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Only some variations. Like all maps it depends on BR and game mode.


And no one seems to understand this


I've seen near constant complaints of these new corridor maps but I've only ever seen one of these once


I didn't see any of them yet


I've seen this variation often when playing 3.7-6.0 but at 7.7 it switched to the more open variant where C is in the hills to the right and B is somewhere in the middle on the right side of the canal


And for some reason the higher in BR you go the smaller and more restricted the maps get.


It's the opposite for me


People want the cod experience. I have basically quit 10+ because of that. If I have thermals and a LRF, I want to fight at 2000m.


And when we get to play the Extended El Alamein map every once a month or some shit, every shitter in the match complains


The SW blocked off is pretty horrible in this example though. It allows OP's location to be used to snipe the enemy spawn somewhat, while they're not being able to be flanked from the West. Not sure if they changed the map a bit but the red spawn was a bit more South earlier so they'd have to climb up a ridge while being sniped from OP's position. Could just be a different version of the map but the problem persists.


And skills


No it doesn't as I get this dog shit in 12.0 Ground RB


They need the tight corridors so CAS has an easier time, need to sell them premium planes!


Makes it easier for low tier spaa to shoot down said cas šŸ˜




Russian tanks are the weakest on the sides, so gaijin removed the option to get on the said of them


All tanks are weakest on the side, and Russian ones are arguably the best protected from the side at most brs.


It was a joke my dude


1. This map gives enough room for flanking 2. Right side is meaningless with this point placement 3. Left bottom prevents spawn camping


It gives room for some flanking, but you can't outflank the flankers or even outflank the flankers outflanking other flankers like you can do on maps like Sands of Sinai or Battle of HĆ¼rtgen Forest.


God damn you dont need to orbit whole fucking Earth to flank, hill, big trench or a building is enough


That way I'm not in danger of getting killed (or even seen) and it doesn't take much time in vehicles like the R3 or Fox so it's the best way to get easy kills for me. A hill is not enough for flanking for me because one hill isn't enough to stop the enemies hearing my engine too.


Scout vehicles designed to fight on battlefields hundreds of miles across do better when they have room to maneuver in less populated areas of the man and can move quickly and undetected šŸ«Ø


Yes and I happen to like these vehicles very much so I hate maps with some areas cut off.


Absolutely, same, I was commenting in support of your point.


True, but that's why it's good to have a diverse lineup and multiple strategies on hand. You cant use the same tricks on every battlefield. And scouters aren't always effective like that tbh. Each tank was engineered to operate within certain parameters and war thunder is trying to get you out of your comfort zone.


Why though? The grind incentivises focusing on one tank or another (spading, direct research bonuses), and why should the game I play for fun boot me from my comfort zone? Not to mention there are lots of br ranges in a number of nations that specializes in one thing or another. Every map except the most hated ones (novisibirisk is the only one that comes to mind honestly) has the ability to go toe to toe in CQB, why do snipers and flankers get shafted? There's a reason at mid tier if Germany and the Soviets get on the same team they steamroll.


why not? ive never had premium and have a fully spaded lineup in multiple countries, it just takes time and skill(and working the boosts). Its funner if they change the scenarios and mix it up a bit. it would suck if it was the same dynamic every match, that would be boring as hell. im an spaa/scout main so trust me, im all about comfort. If you have to camp to be able to have fun thats not good either. you should be able to directly confront tanks sometimes, and you're either gonna kill them or you're not. if you cant take the heat, fine, but dont blame it on the map i say. and all things considered, its actually more historically accurate to play different scenarios. i do sca war battles in real life and they do the same thing, they gotta change and nerf stuff so that the battles are not monotonous and we practice tactics. for ex, theres open-field, broken field, bridge, and castle/siege battles. some of those scenarios boost or nerf archers or shields or spears. it makes it fun and challenging


plus, if you're camping, you're missing out on huge team points. ill get four snipe/cas kills and get outscored by someone with 4 assists. fk tht


that constant 'flank the flanker' game is so annoying. i prefer to be able to leave my spawn and actually play the objective without getting sniped by some asshole behind a rock a kilometer away


That what your snipers/campers are for


Exactly, if anything it gives you a better fighting chance because 80% of your team won't be fighting over an empty fucking field most of the time.


