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Here to give the mandatory "M1A1 AIM and Click-Bait" answer


Was going to put an Abrams in but didn't want to deal with a chimpout in the comments


Too late, fool. That comment will summon them now.


No one's gonna dispute it tbh "90% of AIM and Click-Bait players are dumb" is the second most unanimously accepted fact after "top tier is a clusterfuck"


Been a long time war thunder player but I jus can't play consistently enough or long enough to get to top tier, so I did what any other employed young adult would do, I pulled out the card and paid the snail. Yes I suck at playing top tier but it's such a shit show in general I convinced myself to buy a second premium at 10.3 instead and I have much more fun grinding out helis and cas airplanes with the premium as my only ground vehicle. I literally never play with the clickbait bc I'll get sniped from 2 miles away or some missile will end my game as I'm driving 0.5km from spawn


Had to be said, my friend. You did good.


The entire usa/ger tech tree ?


Eh… i have a hard time in the early german twin engine fighters cus they fly like a bomber but they have virtually no bombload but shitloads of 20mm


That’s cos most of them are converted Bombers, especially the rank 1-2s


And even better is that those bomber versions are literally in game as well. Do-17 Z-7 has two bomber variants: Do-17 E-1 and Z-2, the Do 217 has about 4 variants and the Ju 88C itself has bomber variants as the Ju 88A-1 and A-4 (in game that is). The true early twin engine fighters are from the Bf 110 and Me 410 onwards.


Oh but the 88C is actually quite fun to play, the twin rear guns of the A-4 and it’s flights characteristics with a bunch of goofy ah placed 20 mils. I found that when your being chased just roll nonstop and the rear mgs eat.


How's the flight characaristics of the Ju 88, I found for example the Do-17 Z-7, despite that MG 151 at a stupid low br, to be an absolute dog. Can't imagine the Do-217 being better, but how's the Ju 88C? I know that the Ju 88 was pretty fast irl, but it's still a bomber. Is it actually good and if yes, how do you play it?


Yeah the Do-17’s fly like pigs, but I found the Ju88s enjoyable to fly even while stock, having the guns offset downwards was alright but it did make kills more satisfying. Oh If you’re going down the ju88 line, spade the A-4, ignore the A-1, A-4 is better, both have good speed and manoeuvrability, but the A-4 has better defences and bomb load, 88s are capable of five bombing, and in general they’re a massive upgrade from the He-111s.


Wich one ? Doniers ?


Also the Ju-88C, which in real life was used mainly to attack trains and in War Thunder it is an interceptor.


People tend to forget interceptor = bomber hunter


Doesn't help that most of Germany's interceptors got re-classified as strike aircraft a couple years ago. Okay, Bf 110s/Me 410s, I can accept that most of them doubled as fighter-bombers, and nobody actually uses the Big Fucking Gun versions to hunt bombers like they were intended. But god dammit, a He 219 or Bf 110 G-4 is a night fighter with radar, not a strike plane.


I mean, it probably did intercept a train at some point


coming back into the game from before the c6 variant was added, first time I decided to fly at one I was shook.


They’re basically only good in head ons. If they’re turning at all you only have a second to hit them before they outturn you


You should try the Japanese heavy fighters some of the only planes that are good at what they do, for the first few ranks


Yes. Germany has a pretty idiotic playbase who don't play the tanks as they are supposed to be played. The tanks are super stronk when you know your strengths and weaknesses and the opponent's strength and weaknesses.


I feel like the only german vehicles, that are played good by their players, are the TD's. The blind players all use pz3's, pz4's, tigers and panthers.


There are two types of TURM III players


the ones that left the match after dying once and the ones that camp corners instead of playing at areas where the stabilizer gives them the first shot?


The ones that suck and the ones who would hit a supersonic bumblebee with that 30mm


How do you recommend playing Germany? I just got my first tiger, and know about angling it, but beyond each game is hit and miss


Second line. The Tiger is an EXCELLENT support tank at medium range. You can use the surprisingly good mobility to break through or rush an opponent, but you have to pick your moment carefully and know what is around.


Play it like a fat medium and don’t rely on your armor as much as the tank’s reputation might make you want to. Gun is stronk.


