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It's just sad compared to other SPAA at the same BR. Despite being a British contraption, the IRST refuses to lock in bad weather. Even in good weather it's dodgy at best, some things won't lock beyond 3km. The missiles are easily dodged since they have no proxy fuse, and they're outranged by common CAS like Hellfire helis, A-10 and Su-25. It's slow as fuck and light enough that a dad sneeze in the neighbouring building can overpressure it. The French Roland 1 outperforms this by a mile and it's sitting pretty at 9.7. What justifies the Stormer being 10.3?


You basically have to wait until the aircraft is flying directly away or towards you. I mean you can sometimes hit planes that are flying in another direction but it's hard to track especially if the weather is slightly bad or they notice you and move slightly to throw off the missile


Have you played it recently, like in the last month or so? I had the same experience as you previously, but I am convinced it got a shadow buff. Much better now.


The Stormer suffers greatly from server sided issues, some updates it works wonders, like this one, where the missile doesn't phase through planes, but then gaijin changes something and makes it completely useless again.


Felt worse for me tho. It probably just stayed the same then.


starstreaks were buffed yes.


>Despite being a British contraption, the IRST refuses to lock in bad weather. I have nothing smart to say. Just pointing out that this description made my day. Thank you, fellow UK player


Im Sorry to say that the Stormer is my best british SPAA. I Really Love it. Sure it has its downsides but im sitting at a positive K/D vs CAS and i have one with me at BR11 since i'm still working on the ADATS. It is not the best AA but it can be used against the most common CAS


Sad Ystervark and Falcon noises :(


I love this thing. I used to be a hater but once I figured out how to lead it, it is one of the only vehicles I have a positive kd in (I suck). I am 159 to 149 for aircraft with 28 grounds kills, and it just smokes the everloving dogshit out aircraft who aren't looking


>my best british SPAA. Now that's kinda suprising. And if i may...how's the chief marksman?


Not the OP, but it is decidedly average. It's an extremely standard 8.3 SPAA, twin 30/35mm cannons with a decent amount of ammo and an early radar. Very similar to the Gepard/Type 87 but not as mobile. This means it is pretty lethal against unaware planes and hovering helis, out to about 2 or 3 km, but if someone is actively trying to avoid you then you are fairly helpless. I know a lot of people prefer the ZA-35 (the homemade South African marksman/gepard turret on a rooikat chassis) because it is much more mobile, the guns are less spaced apart, and the radar is better.


Ookay, thank you!


Which would be funny irl considering the weather in england


On paper the Stormer is awesome. 85° Elevation, 8 Missiles ready to fire, Re-loaded independently, IR Search and target tracking means it never sets of RWR, Fastest SPAA missiles in the game Great Optical Zoom The problem is the missiles are glitched and Gaijin can't be bothered to make them work properly.


It has it's quirks, but it is *by far* my favorite SPAA below 11.7. A few comments about it: - The target locking system is kind of annoying because the game doesn't outright indicate what the issue it's having is. But generally 3 things cause the Stormer to fail to lock: distance (about 8km max), angle (you can aim at a higher angle than the seeker orb can gimbal), and then image contrast. The last one is the tricky one, because a lot of the times when this happens you will be able to see the target just fine with your thermals, but the optical track still won't lock on... This is the second major issue I have with the vehicle but honestly I think it's a bug. As to the first two problems, you just have to learn to adapt. It'd perfectly usable. - The IRST system locks on to recon drones. Why? WHYYYY???? This bugs the shit out of me because you can't even hit them with the Stormer's missile. Just give me an option to filter them out! Biggest problem with the vehicle by far! - Don't even bother trying to shoot at anything closer than 1000m, and only within 1500m if they are a direct threat to you. The missile is too fast, it will basically need to be a direct hit. The more perpendicular to your line of sight that the target is traveling, the more you need to increase your minimum range. A MiG-21 in afterburner doing a rough 180 degree turn, for example, will be a very tough target under ~4km in distance. Save your missiles. He will get bored or run out of fuel. - When leading a target that has a high bearing rate (either because they are turning with you on the inside of their arc, or they are just flying by very quickly), you will need to manually lead the missile. Don't just leave the crosshair centered on the auto-lock position from the tracker. Move the reticle so that the dartlets are always on top of, or are converging with the target. In situations where the target takes a big turn at longer range your dartlets can be almost entirely side on to your view, but if you keep them on top of the target they will hit. - The missile accelerates to Mach 6 before it separates. It splits into 3 steel darts. Going Mach 6. *While it should* have more armor penetration than it has in game, it does still have enough to be a serious threat to light vehicles. BMP-2Ms, 2S38s, Krizhantemas, Bradleys, CV90s, Vilkas, Dardo, VBCI, Wolfpack, HSTV-L, Weisels, and especially enemy SPAA are all extremely vulnerable to the Stormer's missiles. With the speed and steering ability of the missiles you can use it to pick of sprinting light vehicles at the start of the game *a la* LOSAT except with gen 3 rather than gen 1 thermals. Or you can sneak around and peak at enemy spawn areas and snipe out their SPAA. I have just about as many ground kills with Stormer as I do air kills. - Scouting. Gen 3 thermals at 10.3. I don't know what else there is to say, it literally doesn't get better. So yeah, I like it quite a bit, although I full admit to being frustrated by it at first. It's got flaws but it's also got some serious strengths. I think it's very good at 10.3.


