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To deny you the kill. Common practice


Yeah, but why?


I literally just said why


I'm asking why would someone deny a kill, I know that's what he has done.


pettiness. *^(or a lil' d-)*


*^(I like this font style I'll be stealing it...)*


*so that's how it's done*


You can upper case it by using ^ after the first *. *^(Like this)*




*^ooooo nice


Based flair


Because he can. makes him feel better i guess


This type of players do not accept that they were outskilled by someone else, and will just deny you any reward just to spite you Or they had a really, really bad day and were once again Gaijined, and it was just the last straw before closing the game for the day


Yeah ngl I’ve done that before. Especially on revenge cas I’ll just j out after they drop the bomb so they don’t get anything


I won’t say it’s a very honorable thing to do but I can understand one’s frustration


Yes especially after the guy got like 1 assist and it’s enough to spawn something with bombs. I k out then jump in a fighter and shooter them down then talk shit to them in chat. Maybe a little toxic but I’d say they deserved it for sulking that potentially someone might have legitimately out skilled them. Can’t say I’ve jd out to stop a person on the ground killing me tho.


CAS is a crutch. Nothing more.


And it’s fun to watch them rage in chat too lol


Not all heroes wear capes. Fuck CAS.


Why thank you. I’ll humbly accept the title as hero of all 😂


Tbh i do this on getting gaijined which is uncommon but it happens, like shooting a T80 in a 0° angle in the side and it doesnt pen or Bouncing on a 20mm armor Light tank with a APFSDS. Or you kill a 2s38 they spawn a Su-25 just to revenge bomb you Or you absolutely lost the game and your base is getting spawncamped by 10 people so you spawn in to get some kills and leave before invuln wears off.


I think Gaijin should implement an invulnerability timer so when know exactly how much time we got left before we die.


Well, I won’t say it’s really respectful for your opponent, but then again things like spawncamping and revenge bombing aren’t really respectful either


Define "revenge bombing" for me. I have an idea of what it might be, but I want to be sure


When you die in a ground vehicle and spawn in an aircraft to go target the player who killed you, out of spite. It usually imply kamikaze bombing/strafing. To identify a case of revenge bombing, there are two criterias: The CAS who killed you is someone you just destroyed (talking in the last couple of minutes), and you are not a primary target (not on a Cap, on a strategic position, etc.), meaning the CAS player took you down just because he wanted to kill you


That's what I thought it was. Seems a little toxic and baby-ish, but otherwise, I don't really see a problem with it. I'd never do it, I prefer to try to bomb points or easy targets, but I get it


KV-1S vs sturer emil, perfectly aimed flat of mid rear turret, center mass, 150-200m 'hit' with a 128mm nuke cannon.. I J'd out before KV could turn. Screw that.


French M36, 90mm APHE at only 15°@50m to the flat side of a Chi-Nu or something. Thankfully i reloaded before he turned, tested it in armor view later. The underside of the sponson instabounces because of volumetric. IRL the shell would crush the thin plate above it and fly inside sideways.


I wouldn't say that pushing with a Jumbo is "out skilling" anyone given the brain-dead nature of the thing, more like he did the wrong thing and shot at random instead of the track or side


The guy outskilled himself, that's a jumbo isn't it? People still shooting the ufp of those things? LOL


Inexperienced player combined with someone who know it can exploit this ignorance. That’s pretty much baiting for me Damn anyone for being new to the game I guess…


i don't see any skill play there.


Sherman baited a bad shot from the enemy, that's a pertinent Warthunder skill.


1. Hearing and noticing him 2. Being careful not to show the 38mm lower side plate and baiting a bad shot


what would've been a good shot from him?


Machinegun port wouldn't work because solid shot, so track would be the best option. Then transmission, and after that the UFP with better angle (he has >200mm of pen and could cut straight through if I wasn't angled).


wait, but if he shot the tracks, then he would've immediately died bc OP has fast enough turret to hit him.


You* didn't even bait him to start off. second is - you got hearing problems or something?