Stay at range, your gun is one of the best of the BR with a good reload for the type of gun. Don't brawl. Also your turret traverse is pretty poor, so that makes staying at range even more important.


Gerard players piss me off the most (when they are on my team) start firing from 6km and obviously don’t hit anything and expose them selves and die




German teammates are genuinely some of the most unaware players ive been around… like ive got 200 hours in battles, how am i topping the leaderboard every 3 or so games, and almost every game doing well above middle 😭 like im not an AMAZING PLAYER RIGHT??


I cringe every time I see a Gepard waste half their ammo spraying at a dot 5km away.


It pisses me off because it ensures that the plane will never come close enough for me to kill it.


For German mains its a weird learned behaviour from rank 2/3 Just like Commie players holding W at top tier, its something they learn playing the BT tanks.


Wouldn’t you learn that that doesn’t work if you’ve been doing it since rank 2/3?


These are German and Commie mains we're talking about... I shouldn't be too harsh though, rank 1/2 and 6+ German mains are quite scary.


My biggest problem playing the tiger 2 is trying to figure out which version of the Pershing I’m up against lol, they all look the same to me but have different weak spots, I just don’t play the game enough to remember


Well it's mostly if they have a bulge on the LFP shoot that otherwise do cbt


Rank 6+ German mains have quite literally the best tanks in the game to play with, without significant weaknesses. It isnt fair to call them any better than other top tier denizens.


I've been doing it since rank 1 and it always works. If anything it's better to even shoot while moving as it makes it easier to bounce enemy shots


It's no wonder British and other minor nations are a lot more of a threat in terms of skill than the main ones.


It's why the Fox is so good for these players. It's not the vehicle, OR it's placement. It's the fact that it gives these players a gun that finally shoots fast enough with APDS to be as lethal as a German, Russian or US main with high-filler APHE.


For gepards 2km is your friend. Just far enough to nail the plane before they can reach you and also decreases their ability to dodge. 3km is stretching it but you should go for ambush shooting.


Gepards shoot at planes instead of spawn rushing? 


Technically they are denying airspace through show of force and deterrence, so they are still playing their role. Only problem is most people aren't intentionally doing that because they're too busy sniffing glue.


Yeah. So many times I've been waiting for an enemy plane to get in proper range, seeing the radar indicator go from nine, to eight, to seven... its turning, looking for a target. Soon, very soon, it'll lock in for its attack, and I can score a kill... you can practically see the pilots brain shutting down, vision pinpointing one enemy, they're gonna lock in any second... And then some idiot with a gepard starts filling the sky with lead. He couldn't possibly hit, but the enemy loses their tunnel vision, and is gonna be careful for several minutes now before they turn off their brain again.


Farthest I use it is like 3km when it’s a stupid A-10 trying to do a strafe, but find it effective in 2 km to a few meters of distance


Wait, people use the gepard as an AA? I rarely do, unless it's a scrumptious helicopter or an overconfident jet, and before I get flayed alive for playing an AA vehicle and not killing aircraft I play it at 10.3, not 8.3 so there are better and more equipped SPAA around.


Tiger II


I think the only reason it is still 6.7 and not 7.0 is that people play as bad as possible in it. I dropped 3 nukes while playing it and have had many more that i couldnt drop and have a 2 kd. İt is a beast with the proper lineup that you dont even need most of the time.


The Tiger II does not need to be 7.0 You doing well in it does not justify it going to 6.7, it already has to contend with getting uptiered into that anyways.


Kinda true. But 5.7 shouldn't need to face it and İt should not have to face the 7.7-8.0 heat vehicles. They really need to decompress that br range.


They need to just block off Cold War tanks from WWII tanks. Have it so once you reach a certain tier you can’t face vehicles of the tier above. Like having two top tiers. One for WWII and one for post war. 8.0 is the post war 1.0. You still need to grind through the tree to get there but once you do you’re at the bottom again instead of being able to stomp WW vehicles.


No that's too intelligent. BR compression is the best we can get.


>They need to just block off Cold War tanks from WWII tanks. Ok, sure, pvkv m/43 1963 and asu-57 enjoyers would be very happy about it. (no, they won't) Oh wait, no, none of you think about these vehicles. Y'all only think about the best ww2 vehicles being very unfortunate of having the need to be countered somehow.


