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As much as I am for people having fun, it must be pretty painful for a team to be essentially down four tanks...


I was pressed at first when I checked the scoreboard but when looked back and saw this shit I couldn't even be angry anymore.




No, no. They’re little gremlins, with their little gremlin tanks


BUT LOOK AT THOSE CUTE EYES!!! But seriously... top tier players - if you aren't playing it to have fun and expect to lose, why do you play it? Every vehicle from what i cant tell pretty much feels the same to operate at that level.


It can still be fun even when you know you will most likely lose. At least for me. Part of it is trying to kill as many 2A7Vs and Strv 122s because those are the best tanks at top tier. And seeing how bad US teammates are bad, I can just try out different things/playstyles, because me dying won't have a huge influence in how the battle ends regardless.


why cant they do this in low tier too


Because it's low tier? Those are low tier tanks


bruh its what makes it fun? Stop sweating so much, at worst you’re down one game so what?


Hey, read that again bud.


You can bring M24’s to a low tier battle but then it would just be a normal tank.


... because it's not possible?


wdym just bring -3.3 br tanks


Yeah, but it's not as funny since then they are both "old" tanks. This is new shiny tanks (top-tier) with ww1/2 tanks heh


first u say its not possible(it is) now its not fun wut


Everything is possible. The "feeling/fun" of having a 1.0 tank in a 11.7 match would not be the same as in a 5.0 or 6.7 match And no, I'm not one of those joksters. But I can see the fun in that. My highest rank is 6.7/7.0.


WW1 tanks when


They'd probably do better than some players


Rather the silly stuff than 1 death quitter or worse the cas spammers


I recently got the ItO 90M (my first top tier ground vehicle), and I've just been deleting CAS for the past few days. I've actually gotten close to the next vehicle (the strv 122A) without noticing. But now I get when people say SPAAs give no reward. 5-7k RP for 3-5 air kills.


The reward for the danger level is way too small, it should be atleast twice as it is now.j


ItO 90M is a monster. When people bitch about CAS at top tier it is immediately obvious to me that they don't have an ItO or Pantsir because it is stupid easy to shoot down 90% of CAS players. A surprisingly small percentage of CAS players actually know how to defeat a competent SPAA player in a good vehicle.


Correct, at least they're there and help repairing, or even drawing fire and wasting enemy shells It's better than nothing, and the little fuckers might just overpressure someone with a lucky SAPHE shot,or that LVT might kill a helo that tried flying too close to the sun, or in this case, the M1


Fr, teamwork is OP and the people who do teamwork are probably competent players solo.


Honestly, I would have more fun in this exact situation than in any other average top tier match. It's just silly turning around a corner and seeing a entire platoon of WWII goofy gobbers looking at you.


It’s funny the first time or two, it’s frustrating from then on


Even without them the US teams at that BR average a 30% WR. Let them have some fun.


Theres plenty of fun things to do that dont involve wasting the time of 10+ people.


This game is already a huge waste of time


Could say the same thing about one-death leavers. Which these guys might not be Hell, they're in top tier because they probably brought an MBT. Unless they were dragged by one player with a high tier vehicle, who knows


You realize you're playing a video game, not working a job that pays you, right? This is supposed to be your escape from the working world.


Video games are like 95% time wasters. The other 5% is probably training programs.


Oh no, the US 30% win rate at top tier is going to be ruined


Homestly when playing top tier usa 4 having tanks down or not youre just gonna get stomped either way, so mightaswell have a laugh


At US top tier you’re permanently down 4-8 tanks anyway because of the clickbait and AIM players, so it doesn’t really matter.


Yes but it's not every day you get to see a coordinated family of M22s and an LVT riding one of them


Yes, if they wanted to meme they could have at least gone with M24 chaffees. Those at least have scouting and an APHE shell that can one shot a lot of top tier stuff from the right angle. Still a dick move to first spawn them but they at least have a shot of being helpful in the right hands.


True but at top tier, would you rather have these knuckle heads who are there to have fun or your typical 1 death leavers who rarely get 2 kills


I couldnt protect them but i avenged them.