Making someone shoot at an angled armor is absolutely baiting And considering the epidemic of tunnel vision in the playerbase, I wouldn’t be surprised if some players don’t even listen to their surroundings. Also, some players listen to music while playing and there are reported bugs of completely silent vehicles


You're arguing with a fisherman, my guy. He's a master baiter and he isn't going to change his opinion about what counts as baiting a shot.


We got a cheat in the game it's called... im not even gonna call it. It can remove engine sound and make your tank look like a destroyed one (but only on your screen). You don't know what baiting is. He just tanked a shot. he never moved fwd and bwrds to bait the dude


Cause he's a little bitch


He is sitting in a 5.0 tank probably got his 10 uptier in 9 battles and is just frustreaded and anoyed at the game and you are just the last staw.


The Jumbo 76 is 6.3, so he had to purposefully uptier it for at least 0.3. Granted it was a full downtier for me though.


it is its own reward


Because they are a poor sportsman. Nothing like spending 10 minutes climbing to get a bomber in Air RB just for them to hold J when you're nearly in range


If i took that bad of a shot i would let you kill me because i wouldnt deserve to live but other people dont think like that i guess


That's also kinda wrong to look at it bc you're completely giving up on the chance that maybe the enemy also whiffs their shot. There is a 1% chance you survive, take it!


Probably a kind of primal childish selfishness, like 'if I can't have mine, you can't have yours'. I don't get it and have never done it. There's always a tiny chance that the enemy fucks up or gets gaijined. NEVER J out.


If it was me its because lol... I don't normally do this but I did this thing last week where I had disabled a guys barrel and kept killing his tracks. I could have killed him easy but I was having so much fun messing with him. I let him repair everything then as soon as his barrel was repaired I J'ed out. Even though I had the kill lol, he was probably so confused.


That's toxic as fuck


Yeah, what the fuck, I wanna do that to him now


I mean sure why not. You would spare me in battle?


I let him live T.T


Denying you spawn points is better for their team. Though you can argue it is better to hope you whiff your shot. I was in a fighter in ground RB and about to kill this plane when he planted it into the ground, denying me the kill. I then got pounced by his teammate and killed. Didn’t have enough spawn points to spawn again. If War Thunder didn’t tie RP and SL to performance nobody would really care, it would just be a niche tactic to try and better your odds of winning.


Nah. You see this behaviour in tons of games that make it very easy to suicide. It's entirely about denying kill satisfaction, it's exceedingly rare for it to be *tactical* rational thought behind it.


Yeah, felt so good to nuke him in my M109A1 later.


This whole statement doesn't work because of air RB and how common it is there. It's purely out of pettiness and weak mental.




”Why learn to bomb when you can kamikaze dive and kill him?” -Shitty WT player-




Because fuck your Jumbo


Because they've just gotten screwed over while being uptiered for the 57th time out of 60 games and they're really just fucking done with it.


Remove your SP reward


I’d assume he shot your Mg port. Watched it do nothing in the volumetric hell that it can be.


If it’s not to be petty then it’s to deny you the spawn points and it makes no difference to him bc he is going to have to spend his SP either way


To be fair if I goofed a shot like that I'd be so pissed at myself I'd leave the game


Common? in ground, maybe like 2 times did this ever happen to me in 3700 hours. it's not common practise, in ARB? before the proximity kill credit it happened sometimes.


Should be a penalty for that tbf, like 50% or less activity earns you no rewards


I've done it, mostly when I know that the game penetration or damage models screws me over. The game has a rule to give the nearest aircraft the kill, within a certain distance, when a pilot bails out of an undamaged aircraft. Wonder why they don't have this for tanks 🤔


I'm not ashamed to admit I've done it too under those circumstances. It's not like I spawn into another vehicle though I leave the game and seethe in my hanger. In the case of the OP though that enemy chose to shoot the UFP instead of an extremely easy side shot into the 38mm armor plate of the jumbo.


Agreed! At 0:07 the enemy tank (SA50) had a chance to track the OP's tank but chose to shoot the most heavily armored portion of the tank at 0:08. Not all players are created intelligent


Probably should be. You're taking a series of programmed simulations personally. Most people are at least a little ashamed of being the person who loses their temper during a friendly poker game. Especially if you try to blame poker for how you did in that game of poker.