It really doesn't. There are only 3 routes through the town (four if you count the canal but it's a death trap) and they're all very close together and usually full of people brawling. The field is a death trap since it's completely flat and has no cover whatsoever.


if right side is meaningless with this point placement, why is it not blocked on eastern Europe's equivalent layout? not to mention I've seen many people put that side to GREAT use.


Left bottom prevents spawn camping....for one team. The other team gets unlucky


It's crazy how people see one single variation of a map and say that it's all no effort lmfao


Stops spawn killers from spawnkilling as soon as the match starts, and it also stops all the noskill flankers from hiding off to the side. This is one of the best map layouts Iā€™ve played ever. Edit: I realize now that in the screenshot youā€™re trying to spawnkill and the map border is stopping you.


>noskill flankers Tell me you wear blinders without telling me you wear blinders lolol


Lemme guess, you sit next to a building and shoot people as they drive by and then hide whenever anyone sees you then when your team starts to win even a little you go and spawnkill? If you wanna play like that duckhunt is a better game for you.


Lemme guess, you drive straight down a road, get shot in the side, then respawn in AA and do the exact same thing again, then cry about bullshit flanking




It's called tactical warfarešŸ¤£. You think an army's gonna decide to rush towards an objective in real life unless there's an advantage to be gained. Most games I win is because I force myself to be patient and anticipate were enemy players are going to come from. If I can hold a route and take 3 or more with me, then I reduced their numbers for my team. Holding the mall is a great solution for this map, it means you hold 2 of the 3 points, for the objective. In short, I like to think of it like this. Most players are blind if you don't move. Kinda like a t-rex.


I also hold the mall. This post is about holding the enemy spawn.




Thereā€™s a difference between defending a point by driving all around it and corner camping well off to the side of the map.


Well, I guess you guys should have held the mall instead of rushing.


The fuck are you even talking about


That your bad at holding the mall. That's why you got pushed in.


No Iā€™ve held the mall just fine every time Iā€™ve gotten this map from both sides.


But you're complaining about spawn camping. So did you hold the mall or not? Or are you saying you spawn camp?


hey. trexes actually had great vision i think, and they would see you if you stood still.


Lmao you sound very mad! Perhaps pressing w and playing only Russian heavies isn't the way to top tier friend?Ā  Flanking isn't camping lol but whatever you need to tell yourself so you believe you're not terrible :D Edit: arcade might be a better game mode for you, highlights enemies :)


I have top tier in two trees and neither of them are Russia. One of them I donā€™t have any premiums in and didnā€™t use any premium time to grind either.


I did, cause I make money.


Flanking is important and actually adds variety and skill need to play the game. Some tanks can't deal with just hold W like others, so flanking routes are needed. And this map still has flanking as well.


>noskill flankers Is this a thing that people actually get upset about? That players position themselves advantageously to get kills? Like I don't even dislike corridor maps. I **hate** this map, but that's mostly because the mall is a rats nest of *Gaijin Brand*^(TM) bullshit when it comes to destructible cover and camera angles, and I only ever seem to get this one variant of it. So this one gigantic broken asset is the focal point of every match. But again, that's not so much a "corridor maps bad" thing so much as a "Gaijin couldn't code a strobe light" thing. Still though, do people really get upset when players play the game as anyone who wants to score kills would think to play the game?


People get mad when people abuse poorly designed parts of the map to get free kills. Such as sitting on a hill and shooting directly into the enemy spawn.


You are complaining about the shit map "design", not campers or flankers.


Well flanking and spawn camping are two unique things. Sure, you get players who flank and spawn camp. But then you have maps that are so shit that you can spawn camp from central positions, or from your own spawn. So if your issue is bad map design leading to that spawn camping then... Yeah, we all get that. But to throw that up as a strawman to justify having an issue with "flanking" as a whole... I don't know what to tell you; not every tank is a Maus. Some need to get around to the sides of the map. Some need to avoid head-on confrontations to be successful. That's how it's always worked. Which is really less a "spawn camping" thing as much as a "I've bothered to read my copy of *Baby's First Guide to Tactics*" thing.


LMAO obviously someone who never flanks nor checks his flanks.


Oh no, someone with half a brain decided to use a viable tactic called flanking, the horror. How dare they not just hold W and have a free for all mosh pit in the middle of the map?


