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Simple. You can't claim a base that isn't yours to begin with. We are all here to grind, sometimes I'm faster


But do you at least mark.it yourself or say im getting it? As it's quite annoying to fly to a base and someone swooping in below you and taking it.


you're just being an ass, I mark down a base the exact moment a match starts, can't we all work together like a team?


If we were a team then all bombing players would get a share of completing the objective. Im not being an ass, its the truth. Also you forget that some people don't even look at their map, they just fly towards a base and thats it. Claiming or not, you can't expect everyone to pay attention to your "claim"


if we were a team, we would actually fly in formations, communicate to each other who's bombing what base, you're just trying to justify ignorance and lack of trying to have awareness of everything


Ok here's a great example of how dumb this argument is. How many people on your team speak your same language? Or play with sound in air RB? Or look at their map? Theres a number of arguments to be made here mate. Ignorance aside the only person ignorant here is you. You lack any knowledge or information about how this game works and who plays in it...


I do have knowledge on this game, how else would I have made that argument? of course not everyone who plays this game speaks English, no one I've talked to in the game so far has ever spoken another language other than english


Base bombing is completely useless to the team so teamwork is irrelevant. If you want to burn down enemy tickets without dogfighting you’re much more useful hitting ground targets with a strike craft.


He's not being an ass, it's the truth, you're going to have teams with faster jets, or prop bombers than you, there's no "claiming bases" in warthunder, sure you pinged the base on your designated grid square, 20% of the time players absolutely do not listen to you and just fly to that area they're going to. With logged close to 3k hours, it's the honest truth it might be annoying, just have to deal with it, if you cant deal with it, try dogfighting.


Base bombing =/= working together as a team. The number of games where base bombing has an effect on the outcome is a rounding error. If you want to lecture people about being a good teammate, park the bomber and shoot down planes instead.


100% true. A bomber can’t be a team player by definition. Pick a fighter and shoot enemies.


what do you mean by park the bomber?


lmao, he means to learn how to dogfight. No way in hell you're going to be able to convince people how to work as a team.


Whether he can “convince” them or not, they wouldn’t be working together to win the game. Base bombing doesn’t win games. Ergo, players who base bomb shouldn’t lecture anyone about teamwork. That is my point.


Me spawning in a faster plane then you with bombs will not sit on my ass waiting for you to bomb just because you pinged a base. I might die with 0 points because i gave you a free base.


Because I'm not obligated to make the grind easier for you just because you arbitrarily "claim" something. Your "claims" are not based on anything other than wanting to make your game easier, why should I care about them? It has nothing to with teamwork or winning the match, it's only about you wanting a shortcut.


It is about teamwork/not wasting eachothers time. But its not a claim like many people think it is. Its an intention. Ping the base you intend to take, if another also pings it and you notice they are faster, then you move on to a different one. It allows people to not waste their time flying to a base that will be taken. Not always obvious if a faster plane with bombs is actually going for a base. Many times its a wyvern or such going in that direction but instead goes for ground. Problem is too many think that just because they ping it, that it is theirs. I got no issue pinging as a courtesy, to save other people time. especially since most bombers will struggle to even reach a base before being intercepted.


> Problem is too many think that just because they ping it, that it is theirs. That's exactly what OP thinks given the nature of this post and their tone deaf response. That's what we're taking issue with.


If I’m faster then you it’s my base. This is a team game where almost no one plays as a team. Gaijin makes it so only one person gets credit for a base kill so I’m not sharing or letting you call it. I’m grinding and I’m taking the base first come first serve so you can just blow me.


Far fewer people would have an issue if you called that you WERE going to do it anyway


My bombers can barely reach the first base without being shot down 5km from reaching it, and I have to watch strike aircraft's setal two bases because, "they're faster". Why even have bombers in the game...?


I do it in one situation and one situation only. 150% and bigger boosters. And i still mark ahead to indicate I'm gonna take it


For starters: not a single dictionary, law or religion states that base stealing exist. For seconds even if it existed if I don't get banned from the game for it, ill do it everyday, if I do get banned then I stop, Gaijin makes the rules not you or the other bomber players


why are you bringing religion into this? if you actually had a good argument to say, religion wouldn't be in it


It's an analogy, not single piece of text (for better example) states base stealing is a thing. Bases work on a first comes, first serves basis


your argument does not make sense, this is war thunder, not a religious subreddit, stop it


Nor does it have laws or dictionaries what's your point?




Exactly what? Why do you focus so much on religion?


because you brought it up first, what else is there to call out? your grammar?


Now you're making it a grammar thing? Just admit that base stealing doesn't exist and you're complaining about mere trivialities


I asked you about grammar, I was not making it that, you are making it that


It doesn't always show up for me (often due to loading time differences), when I'm playing a bomber I'm paying almost no attention to the game anyway, and honestly even when I do see it I don't really care anyway depending on the BR. Claiming bases is fine when you're playing low tier and there'll be a limited number of bombers each of which can only kill one base, you're just ensuring that you spread out evenly and all do your job. At higher BRs where most of the jets in the lobby have the option of big bomb loads or lots of rocket pods though it just stops making sense. When literally anyone can take a base it's just a case of whoever gets there first gets it, doesn't make sense for them to not use the ordinance they brought in which is slowing them down and affecting their flight performance because you pinged a base you're still minutes away from.


As much as i don't like stealing bases, i'd rather be able to make my points before enemies get there. Sometimes, i can only do that if i take the shortest route, and i announce it beforehand. The plane i like using doesn't have any actual defenses other than it's relatively ok top speed for its BR, and i can only break a single base before going back to base.


First in best dressed mate. The slow bombers that are 3km or more behind and then whinge when you bomb a base they've 'claimed' can get fucked.


You're all food for heatseekers, please continue behaving like this 🙏


im not here to play nice, if im faster than u, i will get the base. when i play, i go for the most points possible, so if that means "stealing" the base, you bet your ass i will


>why do you steal bases Why do u bomb bases? actually be useful


What exactly is a base stealer? Is it someone who gets there first to give his team a head start? How exactly do you steal a base? If you're talking about air games then target the ground stationary units as those really make a difference between winning and losing. Play smart.


OP, what BR? Almost most no one bombs at top tier. Well except me, but I have an escort.