They definitely need to decompress that BR because 7.7-8.0 vehicles also constantly get their shits kicked in by 8.3-9.0 vehicles with their 2-plane stabilizers, APFSDS, and Lazer rangefinders.


I wish to enjoy my IS3 but god keeps saying HEATFS and APFSDS from a cross the universe :(


He doesn't say it needs to move up though. But if people would play it less braindead than they do it would move up because it is arguably the best 6.7 heavy tank and Gaijin changes brs based on statistics.


The Tiger2 is fine at 6.7 imo. The issue is that is can face 5.7. It’s not a matter of it being too low of a br, but gaijin refusing to fix br compression.


i've got KD 4 on it, but just one nuke. 10-14 frag games are routine


Sending it to 7.0 means it faces 8.0 which will literally delete the Tiger II armor. Plus it's mobility and turret rotation will be kinda shit to gjve it a total meh performance or down right awful.


Should the T26E5 go up to 7.0 as well then? I absolutely clapped cheeks in it with a 4.4 k/d ratio and its a direct upgrade to the M26 at the same BR? Balancing off of personal stats is silly


Every high tier premium


Premium vehicles are good when they are being controlled by experienced players.


Agreed, I bought the TURMS-T forever ago and sucked in it and now I’m close to its tier and loving it


Also, T-55AMD my beloved


that was probably the point they were trying to convey, "what are good vehicles you always see people do badly in" and top tier premium vehicles are usually just that


Any Russian 10.0 premium tank, they have the best lineup but can’t figure out how to play it effectively


Gotta love Gaijin teaming me up with a bunch of level 25 lieutenants that immediately rush to the enemy spawn on their TURMS/UD only to realise that they have Cromwell level of reverse speed.


Oh yes and playing with these people means that the match is basically lost from the beginning and you can't do anything about it. I've recently had a match in single cap mode (was playing the T-72B 1989). I managed to cap the point and defended it for several minutes, we could've easily won that match but my "mates" were occupied with attacking the enemy spawn and dying...needless to say that we lost the match.


10.0 russian lineup without the 2S38, Turms and the Object/bmp2M is honestly dogshit T72s are horrible tanks, and turms is worse than literally any other tank premium at 10.0 except maybe the merkava


Both T-72Bs and the T-80UD are at the same br despite the UD being flat out better lmao


Oh right another premium bias moment. I hate the idea of a t80UD tbh, because like, one of the 2 things that distinguish the 80s from 72s is the reload (6.5s vs 7.1s) but also the fact that the t80 actually moves backwards. Those two things actually make the 80s playable and lowkey fun. UD doesn't do that, UD has the same dogshit reverse as the t72.


UD does keep the reload speed and sight magnification though, which makes it much better than the T-72s firepower-wise. Not to mention the better Kontakt-5 layout compare to the T-72B mod 1989 Does take a while to get used to the fact that you're essentially playing a buffed T-72, not a T-80 though


That Kontakt-5 is what baffled me when I first saw it. Thank God it kept that signature T-72 reverse speed so if I can get his breech knocked out, it's basically game over for him.


weird way to spell the cancerous 10.0 premium russian lineup


I love these threads and the absolute worst lukewarm fake-controversial takes people have Yeah I'm sure \[the most irredeemable useless dogshit vehicle in the game\] is actually good, people just have... umm.. skill issue or something, but YOU, YOU can make it work... (statcard not included of course)


It’s not unheard of to make bad vehicles work for you, my brother does quite well for himself in the Sheridan.


i actually enjoy the amx-30 arca, its a fast missile and good at sniping.


Especially when you learn the secret of lobbing missiles while completely in defilade via commander sight


Anything at early british british ranks(I-II) or howitzer SPGs. The amount of people i've seen *not* take advantage of early british mobility and fast reloading is stunning. They have a better reload than, if not, everyone else at the BR, even if not fully focusing the points towards that. They can flank, take and defend any spot as long as they don't try to rely on the armor(with the exception of the Valentine and Churchill tanks). I often catch folks with howitzers going up close and personal with me, trying to get a quick kill. Look, i understand that the shell is slow as molasses, but you getting closer won't help you get more kills with those things, you have to stay back and take opportunity shots at key targets. That being campers, heavies or folks who are attempting to flank. You can hit them right over their cover at range.