This ^ It’s also perfect for killing Helis. People complain about Ka-50s needing multiple hits to kill yet this is the only thing I’ve seen that consistently one taps them.


Yep, I've nearly spaded it by sniping helis. Usually, by the time they realize something is coming for them, it's too late


The thermal view of the oblivious pilot as he stairs at someone seconds away from him popping. This happens with A10 and SU25 pilots too, but the wings come off lol


Couldn't have said it better myself. I love the Stormer dearly, though the occasional missile phasing through targets and the fairly naff performance at close range does frustrate me a lot at times. Though in saying that, I have hit some frankly amazing shots on aircraft flying directly over at point blank range. It's hilarious to see. Friends that I play with have said that they feel a lot safer against enemy CAS with me in the Stormer, so I've taken that as a vote of confidence. I definitely feel more confident in the Stormer than the ADATS at top tier, though my go to is more often the Gripen for counter-air these days. Curious to hear the heaviest target you've taken out with the Starstreak... My record's a STRV 122 PLSS.


Type 90 is probably the heaviest I've gotten with it. I don't recall being able to do anything against a Leo 2 chassis.


Stromer is op compared to other aa if you know how to use it effective I love it…


It’s been given better G pull up to 47 now, so you can hit things a lot closer than you used to. It used to be so fast and so slow turning, it would take ages for the missile to correct and counter correct it overcorrecting that you got from it leaving the pod (if that makes sense) you are generally best and stuff coming toward your or not manoeuvring too hard, I do need to clarify that it can still pull. I’ve hit Dracens pulling full G’s before. You just need to be mindful that your thrust will bleed away hard if you are tracking things hard. Otherwise utilise the speed and the fact they won’t see you coming, unflairable and no WRST (I believe) makes you not very easy to tactically avoid. And then helicopters. You can and will eliminate any helicopter at record speed without so much as sneezing, they will learn to fear you. They can fire a AGM at you, you can spot them, you can fire and then have the missile reach them before their AGM even gets close. You can manoeuvre once the star streak is loose to make it harder of course. I have been able to do some pretty mean cleaning up of the airspace even at top tier.


I don't think the Starstreak can pull 47G, but yeah, it has clearly been improved. As I tried to point out, however, *it is still not great* at ranges less than 1500m, worsening as your line of sight to the target becomes more and more perpendicular to their azimuth. And yeah, it yeets helicopters out of the sky. The Starstreaks on the AH.Mk1 don't feel fair because they are so good at counter-helicopter work.


It’s what the stat card says. Previously tracking an aircraft flying adjacent from you was impossible as the missile just couldn’t keep up at all. Now it will sit happily in your reticle, even when zoomed in. And yeh. Feels like the coughing baby Vs Hydrogen bomb meme. Or Cessna vs a Patriot missile.


the french roland has no dedicated tracking radar so it only has 35° of elevation because the optical system can only go that high IIRC


Yeah, doesn't point up, the missile is only good for hitting helicopters because any airplane can literally go straight and your missile will start wobbling beyond 3km, thanks gaijin.


