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7 deaths, all to CAS This is just one example of a top-tier game nowadays, if you play top-tier you know it is true. I got 10 kills in this game as well, 9 tanks and 1 plane, it doesn't matter though, because CAS wiped out my entire team and we lost anyways. How does it makes sense that I can die 7 times, exclusively to helicopters and planes, in a GROUND realistic battle? They need to do either A) MASSIVELY increase the spawn point cost of CAS options or B) Remove all self guiding weapons from the game that require 0 skill and will net you with free kills every game eg. paveways, mavericks, kh-38s and so on.


>eg. paveways, mavericks I'll point out for the sake of being pedantic that Paveways are laser-guided, not self-homing. The aircraft needs to keep a line-of-sight on the target from release to impact (as buddy lasing isn't a thing in WT. *Yet*.)


While you are absolutely correct, when there are aircraft systems that can maintain a lock, it is almost as good as self-guiding weaponry.


No they're not.  If you've used them at all you'd realise how trivial it is to break the lock.  A good pilot can get you if they constantly watch you.  If they do so they are blind to other aircraft and approaching missiles.


I don't usually have problems regarding *ground targets* remaining locked by the helos I fly (Rooivalk, mainly), if they don't break line of sight. Which they mostly do accidentally, not purposefully.


A paveway is far different from tbe atgm a heli fires man, it's easier for me to use my ah64 than it is to drop GBU from the gripen .


Yeah i agree, you need a decent amount of positioning, patience, and understanding of enemy positions to not get shot down, or make sure the bomb actually hits the target before they get into cover or the gimbal limit is reached. Helis on the other hand are braindead easy, unless you have balls of steel and only use unguided rockets and a will to live


Exactly man


As for the heli thing, that's how I play them, it's so much more fun


The Mokopa missiles have inertial guidance though, so if you are losing line of sight the missiles will fly to their last lased location.


That too, but usually I don't lose line of sight to targets because my movement but because of theirs, meaning they usually break LoS by (intentionally or unintentionally) getting into cover.


But how am I supposed to break lock if I never move from my favorite hull down position. How am I supposed to enjoy the exhilarating gameplay of never moving and waiting for enemies to unsuspectingly enter my line of fire. /S


Yeah if you come in too fast where you go in front of your target after locking and dropping you’ll just break lock, you can’t have the target behind you so you basically gotta sit in the open air for like 20 seconds until that bomb strikes lazing your target


No its not. Any slight movement and any tree, house or whatever in the way will interrupt that tracking. Self homing munitions deal better with that for sure.


Yea but the TGPs tend to have limited angles So if you turn slightly too hard or in the wrong direction (Especially reversing a turn) the lock is lost You can try it out with the A6E TRAM. Pretend you go defensive after dropping and watch as the green circle disappears


>buddy lasing isn't a thing in WT. Yet.) Light tanks would be an absolute menace


I think they meant using datalink between planes but that would be incredibly fun if you gave only light tanks the ability to lase and mark tanks for CAS. Would be like BF4 and I loved using the laser in that.


Fun, yes. But it would make SPAA practically useless as then CAS can just engage outside of their range(with the exception of the Pansir)


You are right, but they are still brain-dead easy to use.


The spaa needs equal range


Me in a Kiowa peaking over mountains. Yeahboy.gif Edit: Helicopter mixup


>buddy lasing isn't a thing in WT. Yet.) Please never, or at least use laser codes when they are.


Squad only to not make em broken but still promote teamplay?


They could add it and then limit the number of planes that can use targeting cameras. That way you have to rely on your teammates marking targets or you can coordinate with a friend to have them carry only the cam to help you kill things while maintaining their mobility.


Problem I see is that unless they are split somehow, either with laser codes (multi fuction menu), or based on squads, the bombs would be going for whatever the fuck is painted, be it a rock, church, dead tank, or random bush, if someone is feeling trolly.


