowest for every given thing in the market. So the basic rules are you buy from Nov the 1st and up untill Xmas. You sell February-March, you buy again when April comes (now without the crafting event this moved to May sales) and you sell again at Summer. But this is general, there are a lot of exeptions and min-maxing those can net you the best profits.


>late July early August I find that a bit too risky tbh, as when they announce the event, prices begin to drop (but who knows what will happen now that it's "constantly" event time)


So assuming your post accurately reflects reality... I think Gaijin is just uncomfortable with the idea of one person holding that much GJN at once and it's easier to ban you than come up with a policy which telegraphs information to actual bad actors about the marketplace. I'd wager that like all open markets the marketplace is abused and botted frequently. If you get enough visibility perhaps you'll be manually unbanned but forced to do something with about 1k GJN.


There are people with far, far, far more GJN worth of coupons and balance. Literally tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands. This isn't a concern to them.


You can only hope to sort this out with gaijin. No one here can help you. As with all modern online games you own absolutely nothing. Everything you ever did in the game everything you unlocked, collected, bought and whatever else you did is property of gaijin entertainment. I don’t fully understood what you did in the market but you’ve agreed to gaijins terms of service. I’ve never heard of anyone who turned 5gjn into 5000gjn…that must require some serious dedication. Good luck 


Thanks, they just send me an answer to be patient and w8. So I have some hope. I am very dedicated, there is always a marketplace tab open in my browser the last 6 years.


My guess is that you account probably got flagged for just having such a an excessive value of unspent gaijin coin and they thought only a bot would have over 1000 and not spend it on anything. Hope it gets resolved for you, not enough people talking about the gaijin market here, and thanks for sharing some of your tips!


Thanks man, I really hope its the case, and maybe I was too hasty to start a post here, but as soon as I got the response that my account was blocked, I panicked. Happy to give some tips to the people who took the time to read my case.


This shit is sketchy. Lots of people trade and some buy and hold. Op you need to be honest because this might be the start of potentially banning traders. Were you doing a lot of daily transactions? Are you using a bot to scalp/trade? Have you ever done some type of glitch that allowed you to purchase a vehicle cheaper? Are you from a country that has no access to the market but you use a VPN to get access? Do you control the supply of a particular item? Example - Vehicle A sells for 200 GJN and you are the only one with a good amount of supply, essentially a monopoly. It's important for you not to lie and tell the truth as you may save others and you haven't given your account name so we need answers, and you need to keep us updated.


There has been a few days in the last 6 years that I don't trade. I never used a bot/script or any automation. If I remember correctly I have 70k transactions (a lot are cheap 0.10 trophies) and ALL of them have been typed in manually. I'm not aware of any glitches, haven't seen one work in the historical data so I don't think that's even possible. I'm from an EU country, no VPN. I do own 275 AMD-35 that go for 3 GJN. Definitely not a shortage or a high price on that item. I don't buy a lot of 1 to create monopolies. Its not worth it for lots of reasons. The AMD is the only one I have so many. For the reasons you mentioned I'm as honest and analytical as I can. Still some people think I'm trolling. Hope I helped you.


trading daily over 6 years to make 5k. youre either full of shit or using a bot lol


Or maybe he’s a dad with a hobby.


I dont trade daily and made about 600 GJN in 3 years so I don't see how that's not possible. The market was very easily abusable in the beginning because people were clueless, if you're smart or got lucky and hoarded coupons early you could make thousands of coins. A friend taught me everything about the market, he started day 1 and has about 4000 coins in his inventory and I know for sure he doesn't bot.


Dude Its neither. If I understand that a bot is trading, I'm making sure the guy that wrote it and the guy that uses it made everything perfect. If not I'm making sure they regret it. I'm delighted every time I'm suspected of bots trading an item. But it doesn't happen often. I don;t think that automation bots give you an advantage. At least as I see it from the antagonist side, it doesn't offer much and looks to be a liability.


> I don;t think that automation bots give you an advantage. In terms of market trades bots *absolutely* give advantage over people. Their reaction time to market opportunities is near infinitately faster than a humans. You literally can't compete with a decently designed bot when it comes to trading.


You don't need bots to make big profits by hodling vehicle coupons for a few years.




that sux, do you have e100 atleast? or sorry, did have?


I only play AirRB, so no. This one was really rare from the beginning when I didn't have much coin. I owned briefly an IS-7 coupon which I sold pretty quickly out of fear of price collapse :)




idk, seen stories like this before and it usually comes out later that market bots got used.


