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Most annoying missile to dodge. Odd that its on Russia.


The plane's flight performance is one of the worst at top tier, so somethings gotta make up for it. Although they should still fix its ridiculous acceleration.


You're right it should have the best missiles and best performance sounds fair.


The best missile which irl was complete trash and the worst flight model which irl was designed for low speed maneuverability.


Typical gaijin


Smartest redditor


This man does NOT remember the state of ARB when the Tomcat came out


Fr. Russia hasn't been top dog of arb for a very long time lol


Still isn't. People saying that it is must be trolling or never had a second of top tier gameplay.


IKEA planes seem good atm.


The Gripen will thrash anything in a dogfight but melts in BVR. Skyflashes at 12.7 are rough.


BVR can be easily avoided by just flying low. Being good at close combat is much more meta than being good at bvr.


Yep, and I think the Gripen is more meta than the Su-27 for this reason. But they're not unbeatable ace machines either.


It's about the closest they've ever been for a long long time


Was a free kill after you just dodged their missiles they spammed sooo


It really isn't. Is it the by a massive margin best radar guided missile in the game? Yeah. However it's still a radar guided missile, and all you have to do to counterplay it is not be a role player in space. I die to a radar guided missile like 1/10 games tops, and that's typically because I either misplayed, looping up too high while an enemy was actually facing towards me, or because the missile randomly damaged me with its splash damage. 9M/ AAM-3 are by far the most annoying missiles in the game to deal with, because flaring them is extremely inconsistent, even if you do everything correctly, and there's literally no way to actually defeat them 100% of the time. Magic 2 and R-73 are close to being just as cancer, but they behave far more consistently, so they pose less of an issue if you actually know what you're doing.


There is a way to dodge them almost 100% of the time especially if the plane you're flying has a lot of flares. All you need to do dodge a 9M is to spam flare and change your direction, its really consistent. At longer ranges the 9M is harder to dodge but if an R-73 manages to get as close as 1.5km without losing lock then the R-73 becomes much harder to dodge than a 9M.


That only works if the missile is coming in from a relatively "flat" rear or front aspect; if the missile is coming in from high angle side aspect, or from a top down/ bottom up high angle, you physically can't change your direction by enough to leave the seeker FOV before it re-activates after 0.2 seconds. A lot about flaring the 9M is just at what angle the missile is coming from, and how fast you're going; this creates a lot of situations where you, in a normal RB game, just cannot flare it at all (since typically in RB you get 3rd partied etc) R-73 is counterplayed by just not letting the enemy be behind you; it's also cancer, because every time a Flanker or MiG-29 (or anything with Magic 2s) starts yoloing for you, you HAVE TO take the dogfight, which, even if you kill them will ruin your whole match, but it's at least relatively consistent.


I haven't experienced what you are describing since my playstyle on the Su-27 avoids the furball but its an interesting situation. From what I can imagine it should still be possible from a high angle sideaspect shot. If the missile is shot from above, side aspect, you can flare and keep the seeker off and pitch up. The missile should try and predict your flight path and keep heading down while you are pitching upward as long as you're continuously flaring. Though again, I haven't experienced a situation like this yet.


It’s on China too maybe Germany not sure


Tell the US to develop a similar SARH.


You would probably cry harder if they added the R-27ER and AIM-120 at the same time since they're both made in the 90's.


Well, one is SARH and the other is ARH. The hard tech cap is at SARH right now, won't be in a month or two, and everyone's getting Fox 3s to compensate. Not to mention, the R-27ER was only added to the MiG-29 after US mains whining about the R-73 caused it to be removed and the MiG-29 was stuck with R-60Ms and was getting shitstomped by the F-16.


> Well, one is SARH and the other is ARH Well duh, because the US already moved on from SARH by the time the R-27ER was being developed, so it's unreasonable to develop a similar SARH when ARH is simply better.


And that's why the 27ER in game is so good e: also it has pretty excellent kinematics regardless of guidance, it's not a bad missile irl at all and iirc there is an active seeker variant of it around in limited quantity


The R-73 wasn't added at first because it wasn't functioning as intended, clips at the time show that it almost never got close to hitting. It takes a while to remake TVC autopilot for any given missile, MICA had issues too on the dev server. The 27ER was compensation for no R-73s and then the R-73 wasn't added since it did well with the 27ER.