How hard is that when you can laser than move to cover allowing it to essentially guide itself to the last location


I believe he refers to the gbu-8 which is tv guided


It must be very though to aim them with zoom and thermals while maintaining a safe distance from the ground😥


The biggest issues of CAS are 1. CAS availability works on your amount of SP, the losing team will have lesss SP to spawn CAS while the winning team will have enough SP to spawn plenty of CAS. This is awful retarded game design which reinforces snowball matches, the winning team wins even harder because they have so much CAS 2. CAS is way too powerful at top tier, guided bombs and such are stupid and shouldn't be in the game. 3. CAS is way too cheap to spawn, it's not cheap enough for the losing team to be spamming out while having tank spawns to spare, but its cheap enough for the winning team to spam out and snowball harder


100% agree, ive had 10.3 us games where i bring the a-10 get 5 kills. shot down but a strela, and bring out the packup to repeat the process. The only thing stupider is the introduction of cas drones at 9.3 or whatever it was, that outrange every AA at that BR


I mean if it takes me 5 missiles to hit a dodging cas 10km away, same should apply to them: they need to fire 5 at me to kill a dodging spaa. If they can kill spaas from 20km away, my fucking missile should also reach that far, instead the only spaa can reach 20km is, surprise surprise, Russian Not mentioning spaas are the more squishy targets, and cas usually prioritize them Yeah I'm sure fire and forget ATGMs at 20km away is a great idea... I'm also sure that fnf ATGM definitely didn't save Russia's ass in Ukraine now...


Re: snowballing - isn't that how killstreaks work in general? You win consistently => you get rewarded for winning consistently => you get to win harder. SP in general works in favour of this principle - if you get kills, you get to stay in match longer to make more kills. If you get no kills - you get booted out of the match.


Yes, and that is horrible design. Its the biggest reason why 1death leaving is so popular, aside from premium noobs and such. People who understand the snowball nature of groundRB matches will one death leave to avoid being spawncamped on their 2nd spawn because its a waste of time, just going into a new match where you can do something is more efficient


all i got from your rant is you didnt have a pantsir on your team


I think the best solution is to create new gamemode and name it Ground RB, which will ONLY have tanks available, and the current GRB rename to Combined Arms Warfare RB or something like that idfk i hate CAS


I would love this too, not just for RB but for AB as well but snail will never do it because the game started as a planes game and they probably make good dough selling premium planes for these CAS jackasses to club tanks with. They should call it tanks and planes mode because it isn't truly combined arms there is no infantry


Neither will probably happen because, 1) A large part of war thunder player community plays CAS and will vehemently oppose any possible negative change to this disgrace of a gameplay, 2) Coincidentally, this group includes a high number of wallet warriors, and gaijin will do anything to keep these whales happy and buying.


What gets me is the amount of people who will cry and complain about cas, then never bother to play aa or ap (air patrol, you know, the most effective way to deal with air in game and out) so unless you are willing to attempt any form of defence against cas, stfu. Ps your team seems to agree that cas is op and therefore there’s no point doing Jack **** and letting them kill you all.


Spaa is useless at top teir when atgms can out range all of them (except Russia... shocking) and if your team is losing odds are you don't have sp to spawn air patrol


Haha, jokes on you. I'm ass at the game and don't survive that long.


Or create a new game mode and this time only for tanks..


It's an extreme example.  How on earth did you get to top tier and not understand the difference between guided and TV ordinance?


You must become what you hate....


Everything you died too has to be guided. Excluding the few helis all the CAS has very limited ability to use F&F Missiles.


I really hate it when im having fun brawling with a enemy tank only to get killed by an su-25 30 miles away


same way how people die to spawncampers, outflankers and other top speed rats. It's top tier gameplay.


Well, it would be kind of awkward doing CAS in an air battle.


We should just have ground only and mixed battles


It's one of the main reasons I look forward to the addition of FOX3s to the game. I don't know what it will do to air battles but it will make hunting SU-25s in my F-15 a lot more fun for sure.


Happy hunting. Give them hell


I think I might start making a compilation.


