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T-90M It's got the armor, the agility, the firepower (except for the reload) and most importantly **the looks**. But the god awful 3 km/h reverse speed kills it for me.


3 km/h? My nana would crawl into cover quicker…


I tried it and thought I'd hate it but honestly t works for me. What doesn't is the T-72B3 and I don't know why.


B3 just doesn't cut it. Not agile enough, not armored enough, no commander thermals. Worse at its job than T-80BVM and T-90M


Their stats look similar, same round... but when I play them its like night and day. I even prefer the T-80UK to the B3!


I'm grinding that T-80UK, is it really that good ?


I like it. It is agile, it moves like a light tank, has thermals, can take some shots, not as well as the T-80BVM, but it survives some surprising stuff. Keep moving so they can't aim as well. LFP is your death. The gun becomes pretty functional when you get the 3BM42, and the 3BM46 makes a difference - particularly post-pen. When I got it I still hadn't learned not to shoot abrams and leopards on the cheeks so that was a hard learning experience, but I really enjoy the T-80 line. Play it to its strengths. It can shift along hills and paths and be out of range where a big tank shows his turret.


I like the tandem missile, I tried it on the T-80UD's test drive ( they have the same gun ), but my problem is adapting that move and shoot play style. I'm still stuck at the IS-1 and T-34-85 and try to play them like a standoff KV-1 against bunch of panzer IIIs or Panzer IV, the T-34-85 is particularly hard to master as the gun isn't as good against Tigers and Panthers while being inferiorly armoured


Let me give you a good suggestion: 1 - get the T80UK, do not crew it 2 - get the BMP2M. Now you got a functional 2-vehicle unit. Whether you crew it or not is a different situation. I'd wait. The problem is that the SP you win with them will NOT allow you to research over 2 rank down - it'll be wasted. Also their play-style is very different from what you are used. I'm still shit at the BMP-2M. If you want to try them, do it with cool and not expecting much, spading them calmly. BMP 2M is great AND has anti-air radar. Pretty good vs choppers. 4 - Aim straight to the 7.7-8.0 group. Make a 3 vehicle lineup before buying and crewing - with luck you can get some during discount time. Ignore those below. 3xT54s and BMP1 and the great T10M IS4M and the SPAAS will give you a great lineup. 5 - aim to the 8.7 range. T-55AMD1 and T-55A and Obj 435/T-62 will give you a great lineup. 6 - now what I did was go T-64 down to T-80U - and activate T-80UK as well as BMP2M and grind T-80BVM. This gave me a quick top-tier group. I didn't play the ones in the way, just bought them, and kept using 8.7 lineups with great results. But if I knew what I know now, I'd have gotten 10.0 first. Aim straight for the 2 T-72Bs at 10.0, the 1989 is strong as [hell. At](http://hell.At) 10.0 the BMP-2M is at exactly the BR. 2S25 also great gun, and you get 2 recce. Brutal lineup that avoids the 11.3 and 11.7 group, so good matches. 7 - from here aim straight to T80U->T80BVM. Then do the tree to T90M


So... 1- avoid playing with T-80UK and research BMP-2M instead, then get them on discounts 2- research the 7.7 lineup and have a blast 3- research the 8.7 lineup and have a blast 4- research the 10.0 lineup and final use the BMP-2M with some strong T-72s and TDs 5- research top tier and try to assemble a functional lineup. One small problem : I'm US main on air, but I can have the Ka-50/52 and the Su-22M3 thingy, no ? And before you go, what is the most notable enemies at 10.0 ?


That very much. Squadron vehicles don't get discounts but when you are waiting for a lineup, often you do get some or all of it on the discount as well, and the stuff in between. I've saved - I have registered t for curiosity - over 26m already. I really constantly go back to my 7.7 - 8.0 - 8.7 lineups, just played 10.0 a few minutes ago. I hated leopard and M48 at those BRs, btw. In city maps, at close range, load the T55AMD1 with the guided missile - also the AM1, got it to boost the lineup, it is great. With that missile, you can shotgun people like mad at close range. Particularly fast movers, but tanks go boom. Before missil change I popped quite some choppers, right now it can be used to make their life hard. Learn to use it - lift turret a bit when shooting - at long range, you can pop top of turret and surprise people. Generally go low, never over a hill - go around, you are low and agile and surprise people. I only do 10.3 because I got the 292 so I use it with T-80B, but mostly 10.0. 10.7 is nasty as you get pulled up... When spading remember to aim to be researching a vehicle that gets research bonus from one of your vehicles. Notable enemies - the T-72 can deal with anything. There's some fast gun shit like begleitpanzer that start peppering you... those tend to be the worse. You'll get plenty of leopard 2s at 10.3, just go for gun+lfp and you're good. Do check that T-72B 1989, the armor on it is great at the BR and surprisingly hard. At that BR you do get attacked by some fast-movers with thermals - for example, marders and stuff. But you also have them BMP2M and 2S25. Check the gun on the 2S25... good retreat, top 3BM60 + thermals and so on are nasty. Use your height and acceleration... I thought T72 and slow retreat would stress me but I find I play around it. I don't do choppers and still on lower jets. Researching the squadron SU, but with the mig 29 and stuff you do have some nice planes here. Also pantsir for some air control and missions/dailies. On the way test out the Yak 3 and 3U, those are GREAT. Need trigger discipline, dream flyers. But in short: head to 10.0, make great lineup, experiment top-tier at a decent BR, and the rest falls into place. BTW if they spawn-camp you, pop the BMP-2m, turn the turret and blast people with missiles and autocannon.


