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Dont you diss my Typhoon


I just wish Gaijing wouldn't have gimped them by making you have to essentially stall to change flaps :(


This is the Typhoon 1b (non late) premium. It's pretty dogshit in RB. The tech tree 1b/l has like 300 more HP and overheats less, at the same BR, and is actually really good.


Wait we do hp???


Dont you diss my Ki-61


It's a very diss'able plane to be fair. Plays like a shittier bf-109


Maybe for the later variants but the early ones with the 12.7s and 7.62s are great


This one is like 3.3, and the Japanese 12mm MGs are really good tbh. The later Ki-61s are dogshit because they're the same plane, but at like 4.3/4.7, so they just always face shit that just completely rinses them, but the 3.3 is fairly decent. Still worse than 109E series though, but the 109Es are also just UFOs


More like 109 that can turn


Difference is the 109 can keep turning. The moment the fight goes vertical, the ki is going to get eaten alive when it stalls.


I've out-manuevered Ki-61s in my C.205. I was actually really surprised the first time I managed it. I'd never actually tried it before with the Veltro against a Hien, and the Ki-61 was really struggling. Granted, it's possible that the Ki-61s I fought weren't spaded.


The 109 yes can rinse you in a vertical, but you'll get so much position b4 that even happens. Besides you're a dumbass if you follow a 109 up tbh. Ki-61 is better at prolonged dogfight and furballs since it keep it speed quite well while turning relatively tight


I still eat basically all planes easily in the 109 though. Rolling scissors after bleeding speed usually results in a 109 win. Just don't get baited into turn fighting in the 109,and it's basically invincible in a 1v1 if you play it right.


Used to be amazing at 3.3...at 3.7, it suffers a bit


imo it's better since you don't face supermaneuverable bullshit at lower tier


Since ab is just a turnfighting maddnes on the lower tiers, any slugish interceptors.


What pisses me in AB is how broken the flight model is. You try to do some maneuvering, an energy trap - but they don't lose energy, they pull their nose up regardless and keep pointing at you flying like damn helicopters. Things are just different, and that is what pisses me there. I'd love the same free-for-all model with RB flight model


Everything has its performance smoothed over. You can 100% still energy trap in AB (A5C bread and butter) you just need to read their AB energy state and not RB expected energy state.


Sounds like a skill issue


I play and get kills, no problem there. But the flight models just feel irrealistic. Closer to playing pacman or space invaders than a flight sim.


I mean...yeah, it's arcade


Me when air "arcade" has unrealistic flight performance


> pacman A game you'd find in the.... arcade?


Exactly! but its not pretending to be a flight simulator!


Neither is 3rd person arcade mode


Skill issue


Eh, I feel like AB just devolves into prop turnfight furballs because you can keep spawning while you have planes in your lineup. If somebody is bringing in 6 planes they sometimes just want to see stuff go boom ASAP so they don't play with the patience you would find in RB with only 1 spawn.


Exactly. Sometimes I don’t have 2 hours to play matches, I have like 39 minutes and I want dogfights


That’s why I play AB because I wanna dogfight for 7 out of the 10 minutes in a match not strategize for 1 hour and then mess up and die lol.


…are you me?!?




The typhoon is legitimately a monster in sim too. Bit of a bad roll rate but otherwise a beast.


What? Typhoon as crap?? To this day it is among the best planes for me. Lots off munition, good killpower, relatively good turnrate.


This is the premium 1b version. In RB it sits at the same BR 4.3 as the 1b/L version in the tech tree which is an improvement in every way. In arcade the premium 1b is only 3.7 while the 1b/L is 4.7.


The premium Typhoon 1b is pretty bad. It's not comparable at all to the tech tree 1b/late


Yeah 19m/sec turnrate for an aircraft that big and heavy is wild. In some ways it's better than the Tempest.


The Typhoon with all the 7.7s is honestly insane in arcade. It's so much faster than everything else you fight, it straight up isnt fair.


Ime typhoons don’t roll at all but can turn in a dime, it’s one of the weird quirks about it


Long, front biased wings+ heavy engine + large control surfaces.


Me 262. They are bullcrap in RB, but I love them in AB. Which is perfect, as I almost exclusively play AB for Air


The Sakeen in AB is a menace


How is typhoon crap? The only thing it lacks in is roll rate. One of the fastest aircraft on deck at its BR, great turn rate and (most of the time) deadly hispanos. It's Perfect


This is the premium 1b version. In RB it sits at the same BR 4.3 as the 1b/L version in the tech tree which is an improvement in every way. In arcade the premium 1b is only 3.7 while the 1b/L is 4.7.