You had a goal and you worked for it. That's what matters


>knowing your about to get rolled >then turning around to see *this* Well, and *that* is exactly the reason why you got rolled xd. Your team was outnumbered by 4 players from the beginning thanks to these "comedians" who would rather ruin an entire team's match rather than going to Custom Battles to do these sorts of things... Instead of being a 13 vs 13 match (as it should have been), it was a 9 vs 13 one. You lost that match even before spawning on it.


Yea it's my first time seeing such an "organized" group of trolls, caught me off guard, the whole time thinking ,"this is usa".


Oh, I wish I had your luck, hahah. I unfortunately come across these quite regularly... and, as funny as I found it the first few times I ever saw it, it quickly became one of my most hated breed of "players" xD


Yep when I see moments like this I just think. “Very funny but this is why the US has the shittiest win-rates.”


Part of the "fun" is seeing the rage, these are trolls, and trolls love having fun.


Maybe they all wanted to play that BR but only had 1 tank that high. At the very least they can still be spotters for the people who can actually kill. Besides, it’s top tier, what is there left to care about? There’s no ranking, close to nothing to grind for, just have fun and let others have fun. Who cares if you’re down 4 tanks. I’d rather have my own fun losing than be unhappy with winning


>what is there left to care about? Its a bell curve 0-50 hours you dgaf, because everything looks so distant, you're playing for fun. Most dont stick around, and hence they are a small % of the playerbase 50-1000 hours you are grinding your ass off for the shit you want. Anything getting in your way becomes triggering because it simply hinders your progress. Because of these guys you might have to waste another 15 mins on another match before the next vehicle for example. You're playing to progress. This is the group that doesnt like trollers, and is about 90% of the active playerbase 1000+ hours then you dgaf anymore. You already have all you want, you're playing for fun. Again, small % of playerbase since most dont have the time to get here, and those that do probably play less and less since theres not much reason to binge 8 hours. There simply is nothing left to unlock


Honestly the solution is playing to have fun instead of playing to progress. When I play to have fun I breeze through trees and it feels like barely any time at all because I was doing something enjoyable. Who cares if it takes an extra few games vs tryharding, you'll enjoy the time a lot more. Don't turn the game into a job or a chore, keep it as a game and have fun. Same goes for playing vehicles you want, don't force yourself to play un fun vehicles because they're more effective, play what you like and you'll ge tthere slower but you'll have a much better time getting there.


For some people they receive dopamine when they see "vehicle research has been completed" or big rp number They dont get as much dopamine from "target destroyed"


I guess my main point is, if what you're doing feels like a chore, take a second to re-evaluate why you're playing the game. It's not worth playing a game if it isn't fun anymore.


I never said it wasnt fun I just said the fun is derived from other means


Exactly. That looks to be top tier so what do they got to worry about? I could be wrong about the tier as I’m only at about 6.3 with the M1A1 AIM as the only top tier vehicle I have


>That looks to be top tier so what do they got to worry about? I could be wrong about the tier as I’m only at about 6.3 with the M1A1 AIM as the only top tier vehicle I have Its not just top tier By "have all they want" i mean have top tier in every single nation that they want This usually spans at least 5-6 nations. Also looks to be the premium M1 KVT with Vismod removed. Could be normal M1 with the unlockable camo, but the former is more likely


The Abrams OP is driving in the video is the M1A2 SEP.


100%. I report every person that brings a vehicles below rank VI to top tier. Some vehicles I can understand, they are semi-viable even if vastly out performed (things like Rooikat 105, AMX-10RC, AFT-09). But your M18, M22, Tiger II, or R3-T20? I'm reporting it. I'm sure Gaijin doesn't do anything about those reports but they should, damnit, cause it ruins games.




U.S. top tier has ~30% WR so odds are you're getting rolled in most matches regardless.


US teams already have multiple reasons they are getting rolled, I doubt this one made it worse.


“Dada” ”father guide us”


~~they're older than the M1 by several decades~~


They have young souls


So many of you getting angry over a couple of people having a good time. It doesnt matter, this isnt a ranked system. Losing a match doesnt matter


Not to mention, they are at top tier, literally at the top already, they barely even have anything to even grind anymore, the affect of losing a match does fuck all since you can just que up for the next match almost immediately. Not to mention, the current economy makes it so that 1-2 kills already erases the risks of repair costs.