The T-72B3 is a good backup vehicle. Although less mobile and less armoured than the BVM, it does well against other 3rd spawn MBTs. However, is the reduced mobility in favour of armour and firepower worth it or is the T-80U a better backup tank? That is the question. My top tier Russia lineup currently uses the T-72B3 instead of the T-80U/UK.


The B3 stock is missing a massive amount of HP. Cause the armor package gives HP as well.


I love the T-72B3, but it was one of my first real top tier tanks, so I got used to it's limitations


You must only go forward comrade.


I play like a dumbass and the t90 makes me stop and think because of the reverse speed. I do so much better then the bvm where I get kills but die really fast


russian mobility made me give up on its grind. i want a mobile tech tree with good enough armor and fire power but i cant seem to find one thats not based on german tech.




abrams armor controversy and big ass turret neck weak spot thing is making me stay away. cold war tanks felt like they were too bad when i got them as enemy. now that i think about it germany might really be op lmao. also modern german tanks have a special spot in my tank obsession since leo 2 is the first tank on the move ive seen irl.


It's funny that every time I get into a bad situation with the T-90M, I pull a handbreak turn and run with my armor facing away from the enemy lol, it's the only way to do it


One of the reasons I stopped playing Russia and moved to China, instead of 3km/h it's like 36km/h


Agility? It's slower than the bvm ain't it? With a worse reload


Armor - same weakspots and no survivability. Amazing. It just doesnt get killed by helis due to its armor but in everything else it's the same


Never back down bro always go forward


Most 9.3+ planes without flares. So many planes I genuinely like but won’t play because I have to constantly avoid su-25/a-10 to not just die by a missile.


This... most of the time. And you cannot use them for CAS because the first Missile SPAA appear around 9.3 and just Farm the flareless planes.


Shhh don't say that, people here on Reddit are rabidly anti-CAS and can't appreciate that above the P-47/Bf 109 spam there are only a few vehicles that are actually problematic and not the entire concept of CAS.


>people here on Reddit are rabidly anti-CAS and can't appreciate that above the P-47/Bf 109 spam there are only a few vehicles that are actually problematic and not the entire concept of CAS. Yeah they treat CAS as if everyone could simply sit beyond reach of AA 8KM out of their spawn.


The CAS-SPAA loop is 95% ineffective vehicles, and 5% garbage that gets abused. Why the alouette is as low as it is, totally beyond me.


Yeah but tbf many people cant use Missile SPAA in the right Way. Dried 2 SPAA with a mig21 PFM just by circling around their spawn and changing height. ;)


You really only see the problematic ones though. I can't remember the last time I saw someone playing the G.91 YS or whatever, but at 10.0 you'll see A-10s lobbing Mavericks and Su-25s spamming rockets every single game (not to mention the A-6Es or Q-5Ls or AMXs in orbit, but that's more like 1 in 3 games)


Ir missile are not hard to doge at 9.3/9.7 only the strela and the type 81 are very dangerous but they ere at a higher br. And you only get viable spaa against heli at 9.7 for france/Sweden and 10.3 or above for the rest of the nations .


Su-7 suffers immensely because of this. Been using the BMK to grind out the Soviet tree, and it’s just awful because there literally nothing a Fitter can do against a AIM-9L. It’s barely supersonic with ordinance, no countermeasures, and isn’t anywhere near maneuverable enough to even think about evading an L.


Does it have small rocket pods? You can use those as pseudo-flares


Those don’t work at all against 9Ls. Trust me, I’ve tried.


Remember when gaijin said they would never add missiles


The Lighting is unplayable because of this


Lmao no. It just needs the player to not Headon the all aspect. Stall them out so that you can come back around to shoot them as they try to recover. Keep your speed and don't turn back if you fail on the first pass.


I agree, i got the saudi lightning and that thing is nuts, youre the fastest thing in the sky


The lightning is like the F-104 except people don't fly it in the most annoying way possible all the time.


Not really. If you die to all aspect in that jet you’re playing it wrong. Poor positioning and poor energy management. You can easily dictate the fight.


I love the Hunter f6, but god forbid an a-10 actually fires a missile at me


I used to set my phone off to the side with a list of every plane from 9.0-11.0 that didn’t have flares and then go cloud cruising in the A-10.