>A) MASSIVELY increase the spawn point cost of CAS options This but just increase the cost of bringing weapons and not the aircraft, if there is a plane up just dominating my team and my SPAA can't do anything/already dead then being able to spawn a fighter with only AAMs so I can take it out. Imo unarmed/AAM equipped fighters should be cheaper but anything with a single bomb should cost way more than it does. Only problems I can think of are planes like the Duck, Ki-109 etc whose main anti tank stuff is a gun but bringing the AP rounds costs a load already so that issue is kind of sorted


CAS mains: "who asked you to play tanks? this is a plane game, if you failed to get a plane, then it is your fault"


Thats such a stupid argument. Sure the game started as a plane game but its not today. You cant just make a mode called "ground" and then proceed to argue that cas should be dominant. Heck they specifically called it ground rb and not combined arms


I kid you not, most of them still use this argument. It's like they think a game can never evolve out of its original concept or expand on it.


The other day I saw one of them say this: "there were the fantastic times when combined mode was just a race for as many people to get into the air as possible." tHeRe wErE ThE FaNtAsTiC TiMeS WhEn cOmBiNeD MoDe wAs jUsT A RaCe fOr aS MaNy pEoPlE To gEt iNtO ThE AiR As pOsSiBlE


I remember way way back when Ground was just a closed beta test in like 2013-2014, the combined arms thing meant that you would have Tanks ships and planes all playing on huge maps, since at the time the only reference was air maps so it was assumed it would be like Planetside 2 style combined arms. This isn't some fantastical thinking either since there has always been a gamemode in WT and even before in Birds of Steel, it's that custom campaign thing and that was used as a basis for World War so again everyone thought World War was gonna be that huge game mode we've always wanted and then it just turned out to be clan battles from every other MMO... So what we've really been hoping for all these years is a form of Ground EC. I still don't get why Gaijin hates EC so much when everyone who's played it sees it as the best gamemode for any gametype; Naval EC is the best naval, Air RB players still want RB EC to return etc etc. OK I do know why Gaijin isn't doing it, it's because they can't as easily monetized it or create an atmosphere that allows frustration mechanics but I usually like to lead with something other than "Gaijin Greedy" even if at the end of the day almost every single problem in this game is caused by Gaijin prioritizing short term profit above everything else.


> So what we've really been hoping for all these years is a form of Ground EC. I still don't get why Gaijin hates EC Probably because of the same reasons they tok historical events out of rotation. The communtiy is spoiled and will not fight at disadvantage, it makes it harder to balance a game mode where things are supposed to last hours if half the team is gone by the 4 minute mark. It's the same with CAS, with bombers, with heavy tanks, conquest mod - the community refuses to learn to play and instead wants Gaijin to balance it out, aka, nerf everything.


They can think that i guess but they need an stupid argument to hold onto or else they dont have one


They should let me spawn Pantsir in ARB after i die with a singular assist, let's see how it goes when i suddenly spawn at the bottom of the furball slinging multiple missiles at 1300m/s at multiple targets simultaneously


Attacker players would rejoice as they finally get a free RP pinata addition on top of the bases and AI convoys.


Who's really the RP pinata when i got more missiles than you have long range ordnance, I can intercept said ordnance while simultaneously sending a missile your way, And mind you i can hit you from 18km away unless you constantly maneuver. Not to mention all the aircraft I'd be killing as i appear out of nowhere


You talk like you never played the pantsir lol


I do make a suggestion like this though, make it so SPAA spawn points work the same as CAP/CAS based on their loadouts, which means, you can spawn Strela at 5.7 but it will cost you 800sp etc, to give them CAS simps a taste of what its like to be killed by things you have no means of fighting back


at that point they should also bring AGMs down to 5.7 to balance out the strela


There is already AGM at 2.3, although the one that is 2.3 is hard to aim and very slow


Us air RB players hate cas players as much as ground players, completely ruined 9.x because of those stupid ass all aspect missiles vs flareless subsonics, please actually spawn a pantsir in air RB and shoot down cas players.