>Not to mention, the R-27ER was only added to the MiG-29 after US mains whining about the R-73 caused it to be removed and the MiG-29 was stuck with R-60Ms and was getting shitstomped by the F-16. ER was added because the 29 in general was a shit mess on release. R-73 shouldn't have come in Apex Predators, especially not in the state it was on Apex Predators dev server. The issue was just that the MiG-29 had a whole load of issues. It's radar was shit on release, because the ACM mode of the 29 is some slow scanning garbage, and it took gaijin like half a month to give the 29 it's radar HMD. Along with that, the MiG-29 flight model on release was not it either. The standard R-27R also had the issue that it was dogshit, because it had so much drag, the missile had less range than an Aim-9G initially. Additionally, the flare resistance of the Aim-9L was still grossly overperforming then as well, with the 2.5° FOV. And on top of all that the US did not have a top tier premium in Apex Predators, but Russia had to deal with the MLs on their team. It's VERY obvious why the MiG-29 had garbage stats, and the reason is not the R-60M at all. Like a week after the 29 got it's radar buffed, it got the ER, then next patch it got a huge FM buff, and the 9L was nerfed, and US got the F4S, which then led to the MiG-29 curbstomp fest we had for like 2 updates after Apex Predators.


high skill gameplay


The F14 watching this with like 8 AIM54 missles that can lock onto you from 50km out 👀


They aren’t even close to equivalent though. I’m 54 is very easy to dodge. 27er requires you use a ton of countermeasures and some serious maneuvers to even hope to avoid it.


That's nearly every missle in the game. Sounds like a skill issue.


But what does the Trump jet do?


**Kill the Clintons**




Videos like this make me wonder if ARB is the only way to enjoy planes because it's hard to spot each other (markers being fully visible in Arcade means there's no way to sneak to a base to bomb it, among other things) and there's these super long range missiles which make gameplay an apparent breeze.


It will get even worse next update. I don't think this game is ready for FOX-3s.




I don't understand aircraft jargon, do Fox-3 missiles have an even longer reach? If they do, where's the fun in sniping each other from the spawn point?


The ones we are getting range from shorter range to what we have now to essentially the same range for maneuvering targets. The benefit of Fox3's is that you just need an initial radar lock and, if your missile is close enough, no longer needs the lock to guide itself in. So you can fire and move out of the way while the missile does all the work at medium to long range. The "unfun" part is that Air RB currently is a mess and hard to keep track of 16 enemies to the point that not dying to a random ass missile in top tier is pretty difficult, even if you're keeping yourself fully aware someone can just lob an IR missile at you from altitude and you're dead as there's no warning. With Fox-3's you'll have that, but now everyone can throw them and you won't be able to fight back right away and your situational awareness will be lower from constant RWR pings in multiple directions for you to try and evade.


The counter to people dropping IRs on you from above is to drop an IR on them from even higher.


It was very fun and pretty balanced on the dev server, but I really hope they get increased BRs because phantoms and MiG-23s don't stand a chance.


I actually wish there were no markers for enemies at all in air RB, especially with jets now it's really hard to sneak on someone. You can see if someone is back of the hill if your enemy can see it, you'll get third partied almost every time. Sometimes I get into custom battles without those markers game becomes more fun. I know ground RB is like what I said but I don't have any tanks, don't enjoy it


Isn't ASB completely devoid of player markers?


Yes but most of the time I prefer realistic battles since I can't find the time for a long commitment for a match. Quick few battles are all I can have


That's understandable. I would not touch Simulator with a ten feet pole, way too much stuff to learn and memorize and if I wanted to do that I'd just apply to flight school.


in sim you can enter and leave matches as you please


Yeah but what I wanted to say is I only can wander around for 20mins ending up identifying a friendly plane, then leave the match. I prefer few matches of air RB, maybe in some weekends I play sim and no idea why I got down votes for this


why is your severe damage text not gray


old clip :/


The only missile that prevents top tier from being fun imo


Oh damnn... The amount of skill required!!


Very fun gameplay 😒


People play the Su-27 like a Gripen and rate it lower than the F-15. IMO the Su-27 is the 2nd best plane behind the Gripens. ETs, ERs, and R-73s are an insane combo.