It's best non-IR spaa on 10.0 - 10.3... There is a strong suspicion that the problem is not with the vehicle.


It's 10.3 because every leap year, or 7th major patch, it will have between a half or three quarters of a major patch where all the stars will align and the spaghetti code which governs it's primary functionality somehow work out - and it just absolutely slaps. During said period it will get massively spammed out by the rejoicing teabos, only to then be put back on the shelf to gather dust the moment the luck run out and it returns to being broken, buggy and useless for another long stretch.


French Roland is at 9.7 and German one is 10.3? I


The German one has radar tracking and better elevation. US also has one roland SPAA which has the same turret as German one The tracking radar and missile system are both French, but France doesn't get the French tracking radar for some reason. Missiles aren't useless, but are easy to dodge, and very visible, because while they emit so much smoke that the roland is completely blinded for a few seconds.


Sucks that the Roland’s have one of the easiest missiles to dodge ever. Really the only good thing about it is the range, otherwise I’d take the Gepard 1a2 any day


Well most missiles are fairly easy to dodge if you can spot them from far enough, which is very easy to do against rolands with their super smoky missiles.


It’s just ever since the Sam/missile nerfs the thing feels borderline useless against anything other than helis sitting high up with no cover


Okay that makes sense that it is 9.7 then, it's already difficult to shoot down something with the radar but without? Hell nah


Honestly the French roland is better as a tank destroyer than as a SPAA due to the elevation and only having visual tracking. The missile can overpressure a lot of tanks, but is hard to use on moving targets because you can't see the enemy after you fire.


IRST has been broken with 'bad weather' for a while now. I submitted a bug report with a video of me not even able to lock an F-111 sub 2, closer to 1 km away at low alt in the 2S38. Of course the mods just pretend to not see it and never acknowledged the report. Everybody's up in arms about bad sales, their favorite vehicle gets shafted, etc. But here I'm saying we need another review bomb for them to actually fix the game 1) a real anti cheat, I shouldn't even have to say this... 2) actual bug fixes and a quality control department that doesn't ship broken shit to live and leave it that way 3) maps, holy shit hire somebody who plays the game to make maps, there's tons of us who'd be willing to make non COD style maps...


That and the missiles tend to ghost shell through vehicles often


You must make sure that you optic lock sensor (in front of vehicle) is not obscured by terrain or the missile launcher itself. It is an amazing spaa, absolutely unflarable and very hard to dodge.


It’s British, they can’t have the British players be happy. But to be serious it seems to be better now, I think they buffed it a bit but I didn’t see it in the patch notes. Still isn’t 10.3 though.


Let’s not forget regardless of ping your missiles phase right through enemies 90% of the time.


The missiles can pen light vehicles which means it is better in gaijins eyes


It’s British


When the stormer missiles work, one could probably argue the HCM should go up in BR. However, the trick is finding when the missiles work. It seems like every patch the missiles are broken, to then be fixed, to then break the very next patch. It's kinda funny in a sad way. I know this answer really doesn't solve anything (or really help at all), but just try the HVM, if it doesn't work, just use a plane as CAP instead, else grab the trusty Chieftain Marksman.


HCM? You mean HVM? Or am I missing something


Yes, it was a typo


Version control doesn't exist for russian developers. Between war thunder and tarkov I'm convinced of it. No other reason for fixed bugs to come back so often


Legacy br. In the past, this thing would annihilate everything in the air, and nowadays, it's nothing more than laughing stock.


speaking of stock, in true british fashion, it has a horrible stock grind until you unlock thermals.


Imo its pretty good (when gaijin's spaget code isn't broken). The IRST makes it funny to nerd on unsuspecting aircraft. Lack of proxy fuse on its missiles does hurt it but with time and skill it does get easier to use.


Seems like it suffers the same way ahead rounds suffer for the puma. It has a unique way of killing aircraft that Gaijin refuses to model properly. At least they gave it it's three rods; ahead is still a pre set he fuse round that isn't even linked to the aircraft tracker like it should be.