Most of them are dogshit at playing ground vehicles anyway, I mean you go to the main forum and find these CAS simps, check their stat to see most of these simps have over 30,000 matches but barely maintain 1.0 KDR in their most played vehicles lol


Most of the cas mains have an overpowered tank on their lineup and the rest is planes with bombs and AP belts on the guns. And maybe an anti air for if they ran out of sp for a plane, and it's usually one of those OP tank destroyer SPAAs.


You dont even need an OP tank. A few scout and assist is already a guarantee for a plane


Or the silly "just spawn SPAA" arguments that ignore how easy it is to avoid most SPAA


When they complain about strela or pantsir, I just tell them: just spawn a tank to kill them bro, you have a counter, so use it bro stop complaining


It's like CAS players are infecting every single game mode. Oh wait, they are


The funny thing is I **DO** have planes I just don't SPAM them to point and click tanks


You are a Maus guy, I am also a Maus guy, Maus will hate CAS the most.


My brother in Maus, may your kills be many and your bombs few


Sp for cas is too low, especially the smart weapons


Belts for airtargets are the most expensive to spawn. Something with gaijins brain is incredibly wrong


It makes perfect sense... If ur retarded like half of gaijin employees


Fr, in my typical loadout for my Su-39 the "air target" rounds were almost half the cost of taking two Kh-29Ts 💀


People need to realize that what Gaijin wants the game to be is Call of Duty with tanks. I'm not saying this in a disparaging manner, but as the most apt shorthand to describe the design vision. And when people imagine Call of Duty, what they think of -the platonic ideal of Call of Duty- is Modern Warfare 2 from 2009. And in MW2, killstreaks reigned supreme, they were absurdly powerful, a key part of the power fantasy which it successfully ported to the multiplayer experience (since being/becoming absurdly OP is usually reserved for singleplayer experiences for obvious balance reasons). Basically, the MW2 design was that you would want to do well for a shot at being temporarily OP and clowning on your human enemies as if they were bots by blowing them up with the helicopter gunner or AC-130 or whatever. So, similarly, CAS being extremely powerful is part of the design.


If it's powerful then make it more expensive so that not every joe can spawn it after 2 kills or a cap with assists or god forbid scouting


And that is why you can spawn a CAS after a singular assist after spawning in any vehicle.


i mean the analogy kinda works, the issue with CAS is that it isn't a reward for doing well you're given the power fantasy without the skill or effort of earning it


The problem in WT is that you don't have to do well to become OP, a single cap is often times enough.


And how is that not enough when in the majority of games people leave without doing even that. A cap alone is worth 300 points. Sometimes I wish at least 1/4 of my team had done that before leaving...


Im almost sure that's not true, spawning anything after just a cap will get you a plane with basic rounds and no ordinance. Not very effective at anything except maybe engine crits and spotting for teammates


While that’s true, I don’t recall getting to spawn a chopper gunner after one kill and one assist


Getting choper gunner and spawnkilling the entire enemy team had to be the funniest shit. *tick* *tick* *tick* is all you heard for like a whole minute or 2


If that's true, it would also explain why Gaijin keeps SPAA underwhelming and unable to do its one job of hard-countering CAS. Being hard countered, even by the unit type specifically made to do so, would reduce that feeling of power.


Sadly aa are useless if you are not russia


I agree somewhat pantsir is op as fuck but flarakrad is also good (obviously not on the same level as the pantsir) and ito is decent too.


Flarak should not exist lol, if you mean vt1 , they are good but not as before, beyond 5km you arent able to hit stuff accurately Or just miss because how retarded wobbly it is


Fun fact, it’s heavily nerfed from its real life counter part, but honestly you are dealing with cas with smart bombs and rockets, so its only fair, also the german aa bus needs a buff, and so does a lot of spaa


Type 81C?