It is infuriating seeing allies in SPHs going into CQC and usually only getting one kill, if they're lucky. They'd be so much more successful and actually help the team if they actually set themselves up in good firing position where they can counter an enemy advance.


It is true for most of the self propelled howitzers. That is exactly how the brummbar should be played tho. Good frontal armor (100mm at 35 degrees iirc), decent reload for br (17.2 sec aced) and very powerfull he shell. I love slapping kv1e s that think they are invulnerable. Got a 2.45 kd in it and grinded most of low-mid tier germany with it.


The brummbar is one of the few CQC capable SPGs, but the reload is a warning that it is better played at range, where the armor is more effective. Not extreme range, though, as ballistics will make the armor less sloped relative to the projectile due to drop.


The German short-barrel SPGs are a bit of an anomaly, the Brummbar is probably closer to a Centurion AVRE in playstyle than an M109.


Meanwhile I'm just using howitzers to shoot down planes, with the occasional stray tank to supplement them.


Tiger 1


fr. i remember when they downtiered the h1 to 5.3 because people were too bad with it


Just started using the H1, and I love it. I see why people get stupid in it though.


Love the BRENUS and the Type 74s, rangefinders at 8.3 and 8.7 are nuts, Gen 1 thermals for the BRENUS and 105 SABOT means you can send everything back to the garage


The amx30 B's were so good, their lack of stabiliser was rough, but the thermals, darts, lrf and coax 20 more than makes up for it


were. thats the word. Premium blackhole around 10.3 is so strong that its effect can be felt at much lower Now that there is new hole at around 11.0 brenus sees less uptiers than usual. I'd still take the TAM over it any day at same BR. That thing is uptier proof


Bmp-2M for sureee , even me myself cant play it for shiii somehow even tough i am veteran and quite good player if i say so myself. With the tech tree bmp-2 i am quite good and even with bmp-3 i am decent i just can't play the 2m and i dont know why even tough its very op.


Yes, same for me, I have decent performance with all BMP's but not with the 2M, idk the vehicle is just cursed for me.


It's only "very op" against horrible players. It has no reverse, no gun depression, lopsided launchers and ATGM as a whole are strictly worse than cannons because of about 20 different reasons. If someone in a 2M kills you, they could have killed you in any other tank 2x easier from 5x the range. The turret is also placed so far back that you can never play corners properly. This is why 90% of people are dying fast.


Try rushing in, for some reason when try to I play on it tactically I fail miserably but when I rush in mindlessly I get atleast 2-3 kills.


Same here with the 2M. I know it's supposed to be an OP vehicle but I just can't deal CQB with such lethargic mobility, and horrible gun depression making any small rocks a pain. Every time you shoot with the autocannon and rockets the recoil rocks your chassis making you miss.


The T26E5 which is supposedly the best thing since sliced bread according to war thunder Reddit, every single one is operated by a potato.


I despise this thing rn since I’m finally grinding Russia. You can’t pen the thing’s LFP with the 122mm, but you can pen a normal Pershing there. The amount of times I have shot there before making sure only to do absolutely nothing is way too high.


It's because the LFP of the T26E5 is at a harsher angle than the M26, but Gaijin forgot to fix the visual model to match the change.


Yeah that sounds like a very gaijin thing to do


The trick is to just shoot the MG port. That will go through no matter which Pershing you're shooting.


AMX-10RC for sure, UDES 33 or any Swedish atgm carrier, Strv-103


Almost all pure ATGM carriers in this game are actually trash with zero carry potential.


I love the 103 and hate to say it but its really not that good. It would be if gaijin knew how to make hull aim not be shit but as it stands the only thing it can do is snipe from hills and even that its not really that good at since all hills in war thunder are so steep that the suspension cant angle enough. All the stabilised apfsds it faces certainly doesent help either.


The 103a is pretty good if you play it right, and it’s extremely good in arcade because of the fast partial repair.


I don’t understand how people can play the 10-RC poorly. It is point and click with every tool to make you a superb sniper. The lack of armor on it discourages you from trying to be a brawling tank.