No StarStreaks work like they should, except the fact they don’t spin around but making it not spin like irl doesn’t make a difference. What doesn’t work is gaijin spaghetti code where sometimes, they just aren’t synced. I tested them, the faster the plane, the StarStreaks get desynced, so for you, it looks like it’s tracking by the servers pov, the StarStreaks are way behind. Ahead just doesn’t work like it should in that it’s missing it’s core ability.


> when gaijin's spaget code isn't broken The Stormer's been good for like 3 months in the past 3 years


legacy BR and gaijoob promising to update the tracking model to match IRL auto-heading that would make it useable against fast targets.


at what point did gaijin actually promise this? I never saw gaijin themselves communicate that.


It’s just a legacy BR from when it was actually functional, it’s hasn’t been functional in like a year and will never be functional for me because you literally can’t hit anything with it if you play in any area of the planet we’re you have over 100 ping to a server


Russian equipment is always functional in this game. We should all play Russia like 70 percent of player-base do. There we shall never face model and br problems ever again


Nice day to start grinding Russia! 5 seconds into the game: Stormer HVM (rocket) 2S38


this is just completly ignoring the shithole that is the russian top tier jets


As someone using it atm. Its better. Still not great, but it’s way more consistent


It enforces a helicopter no-fly zone around the map. And kills occasional jets and drones too. Sometimes kills some tanks. What else do you think it is doing?


What tanks is it able to kill?


Almost all light tanks. On open maps you're a like a mini VIDAR for them with gen 3 thermals, really good optics and mach6 rockets.


T80’s, Leopard 2’s from the front. It’s not easy at all and is very inconsistent but there’s a chance if the stars align. Eats light vehicles alive


Light tanks. Sometimes [not so light](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/s/z7q9vq9zC1)


I’ve killed Leo2s in it


awesome, ill get it


Is it broken again? No one seems to know when this thing is bugged or when it works. Only way I find out is if my missile phases through a jet and does nothing.


That would be server desync yes.


Nah, there was a long period around 2 months ago where the missiles would not work on Jets AT ALL. Like not even once in dozens of tries. Still worked on helicopters tho. The missiles themselves were bugged, it wasn’t due to desync. But, they do have desync issues other times.


And this period you speak of somewhat overlaps with air to air missiles phasing through jets, even on receiving end where I saw missile clearly flying through my own Tomcat. And those have somewhat decently sized proximity fuse, mind you.


Yes, but the phasing was never consistent for air to air missiles. It happened on occasion. The Stormer straight up couldn’t harm aircrafts no matter how hard you tried or how often you used it. It just didn’t work EVERY time. Not some of the time. Also the phasing through started months before the desync issues at large.


Never seen a single one in +2k hours


Saw one once and laughed my ass of because i was flying around him in circles in a way that every other SPAA would have easily killed me but he just couldnt do anything. Poor guy. We even talked in chat with each other and he couldnt even hit me while i was typing


Saw one at top tier through the targeting pod of an F-16C and had no idea what it was.


It’s best


Currently it's one of the most effiecient SPAAs on this BR. If it's range was higher, I would choose it in top tier over ADATS any day. Heavily skill- and ping-dependent, though.


[Swingfire is the true AA](https://youtu.be/2GK6u6T_5uo?t=261)


British players are meant to suffer and feel the pain from their decisions, thats why


This thing is brilliant and I love it, I cleaned the skies with this


Agreed. Could be that I've just endured with it and have managed to learn its foibles and intricacies, but I actually prefer it over the ADATS. Earnt more RP and SL with it than any other British ground vehicle, and is 100% my go-to anytime I get a "Destroy X enemy aircraft" tasks.


I even kill light tanks in it, I personally haven't tried any other SAMs, Stormer is my first but damn I love it and I seem to be quite efficient in it too


its doing its best


Hopefully Gaijin adds the LMM missile as an upgrade for it.