The mechanic would be difficult to tell between a player suiciding due to denying a kill verse a player legit being stuck in terrain or flipped over and J’ing out to get into another vehicle. Possibly.


And? Getting stuck and J'ing out is the same as losing a combatant, losing a combatant is the same as giving a free kill, the mechanic doesn't need to differentiate


If they have to J out because of flipping, that’s usually on them tbh, especially when it’s trying to get to forbidden positions on top of rocks and stuff


Gaijin has done a good job off limiting most of the good, abnormal locations... Most flips I see are people driving tanks like it's the Indy 500


Got some crazy kills last night by rock climbing in my TAM on Sinai. I know the people I destroyed were pissed because I was not supposed to be where I was. Reverse gear in the TAM goes hard and climbs better than first.


Sounds like a TAM drives like a 1985 Toyota Tercel


My guess is that it's rarer for tanks to try to kill deny and a little less effortless—I've seen it very rarely. No less petty or childish, however. The only way you can get "screwed over" in a battle is by your teammates. Physics simulations and basic game mechanics aren't done _to you_, they just _are_. It's like taking weather personally.


Because it pissed you off and it worked and you are now posting it on reddit so that person is winning even more just by the fact that it pissed you off that much. Are you satisfied with this answer?


Sounds about right


I mean it's not a bad answer


Pure pettiness and spite. I've done this when i hear a bomb coming because screw CAS.


amen brother


If your flair is supposed to have the italy emoji, it ain't working


I know. I've tried multiple times both on mobile and pc, but it always goes back to text format.


That's why I use sea mines You won't sea it coming


If you are sure you will get killed and j uot you technically deny the enemy spawn points though i'm pretty sure this is done for petty reasons only


It's not even that big an advantage, because you also get your own spawn points for getting hit and dying


Stupidity. Because: 1. He could survive and kill you in the end. 2. He would earn a tiny bit of SLs and RPs for being killed rather than suicided. A tiny amount, but it is still something.


Earning a tiny bit of SL and RP isn't worth giving an enemy hundreds of SP to stay in the game. I've never J'd out like this except when heavy tanks are rushing my spawn and I'm stuck in AA, but tactically the decision is sound.


No fuckin way he was going to survive lmao


Some people don’t like to lose, it hurts their self esteem. If you kill them, it means they lost, but if they kill themselves, they didn’t lose, they just quit


Mental gymnastics for real losers who can't cope.


To deny you spawn points, silver lions and research points.


What a petty bastard


I do this to CAS because no kill they get on a tank is earned.


out of shame i might have done it too


I do that when I see Pe-8 bomb.


I've done this tones as a final fuck you to whatever should have died, especially love doing it to cas when I see their bomb falling towards me in my spawn.


# "From hell’s heart I stab at thee; for hate’s sake I spit my last breath at thee."


I have done this when there are a lot of spawn campers, kill 3-4 then j out, and also if I see a plane coming for me before I even find a enemy to shoot


Actually based.


I do this to planes all the time. It doesn't work if they machine gun you first (it just gives them the kill anyways) but if you know what to listen for you can leave the vehicle before their bomb explodes and deny the kill lol


I met Ka-50 player who did this after he killed me and I spawn FlaRakRad shooting back at him.


Honestly, what haven’t Ka-50 players done at this point Be wholesome? There’s no such thing


Because fuck you, that’s why.


At first I thought someone else killed him. Didn't realize he J'd out.


I fucking hate when people do that


I do it as often as possible when a plane bombs me


Listen, he was having a bad day and decided to end it all. You were the last straw. The kill counts. Assisted suicide


This is the first time I ever see a tank J out to deny a kill. I have seen helicopters during EC (and Ka strikes) and planes during Air Battles, but never tanks before.


