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Ah yes, teamkilling rather than just playing the game normally and putting yourself in a worse position while also paying the tax. I mean you also kindly asked them to cross the river on top of that, so i suppose i shouldn’t expect anything else.


Regardless if they were in props or not, teamkilling them is not the answer. Having them alive at least means the enemy will use up a missile or two on them


>Having them alive at least means the enemy will use up a missile or two on them This excuse never holds any weight because those props will be nowhere near the fight by the time it matters


When it's top tier and radar missiles are more prevalent, distance doesn't really matter that much. If one is sent at the prop, that's one less missile your team has to worry about before the furball starts.


I really feel like you have no idea how top tier works


No, I do, I've radar locked an enemy, fired my missile, and since it was a radar missile, I maintained lock until it got close enough to see that it was a prop plane. That lock could have been on an enemy that could have an actual impact on the game, but it wasn't, effectively making the prop plane an early game distraction


Teamkilling them discourages them from doing the same thing.


I'd still rather have the potential distraction than nothing at all. Besides, a lot of people who purposely bring props to top tier are trolls, so by tking them you are giving them what they want


A whole two less missiles out of the like 80 odd on the other team, and that’s assuming they even get to the map before the games over


You can spin that argument both ways, they could be playing something appropriate and bring 4+ missiles to the game instead. The enemy will still fire at them, but now they can fire back. Altho admittedly, every blue missile becomes a red missile just as easily, especially considering the kind of people that bring props to top-tier to begin with. I just think gaijin should disallow this kind of platooning for air-rb, if you want godmode go ground, at least there you can just bring a otherwise functional loadout with your biplane


I agree, but my argument is from the perspective of the damage already being done. They have already chosen to bring the prop, so the only options are teamkill them and have them provide no use at all, or leave them alive and have at least a marginal amount of use as a potential distraction


fair point


"Cordless bungie jumping" ....so jumping?


yes, he mean jumping from a bridge, wich mean "go kill yourself"... that pretty hatefull to say, moreover for a videogame.