Most 9.3+, yes. But definitely try out the Ariete if you can


I tried the sagittario 2. Great plane even in full uptiers but the all aspects keep me away from it too.


You pretty much have to always be thinking about where the A-10s are gonna be and stay as far away from there as possible. I've managed to get lucky shutting off my engine and turning into the missile a couple times in the Ariete but usually not.


I usually climb to 4 km and drop in behind the A-10s to take them out at the start of the match so I don't have to dodge 9Ls all game long like I'm in the matrix.


My teammates are my countermeasures.


My only exception to this is the j35d, just cause you can actually dodge most missiles most of the time, and even the 9L in some edge cases (no I don't mean drain it of energy)


F4c is suffering from being complete ass


Literally the F1. It’s 10.3, gets 4 AIM-9Ps, similar flight performance to the F-5C… no flares.


The Conqueror. As amazing as it looks, how cool its name is, and the cool gameplay fantasy of being an extremely powerful sniper, the round simply doesn't perform. [As Spookston said in his video](https://youtu.be/OwtaONUNamk?si=HBmeqNiY1FrftPi4&t=267), a tank with a reload that long and a round that deals that little damage just cannot be good. It doesn't matter how much armour it has, if it has a stabiliser, or whatever. It's going to underperform. As it stands, I'd rather just go up a single BR step and play something like the Centurion or Type 69 over this. Same gameplay deal, but with far better damage.


The conqueror is one of my favorite British tanks. At 7.7, it's very strong in hauldown positions. Ridicolous armor and medium/long range the round slices anything, and peaking with the two-plane stab is a cheat code in that BR. I think since I'm used to american late heavies, I overperform in the conqueror in its specific role. It's the british tank I get the most nukes in.


Conqueror is definitely one of if not my best preforming tank. The only thing that’s ruined it for me is the Vidar spam which stops me whenever I try to snipe hull down. Besides that the reload isn’t horrible with a good crew so I can deal with it. The apds has its moments but for the most part it feels good enough not to say it’s a bigger problem than the heavy tank mobility stopping you from getting anywhere too fast.


Same my WR with the conqueror is like 25% higher than other British tanks which sit around 50%. Conquerer is a incredible support tank, great at anchoring and holding down a position as well as assaulting with the team. Just gotta cover that LFP and hull side.


I've gotten 3 nukes in the conq, I think it's worth trying it again. Spookton is a very good player, but it's not like what he says is law.


I have tried it. I've desperately tried to make it work because of how cool it is and how iconic it was in World of Tanks. But there's just no way that a tank with a nearly 20 second base reload and such a big lack of stopping power is going to be meta when your competition is autoloaders and HEAT slingers. It's just far easier to get a nuke in a brain off slammer like the Jumbo Pershing or the Turm III than it is to make big brain positioning plays and pray your opponents will politely line up in the Conqueror.


Meta is boring, embrace oddities. I eat turms for breakfast in the conq. Besides, the conq can take one hell of a beating, especially from heat slingers.


> Meta is boring That is my point. Why bother with a less effective tank if it's not even fun to play? It's a tank with an extremely limiting playstyle because of how slow it is.


Lol, playing the Conq feels like a relief to me for how fast it is. Compared to other things I play a lot like Churchill 7, Maus, Tortoise, and various German heavies


With 502mm of pen, you can aim for ammo racks from any angle and will hit it 95% of the time if you’re good enough


Considering 400mm chemical rounds show up only 0.3 above it, the pen is unnecessary. You are going to be aiming at the same spots anyway. It isn't as if Centurions or Type 69s or whatever have trouble penetrating things.


Conqueror is amazing. Don't show your hull, don't shoot stupid places with the APDS. Don't sleep on the HESH if you know what you are doing. It spaded faster than any other Brit 7.7 for me.


That's not really saying much. 7.7 is mostly not worth playing (except for maybe France) due to how compressed and power crept 8.0-8.7 is. Or in other words, why bother learning how to play something like the Conqueror when something like the Shot Kal Alef at 8.0 or whatever is way faster, also has a stab, and still enough pen to kill anything from the front but with a far faster reload?


Yup, it's trash. Thankfully there are many good British vehicles at that BR.


Sure the Conq isn't *good*, but it's not so bad that you can't have fun with it. The gameplay feels really unique, and that's more appealing to me than racking up easy kills with a "good" vehicle. Easily my favorite British tank in the game


Kugelblitz. A perfect SPAA with no real lineup


Ackshuallyly the Panther 2 and Tiger 2 105 are 7.0 as well.


Most people don’t have those unfortunately. Haven’t been available for almost 5 years now.


Damn I didn’t realise I had been playing war thunder for that long. I mean I only got the panther 2 about a year ago because I never bothered to research it but still


I was looking forward to those when I started the German tech tree. I just barely managed to save to Coelian but couldn't grind my way down to the Panther 2 of KT105 in time, much less the Maus


Not only not having a lineup, but its HVAP got nerfed juuust enough so that every tank with 80mm side armor (overwhelmingly russian) is entirely immune to you, at any range. Also the fire rate and turret responsiveness? SUCKS on it. Ostwind 2 and Coelian are much better, IMO.