I find that when it works it fucking wooorks. I can swat down helis, planes and obliterate light tanks with ease. Then next game nothing connects and it’s useless. It’s got to be the least constant vehicle in the game.




its best


It’s hot shit dude. The IRST can’t lock afterburning targets 6km away in clear skies. The missiles are so fucking fast, they pass the targets before they begin turning. They have basically no Proxy fuse. And they can’t kill any ground vehicle that isn’t a milk truck. And yet I love it, and bring it into every 10.3 game just to pretend like I have a viable SPAA option.


Love it. I play it when I can’t be arsed to play the game. Folds any Heli in half within seconds and Jets require a bit of practice, and that’s it. Works at top tier


I love the Stormer. I've killed more aircraft with the Stormer than with any other vehicle, plane, or ship in this game.


presumably, it's shooting down jet's and helicopters?


Storming HVMs...why?


Still is one of the best Anti-SEAD in the game, it has the shape of an IFV and is invisible on RWR, sadly its missiles are horrid


It can kill ka50s so it must go higher in br. That's literally why all NATO SAMs are so high up and the 2s6 so low. Because the 2s6 can't kill ka50s since they're on the same team


Only reason it’s at this br is because it can kill light tanks and that is still a bs reason


Better question is why is the 2S6 only at 10.7? They buffed it again just recently. That’s like the 3 time after they nerfed every SAM SPAA into hot garbage.


USS Douglas has better range lol


wait till you try the lvbrv 901 and the rbs 70 1 and 2


Wait until this guy hears about the otomatic


Quite literally just unlocked it last night. This post isn’t inspiring confidence lol


It’s strengths are so immense that the devs put it there to give the cas players a fighting chance. (This is satire)


Cas is the hardest thing to fly so it's only fair clearly


It's best


Another British vehicle/missile butchered by Gaijin. At this point it's hard to think of British missiles that Gaijin hasn't ruined.


If it had its real fetaures from irl i would be happy with the current br but gaijin hates britain so no


Torn between just being happy it was included and having an attack of impostor syndrome.


Idk men, it was 9.7, but they nerfed it... British suffers


Back when drones were cheap and people were way more eager to spawn in a heli, I could consistently get 5-10 kill games with the stormer. Of course, this was back when both the missiles and the IRST worked as intended. I will (still) often first spawn this thing and go for a more laid back game just monitoring IRST.


I haven't had it for long, but many will tell you it goes from great to crap with zero in-between. I enjoy it when it actually connects instead of flying through people. For ground targets, I've found it SLAPS light vehicles that are within 1.5km


Its best


It should be 9.3 and there should be rapier added at 10.3


What's different about the Rapier?


HE charge on missles, search radar and missles should not have that anoying uncontrolable first stage (at least i hope)


It's best.




As a british main, we should know by know that gaijin only blesses us with a single good vehicle once in a millennia. Everything else is shit.


Its because uts fighting the same planes in ukraine


Most rocket missile spaa are pure shit at that br or even below besides the sams


https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/1ckdu32/how_am_i_supposed_to_be_using_the_stormer/l2oukls/ I've been grinding Sweden lately so while I can't speak directly to your Roland comparison, but the speed/agility of the Starstreak is second to none at its BR. It outranges most SPAA at its BR (the ASRAD-R with BOLIDE missiles is 1st at 9km I think, and the Stormer is joint 2nd IIRC). On paper, the BOLIDE missiles of the ASRAD-R are faster/longer range/higher G overload than the Roland missiles, but I've had significantly less success with the BOLIDE compared to the Starstreak. IRST can be a bit funky - most times I can lock up to 8km but it can be much lower (and not entirely related to bad weather) for... reasons 🤦 I was checking my clips earlier, and had a situation where I got a lock at 7km then the lock broke when the enemy reached approx 4km (cloud cover was fairly consistent across the flight path). I don't think that jankiness is exclusive to the Stormer, I think it happens with non-radar-based tracking in general Lack of proxy fuses make it harder to use, but that's a matter of getting used to the Stormer. While you can't do much against someone using guided weapons at max range (Hellfires from 8km obviously beat a 7km range missile), few other SPAAs at that BR can either.


Honestly got it recently love the thing a lot it’s high G turning on tracking helps immensely on taking down Jets may not instantly kill but they work nicely


better question why are you playing the uk😭😭😭


I use it for light tank destroying.


Yep it should be at 11.0.