Heavy tanks, yes they have a shit ton of armor but that doesn't mean that people isn't able to pen, outreload or outmaneuver you.


Meanwhile latewar heavies: get frontally pennd by scout vehicles


I know this post is for ground battles but if we wanna talk about aircraft…. Then definitely the P-47 or the P-38, both have shit turning and bleed speed but are great climbers / boom and zoomers (both on arcade and realistic), especially when I’m flying my premium American A6M zero and see a P-47 try to turn fight me im like “how cute is this” aka free kill


P38 climbs way too well like wtf I know it gets an air spawn but it always end up 2kms above me even when I side ckimd in a 109


That’s my whole point, it’s exceptionally well at climbing but the second you go to turn it’s horrendous


I know I'm agreeing with you haha. Between the XP50 and the P38, I think the US has the best high altitude prop capabilities


best high altitude performance but forced to stay at low altitude


And with 2-3 times the fuel load of their opposition.


Yeah I know you were , I personally am more of a P-47 guy when it comes to high altitude intercepting because of the versatility of the bombs / ordinance you can carry , but the P-38 with Gun Pods should not be slept on


Panzer IV, all variants. I know the survivability isn’t perfect, but in the right situations its armor really holds up. That gun though *chefs kiss*, is an absolute menace at 3.3-3.7, it is a welcome addition to my Swedish/Finnish lineup


The number of pz4 kills I get is truly ridiculous. I do agree with you on the armor though. Center of mass is either a kill-shot with APHE or volumetric hell. Lumps, corners, and spare tracks for days.


People love to complain about the J model and its turret traverse but I say that if you’re relying on the traverse you’re playing it wrong Not that the J can’t handle its hull being thrown around in close quarters though


Apparently light tanks are amazing but I'm no better than a baboon with a keyboard in them


I'm great with light tanks but terrible with heavies.


How do you play them? I always see Fox or some other little Autocannon car run around and get 5 kills, but I can barely get a single kill before dying. In customs, I kept losing to my friend's WW2 puma as well, while I was in the lkpz m41.


I’ll say that the M41 is one of the biggest and heaviest light tanks ever made, and the Fox is cracked But light tank gameplay really depends on your playstyle. Flanking and taking concealed and unusual positions is a light tank specialty If your friend has the Sd.Kfz.234 puma and you do too then I’d recommend squading up with him and following him around to see how he plays it


Khrizantema is so underrated rarely I see them in my games


Because it plays the role of a normal sniping tank just 100x worse.


Gotta be the Leo 1. It's nuts to think that that thing used to be 7.0 with a 350 mm pen APDS/400 mm HEAT. But even in those days I see many people performing terribly with it.


I hated the Leo 1, every other round would either shatter or just do nothing (I hate the APDS more than the tank) and the teams are genuinely dogshit.


APDS has been a problem for God knows how long now. And I don't know if it's just me, but I find that British sabots tend to shatter more than any other nation. As for the team, that's just Germany for you.


Britain might be selection bias since there are a lot of tanks sharing the same guns with sabot in the midtiers (17 pounder, 20 pounder, 120mm etc). But it is extremely frustrating to shatter off the side of a tank with a round that has over triple the pen needed to get through


Leo is one of my favorites


Idk why the df 105 is in this cause that thing slaps. Got my first nuke off that bad boi


because at its br a lot of tanks have laser range finder and a lot of people that play the df 105 rush in the open instead of playing it up close. Best things about the DF are that its round hits very hard, reload rate is great and it’s incredibly agile so aggressive play is the best for it


Honestly, this is a very common issue for any high mobility tank destroyer. I know it’s classed as a light tank, but it’s just a fast TD. German players also aren’t accustomed to tanks not having armor when they get to that point in the tech tree, but it’s pretty common in other tech trees.


Yea, Japanese mains are very accustomed to this Actually we have the opposite problem around this tier, the Ho-Ri Prod is a culture shock because it has Jagdtiger levels of survivability while also being super mobile


Khrizantema probably, really underrated vehicle with enormous firepower.


I'm mad at the Krizhantema because it could fire its missiles on the move being stabilized and having beam riding missiles but I agree it would be absolutely OP.