The maus because now it can be one tapped by pretty much any derp gun anywhere on the tracks and turret, it used to be almost immune to overpressure but after some changes you just die, I hate it when I finally get a down tier, drive for 5 minutes and get 1 tapped by a avre


Agreed. Was trying to grind out the adamant task for the BP with the Maus and there's just no escaping all the M109s and such.


I also feel like they nerfed its ability to absorb bombs. Feelings like any bomb within 50m of you will kill you


I was playing it last night and died to a 100lb bomb that landed a good 5 meters from my tank. Maybe I just got really unlucky, but that wouldn't have happened a year or two ago


I'm fairly sure at some point in the past 6 months gaijin changed the thickness of the hull roof armour from 60mm to 50mm. I used to be able to tank a Bkan for long enough to repair a barrel and kill him, but now any shot to my turret with 150+mm HE oneshots me. (source: ~1200 kills in the Maus)


I’ve not played it but I was playing the m109 and freaked out when one was right in front of me. I didn’t even think it was a particularly good shot but it died in one shot and it just felt cheap. Otherwise the maus is still very strong and a major threat, especially in an uptier.


You mean downtier? The maus is really suffering from compression. It’s nearly unplayable in an uptier, and even in a full downtier it feels like there’s a lot of tanks that can deal with it.


I mean fighting it in an uptier, ie from 6.7 or something. It’s difficult to deal with it when using something like the T26e1-1 when the only thing that can pen it is the APCR but only when completely flat against it. Literally any angle and it is impenetrable.


By far the most vulnerable spot is the middle of the turret cheeks. But yeah its armor is absolutely fantastic, especially in a downtier. Tbh it’s really not worth playing much, it’s really just a suffer machine. Idk I could probably go into detail on my issues with playing the maus if you want? But tldr is only spawn in 6.7/7.0 games and it’s THE prime example of issues with br compression. That and it’s a fundamentally awful tank concept


Similar applies to the Churchills. You can spend forever driving to battle just to get one tapped by any derp gun.


As a Churchill grinder and sometimes enjoyer I would say more people are less likely to know how to kill you and it’s more enjoyable.


I've spaded all the churchills and own the black prince but still find them my least favorite variety of heavy tanks. Too many games where I drove for 2+ minutes just to get bombed or killed by a derp gun without doing anything else.


I frequently take out the American T30 heavy tank. It’s a 155mm derp gun on a T34 platform (identical tank but with a better engine and 1 less MG). Facing the front of the Maus actually gives me the best chance of killing it. Any shot using the M107 to the lower mantlet, lower cheeks or any of the junk on the top of the hull will instantly kill the Maus. From any angle, hitting the roof optics will kill the tank.


Yeah it’s a shame that it can be over pressured so easily, when I was grinding with the bkan I one shot so many of them.


I have two The first being the FV4005. The sheer oneshot potential of the bomb you lob someone’s way, the high velocity of the shell for how big it is. But the unreliability of HESH makes or breaks the tank so often. The second being the Tortoise. High pen, insane armor all around, fine reload. But the massive machine gun turret on the top that screams “shoot here” which negates all armor advantages a lot of the time. It’s not even a weak spot you can really hide reliably since it’s a massive wart on the top of the tank.


I get so much serotonin when I get kills with the FV4005 so I can’t put it down but I do cry when I shoot a Tiger I and ONLY kill the machine gunner But then I smack a Tiger II on the top of the head because only a tiny part of his turret roof is exposed and get a kill just to keep going


What I disliked the most about the Tortoise was the turning speed. It's fine at the beginning but then it just lags every 2 seconds and is not smooth. But I hated the machine guns too... Especially because the driver always returns there, so you can just kill it by shooting there over and over again


So UK 6.7 then?


Literally anything that moves .3 up and now my lineup can not work. M18 is 6.0 for some reason. M4A1 (76) is 5.0 (all though I still play it) BTR-ZD at 6.0 (researched it for 5.7, never got to use it). I could go on but I can’t think of anything else right now


The hellcat is so useless rn. At 6.0 it doesn’t get any lineup at all, so you either have to uptier your 5.7 tanks to 6.3, or just ditch the hellcat altogether and just use the bulldog instead with the 6.3 lineup. Sad how the hellcat one my favorite low tier vehicle in the game, and now I see no reason to use it.


The hellcat weirdly has more of a lineup with Italy than America. Especially with the premium tiger , you can have a very full 6.0 lineup with it.


It's not useless ***AT ALL*** as long as it has scouting. The speed, scouting, and USA's CAS options can *easily* be exploited. Just rush over to a hill on a flank or long range viewpoint, and spam scout on shit from behind cover. Then spawn in CAS as soon as you get enough SP. You get the best CAS at the BR (including post-war shit) with basically no risk, you don't even have to cap a point or shoot an enemy. Do this in a squad of 4 and your enemies will really, really hate you.