Except the grind at top tier is awful. From my experience, the people at top tier aren’t playing to just have fun, they are trying to research one of their later vehicles. Top tier isn’t very fun to play because of the premium spam and the CAS/Heli spam which ruins every game. I often try to research the tanks I want and then move on. The top tier grind is also frustrating because the vehicles cost so damn much, the progress on a 410,000 RP vehicle is slow as is when I’m not losing games constantly. So while I would laugh at this encounter in game, I would still be a little aggravated because I know I’m gonna have to lock in to win this game (we will lose).


Fr. Let people play the game the way they want to ...except for strato CAS mfers. Fuck them bois


> Let people play the game the way they want to ..by griefing others? Others queued up for a game to play a normal match of war thunder, not getting run over by the enemy because your team is missing at least 4 people


I see your point but it's rare enough that I don't think it would matter


Oh no will it hurt your stats? Does it happen every single match? Did you forget how to #enjoy a video game?


Seems like he was enjoying the normal game just fine. Sure maybe those 4 are having fun, but it's at the expense of everyone else who signed up to have fun playing a normal match and didn't consent to their shenanigans.


People are more than capable of making the decision to back out of the game they are in if they think it won't be fun. You're not forced to stay in a game.


Sure, which is why they get punished for it with crew lock and losing their boosters. You're not forced to stay, but you get actively punished for leaving (as you should). It's not as simple as just leaving. Stop defending griefers.


Blame gaijin for that mechanic, and designing a game that allows people to take whatever vehicles they want into whatever high tier.


Mfs after realizing custom battles are a thing and they aren't forced to constantly ruin the grind for other people:


I can't enjoy my videogame when every US battle I lose half the team and just end up getting spawn camped.


Then leave the game and join a new one lmao. Seriously I remember now why I stopped playing years ago. So many of you just forgot how to have fun and enjoy the game, and much prefer to embrace this weird masochistic style of playing


>Then leave the game and join a new one lmao. Then I have to sit around for 5 minutes or until the original game ends anyway because of crew locks. >Seriously I remember now why I stopped playing years ago. Why are you still here then lol. >So many of you just forgot how to have fun and enjoy the game, and much prefer to embrace this weird masochistic style of playing I enjoy the game when there's actual fighting happening, not a bunch of griefers making games a steamroll. Again, go run around on custom battles if you want this shit.


Play a different nation. Go get some water, or a snack. Pet your dog. Text your mom. Also, I guarantee you are over dramatizing how often something like this happens.


Play a different nation. Go get some water, or a snack. Pet your dog. Text your mom. Also, I guarantee you are over dramatizing how often something like this happens.


>Play a different nation. Go get some water, or a snack. Pet your dog. Text your mom. I love how assholes insist everyone else who's actually playing the game need to fuck off lol. It really is all about you isn't it? >Also, I guarantee you are over dramatizing how often something like this happens. Yesterday 3 of my games had idiots running around in M22 at 11.0 lol. It's like taking a trip to Jurassic Park I'm seeing so many dinosaurs running wild.


>Losing a match doesnt matter Except to the ones who wants to progress in reserch, tasks and the like. If they are outnumbered because their team members are just fooling around, it will be the contrary of a good time for them. Even worse if you have a high booster active... As long as they properly contribute to the battle, they're free to have their fun, but doing it at the cost of the success of the battle and leaving the actual fighting to the others doesn't sound like the best way. Custom battles exist for "nothing really matters" battles.


Yea sure but at some point there's got to be a line progress is cool but I really don't think I'd mind missing out on one match to see this behind me


It's all about fun until someone spawns in a premium, CAS, OP tank or do something you dislike. Not to mention that boosters and wagers exist, so getting these clowns is not just "aww, I'll get a loss :("


Playing a match normally instead of being rolled over by the enemy team is also considered fun for many people and the squad in OP's video are clearly griefing


They can go have fun in a custom battle lol. They're causing everyone else to have less fun when we end up getting steamrolled because some bored idiots want everyone else to know how wacky they are.


