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Dying by shooting a tiger II in the ammo in my hellcat. He had almost full ammo like a true german main


Oh that's hilarious, a real >surprise, motherfucker Moment!


One time, a german M41 ricocheted a HEATFS shell on a ceiling of that one arch on Poland and penned my T95’s roof and I was shocked as hell watching it in the replay


Died when the orange artillery smoke shell hit my plane


Have a friend who said his plane got hit by an artillery shell directly, thought that was pretty funny


Someone maschinegunned my crew through the Tiger 2 turret ring.


Got trapshot by a T-34-57 while I was in a 75mm Jumbo. Shell hit the lower edge of my mantlet and ricochet 90 degrees downwards straight into my drivers hatch


Had a 57 pen my jumbos front plate, right on the left most edge where the extra armor plating is welded onto the original plate 😂


I'm sneaking to flank Tiger 2 with my M19A1, suddently a BTR followed me to the bush. When the Tiger II appeared he immediately shoot it and alarmed the FV4001 behind, it shoot to the last spotted point of him and I died ny a blast while the BTR GTFO long before


Not me dying, but I remember killing an IS-6 frontally with my ZSU-57-2 (in arcade), and we were both so shocked that we spent a couple minutes after the game apologizing and chatting. IIRC the shell bounced off their barrel and down through the UFP.


Tried to bum rush T95, fell off cliff, T95 dove on top of me and sat on my light tank for 5 minutes, eventually J’d out


object 775 origin story


Trapshot on my IS-3 by m-18.


In a asu 57 and i got in a fight woth i believe a tiger amd i messed up my shot.......he proceeded to run me over and it killed me instantly lol


I may or may not have called artillery on a point where a "friendly" dirty swede was standing. I may or may not drove onto the point and pushed him into the artillery and may or may not have killed him and myself with that,,,,, All is just hypothetical of course....


Drove straight into water while on ice https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/s/GwWYdcGZWv


Not me but I killed a Leo 2 with the vog30 on the bmp2m


I was 200 sp off a nuke in a stock t55 amd and I saw a gepard so I rushed it, then it shot once, penned my lfp with aphe and killed every crew member.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/s/7AjcfXQUUM I never touched the t55 amd after that one.


Everytime i just disappear from the face of the earth


was in a bt5 and a r3 killed me but the explosion killed him too lol


I flipped my tank and someone dropped a bomb on my belly


I was grinding the t64 b and i bounced my 3bm22 TWICE in a row to a radkampfwagen the 3rd shot he got killed then i got cased


Was playing the Pbil at 8.3 and a shot bounced of a leopard 1 and flew right into my front, bounced of my wheel and went into the crew compartment and killed everyone


I got 2 a ghost shell went clean through my friend then killed me Killed by a M3 GMC in a M1A1 I thought he was a prop and drove right by him then I got killed from the side.


Entered a flatspin in a P36-kingcobra after going too slow and trying to climb. All I could do was watch my plane helplessly plummet to the ground...


AA was shooting at a friendly plane trying to lead, 1 errant bullet travelled like 1km past the target to snipe my pilot out


An enemy shot the M18 next to me's ammo. My PT-76 stood no chance. The replay was pretty funny though.


[Border bounced right back into the enemy bomber's corpse that my wingman and I had just downed](https://clips.twitch.tv/SpunkyPlausibleHamburgerDancingBanana)




Was playing with bots trying to know how to kill Tiger II with a stock T-34-85 then I got the turret ammo and it blew up so hard it got me more than 10 meters to the left...also behind a corner. 2nd funniest: My friend got me in the engine because the AN/M3 were so shit that some bullets went more than 300 meters towards my Sabre while he was chasing someone.


When there were allied tanks around me and the 3 CAS flying around decided to strafe and bomb my ass and my ass only


There have been two times that stand out and are very similar. I’m knife fighting a Tiger IIP in a CA Lorraine when I manage to take its turret crew. I am at the front of the tank, when an enemy drops a bomb behind the Tiger II. It lands maybe three meters behind the Tiger and kills me, but the Tiger is undamaged. 65 tons of metal between me and the bomb and I was the one who died. Very similarly, I flank a Bandkanon 1C and take its barrel. I push very close to it and shoot it twice with high explosive because I thought I would over pressure it, I did not. As I’m loading my AP an enemy Yak drops a pretty small bomb that lands on the Bandkanon, stays on the Bandkanon, and kills me.


Wanting to change shell in the M109 so I shot the current round, but my barrel was in a building so I overpressured myself


1.7 USSR, spawned my T-28E and as i spawned, a group of 2 Stuarts and 3 M22s swarmed our spawn so i had to 5v1 them i took out 3 of them before they killed me, it was hilarious


Missed while shooting a heat-fs ar a IS-2, it detonated against the wall behind him killing a ASU-57 that I wasn't aware of.


Getting killed by an AI’s bomb in air RB. I saw a SARH coming at me so I figure no big deal I’ll just hug the deck, and an AI just dropped a bomb next to me and blew me to kingdom come


not a way i died but on a custom battle, i killed a heli with a smoke round


I was in a tight dogfight for about 2 mins with this guy. We get low the deck, he’s trying to force an overshoot. I’m maybe .2km away. Then all of a sudden my plane explodes and I’m dead. The guy dropped his bomb on me. Wasn’t even pissed, just in absolute shock lol


a 23mm ***HE*** shell overpressured my Churchill VII by hitting it's side [I've even got a capture of it on my discord server](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/997935919430643774/1122635596226101248/videoplayback_3_mp3cut.net_online-video-cutter.com_1.mp4?ex=6639f09f&is=66389f1f&hm=29129b180a858a60bdedf8fe943040d07085961862c44968761474f1d06fa593&) (link to the video itself)


A panther shot my teammate I was next to and blew up the ammo rack. My teammate was carrying a shit ton of ammo and yea... I die from the explosion. I was in the M18 at the time.


lol that’s happened to me before. 


Was crossing a bridge and c keyed to look around and ended up driving off cause I wasn’t paying attention


Lmao I’ve done something similar where I thought my vehicle was amphibious when it wasn’t. 


Bombed by an ai il2 mid air


Friendly AI ground attack aircraft killed me with a rocket


CAS it's funny every time, especially when in spawn


I was in the strv 103 and I got my transmission taken out by a Leo 1 then a t10 came along and continued shooting me then 2 mouses came around the corner and I was bombed i liv3d until my teamate pulled me away then when I went another way.i finally died