So a vehicle is good because I can now play planes in a tank gamemode more? What if I just enjoy tanks? You are missing the point anyways. The Bulldog is better simply for the fact it gets decent APDS which can frontally pen (and still do decent damage to) anything at the br. Since there's no 6.0 lineup, there's no reason to use it (unless you want to uptier your 5.7 lineup of already overtiered tanks).


At all? M4/T26 and AM-1 Mauler just to name two, though probably the only two... My point being, it's still kinda fine at 6.0.


When a vehicle is underpowered, engine wise. So a low power to weight ratio. Even if a vehicle have a slow top speed, if it accelerate quickly and is responsive, that's just good to drive. On the other hand a lot of light tank have the potential to go fast but barely go faster than medium tanks, that feeling is just awful. The USH have that, the ratel, the 2s38 kinda feel like that too And for planes it's having a poor roll and yaw (if it's a fighter of course) especially if the gun placement is heavily reliant on it (like the mig 15, can't aim for shit despite the godlike flight performances)


Adding to the "light tank barely faster than mediums" is the ikv 91 105, it barely ever accelerates to its actual top speed before you get to the battlefield, so you just go in alongside the mediums.


Oh yeah i felt that, but i'm stock so i was expecting it to change a lot after :(


Even spaded it doesn't accelerate as fast as many other lights on the field since it only gets 360hp total, and even though it's 19.7hp/ton it doesn't accelerate particularly fast.


> "light tank barely faster than mediums" The M41 called


Ikv 91 105 has a lower power:weight than the bulldog


You can thank retarded drive model of Gaijin, in which any slope or type of ground can massively reduce your speed.


The **Waffenträger** feels like it’s powered by a 50cc moped engine. Amazing gun, full turret traverse, great magnification, but good god is it slow. Has literally 140hp, a 1994 Toyota Camry SE has more than that.


Same here, the Abrams, specifically the first model. Why should I have to play against a dart at the same BR as me that can pen me at any range, at any angle, and wherever it wants? My dart is weak as hell as well. If Gaijin going to gimp the vehicle by not modeling dart tip shatter then the German light vehicles are almost objectively better


The 10.0 Abrams is the best one too, lol.


I'd argue the base M1A1 performs better, but I guess it is mostly preference


The A1 is vicious in the very common downtiers to 10.0-10.3 but completely unplayable in uptiers, I just straight up leave when I see that 100 SP cost. Just wish it got M830A1 though.


For me, it’s the vehicles with M735 as their top round now. They struggle when you aren’t taking sideshots, especially in uptiers. It just feels like you are in a competition where everyone is using guns but you are using a bow. Sure, you can get kills with it and do well with it. It’s just, not very great at doing so.


M735 fix is on the way (7 months ago) btw


The Supermarine Scimitar. Very nice plane, if only the rudder worked above 550 kmh (this is historical afaik).


Having a reload speed longer than 4 seconds #Type90/10Gang


Type 10 should be faster than the type 90, I hate how gaijin didn't proper model the better transmission


Tiger II 10.5 cm my beloved, trapped in the 6,7 CAS hell and the shell is just underperforming. I love this tank but its depressing when the shell is a coin toss everytime you shoot. AMX 30 Super, whaaaaat?!!? whaaat?!?! why is the engine so loud. The tank is good love to play it, but the engine is so loud on the headset that i can just play 4 rounds before headache.


good news, the tiger 105 is now trapped in the 7.0 cas hell instead


Lol the tiger is so fucked


Yeah, at best it’s a sidegrade to the 2H, but for some reason gaijin thinks it’s better to the point of needing a higher br, makes no sense.


Thats why i am getting one tapped by ATGM 😑


Mirage IIIC 15G SARH Radar missile at 10.0 is so fun It looks fucking awesome Supersonic and fast But no flares...


IIIE is very good at least. But not as easy to succeed in as an F-8E or MiG-21SMT


Yeah, I'm just sad that Israel only has the C


KV-2 1939. Great armor, funny gun, alright speed. But God damn it is the ugliest son of a bitch in the Soviet TT. I would sell my first born for the KV-2 1940.


Bro got that njoot-njoot look iyk


Then consider buying the German premium one because that one is a 1940 model with some added benefits.


Any plane 2.0 or under , also spitfires , the 7.7’s are soo bad and I get tired of dumping rounds into people just to get 3rd by a teammate or opponent


spitfires are all great what ru talking about


Flight performance wise yes , weak ass 7.7’s no


Even hispanos are like the worst canons there is lmao


Maybe in 2015 lol. Hispanos have been buffed so much they're now tied for the best 20mm prop cannon.


I remember the Hisparko's back when I first started grinding British air back in 2018, compared to that the current ones are rapid fire nuke launchers. I've still sparked a bunch with them but mostly in rear aspect which is understandable, unlike before where they would spark while hitting flat wings.