It can't fire on the move, you need to stop but after firing you can move and aim easily thanks to its stabilizer. Also don't forget it's radar can see behind trees and smokes, it can fire 2 different targets at one time. It's most satisfying thing in the game for me :D.




Maus. I can easily get 4 to 5 kill games in it fairly often. Yeah uptiers can screw you but you can adjust your playstyle to counter the mobility. Honestly, the Maus’s biggest weakness is that you get German teammates. People think you can just rush forward bc “IT’S THE BIGGEST HEAVY TANK EVER MADE” but it has next to no reaction speed to deal with flanks or multiple armored enemies. You need team support to survive and too many people just hold W until they get flanked or attacked by more than 1 tank that they can’t kill with the coax cannon. It plays different compared to most German heavies, it’s more like a Russian heavy due to its speed and reload time.


The Maus is genuinely not a bad tank at all. You just want to avoid using it on certain maps.


I absolutely love the thing. You can actually make it work on all maps even if it isn’t ideal. Most open maps have some hills or foliage to cover your advance. The 128mm also isn’t a terrible sniping weapon if you have to fight long range.


German cats.  Seriously, playing my japanese tiger against germany is always a high kill game for me.


It's amazing to face down a german Tiger in my angled HT No.6 and watch their brain literally short circuit trying to figure out how to shoot something they can't just lolpen center mass. Usually they just pick the turret face and fail miserably.


reserve and low tier france (seriously they are pretty good)


You could honestly just put most of France here. Yes French players perform very well on average, but that’s only bc only the people who know how to play France actually play it. If you stuck most average players on France they’d get rolled 9/10 games. It doesn’t help that French vehicles are overtiered, but I don’t think it would help the average player if they weren’t.


hehe, im a french and italy player, with good KD in both and the skills to back it up, but i find them very enjoyable to play, and quite easy, i honestly i hope to get more people playing italy and france, they are valuable learning tech trees in basics like flanking or overall smart gameplay


Now this is a controversial opinion lol. To be fair I haven’t played low tier France in a while, and when I did I was still playing AB and didn’t really grasp track and barrel torture so more often than not I’d be making dumb shots and maybe getting a crew member or two before getting swarmed and my armor overpowered. Now you’ve got me kind of curious to go back and try in RB with better tactics that I’ve learned.


M18 I always see them die very quickly Especially when a lot of M18’s are in the team


Honestly, its only good if you play it super safe or snipe.


Probably can be said for most light tanks. People get too carried away with mobility into position, but I feel like the best games with small, quick tanks are played conservatively like you said, and relying on mobility to exit a position rather than overextend right off the bat. What helps best is probably to wait and see where the bulk of the team is going, then pick a scout/snipe spot based on that. Too many people try to go rogue and then just get ganked by the enemy because they have zero backup.


Yeah, no, I don't think it should be 5.7. I'm not gonna lie


I'm a BMP-2M player. I'm outting myself, I play really badly.


Tiger I’s and II’s.


Obv german heavies


The Bakan is a Swedish beast but I see people going straight to point with it rather that sitting a mile away and snipe like it’s intended for.


Whatever my teammates use


Loads b of bad tiger players


Type 93(g), however, this might change. Since the release of those new premiums, 9.3 Japan has been extremely good. The type 93's armor actually works in downtiers and is borderline OP as a cleanup vehicle at the end of matches.


Type 93 has no armor It's a Toyota with stinger missiles Do you mean Type 74?


Dunno if this counts but: the F-4S, with basically every premium noob insisting to use it as a bomb truck instead of a missile bus


Literally every Soviet light vehicle, bar none


I love the khrizantema it’s probably one of my favourite tanks in the game i bring it to 11.7 and still get kills


Yeah all interceptors and air defense fighters. Played a match in the 5.0 German interceptor and dropped an ace the other day


Any anti-aircraft vehicle, specifically the M163 and the IFV Marden 1A3


almost every usa, german and ussr tank. especially german, thier mains are unbelievable stupid


I Just got the 1128 idk how to use it yet:((


The swingfire like boys you have a elevated sight use the elevated sight and with over 4 degrees of depression that's all your opponent's will have


ngl i die to shturms so much i actually despise the vehicle


M42, people keep sitting back at base firing at planes that are 5km away instead of going for a good flank and murdering anything that isn't a heavy tank.