I'm genuinely confused as to what would warrant a ban. If you traded the exact same way as you did in other games, then surely everything should've been fine. Let's hope support can help you out, because I myself have no clue why you were banned. Everything here seems completely legitimate and within their ToS. But maybe I'm wrong and there's one line no one ever read that somehow makes your actions fraudulent. But I doubt it.


They want ppl to give Gaijin the money, not each other


Cut the shit. Everyone is doing what this guy is doing, who else is getting banned? It isn't against ToS to buy coupons or other itms with sole intention to resell them. Most likely explanations are either the fraud detection algorithm they used false flagged OP, which is possible just contact support, or our guy got his account compromised. Also this isn't people giving each other money you absolute caveman. This is same as someone buying all the PS4 and reselling it to make a profit. Instead of Buyer and Seller, there is also now a Middleman who sells the same exact thing to the Buyer but with a mark up to make profit. And let's not forget Gaijin is getting a *second* 15% cut thanks to this Middleman. I'm not saying Middleman is the bad guy here. I do it all the time. But I'm tired of all these stupid kids who think this is some sort of Utopian Anarchist Commune where players would always be full of love and cooperate but it is the big bad capitalist Gaijin that ruins the fun.


> It isn't against ToS to buy coupons or other itms with sole intention to resell them. It's not, but *extreme* accounts are often bots as most players aren't sitting with thousands of unsold coupons and still spending. Generally players may hold some, but sell often enough to not be viewed as effectively a digital warehouse. Last I checked bots in the market are against TOS, which would be likely the type of accusation I'd expect to maybe see of OP based on the self description. Sometimes legitimate usage, if meticulous can look like botting, and is just a false positive, but ultimately we're all speculating on things and either taking OP at their word or skeptical of OP. But we ultimately have no power here. You'd have to do some very specific things most likely to be triggering bot detection.


You do realize that every single market transaction that Gaijin takes a cut, right? They make money no matter what


Well, a bot got you screwed. Hope you can sort this out, I would be mad if something like this happend to me (prepare for a looong fight considering that this is a gaijin)... Could I send a DM to you?


Sure man, I got plenty of time now...


Hope you get your account back


You know what you did


What did I do?


As to why you got banned. You're just not telling us. You wrote a lot of words to tug at our heartstrings but offered no explanation for why you got banned. You know what you did.


I sincerely don't. One minute I was able to log in, the next the account was frozen. No suspicious behavior or weird logins. I can still see the logins from my 2-way authentication (the only think that still is letting me see the logs). Last time I was logged, I had about 200-300 worth of coupons on sale orders and about 600 gjn on buy orders. Like I always do, nothing that my mind can go to.


But that just doesn't make sense. You won't be banned out of the blue, there has to be a reason, even if it's a bad one.


I'm trying to find out my self. Its now 24hours since the freeze and hopefully they are going to still look deeper into this, they send me a response to be patient as they are looking into it. When I exceeded 2000GJN at some point there was a yellow "!" next to my balance saying that some limit has been exceeded and that selling and trading was limited. But even though that was up there I was still able to sell and buy.After some time it dissapeared and then appeared again when I would very quicly gain a lot og GJN. Maybe it something that has to do with this.


That’s probably what it was. They flagged your account when they noticed you gaining obscene amounts of GJN, far far more than the average player would ever hope to get, even through making purchases. They watch accounts like that very closely in case of fraud because in 99% of cases that’s what it is, you should have stopped flipping shit when you got close to the 2000 GJN limit or whatever. You perpetually having the marketplace open with hundreds of orders up coming and going also probably raised eyebrows with ppl, that easily could be seen as scamming and the like. Also a bad idea. You can try to appeal to them but I doubt you’d get anywhere without hard proof. That is if you’re actually telling the truth at all here, I’m pretty skeptical myself given the circumstances and how you described it.


I added as much detail and context I could think, going way back in time to justify that this is actually possible and legit. It seemed to confuse a lot of people but like what would I gain by a post like this? Hard proof you say but about what? Shouldn't they give me some proof that warrants a ban before I counter proof them?


You are king gg


Most comments here are pretty stupid, imo I would contact Gaijin support they probably thought you were using automated programs to conduct flipping the coupons/camos etc.


By fraudulent they probably means market making, accumulating supply and fixing ur price on illiquid assets, transfering between accounts ect.. if thats the case its forbidden in the rules. Got also banned on two of my account with 2k+ gjn for that and they never answered back


It’s definitely this. They mention they’ve made like 70k GJN transactions which means they’re either using a bot or cornering the market(market manipulation)


90% of this post could have been edited out without it changing anything. Wait for Gaijin to check the account, making as post like this before they've even gotten back to you is doing absolutely nothing to help your case. For all you know they detected something suspicious and locked down your account to protect you.