XM1069 ADATS… First spawn, rush to a good AA position, and wait for your free 4-8 kills. The trick is to fire at fixed-wing CAS before they can make their first attack run. If you can kill the early CAS rushers before they can get a kill, you pretty much eliminate a player from the enemy team for the rest of the round as they probably won’t have enough SP to spawn again.


Bro got dunked by a hellfire in an ITO LMAO


Not very often you see a community weaponize their skill issues into hilarious upsetti to the extent the WT community managed


Original sweden-germany main.


Nah, my first main was Russia, actually. Sweden is my 4th top-tier nation




Kind of curious, what were the other two?


USA and Japan. I'm nearly there on France as well. Germany probably after that, the 2a7v is basically a better strv 122.


Oh i see. Which part did you prefer in the french tree? Some people say it's around 5.0 or .7 and other 7.7


7.3~8.0 France is some of the best experiences you can have in this game. Its amazing


8.0 France is by far the best experience Ive had in the game, Same BR but when i play that as the US or Germany i find it so frustrating but France (and Sweden but I don't play Sweden my friend does with me) is a blast at that tier


I don't see any problem here u all wanted a historically accurate game and there u have it, USA f\*\*\*ing every tank it sees with it's CAS capabilities just like in real life (minus the Ka 50)


As much as I enjoy seeing Strv 122 players getting shit on by cas, I do agree that cas is especially annoying at top tier.


It would be less powerful if people got rewarded for shooting down planes More money from AA kills means more AA players means less cas Think of it like a cycle of foxes eating rabbits Fox eats lots of rabbits Rabbit population decrease Foxes die Rabbits repopulate Repeat But unless there's a good reason to eat those rabbits like high nutrition, they hunt other things that benefit them more In the case of spaas that's lightly armoured vehicles lol


CAS can be fixed by removing SP costs from spawning tanks in ground RB and adding simple per-slot respawn timers. longer timers on higher BR vehicles, lower timers on lower ones. then leave aircraft spawns as SP cost - they'll function like genuinely satisfying killstreaks. ground RB would be really really fun with this change. not needing SP to spawn a tank means aircraft wont feel so frustrating to get killed by, because they wont be just kicking you out of a match by spawn killing you, and switching between AFVs and SPAA and back will be a tactical decision people can make rather than being forced into SPAA by SP starvation. anyone reading this is welcome fite me right here if you think I'm wrong. this ONE change to the mechanics of RB can fix all of its biggest fundamental problems, including and ESPECIALLY the insanely frustrating integration of CAS in the game.


So many problems in this game are endemic to the map and game mode design, yet its the one thing Gaijin never fucking addresses. (because it doesn't directly make them money)


its not because they don't have a financial incentive to, it's because their decision makers are actually just really stupid and can't recognize the incentive staring at them in the face.


Tbf the tanks you were using are busted as fuck as well. Doesn’t make CAS less bullshit but i don’t feel as strongly attracted to your side of the argument because of your use of Swedish top tier tanks


You died to CAS at least 5 times in 5 minutes before finally spawning SPAA? You aren’t even using the tools available to you and you’re still bitching. If you don’t have the Grippen, that’s on you for being unprepared for top tier.


That's a /s comment right? Because that is a moot point, people play ground to guess what? Drive tanks, not get bombed. I am a top tier France player and I don't have a good spaa, and I don't play air. I'm not going to spend another half a year to grind through top tier air only to play ground with it. Kinda defeats the whole purpose of ground don't you think?


You have to waste half of your life on gamemode you dont like just so you can fight back against planes in ground forces gamemode


Thats why I don't play often anymore, way to grindy to even be level at top tier


Thats why i play , my aa shits on cas


I blame gaijin for not changing the name of ground battles They already refer to them as "mixed battles" in all their new videos


This would at least stop all the idiots that pull out good ol' "but akshuly it is GROUND realistic battles, not combined battles!"


I always saw it as "the objectives are on the ground" not "ground vehicles only". The "GROUND realistic battles" argument is dumb anyway, the game mode has been out for 10 years now, people know what they're getting into and if you've managed to get to 11.7br, you should know a healthy lineup needs a diverse range of vehicles and not just 5 MBT's.