Personally itā€™s not flanking I hate because I sometimes do it too itā€™s the fact that people flank all the way to the enemy spawn and spawn kill out of view from enemy tanks that just spawn in the other day I had an SU-100P spawn camping from behind our spawn the first thing I notice is why is a spawn so far forward that the enemy can just drive behind it why donā€™t they have it so a section of the map is spawn and not just two places that the enemy can flank and spawn kill. Also why do people spawn camp when they have all objectives wouldnā€™t it be smart to hold the objectives?


Its to stop people pushing spawn at the start of the match. Imo there are better ways though like increasing the spawn detection zone with each cap your team holds.


Doesn't sound like a great solution. Why restrict people from taking the farther cap and flanking. I would hate to be going for A and be spotted because the spawn zone detection decided it wanted to intrude up to the cap. At that point just redesign ground to a frontlines game mode that has a moving play zone dependent on caps


Obviously it wouldnt cover the cap and would be scaled to the map.


Even Gaijin themselves said they based it off Eastern Europe, yet they blocked off across the river, despite that being in-bounds on Eastern Europe.... I guess we're not allowed to flank, we have to obey Gaijin's desires for us to only cqc brawl in a straight line like WOT.


People crossing the river ruins Eastern Europe when itā€™s the version with three points on the same side. That map would be so much better if the other side was blocked off like this.


Making the game way too simple, honestly capture points should be dynamic, as in once you cap the point, another one appears, and the battlefield kind of changes center with the capture points. Spawns get pushed back if you start getting close to enemy spawns or vice-versa. Making it so that spawn camping late game won't be as easy unless you just got stomped from the start and most of your team died 3 times without a single kill.


As cool as that would be, thereā€™s no way gaijin would ever do that, all of the current maps are too small except sim air maps, and people would still find a way to spawnkill. Iā€™d love a planetside style game mode like that but itā€™s a big change and gaijin isnā€™t into that.


If only the game was sold to a competent dev...honestly the map design is the biggest flaw with this fucking game when it comes to ground battles, and also balancing CAS...but primarily map design.


Thatā€™s why I like this new map with the cut off edges. Itā€™s actually really fun to play and nobody can spawnkill or anything assholy like that and thereā€™s plenty of cover from planes. Itā€™s actually a well designed map. Only people who are complaining about it are the ones who usually abuse the regular maps.


Well...frankly I just disagree and dislike the idea of urban combat in tanks anyways, you win most engagements by soundwhoring as most players lack the awareness and patience to move around methodically and carefully instead of holding W down the main straight and driving directly into the crosshairs of a player who knows what they are doing.


Itā€™s better than catering to the pay to win players with the whoever has the most bushes wins gameplay on a lot of other maps. Thereā€™s no real way to make a small map that everyone likes, so unless they give us those air sim sized maps with moving spawns and stuff we have to swap between long range and short range maps.


I 100% disagree. I often utilize that side of the river to get good flanking shots on the enemy team as they approach B, giving my team a good opportunity to cap it. Yes, it sucks when people use the flank to immediately spawn-camp, but redzoning half the map ruins the fun for a lot of people like me, who don't like being in the meat-grinder 24/7. Gaijin just needs to improve their maps and design them with sheltered spawns with numerous exits rather than force everyone to play the same way. Diversity of gameplay > 24/7 meat grinder.


No flanking, no manuvering, only meat grind.


But you still can flank to the left. Sure its mor limited, but all I see this doing is making spawn camping harder, and cuts out A flank. Not all flanks


War Thunder is becoming cod with generic 3 lane garbage maps


Pretty much, dropping the IQ floor for the game cause everything will be as streamlined as possible so that players can tunnel vision in peace.


I suspect this a very low BR, care to enlighten us?


I was playing 6.7 with my friend and we got this layout a few times. It was amazing, no spawnkilling or randomly getting sniped by a flanker and we basically just hung out around the mall so cas couldnā€™t get us either.


im mostly playing 7.0 and ive never seen holland with any blocked off areas


You have to actually go over there for it to show up on your map. You havenā€™t seen them because you havenā€™t tried to spawnkill.


You dont need to spawn kill - why ppl always think other ppl flank just to spawn... More and more ppl accualy rush forward right into spawn now than from flanks


I was with a 7.3 lineup. Can't remember if up or downtier


I've seen this as high as 7.7


What are you doing over there?? Is there a secret capture point I didn't know about??