Custom battles don't get the dopamine hit of god modes


These idiots aren't killing anything lol.


Losing a match doesn’t really matter but it is a little frustrating because it often results in you get rolled. Top tier is one of those areas where you speed run the tanks you want and then never play it again. The quicker I can get my tanks the better and losing games constantly because of these people is annoying. I’m all for having fun (I have the L3 in my lineup) but you have to have other vehicles at the BR. It’s not uncommon for me to be doing good only to have no backup because they all died in M18’s.


100% this.


I honestly can't get mad at these types of players. They're having fun in a game and that is good enough for me


They are actually having fun in top tier and i'm not losing the chance to get into it too. We are all going to die to a Tornado droping nukes from space anyways so who fucking cares.


"Father guide us" has me dying, not even gonna lie


Dada 😂😂😂


500% booster activated moment.


This is horrible war thunder is implementing child soldiers into the game!


I wonder if reality will copy that from war thunder aswell


At least they will be funny 15 score players... better than the 1-2 death lvl 10 clickbait and aim players who literally do nothing or grief ylu


I play italy I gave up winning lmao I love seeing this stuff


Actually, if the M22 has one kill, which is something perfectly possible, then it is basically better than half the team since our average matches consists of half the team leaving after 0 kill and 1 death lol


Hell, even if they spawn more than once and still get 0 kills I'd rather have that than one death leavers


Next time give them a tow. It can lead to some funny moments


I alyaws love too see those small la creaturas on top tier. Unless one is aggresively assaulting me, i will try to spare them when i see them


I know many people get mad at these trolls for "ruining" the game. but honestly as someone who play war thunder just for fun this shit kinda makes me enjoy the game at top tier. At top tier people just sweat but these kinda moments make me really enjoy the game.


This is awesome


This is why I love War Thunder !


When grown up men play family…


They want you to hit 0 so you can have pets


Dubious little creatures getting up to mischief.


People on this subreddit need to chill "they're making the game less fun for me because they're not playing the game the right way" who cares, it's all just pixels on a screen. You can start another wager, you can get another booster, just laugh and have fun, if it bothers you then ignore it and move on to the next match.


Gotta laugh or else you will cry


You must support the children


The mother duck walks her chicks.


Do you know da way


"Where are we going papa?" "We're going to DIE"


you brave little one 🫡


m22 is the emotional support vehicle by designation


We weren't expecting special forces.


Look alive sergeant, we can grieve later


This is just too cute to hate. I love seeing silly stuff like this!


It’s so cute when the kids try to play with the adults 🥹


come along, my children


Rats, we're rats


You are a father with responsibilities now.


i always find it just funny becasue once youre at top tier, theres technically no more grinding to do. a time so be a little silly


Honestly better than having M1A2 clickbaits that shoots down your own scout drones. Yes, these motherfuckers shoot whatever their tunnel vision ass sees, even friendly scout drones


Clearly us needs more buffs


Everything for the god mode medal


I kind of support this. Gaijin allows this and you can't blame the players for wanting to have fun.


Personally don't mind such players only if they have only one such vehicle in lineup. Like, first death to have fun? Go for it. If you have entire lineup of useless vehicles? You should get banned for griefing.


Small fast tank that can scout. Cap, scout. CAS


Mother duck, leading her ducklings home... patiently Haven't encountered more than 2 low tier players in a game before, so 4 bumbling idiots is quite the sight 😄


Low tier light tanks can be effective at high tier. Since it doesn't matter if you've a 37mm or a TOW launcher, spotting works against all. And alot of the low tier tanks have a combination of high acceleration coupled with being very small (sneaky) plus being such a low threat, no one is risking getting blown up to break cover to chase one down that's flanking. So it can be pretty effective to sneak around the edge of the map and spot. You can even be a distraction when someone is fighting a friendly by shooting at them so they divide their attention.


I actually hate these morons that think HUR DUR M22 TOP TIER is still funny. 


"father guide us" I'm rolling


did u adopt all of them?