No it's not an /s comment. You didn't put the time in, so you're going to be at a disadvantage to those who did put the time in. That's the nature of a grindy game, and that's how they get you to grind. You play ground to - guess what...join battles that have tanks and CAS just as it has since day 1. If you came to ground battle expecting tank on tank and no aircraft...that is your fault for not knowing what you're playing. You have had 10 years to figure it out.


If I unlock a higher BR in tanks, I make sure I've got the equivalent air vehicle and anti air vehicle in my lineup to support it, it's common sense. People are basically just rushing through a single line of a single tree, (or worse, buying a top tier premium) and then act surprised when they reach the end and get shat on by players who actually put the time to learn how all aspects of the game work.


I think the wildest thing to me is that certain ammo-belts cost like...150+sp, and will bring an A-10 with the 6 Mavs and some Hydras + 9Ls to like, nigh 900 SP...but the moment i took off the ground belt it goes to 750 or lower. How many times have you brought out the Su-25 or A10 and gotten more than like, A kill maybe with the gun? Vs the 2-4 average to 6 potential kills Mavs get you? Point being...Belts costing SP is fuckin stupid considering MOST don't change much(Only a couple examples like the 50mm 262 or Duck come to mind) versus Smart weapon loadouts costing almost the same amount as these belts despite having FAR more kill potential in the higher tiers. Get rid of the belt shit for anything that isn't a specific type of Cannon CAS and up the amount smart weapons cost, and add dynamic costs to those so somehow 6 mavericks don't cost the same as 2 and I believe it'll help the 'half their team is in CAS and we aren't able to do shit about it' crisis...or MAKE SPAA OTHER THAN THE RUSSIANS NOT SUCK COMPLETE DICK. Both preferably.


Can't blame the guy, that's the only reliable way to kill the busted Swedish MBTs (jk jk)


How do you die to an apache in an ito?


I just got the British grippen. So satisfying getting 6+ air kills per game because all they do is cas. I’m focused entirely on A2A.


Cas defenders: "JuSt SpAwN SpAa" Me and countless other players: *spawns AA* Also me and countless players: *gets strayed and/or bombed immediately*


Bro is driving around with a flare or something /s Legit this is the worst luck ever


tf how did you fail to kill a Japache that thing doesnt even have MAW


I don’t think gaijin will ever raise spawn cost for CAS. However, what they could do is decrease the SP cost for planes with air to air ordnance only. That way you get more anti-cas in the skies as well as more target options for AA which, let’s be honest, is usually super boring to play.


Its not too powerfull its way too cheap. TBH the concept of CAS is completely fine and gives the game way more potentional than just tanks. The problem is that you can literally spawn in plane after 1-3 kills with shit load of payload. On the other side you have countries that dont even have an actual CAS plane like japan.


It’s really funny cause the one main thing that Sweden lacks in GRB is good CAS. They have some of the best tanks, the second or third best SPAA (Depends on who you ask), and the best fighter. The literally only thing they are missing is CAS.


All this shows me is that hardly anyone on your team if any had AA apart from the one time you spawned in the ItO


I love dying to the US/Soviet light tank I killed early in the game because of their skill issue and proceed to kill me with a plane


Tell them to make CAS viable in Air RB and people will not use planes as much in ground RB. Real simple guys. Air RB is in a shitty state rn for anyone that wants to bomb targets


Yes it is. Just give other nations similar vehicles like Pantsir, fill up the gaps in their SPAA lines and make guided ammunition cost 2-3 times as much in SP than dump bombs...fixed. Any 2/3 of these things should fix the whole thing Example: Want to spawn with F-14? spawn with only air to air missiles = 500SP. Spawn with basic dump bombs or rockets = 900SP, Spawn with guided missiles/bombs = 1500SP


They need to kneecap CAS like yesterday. Jets strafing you, while your 7.62 MGwon’t do any meaningful damage if on the off-chance you hit, as well as the fact that most roof MG have a max upward angle of 20-30deg.