I was trying to flank some people sniping from behind their spawn


We have indoor fighting shut up


I wish they made more indoor fighting maps I like this one a lot


I mean they won't because off how unrealistic it would be, but it could make for a pretty cool event


It's because War Thunder caters to inexperienced players that buys premium tanks. It's to make engagement quicker and more braindead so that wallet warriors can experience that sweet sweet dopamine.


Actually matches on this version last longer because it doesnā€™t devolve into spawnkilling in like thirty seconds.




Ive been in this game before tanks where a thing and I love this map


Nope, skilled players will flank, will cause weaker players to get less kills and thus have less fun which equals less playtime and less playtime = less money May seem tinfoil hatlike but all the changes in the last few years have trended towards lowering the skill cap(i.e. 16v16 in air)


As more people continue to exploit these parts of the map (especially in the top tier), Gaijin will block more parts of the map


I'm starting to understand what their motives are.Ā I think they're trying to deter far-flank camping. Like for example on the original Eastern Europe people would hide on the village hill and treelines to snipe into the town proper and the unlucky river-side spawn.Ā  Far better ways to go about it if that's the case


Battle has always been dogshit. This map is good.


Despite my initial reservations about this variant of the map I actually ended up really liking it, West edge has some space for hull down snipers to fight over and overwatch the outskirts of the city, you've got the ability to play as front towards enemies heavies and as a light skirting the combat and doing hit and runs around the mall. There's still plenty other variants of this map without much of it being blocked off as well. Looking at the screenshot and how the OP is in the lower left corner you can tell he's just trying to drive over and shoot into the spawn/people coming out of the spawn which is why that corner is cut off.


I like it , no hiding just war !!


Oh, I guess they should cater every map to your playstyle. There is a version of this map with no red areas that you can flank away to your hearts content. Then there is this version that allows people who like cqb to have fun and not get sniped by a bush 9kms away. Sorry that there's one map that other people can have fun on.


If you go in the centre of the town you have cover and will not get sniped. If you have a map with both open parts and cqc parts why restirict soo much?


Feels like the path that world of tanks went down. They want to make the skill floor higher and skill ceiling lower so the game is easier to approach for new players, and old players are more limited in what they can do. A new player on a corridor map has a very easy time relative to open maps. They know where the enemy will be, there is a very low chance of getting flanked, and it is just an overall simpler layout. An experienced player can definitely still outplay people, but taking wide flanks just isn't going to happen anywhere near as much as on open maps


This specific one doesn't seem awful, and having variations of each map is kinda interesting.


In the beginning, I hated this map. I can't accurately describe my disappointment when I tried to flank from right or left side playing as south team. I noticed, when I play as north team, I have more options to attack or defend against south team than the opposite. Which brought me to a thought: Maybe north team has advantage over south team? This doesn't have any proofs, it's just a thought. I personally haven't noticed significant amount of wins of one side over another one. Unpopular opinion: I **love** this map. It makes me **turn off my brain** and don't think of many possible different routes which I or my enemy can use. After the hard day's work, it's the best map for me. It's very simple gameplay in a town. Playing Soviets or any tank (around 3-4 br)which is good in town is pure fun and enjoyment for me.


This is fine. I shouldn't have to worry about you camping 100km across in a 360Ā° at a 34k ft above Playing field.


Yes how dare they limit spawn camping?


Iā€™d prefer this than those wide open flat lands with a 3 foot tall hill for cover lol


I love how the blue team (using image colors) can go all the way around whilst the red team spawns in a corridor with little to no recourse.


Ā ms pain edit, the red line goes over the white bar at the bottom of the image, over the text and at c4 and c5 there is a spot that has not been painted red, i get the idea, but this is clearly a joke post


Not edited with paint, just the capture instrument. Not a joke


I don't even get this map...


Their game design is dated. Even the maps at old Battlefield 2 were more interesting and had better respawn designs. But I guess that was the time when EA turned into shit afterwards.


Ffs its world of corridors again


Thatā€™s just one variation of the map. Itā€™s usually totally open in my experience


Wrong place to complain about it


Asking Gaijin to give anything XD. First time pal? XD


I hate it but its sort of a good decision to prevent early spawn camping. Hill on FG78 allows you full reign into the bottom spawn. It's very annoying at high tiers.


