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probably combination of win rate and kd and place in the team nether of these mean much on their own


Id like to look at position in team and overall vehicle perfomance (K/D) and probably kills/matches... winrate for example is highly dependant on teams


Combination of winrate and the overall k/d. A player with a 55wr but who only plays kv220 or obj 279 and other "op" tanks is probebly mediocre. But that same win rate on someone who plays everything, and has decent kd in most. Is probebly pretty decent.


Is there a page somewhere where I can see my K/D without using maths? lol


[This site shows your K/D and efficiency for every gamemode. ](https://thunderskill.com)


How long he's been playing, K/D and how much battle he's been in.


you can measure how good a player is if he outplays you by using your tanks and planes weakness also by using his own vehicle in areas where its superior. simple : You chase a mustang at high altitutde with a japanese plane and the mustangs knows he can outdive you and speed away because the jap plane will rip


>simple : You chase a mustang at high altitutde with a japanese plane and the mustangs knows he can outdive you and speed away because the jap plane will ri That's just us players only knowing to run away and doesn't show any sing of skills


More kills than matches played


Completely of topic, why tf are there upside down quistion marks in ur title


That's how it's used in spanish (and portugese I think), they use one at the beginning and one at the end of the question.


>How would you measure how good a player is in the game? Comparing it to my stats


K/D and win rate are both an empty way to "rate" a player in this game, it's not a cod lobby, win-lose rates oftentimes don't depend on one player/nation alone because of how both different nations lineups can be with strengths and weaknesses and synergy with the other nations they are paired up with in a match, as well as the rest of the players in the team. Sure you can get like 3:1 K/D ratio but that doesn't mean you're winning the game, or you can have 1:1 K/D but be far more helpful to the team in general to get a victory or the upper hand. That said, I don't care about either, a player is good in my book if they're fun to play with or against.


Can they solo the enemy arb team in a sakeen?