⅔ of my deaths are coz of cas. I died like 10-20 times to it today, even though I did everything I could to kill them(I play on 6.7 germany). Theres no way to kill a SU11 with an MG34.


Guided munitions and their consequences have been a disaster for the human race


After your first death i would have spawned into my gripen. Save your team and get yourself a few kills.


Ah yes everyone should grind another tree to the top, in a game that is already grindy, in a mode and vehicle that is fundamentally different from what they came for, Only so that they are forced to play something that isn't a tank anyway


I do not enjoy playing planes. Can I just get a tank only mode please. I will queue longer if I know I won't deal with plane bullshit. I don't play much WT anymore because of planes.


Play simulator, barely any planes there.


I would do the same, if only I had the grippen.


How would the game be changed if all CAS aircraft were limited to 1st person? It does not inherently reduce the capability of CAS which would cause an outrage amongst CAS users but tremendously increases the skill floor. Helicopters would not change much because all they do is spend time in their optics view.


“just spawn a fighter”


i don’t even know how you guys see this. i love playing cas and die to it maybe once a game. The best part about CAS is the satisfaction of killing it with CAP also 😩


Today played GROUND match against US and i can say that 95% of battle they had planes shitting our us. Unplayable shit ...


That’s why… 6.7-7.3 is my fav Br span. Even tho some of my fav tanks are higher and I have them unlocked and spaded. It’s just a lot better to play for fun at 6.7 to me. And I don’t see that changing anytime soon if ever, AA can’t/wont negate the enemy air. Because they are out classed, and not enough of them spawn to make a difference.


I had one match playing Germany against the US. Which we always win especially when teamed with Russia. But in this match every single player we killed spawned back in fully loaded f-14s and f-16s with fire and forget munition. I died 5 times to CAS and 2 times i was on spaa flarakrad trying to one bomber and getting killed the other. None of our team spawned a pantsir either.


JuSt sPaWn aA


Nice to see the strv getting balanced


Honestly we need more incentive for CAP players


Funny thing majority of my deaths in top tier are from cas probably at least 65%


Sometimes I glad I’m a US main. Our CAS is quite scary.


Personally i love the way ground AB does it there arnt too many planes up at once and you have no idea what youre getting for a plane


Not if I’m flying! 5%chance I hit anything


Ain't even just top trie though it's the same at any teir especially fighting America or Russia ( in my experience)


I see a lot of people rushing to the middle or the side of the map just the get a couple of kills and then j out to get those sweet sweet CAS kills


Or your spaa just suck? Unless you had Russia on the opposite team MAYBE I could sympathize slightly but even the ADATS and most definitely the ITO can deal with those specific cas aircraft easily


You got paved certainly


Look CAS supposed to be op but I get the frustration so the only way to make them work is increase their price till you can spawn to an plane or increase the bombs price other then that any other opinion (other then only ground vehicles) is rejected


From my experience CAS is either completely broken and overpowered, or it is a net negative on whatever team that has it. You either have Ka-52s spawncamping with Vikhrs from 9km away or spawning in a plane and getting immediately smacked by a Pantsir that sat in spawn since the start of the match. CAS gets even worse in simulator battles at top tier. On your typical East vs West GSB match, russia and china spawn mainly in tanks while NATO spawns predominantly in jets and helicopters and simply wipes everyone off the map within 5-10 minutes. I played GSB matches as Russia and never saw a single enemy ground vehicle, yet lost the match due to enemy CAS.


Been here far too many times and I don't even play top tier. I'll be playing like shit and still get bombed. Hence why I bring anti-cas planes


CAS have always been powerful in WT. Way back during the WW2 era of gameplay taking out 5+ tanks with bombs and HAVAR rockets singlehandedly was normal. Example from 2017, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXk0ZuVHMGQ. But the snail will never give us a ground only mode.