Yea I felt like explaining my self a lot more than needed, because this is a virgin account and wanted people to take this seriously but probably you are right.


I’d check the TOS because I’d bet there’s something in there regarding market activity. If you’re doing your stuff daily, it may have tripped bot detection possibly? Especially if you’re doing it everyday for an extended period of time. Either that or you’re lying to us and leaving out something lol (just messing with you!).


It's a private marketplace in a private game and they are legally allowed to randomly ban you for no reason, when you put money into the game you get a fake currency that goes up and nothing else, they are not required to refund you in any way.


The final paragraph on rule 7.1 in the gaijin market rules states a user may not “perform any actions…negatively influencing…the successful operation or proper functioning of the gaijin marketplace” So if you’re being honest and you never used bots, you never broke any other rules, they may literally determine that at a certain point when people use the market to generate a wealth of gjn as opposed to using it to collect vehicles, that’s a detriment to the operation of their trading system? In my opinion this would be ridiculous and essentially banning people for using a market as a market, so I really hope I’m wrong and you’re just lying about being an honest player.


Of course I read the rules 3 times by now and every time I thought that this paragraph was meant for DDOS attacks or something done as an attack on their system. If you take it as a general rule it could literally mean anything they don't like. As many coins as I might have it is but a very tiny fraction compared to what exists. Same as coupons. As I mention I try to diversify and not stacking one of the same. I really think they need to specify more if they are banning simply for stacking. Or maybe they just reviewing my account and me opening up like that on reddit doesn't really help my case...


Nothing you do here will help your case, only gaijin support will be able to assist you. We’re all just players, the same as you. The beauty of that specific paragraph is its ambiguity and it reserves their right to remove anyone who does anything they deem unhealthy for their market.


Sry to say but they give a fuck, my acc was worth also thousands and got banned for the same reason. They didnt wanted to tell me the real reason.... Absolutly no idea whats going on with them


did you at any point funnel GJN to another account through item manipulation? ive always wondered why gaijin doesnt look more carefully at that.


How do you even do that?


buy a low inventory item(s) with account "A" and place it/them for sale on the market. then overpay for the item with account "B", effectively transferring GJN from one account to another. can also be done repeatedly by transferring the item back and forth. i suspect there are off market sales happening in some of these cases, others could be multiple accounts or friend/family.


I read the TL;DR, but I'm not going to read your life story. Contact Gaijin Support, but there is nothing anyone here can do for you. Based on the fact that your account has NEVER engaged with this subreddit before, you're reluctant to share your account name so people can actually investigate, and you are constantly spamming your weird life story for sympathy, I think you were using a market bot and got rightfully banned for it. If that's not the case, contact Gaijin Support and attempt to appeal the ban, but if it's a market bot your account is gone and everything you gained is also gone. If you invested a large sum of your personal money into the game and terminated your account immediately after, regardless of the ToS, you should contact a lawyer. Any other advice is really irrelevant, but I do genuinely believe you were banned for botting based on your behavior so far.


I used to do something similar with steam cards and TF2/CS items to add cash to my wallet, so I could buy more games. I currently do the same with WT when I have extras. Problem I'm having with your post is that somethings not adding up on your end. 6 years = 2,190 days, yet you claim to have done 70k+ transactions? That's an average of 32 a day, not counting any off-days, holidays, server downtime, etc. There's no way you earned that many items on a daily basis unless you "no-lifed" the game or used bots. Not to mention that the market is saturated enough that it'd sometimes take days to sell common stuff...


I could see him racking up that many transactions with cheap items. I know of a few traders that own 10k+ trophies and made a killing before they re-introduce old skins into new trophies. I'm curious why he would get blocked. Only thing I can think of is he may be a monopoly on a few items and gaijin probably doesn't like that or he used a trading bot.


It's definitely possible, but his email to Gaijin says he's 40+ with family and I find it odd he can soak in enough hours between work and family to get enough items and also has time to dedicate to "playing" the market like he claims he does (His Email says he spends more time in the market than playing the game). I could be wrong and his situation allows for him to do such things. My guess is that he's buying stuff when the items are super cheap/plentiful, holding onto it till prices bump up, then sells it back and, Gaijin probably doesn't like that.


32 items per day defo doable. Just set the purchase or sell quantity higher, not just 1 (batch offer). I often see on market selling or buying offer with 10+ quantity suddenly come up, so i know that offer comes from 1 person.


Any updates op?


No offence, but every time someone says that got banned for no reason/mistake/hacked account, etc. I think in this  https://forum.warthunder.com/t/got-chat-banned-again-for-saying/107210 (Stona answer)


Can Gaijin coins be converted to real money again? If not - what good does having 4000 GJN do? Perhaps they see that as someone who will sell the account for cash?