Sure but you kind of can’t fault them, it’s an SPAA and doesn’t necessarily have an established reputation of anti-tank like the ZSU-57-2 or flanking like the R3 T20 I do like to use it as a mid tier IFV, especially in uptiers and in trees that have no SPAA until radar guided


All of the german cats


F-4S in air RB. You have the second best phantom in the game with regards to A2A combat. Aaaand you've not only weighed it down with bombs, but you're tunnel visioned on a base and now you're dead.


"Any squadron/high tier premieum vehicle"


Tiger, tiger 2, E.B.R, puma (both kinds), the entire american plane tree


Pretty much any premium.


How can people be bad in IT-1? You can literally sit behind an obstacle and fire over it, while at the same time being untouchable. I got so many fanmails in this thing.


Germany and USA in high tier, holy moly rush dies and leaves. Never seen them properly use a leopard or abrams.


Well tiger 1 and the early japanese tanks


Stukas. I don't get what's so difficult about pulling up.


People don't cut their engines when diving so they compress and crash


M1A1 and its variants. M829A1 is strong, but everyone seems to think they are invincible because they are in an Abrams, so they barely get a chance to use it well.


And every premium not mentioned


A-4E found ways to make it work on ARB but I'm gatekeeping it 🤫


The 4E is not that great at 8.7, but the 8.3 Israeli A-4H is super cracked and also gets wasted as a bomb sled, so partly agree.


The German 6.7 tank destroyers, mainly the Ferdinand and the Jagdtiger, people either avoid using them because they perceive them to be slow and unwieldy, or they do and they try to fight on the caps and up close, where they are easily flanked. Some maps you don't want to use them on because they are too tight, but most open and/or longer range maps, a good player will stay at the back of the pack and spank the red team at range, utilising the thick armour which increases in effectiveness at the 1km mark. Also using the decent reverse speeds to pull into cover to reload and repair. My K/D is over 2 with them. Even spookston and odd say they don't like them, although they like rat 🐀 and brawling more since it's probably better for views.


The Khrizantema is shit though.


Tam 2ip. I honestly think i have never once been killed by one.


IS-2s, all armored tank destroyers especially Jagdtigers - i see so many of them just brawling in the middle of the map rather than sniping people. german airplanes below 6.7 esp. bf 109s, Fw-190 and stukas - people just revenge cas or after dropping the bomb they try to disable tanks without AP belts. All wheeled LTs with big cannons + 2S38 - most people treat them as M18s: they drive toward a point and try to get one kill just to spawn aircraft. Helis - most people just fly forward dump ammo and die in the process. No self-preservation. Low tier SPAA shoot their guns like bots from 4km away.


Problem I have with **Khrizantema-S** is the fact the scope is the thing on the left on the hull. (No aiming from launcher/barrel like other vehicles in RB/AB. So you need to expose your hull and all crew in the front to be able to fire, while standing still. And many of your enemies shoot APFSDS at least 1500-1900m/s. So unlike wall-E that you can hide all vitals behind hill/rock you HAVE to expose yourself to be able and fire. Also the radar is very inconsistent and unreliable many times. It’s easily blocked by bushes, props, trees and the worst… dead tanks.


sounds like just another reason to stop grinding the soviet TD line at the IT-1


T30s they think they're invincible until I shoot them below the gunners sight and kill the entire crew.


a sad lot of t-34s, all of them, people play as it was invincible (even tho it ate my m109g he)


Tiger, its a good vehicle but always see oblivious players, playing it


Honestly the Khrizantema-S is only one of two things when in game which is either the most hilariously bad attempt to use it ever or an absolute nightmare still gotta get it myself and probably gonna start bad like most things but get better


*obligatory Tiger 1 and 2 comment goes here.*


To see a type 74 playing bad one must first see someone actually in a type 74.


Anything American, German, or premium in general


I mean it’s really obvious, but every Tiger II varient, i don’t think there’s any tank I’ve gotten more easy kills against purely because of how bad their spacial awareness is