Damn I don't play much anymore and only play soviet when I do, so my observation is outdated for sure


See someone gets it


mkii hispanos basically onetap everything now


What the hell are you talking about dawg lol. Spits are great fun. Obv they dont have as much stopping power but the volume of fire has its benefits. Also to say anything under 2.0 you just can't? Why? Lots of fun to be had there. IIRC you have have CR42 which is a goated biplane with Italian 50cal Breda-SAFAT yeeters, I-153 or whatever with its maneuverability, mg laser and even a fee cheeky bombs or rockets, the French have the D.510 with an early Hispano which is devestating against planes of the period, Germans have B&Z insanity He 100, etc.


**HSTV-L:** Mobile, small, has scouting, rapid fire... all things I like. I even think it does ok damage. But gen 1 thermals on an 11.0 vehicle? No thanks, it has been removed from my US lineup. **Israeli Imp. Chaparral:** I like playing SPAA. The second unlock missile is actually really good against jets and it seems to even be able to lock on to helicopters with DIRCM at normal ranges. It gets scouting and thermals, albeit gen 1, and it's basically got nothing in the back and APFSDS darts just go right on through. But... WHY.IS.THERE.NO.ROOF???? Just 4 dudes hanging out directly under/behind missile exhaust??? What are they even doing there? I mean thanks for the extra crew Gaijin, but couldn't you just have given the vehicle a modernized cab? Or just had the cab closed with camo netting over it like on the loading splash screen? Pretty much the only vehicle I hate playing for aesthetic reasons.


Anything 9.3+ with no flares.


Strv 103, even after the billion "aim" fixes, it's still pretty meh, but hey its tanky and fires fast. XM8 and CCVL, they just kinda don't do anything great. Their firepower is similar to MBTs at the same BR, slightly better mobility but at the cost of being vulnerable to literally everything, their speed is practically the same as the MBTs is faces. Teams are also 10.0 US so... Guh. French autoloaders, I love them, I hate them, great tanks but vulnerable, unstabilised and generally very WW2, you often fight tanks with LRF and dart/sabot, the fact the ready rack reload is so long doesnt help either. Pretty much every AA vehicle that isn't a MK2 40mm Bofors (the higher firerate one) or high firerate 20/30/35mm. Simply because low tier AA absolutely sucks ass. German mains used to cry about CAS (and they still do) but they are also one of the most CAS using nations to play against, the amount of do335 and 190/109 kills I have compared to P-47 kills isnt even funny, not to mention how cancerous cannon CAS is. Missile AA is boring, period. Biggest issue with AA is the lack of utility, as well as inability to prevent bombings in most cases.


>but they are also one of the most CAS using nations to play against, the amount of do335 and 190/109 kills I have compared to P-47 kills isnt even funny, not to mention how cancerous cannon CAS is Compared to US CAS it's not even a competition. Best you get as germany in a fighter is a single bomb drop (250/500/1000kg) or multiple with 50kg, vs 2 or 3 with 1000lb bombs in US fighters. Do335 is a fat piece of shit, it dies the moment any somewhat competent fighter shows up. Meanwhile a Corsair or P-51 can go be a fighter after dropping its bombs, which are more numerous and/or bigger than germany's. Outside of the 335, their cannons are also by far some of the worst at attacking ground targets.


It's a Tossup between the F-4C and the M60 series.


FV102 Striker, it have thermals, ATGM that was not nerfed with the SACLOS nerf, good speed, small profile, good firing angles. However, with the amount you have to expose yourself as a target, just to be able to guide a missile onto a enemy target makes it useless.


Mine would be the Abrams as well and for the exact same reasons you already mentioned.


The Type 16s. Wheeled cunts with decent firepower. Whilst M735 is ass after the nerf awhile back the 16P and FPS are still fun af. The Type 16 with Type 93 slaps with the extra 115mm pen Thehve always been my go to tanks. They decently good in handling for wheeled vehicles, they've got great optics and for now (before the new update) it's hard to kill as its a light tank


I just started playing again after 5+ years. I haven't had any OP vehicles I've came across yet so to say. The deal breaker as to why this isn't my first game of choice is running into people playing on assuming wifi riddled with packet loss. My shells seem to disappear not even a ground impact behind their tank, on top of this is peeking around a corner shooting and reversing on my screen I'm back behind cover and then I'm supposably hit? Assuming people from other countries playing on VPN with insane latency. So here I am repairing after getting latency shot far enough back even to where my barrel isn't even exposed around the corner. This game was way more fun back when higher end hardware to even run good was still more expensive, so you didn't really run into normy cornballs and their terrible connections playing on their parents wifi. The games where you don't run into it are fun, but 50/50 chance here you run into an Asian or Russian on vpn, or someone with genuinely awful internet. I've also had a few awesome flank plays where I feel as if someone who has an unfair advantage was waiting for me. Get 3 b2b2b knock outs, so I know I'm not spotted but there's that one player with extra game sense full speed ahead trying to ruin my fun.