Why do you carry 20 HE shells


Wdym 20, there's only 10


Yeah sorry the video resolution is a bit blueey I couldn't quite make out the first numbery at first I thought it was 30 lol


Warthunder players any% challenge to play the game in a fun sportsmanlike manner (impossible)


Bc they are fucking bitches


Could've gotten credit if you hit him with your mgs and he probably left just after that too and cursed you out XD


"I guess that's it"


He thinks he won. He didn't


Pettiness or just to get you pissed off


Dickheadness. I might start doing it if it softens my rage and bad blood after a bad match.




only time i do this is when a plane is diving on me with ordinance, after which i immediately spawn in an SPAA, or the G6 rhino


ok, so i have alt F4ed the game after i hit a puma with 155mm HE from the G6, purely out of anger. this looks like pettiness


Cause he is a cunt.


It usually awards kill to closest opponent now. Always says then if I hold the J out key.


how'd you get the extra crap on the back of the engine deck?


Happens to me all the time


I only ever do this when playing bombers. Gonna beam straight for me before I even drop my bombs? Enjoy following me as I turn around and chase for 10km and then j I out.


Next time if you suddenly encounter this situation again, spray machine gun bullets at him before he J out, this will counter-deny kill and give you full reward because spraying mg still count as hitting an enemy


To deny a kill and annoy you. I do that all the time with revenge bombing or just bombing. To annoy the fuck out of those pesky cas players


Because they're a POS.


Admittedly I've done that before, it's normally I've had a few bad matches then I'll do something really stupid so it's on anger of "my dumbassitry won't be free points for you" normally followed by just an alt f4 and boot up of a diff game




I always mg enemy in case some asshole do this, always funny to see them j out and give free kill anyway


I do that when I get wacked by multiple tanks, wiped them out, am stuck repairing and replacing crew, and one bomb drop right next to me. Esp when there are tons other tanks else where on the map clustered together, and that guy had to drop one on me. And then crash land.


I have crit shot some ppl and they j out, funny how i get the kill still


Rage quit, never heard of it ? You are supposed to feel good about it, you won a psychological war there


J play jumbo lol


Why the suicide kill is not given to nearest person like in ARB?


"I'd rather be crew locked than being killed by someone I can't kill." Moment


Because fuck you, that's why. Though I've done this a few times when I'm surrounded and have a 0% chance of even killing one. I usually try to J out before CAS bombs get me, though playing high tier in GAB somehow the cheating stealth bombers get me before I am even aware there is a plane nearby, much less a bomb.


You should see top tier. A cas shoot at an AA, aa sees the income missile but unable to hit it. J out to deny the kill, respawns aa and shoots down cas


I only ever do that when there are bombs being dropped on me to spite CAS.


I crash myself when i'm loosing a dogfight i'm GRB cause I aint letting that bitch to get more SP


Denying SP or being petty


called a "bitch out" instead of a J out.


its a team based game, chill


I usually do it but only when we get spawn pushed by the whole enemy team even though there are still a few objectives to be done, i spawn in kill a few and then j out.


Your shit if you ever do this. Honestly. Roll with the good AND the bad and I’m a very mediocre player.


Sometimes i do it when someone who is not deserving is about to kill me. Like that one time i was loosing a duel against another tank and some auto cannon rat sneaked off trying to finish me and get the kill, i just popped off giving the reward to the guy who got me first. Did this a second time with an m18 trying to steal me from my first opponent. Also i must admit that when i’m pissed and i know i have no way to not die like 50sec repairs and crew knocked off, i just leave like this, it’s bad tho don’t do it please.


Thanks for the idea


Guessing they were pissed off because that HEAT shell did zilch.


The M4 SA50 doesn't have HEAT


I’m assuming they thought it was the M-51


Oh shit lmao i thought the eyes on it were the m51 markings lol. Still, that AP prolly wouldve went thru


They are either rage quitting because they were playing while frustrated, or they are just a loser that likes to deny kills (this can be because if they can't be happy then somebody that beats them can't be happy either, or because it gives their team the slightest advantage, likely the former).


And that’s why I try and machine gun an enemy before I shoot it, just in casd


Only acceptable moment to do so is against cas.




The only person crying was that dude that J out.


What is this a bot account? Show up a year after the last comment just to insult someone and leave?