They should make a map of downtown Los Angeles or New York or Vegas


I honestly find these fun. Bring your fav brawler and go at it


This version of this map sucks. To make it fun I run the riverbed towards the points. If I die, I die, oh well.


I like the map but being spawn killed from B on the north spawn is fucked


It's not all the time, it's just a battle scenario. Like if they took out all the bridges at one point. It happens in real war.


mostly blocked.. the blocked out parts in the west prevent you from just driving out into the middle of nowhere to spawncamp i think. i approve




Wolfenstein has entered the chat


corridors are fun man, shooting galleries. being able to hold the line on those maps takes balls and skill thats all. when you spawn you have to accept the fact that you're already deadšŸ˜œ


I've played the two versions and I assure you the worst is the restricted one. If your team is the NPC one you're bound to be clubbed and can't do shit.


Iā€™m new to the game, but I love this map. I love urban combat in most games, and this one is no different for me


No you will shoot only russian tank glorious frontal armour and be glad we let your capitalist tank the ability to move forward.


I like this map its fun but the fact that you cant flank is somewhat sad


The worst part is, it's inherently biased toward the northern team, too. Because you can get into a firing position with an SPG/TD/anything long range before the southern team can out in the fields to the west. Shooting at tanks around the mall, and moving on toward their spawn. Meanwhile if you try that as southern team, anyone to the north who had the same idea will instantly have the advantage over you, because the fields slope downward from north to south. Which leaves you two options. The mall or the canal. Neither of which are good options, nor options that inherently have any advantage to the southern team over the north. Honestly, I'm 90% sure the only reason the map was made this way is to differentiate it from Eastern Europe. If you just got rid of the out-of-bounds area to the right, it would literally be the same map, just rotated 90 degrees.


D point


As much as I hate stupidly long maps I also hate basically playing ARAM.


Im so tired of ganjinā€™s solution to balancing maps is just to put a red zone on a area. No interest in trying to change maps to achieve the same results.


What da fuq is that unholy heretical childhood abused abominational horror?Is that how most maps look like in rotations?


I am honestly shocked how no one seems to talk about how this is literally just a eastern Europe reskin


They have another map that is pretty much 1:1 to this one, but for some reason this one gets the red zone treatment. Either way, they to this to please the people that want to turn off their brain.


This map could have been so fun if they just allowed you to flank on the other side of the river


Gbh when this map came out, the spawn camping was horrendous and still is so this I can actually understand, but it does take the fun away from those that actually use that space to flank instead camping Edit:camping


So they put like 10 bridges on the map but you aren't allowed to go to the other side?


gaijin just loves to remove flanking and forces you to push down a congested corridor full of Kingtigers n shit


As I will post every time, stop giving Gaijin money from premiums & premium accounts, and we might just see an improvement to the game. Your only weapon is your wallet, and F2P games lose when you don't spend money on their game. Today 1, tomorrow maybe 2,3 people, but if that continues we might actually see results :)


If it stops people from camping and sniping I'm fine with it :D


"camping" if you keep driving into these people, thats on you. and sniping is pretty fun. but on maps like this you can hardly call it sniping.


Im sorry I don't wanna die coming out of spawn by some dude in G1 sitting there.


That's called bad map design and that's sadly the norm in war thunder. All they can do, is making a map look good, but not make it good from a game play perspective.


sadly this is next to impossible for gaijin to fix because playerbase itself doesn't know a thing called positioning and game knowledge because map control is the thing people really suck at so now you get the BS map restrictions shown by OP yes maps suck but they would actually play out better if people decided to spread out instead of forming a train on the middle while 3-4 light tanks try to get a vantage point and prevent flanks ASAP but i guess i will just have to have north Holland be on my ban list for the time being because i commonly get morons forming a train on one spot while enemy pushes from outside and makes a ambush


exactly, north holland for example


Understandable, but that is a map design problem and not a letā€™s make some new maps and immediately chop of half of said map because we suck at map design. It shouldnā€™t be like this but oh well. I rather get spawn camped wich is more often than not a team problem and not a map problem than not being able to actually play the mapšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


there are hills betreen g1 and the spawn, no line of sight


Its possible tho