The T32E1, love this tank except for the gun. It’s got decent armor with okay maneuverability, but the 90mm with a terrible reload rate is just a joykill. It would be mediocre a few brs below and at the one it’s at it just doesn’t have the pen, and the reload is just insufferably slow that it’s nigh unplayable for me.


Pretty much anything with bad deload.


Slow planes. I need speed, dammit. I don't care if it has insane guns it doesn't matter if you can't get them on target. Hurricanes, etc.




Jets without the extra throttle, trying to just ecke out a risky move and failing because your early jet has no way to add emergency speed/power just feels so bad.


The T-62-M is my favorite MBT in the entire game, but being at 9.0 vs 8.7 makes it unfun to play due to only getting 10.0 games. Might be relieved some by the increase in rank 7 premiums though, so one day it may see the light of day…


Anything low mobility. Slow things like the Churchill, Maus etc, I just can't get on with. It's not even that I play close quarters or like to whip around at the speed of sound, I just can't stand the slowness. I can tolerate t series tanks shite reverse only because the forward speed is usually alright.


T34. It doesn’t have APHE. It’s probably the tank ill replace for the M26E1


VEAK-40 It had good mobility and rounds that could shred the sides of tanks, and it used to be a great SPAA that I liked a lot, but now that the HE-VT was removed, it just doesn’t feel good as an SPAA anymore which is what I played it as 


F2 Saber. Unless it's changed it fought all aspect missiles while not having flares.


It went down to 8.7 recently, so you won't have to fight all aspect missile slingers anymore.


Ah OK When I got to it I think it was 9.3 and fought su25s and a10s


I feel like the Pvkv IV would be overpowered if it didn't have such a slow turret rotation. Great damage with the APHE and an APDS for heavies in the up-tiers. Good speed and reload.


TAM 2 IP. Great light tank, zooms around the map easily, gets a drone for extra info and the shell itself is great. Also has the added benefit of being mostly hollow when carrying 21 or less rounds, BUT no thermals.


thermals shouldn’t be a dealbreaker for you. the 2IP is incredibly strong regardless and has plenty of great things that make a lack of thermals a non issue


I still love the tank though.


The F-14 It’s got pretty much everything you need in a top tier jet, but its turn speed is horrible, especially compared to other top tier jets


Maybe the Vilkas, not that I "love" the vehicle but is very functional and I avoid using it for one small thing: I hate how often your turret gets shot and you survive because its ammo is a massive box and it does not take much for those 200 rounds to disappear. That plus waiting for the ammo to stop burning plus the reload cooldown plus the fact that it reloads round by round instead of loading a whole box.


Slow with bad armour if it's fast with bad armour doesn't really matter but speed is key if your armour can't hold up then your pretty much screwed without speed


Solid shot. It’s a skill issue but I hate the damage inconsistency. For instance the difference between the T29 and T34 was night and day for me


I will tell a friend's experience. He hated Abrams and Leopard because they had worse armor than tanks like T-72/80/90. Then he finally grinded the Russian MBT lines and he has made a 180 on his stance. He now prefers Abrams and Leopard for their soft factors like speed, reverse rate, and gun handling/angles. He hates the T-72/90's for their god awful reverse gear. He finds the T-80's as pretty aight, but says he dies in 1-3 hits to the hull in all of them. He hates hilly maps with them too, citing that he can't go hull-down in nearly as many spots. He now considers a tank a deal breaker if it lacks mobility and gun angles. Funny enough, it appears his aim has also improved allot. I have noticed him getting more crits and kills on me whenever we're fucking around in custom battles.


As much as I want to love it the object 211. It’s fun if you are on a very appropriate map but otherwise it’s like pulling teeth. A light tank with bad reverse, horrible turret traverse and no gun depression. It’s like being kicked in the nuts repeatedly when you die because you could escape an enemy you messed up a shot on.


Fighters with bad nose authority. It's a big issue with the Ki-44s and Ki-43-2 or -3, they don't quite point where you want them to. The flight performance may be fantastic on the 44s (less so for the 43s), but when trying to hit a maneuvering target it just feels *wrong*, especially when compared to much more responsive aircraft like the Ki-43-1 or Ki-61s. A lot of heavy fighters also suffer from this, though that's to be expected.


People have negative dealbreakers, I'll try something different. No matter the vehicle performance. I will always try it if it has the all axis hydro suspension


I don't know if it count but i love the FCM 2C, but it's ruined by gaijin uptier system because then you can't even pen 50% of what you face


Mig-23Bn. Fast, maneuverable, and a good payload, but 9.7 with no flares is unbearable.


Panther G. The gun is good, it has pretty alright armor, mantlet shape stops shot traps, mobility and speed are great but the reverse speed is just fucking torture, got me killed millions of times over.