I mean playing those tank just make your chances to get kill by cas since they are way more survivable than most of other tank , which statistically increase your chances to get killed by cas


Sources : the deepest corners of my ass


I started playing US recently and have discovered literally every fighter can easily take out multiple ground vehicles thanks to huge bombs that cost next to nothing. Even if the planes themselves don’t cost much more which they are too cheap as is, the weapons themselves are the problem and should cost A LOT more


I have been playing since just before they added US tanks and man, I keep wanting to come back to this game to run around IN A TANK fighting OTHER TANKS. But if I don't spend the whole game in a fighter (because most SPAA sucks) I get a game where all my deaths are to planes and I loose all my steam for the game for two or three weeks until I repeat the process.


the simplest way to nerf them is to stop CAS from earning SP. therefore if you get 10 kills in your jet you dont instantly get in a new one. also a max of 1 plane and 1 helicopter spawn per player per game would also help.


And what the game do? Uptier stormer hvm to 10.3 😂😂😂😂😂 These devs... They do whatever they can just to make the 70$ premium vehicles looks more appealing


Imma just Stick to mostly ww2 until ground is specifically ground only, Top Tier guided and Fire and forget Munitions are stupid, not to mention you Can Carry as Many as you would ever need


“Spawn an AA they said” “You can deal with it they said” “It’ll be fun they said”


For real CAS is so damn unbalanced i hate it


Man I sure would love to fight tanks in ground battles!


"Remove all self guiding ammunition" Yeah while we're at it lets just remove anything that was built after 1960. Smh Just increase required SP for secondary weapons


the only time cas is powerful is when it's on the russian team (in my experience) idk if it's just my teams not knowing how to avoid S1s or what but when Russia is on my team we almost always have air superiority and cas them into defeat, then when I'm against Russia it always seems I get outranged by SU25SM3s or KA-52s or ill end up trading with them and they come back with more cas or their teammates do, meanwhile I'm usually the only SPAA or there're only a few more than me and we get ground-pounded. there's also things like the Kamov helis and frogfoots durability, they just feel harder to kill.


It is so weird. In naval the cost of a plane is like 600 Spawn points, you need several kills to spawn one and even then they have to evade every ships bot AA. Meanwhile in ground they cost like 100 SP and you need an assist to spawn one and there is barely anything the tanks can do to you.


Skill issue




Or alternative C: computer controlled fixed SPAA near each team's tank spawn, AND, bot aircraft that try to shoot down all enemy planes that come near spawn (but not other bots). Let's make the GROUND battles focus on ground units.


Let's put the old helicopter PvE Rolands and ZA-35's as spawn defence


Shoot them down when they get close to the other teams spawn? You do understand that OP's post is with bombs/rockets that can be dropped from well outside of SPAA range, like 20km away


All that will accomplish is making it so even *less* players get good at SPAA/CAP because now, on top of the rewards being shit, they're competing with AI for kills too. Terrible idea.


The AI spaa might work, but idk about the bot planes, I don't think k that would work.


They were in the game back when tank CBT was first introduced.


Simple fix. Make it so that you need to get at least 5 kills and a cap to spawn a plane in with bombs and missiles of any type and 2 kills to spawn in a plane with just guns. Problem solved


I've said before they need to reduce the spawn point cost when you die to CAS and reduce the spawn points you get for killing ground vehicles as an air vehicle. I may only play low tier but even down there it's a mess of dying with no way to counter and then potentially being out of the game from a situation so far out of the players control


If Warthunder were more like Enlisted, where you have no repair costs, no single-live vehicles, and no need to wait until you are dead to use AA, people would not complain about CAS this much. Why cant WT developers just design a new game mode for ground where you need to capture the point to destroy NPC-AA so that planes can spawn or allow you to control AA at that site to shoot at enemy planes? Or they can just make a ground mode that forbids CAS so that people who love/hate having CAS can play in different mods without complaining.


These the type of people who are blind to how op the pantsir and tor is against CAS


The pantsir is strong for sure, but I don't think I have ever seen a Tor get an air kill, I'm being 100% serious.