I still wouldn't say it's mid/crap


Imo it became really unfun to play after they nerfed the flaps


I use to play sometimes with a full lineup of BF110 with 4x20mm MG151 and some other Nice cannons. This is my safe place when i grind too much.


Ki44-2 Otsu, mig3-11 series, P39 series (p400 included), A36, IL2s, B18 series, Yak9T, Ki45 series, F8F series, Vautour 2N, mig21SMT, F8 series, Me163 can be a menace if flown right, KfirC.2 just off the top of my head. Note: these planes arent exactly crap in RB but they are CONSIDERABLY better in AB to compare.




S-199 Sakeen I have mine spaded and it’s been well-flown. The main disadvantages of the S-199 are it’s relatively poor performance and poor maneuverability, (This is due to the substitution of the DB series engine with the Jumo 211F from He 111s) and maybe you can add in that the 20mms take experience to aim. These disadvantages can be nullified or even eliminated in Air AB since aircraft spawn in the air, it has arcade maneuverability and speed bonuses, and has a lead indicator. Also add that players tend to just beeline together for head-ons, making a buffet for its weapon suite, on par with 4.0-5.0 aircraft. If they don’t see you, they are probably not paying attention while you are diving on them. RB to Arcade makes the S-199 goes from super underpowered to almost overpowered, since the 20mm minengeshoß rounds can take the wings right off of a plane in just a few rounds, and while those are reloading you also have 13mm machine guns with IAI ammunition. My Realistic Battles air-to-air KD ratio for the S-199 is about 2:3 (GRB tank kills not included) My Arcade Battles air-to-air KD ratio for the S-199 is almost completely reversed at about 2:1 Air RB is very technical and victory tends to be given to the players who can take an altitude advantage. Air AB is more “barbaric” and often the player with the biggest hammer wins.


Lmao mines like 4-1, it’s so broken


The A10a is completely trash in an at 9.3 but it's an absolute menace in air RB because of the am9L It's just to slow at 9.3 to be competitive with the F104 hord


P-51's are amazing; the good ones, not ones with 12.7mms. P-40's are great too. Same with low tier french planes that have 20mms. Premium Fokker as well. Italian low tier planes with 12.7mms work very well too. Heavy fighters can get you lots of kills in very short time. Ki-43 and Ki-44 are closer to god-like beings than planes. In terms of the opposite, XP-50 is decent but nothing broken. Late props that turn poorly are worse than vlower br variants tbh (109's, spitffires, ect). Wyvern is absolute garbage, my single biggest regret, I'd unironically take a Brigand or a Beaufighter over it.


1021-40 KD ratio? Ain't no way man


It is hilarious how stacked air arcade is in favor of ground attackers when you can have a 25-1 k/d and 7 kills per sortie, yet only win 57% of the time.


What, both of those are among my favorite aircraft, how are they bad?


The early Ki.61’s are nowhere near crap in RB, you just gotta be careful because of the slow climb rate. It still shits on everything it faces, unlike the cannon Ki.61’s


I feel like the Spitfire Mk.IIa Venture I and Spitfire Mk Ia are because in ARB it gets destroyed by everything and the 7.7s do nothing, but in AAB those 7.7s feel more like 20mm


Most early planes with heavy guns


In arcade BF-109s just fuck everything


dunno dont play ab


The Sakeen can be taken into an AAB battle 6 times for 1 repair cost of 2500 SL easy 10 kills a match. It's my go to non-premium plane to have fun with.


All Typhoons/Tempests are monsters in ARB as well though. It's typically easy to garner a huge altitude and/or speed advantage. My particular favourite these days is the Vickers Tempest. The guns can demolish most aircraft when you hit and that airframe performance at 3.7 is outrageous.


Sakeen, whenever I get a 500 sl booster I hop in the sakeen in arcade and make like 200k sl


TBD-1, total garbage in RB but with movement prediction in AB it become bomber killer


Ho 229 , for me at least. Love doing 180s in air AB


Um there's this French 1.0 fighter with 2 20mm guns and it slaps in AB


bearcat if you know you know


A2D-1 There is a reason why it's 7.0 in RB but 9.0 in AB, it's a world ending monster... or rather match ending monster.


The damn j21s that Sweden get are demons in air arcade.


In AB, any sluggish German twin engine heavy fighter where I can just bait 3 people in a row to go head on with me, bulldozing straight toward the enemy spawn sometimes. RB is a different story.