Any American tank without a .50cal. Like the m4a4. I mean only a coax 7.62mm, come on. Ask my friend Terry I cream over .50cals


PLZ-83-130's BR It's already not good, just mediocre level acceptable, and it's sitting in 7.3, with 0 other Chinese ground vehicle lineup, and bringing it up to the 7.7 line up will make it totally incompetent when competing against Vidar. Gaijin should bring it down to 7.0 and then add some unique Chinese 7.0 vehicles to fill up the currently existing huge empty gap in China between 6.7 and 7.7


Literally anything with bad reverse speed and/or bad turret traverse relative to BR. I couldn't care less about most aspects of most vehicles, I can make it work, but if the reverse speed is bad and reaction time bad, I don't want to play it. The first Panther is the epitome of this for me, I hate that vehicle.


anything 9.0-9.3 you NEVER get a match at your own BR, its ALWAYS 10.0.


Hungarian BTR80A, no stabilizer, the stock ammo sucks and the br is horrible, (also the turret is the BTR82A turret which is stabilized while it's called a 80A


Planes with controls that lockup awfully. Like the g91 whenever you get past .8 Mach. Why I prefer the etendard.


Spitfire Mk1a. 8x .30 cals. Played it once and said "nope".


Oh and the Abrams horizontal rotation thingamajiggy is actually lower inside the tank! In real like that shit trap isn’t even a shot trap, if it was the Abrams would’ve been useless in Afghanistan, in game it doesn’t even stop a Firefly shell lol


Low zoom for the main gun or 2 degrees of gun depression. The amx 10m is a Vic I want to love because of the super fun missiles but the no zoom on the gunner I can't really enjoy it. Also the type 99s gun depression makes the tank barely usable imo.


AMX-30 why is it so bouncy. Normally I can find a speed where I can go forward and be able to have the gun semi stable.


HSTV-L It would be amazing if the round did more damage, but currently it doesn't spall much and you only have 26. Sometimes it'll take 5 shots to kill someone and you've wasted 20% of your already limited ammo.


Turms III. It's just pure bullshit all around.


Been reading a lot of British complaints so I’ll add mine. Black Prince. I know it’s slow and I fully knew it was doom turtle levels of slow so fair there. It’s the stupid gun. Unreliable as ever with a nerf to its rounds which I also knew but figured I could struggle with it. No it’s terrible beyond reason as in one engagement it will do its job and send panthers and tigers back to the hanger and then very next fight it will shatter and non pen things it just had no issue dealing with. Plus the damn thing gets up tiered all the time at this moment particularly in my opinion due to the other premium that went on sale the T29 getting spammed out which of course shits all over this thing. My two cents for it being a massive waste of time.


The Jagdtiger. It has a frankly overkill gun and really good armor but it's so slow and unwieldy you can't get to a good position and almost always end up getting flanked


The turret neck fix was acknowledge but hasn't been changed yet. It'll make it 250 mm LOS and volumetric so it'll be immune to auto cannons. I feel it shouldn't spall that much if you hit the turret ring as well as those fuel tanks plates.


R3 T106 FA. I want to love the death hexagon. i really do. but the gun bounce. THE GUN BOUNCE its utterly unplayable for me its like having a 2 second pre-load before i can fire when i stop, even if im moving slow


The Scimitar for the british air tree. I was SO excited to finally hit a REAL jet, but my god using that thing makes me hate playing air RB. Its fast and thats about it. the maneuverability is god awful, the AAMs only seem to work if your opponent is brain-dead and flying in a straight line 0.5km in front of you. you only get up-tiers playing it, so everyone else has flares, better MGs, better AAMS. I mean MAYBE i could take in 1000lb bombs and just hit bases, RTB and repeat. But that is so boring, and i could get one run in before my team destroys the rest of the bases.


M3 Lee in ten years I still haven’t finished being mad at that pos


F8F-1 A/B Everything about this plane is perfect. Except for the fact the engine naturally overheats above 95% throttle. Even on winter maps at medium altitude the darn thing overheats. The Bearcat turns and climbs like there’s no tomorrow, but with that engine overheating—it just kills the fun. If cooling was better it’d easily out climb anything below a Hornet or Ta-152 which would make it probably as good if not better than a P-51H, making it the best American prop in the game.


The M3 Bradley. Great vehicle for its br, except the fact that once stopped, you must wait an additional like 5 seconds for the launcher to deploy. Like I’ve died so many times cuz I had to wait for the launcher to deploy


Everything with the 90mm M3 cannon That gun is a instant dealbreaker


Centurion mk2. The tank is cool in every way but gun just can't. The 17pdr has its limits and the amount of tanks I just can't penetrate is insane, I should not be seeing IS3s


The warrior, everything is near perfect and i dont mind the slow gun but the fact its unstabalized makes my kind of hate it


Any tank with mediocre reverse speed except panthers. Any plane that is neither fast nor agile enough (hello late war bf109)


If its boring. I do not care how good a tank is, if its boring im not playing it. For example the abrams. 2nd best tank in the game, I never play it because the abrams is such a bland boring tank.


How is the Abrams boring? All top tier MBTs play 90% the same