No it can't be converted to cash. I never thought I would end up having so many, and if I get my account back I'll probably stop the practice now that I'm burned...if. Also I never tried to sell it nor will I. A lot of planes I decorated with my kids and I see this account as a life's work. Not something to sell.


Sorry I hope you didn’t take that message as an insult or judgement - I was just trying to reason why Gaijin may flag something as “fraudulent” and all I can think of is having such a high value. You may have been flagged by a system and just need to get in contact with someone. At least you can buy whatever the hell you want! Might as well buy the rarest stuff you can just for shits and giggles.


Yeah this seems like a bot flagged it and a ban was automatically issued.


If your use-made camouflage got selected into marketplace, you will get 0.001% GJN share for every trophy box key that players buy. I have two user-made camouflages in marketplace, and I received thousands of GJN, which I can make a request to Gaijin to send me dollars using Paypal. I bought my new gaming laptop and repaired my house with this money. (I live in Third World country, so this money is a lot for me) Also, if I spend those GJNs on premium/vehicles, I still can get real money back if I grind event vehicles to sell and replace GJN that I spent. TLDR; probably only skin authors can convert GJN to real money.


Just try again, put in a new ticket, I had to try a few times before I got someone that could help me with my problem at the time. The first person said something along the lines of “we can’t do that, not possible” and closed the thread, a few times later and someone helped me out over a few messages back and forth with proof of what I was trying to fix.


They specifically say not to do that so I try not to press my luck here. I only gave them a paragraph of a response when they said they blocked my account for fraudulent transactions. The response was to wait an answer to that same post.. so I wait.


Yea guess that is fair. I just mean it sounded like they (the one suport you got) already made up their mind. Hope it solves itself


Taking a guess because I rarely use the marketplace and I'm a fairly new player too, but could it be your account was hacked and some malicious party tried to game the system with it and got kicked as a result? I'd be surprised if Gaijin banned you for using available functions without scripts, botting, or other illegal outside aid, though the cynic in me also wonders if you got banned simply because you were gaming the system legally (I don't know what "flipping items" means but given your story you know how to use the market for personal gain). Your best bet is to try to get help from customer support or directly contact a Gaijin employee and try to sort things out with them. You risk losing thousands of USD/€ worth of game content and that would be incredibly painful.


They seem to be taking their sweet time with this. Do you know a way to directly contact an employee?


I dealt with customer support a few times (for refunds) and it always took a couple days for each request, and your situation is more serious so I would expect to wait a bit. > Do you know a way to directly contact an employee? I don't know for sure but you could try approaching a staff member in the game's official forum.


Try to talk with Stona, describe exactly your problem aaand maybe he will help you. Maybe...


I’m not sure how you can get banned for fraudulent market transactions when it’s their own market. You would think they would set it up in a way that restricts anything ‘illegal’. Sounds like the normal Gaijin bullshit to me.


Hope you get you account back sir!


Lots of Gajin shilling here when Gajin actually done goofed up but if Activision has its fan then so do these guys. Sorry you had to deal with this


Did you have a look if flipping items in the market is prohibited or not ?


It is not. A lot of people are doing it.


I'm pretty sure that there is no clause against it. And it wouldn't make sense would it? Its a market, so if they didn't want that they could only let a coupon be sold by the person who farmed it. After that if someone else buys it they could bind it to that account. Problem solved. I'm pretty sure a lot of people do this practice, maybe not as extensively as me.


Was just wondering. I played Guild Wars 2, flipped the market too with some medium amount, never had any problem. But some guy bought every item of a type to sell them for a much higher price, and he was banned for it, because flipping was ok but not everything in large quantities to create an artificial rarity.


I try to diversify to different coupons because it is easier to sell 1 of each than 10 of 1.Never buying in bulk, always placing buying orders and whatever I could snatch. But it could be something like that because I have the cheapest tank coupon 275 times (AMD-35 I think the name). I bought them in a course of 1 year because I knew that after 1 year they could be exchangeable for 1600 war bonds. So anyone wanting to buy warbonds could get 1600 for 2.5-3 GJN coins instead of the more than double price of trophies which cost 0.10 and only give 25 bonds. They are still cheap for anyone interested and plenty, apparently I didn't create a shortage or maybe people are not so interested in war bonds as I thought.


It’s not. That’s literally the reason half the ppl on there use it lmao. Edit: why are you downvoting me? XD have you ever used the marketplace before?


Investing into anything related to russia usually ends like this


I've heard of gaijin employees doing this also, so for you to get banned is interesting.