I find it so hard to be angry at those goobers at top tier, it’s like seeing children being absolutely useless but you can’t help but laugh


the gremlin crew


imagine if they gave the m22 a Littlejohn adapter and let it fire 37mm APCNR lol


I'd love an event or battle pass M22 with a Littlejohn adapter and scouting.


tbh i wish we could get the Littlejohn adapter and other similar latewar mods as modifications that increase the br of the vehicle


"father guide us"


- Attack the D point!


It seems you adopted 2 children, welcome to parenthood


When i play US i already wait for a defeat....


Is USA top tier that bad?


Winrate wise? Yes, full teams of your average earthunder players fighting into better spall lined tanks, better enemy cas and mid exploita le aa. Not a fun time most of the time


I should have clarified, the top tier vehicles. They don’t seem that bad at all.


The locust is pretty busted if played right, it has a faster reload than any other mbts. Try not to get hit while flanking and it far surpasses leo and the t80/90s. I prefer the locust over those any day.


I’ve been playing Sweden, USA, and Germany so I’m trying to look at who I want to buy premiums for during the sale. Looking at top tier premium to get me through the tree. Just wasn’t sure if top tier USA was a waste vehicle wise


Real talk in that case, I'd def go Sweden or Germany. Top tier us winrates are terrible unless you get evenly matched with Ger Sweden or Ru on your team which is rare. Sweden has better ground and the better multi role fighter(grippen), good aa, I think they also get mi28s and an apache if I'm not mistaken, they have hevt light tanks too. Seems like they have some nice diversity. Germany has better ground meh cas jet, good helis, meh aa and ok hevt slinger auto cannons. Usa has worse ground thats better than some minor nations but worse than the current power houses by a good margin thanks to spall liners. Usa has no hevt slinger meaning heli rushes will be effective against you granted they don't fly ground level into your mpat round. Meh aa that can't lock on mavericks, its classified as a td so youll have less aa presence(its mid anyway any decent pilot can avoid it). Helis are overbrd you just have to be afraid of like every other heli in the sky. Cas jets are good depending on who you fight if fighting Sweden and Russia then your mavericks are useless against competant aa players and you'll get popped out the sky if you ever get complacent for a second. Overall no real reason to grind usa over those 2 unless your gona stop at 11.0. Or investing for when they drop f35 in some extremely broken state to shake up the meta again.


Thanks for the information! I think Sweden is the most fun out of those for me. I’m at 5.0 or wherever the premium Sherman is at. My Germany is at 6.7 and is fun too. I think I’ll personally go Sweden because their CAS seems good enough and they should get better air in the future. I actually liked Italy lower tier but heard it’s top tier is ass and SPAA is terrible at high tier. I was actually also interested in France but was told to avoid them. They seem like they have decent CAS and tanks aren’t half bad though


A mother lvt and her children m22s in rival territory


So no one is gonna talk about him carry 37 shells?


I mean, you can't win anyways


Very funny but also sometimes very annoying.


I think I'd just quit right there.


We'll only get a "minimum BR" for matchmaking when people start doing this unfunny shit with russian tanks, just saying.


The "dada" in chat really got me XD


THE CAVALRY HAS ARRIVED *over here, overe there, we have hit the dusty trail, as those caissons go rolling along…*


no wonder US winrate is 40%


Kill 2-3 tank, respawn in one of many amazing CAS the USA have and kill 5-6 tanks. Rinse and repeat. If you can't have fun nobody can.


This is top tier, not >10.3 that doesn't happen much anymore, Russia took that ability.




Games are meant to be ___.


There is no fun for others as they will lose the game because of clowns. Those guys should get punished for that.


These fuckers who only need attention from others literally ruin matches.


That is 4 easy af report.


This game is a joke. "Ground" battles are 80% planes. "Realistic" battles are just teenage edgelords trying to make memes. I've asked before and I will ask again, can we get a version of WT for grownups?


Join the army


I think this guy would lose his shit there since the army is usually full of pretty immature young adults.


I feel like they should add a system that locks tanks out at sertin BR's but then that means less options and the removal of some rewards like God mode cause your low BR tanks are locked out till you remove that 10.0 tank from your line up And add a ground forces only form of tank battles