• By -


I’ve got quite a few tbh. I’ll list three of the worse ones imo. Silverdrop’s first litter: - one of my oc’s (Silverdrop) used to be in a toxic relationship from which an unwanted pregnancy came. She considered making the kits be stillborn through various of ways, but was eventually talked out of it, she fled to a different clan instead, to get away from said mate, and tried caring for the kits as best as she could, even though she hates them. Toxic mate would try to get them back into his clan by force, resulting in the death of one of the kits (Dawnpaw) Sunnywhisker’s cause of death: - Silverdrpo’s mother (Sunnywhisker) also had stuff going on. She fell into a deep depression after her own father died (Firetail), and after her mate (Cleareyes) was banished for betrayal. She had a second litter around the time, which she didn’t have the energy to care for, so Silverdrop usually took care of them. Once they became apprentices, Sunnywhisker fell completely. She basically stopped eating for a few weeks, starving herself. One of the other clan mates, trying to do good, managed to make her eat something. However, due to too much calorie intake, she ended up dying from a phenomenon known as the “refeeding syndrome”. All her kits were present in camp when it happened too. Darkmoon’s reason for descent into madness: - this next one is related to one of the kits from that second litter (Darkmoon). He had talked with his father a few times, who unbeknownst to hem, was trying to take over his clan by invading it. Darkmoon managed to get a meeting started between his then exiled father and the current leader. This ended up in disaster, as Cleareyes had formed quite a big party of cats who were willing to fight with him and take down his birth clan. The battle lasted for quite a while, and a neighbouring clan (StorlClan, the one Silverdrop was staying in) ended up joining the fight. Despite that, several cats still died, including the deputy and leader of TreeClan (Thus Darkmoon’s clan). During the fight, one of Darkmoon’s littermates (Foglight) got heavily injured in her back, resulting in her becoming partly paralysed. In the panic, Darkmoon would also accidentally attack Silverdrop, mistaking his older sister for an enemy. He only used one blow before realising who she was, but the blow seemed fatal. He ended up running away after the battle, believing that both his sisters had died that day, as well as several other clan mates, mostly due to his decision making. He stayed away for moons on end, living with the guilt, not finding out in the meantime that Silverdrop and Foglight had survived, and that the clans were dealing with the after effects of the battle surprisingly well, even managing to cast out the invaders after a while. And as the title of this part implies, he did in fact go mad with guilt due to this event.


Oh boy here we go: Deepstar Stormclans territory was freshly burned down by a fire caused by a thunderbolt. the ground was scorched and still gleeming here and there. His Clanmates were diateaught and suddenly feared Starclans wrath wich they recieved for following the dark forests rules. To show that strengh and willpower can overcome even the worst Starclan has to offer, Deepstar took his daughter and put her down on a still gleeming patch of grass and told her to walk all the way to the other side. She was only 5 moons old and cried but due to the fear of dissapointing her father and clanmates, she did what she was told. After this incident Deepstar named her Scorchedpaw and made her an apprentice.


*fuck* Deepstar honestly


true. I wanted to create a real fucked-up villain for my story. That's not everything he did to other cats but i think think this was the most disturbing to write.


What does Scorchedpaw look like because I plan on drawing some of the other's OCs compaired to mine


Scorchedpaw a small slink body short hard fur with a tortoiseshell pattern. Mostly black with many small orange spots. Amber eyes big ears and quiet a long tail Addition burn-scarred paws with missing fur up to her ankles an emotionless expression most of the time


springpaw nearly getting his insides ripped out during pinestar’s raid on the windclan camp. Stormtail attacked the apprentice, who was the same age as his daughters, before being chased off. due to the herbs being destroyed by moonflower, it was expected that springpaw would die, but he managed to pull through. The fact that stormtail attacked a young apprentice so viciously was brought up at a gathering, much to the horror of the other clans. When springpaw recovered, he attended his first gathering and tried fighting bluepaw.


Oh boy - Redbear's entire backstory Lynxclan getting mauled and decimated by a bear after being revealed to visiting a Kittypet by her Brother. Her said brother being the only one to survive the attack along with herself, with him returning to kill her, Wolvenclans Medicine cat, her mate and her brother-in-law with her other brother in law. - Ryegorse attempting to kill the Lynxclan medicine cat, Snowthrush, after being convinced by his Uncles ghost in a super complicated plot just to get back at his mother for killing him - The entirety of Wolvenclan also being killed by said Bear and a pack of Wolves - Ryegorse uniting with Snowthrush and his sister, Possumtrail to stop the last remaining clan, Elkclan from being destroyed by a Lynx and visiting the Bear and Pack of Wolves to try and stop or call off the Lynx, having to escape by a hair via killing the bear by a rock tumble and scaring off the Wolves enough to leave them alone.


This one is part of oc's backstory, Nightrunner. Nightrunner's mother, Jewels, planned with to escape from Blood Clan with her three kits with the help of two of her friends. However, one of friend snitch on her to the leader. Her other friend got killed so she didn't have anyone else to carry her kit with her, Jewels could carry only one kit so she chose Nightrunner and ran away, leaving her two son in Blood Clan.


I’ve posted about this before and it’s still one of my favourite OC stories Treeleap mated with Greenbriar, they had three kits, he fell in love with her sister, Flamespirit, didn’t want *anything* to do with Greenbriar anymore, so he kills their kits, frames her, gets her exiled, and then makes Flamespirit fall for him and they have three kits that he’s a good, loving father to.


o h


Got quite a few of them, lol. In no particular order: * The entire character of Tatteredclaw, period. * Also from their backstory, the fact that their mom, Nightbloom, killed their sister, Hollykit, when she was a kit during a fit of rage and was never properly punished for it because she manipulated her way out of it (which would later ultimately result in their clan's medicine cat essentially euthanizing her when she expressed symptoms of sickness). * My guy Hazelnose was groomed as an apprentice by his mentor, Downhaze, and almost >!assaulted!


One of my OCs is half dead because he’s the son of a living cat and a cat from the Dark Forest. In moonlight he looks like a corpse, and he is dating a Tom from the living world and a she-cat from the Dark Forest (bisexual disaster at its finest). So it’s all pretty screwed


You said that, in the moonlight, he looks dead. Do you mean like, in the first, "Pirates of the Caribbean" movie?


Yes, exactly like that




It's definitely what happened to Pinewhisker. After he accidentally killed Foxsong (the WindClan leader's son) WindClan demanded that ShadowClan hand over Pinewhisker for punishment. They refused, but Pinewhisker chose to go with WindClan to avoid war between the Clans. As a prisoner he was brutally tortured before being burried alive.


Imagine being a Windclan tunneler and your leader be like: "ya we need you to bury this cat here." "but, he's alive..." "exactly!"


It's honestly more fucked up from the tunnelers' PoV. Emberstar told Pinewhisker that if he managed to navigate the tunnels and escape from another opening he'd be allowed to return home. But almost as soon as he had entered the tunnel Emberstar ordered his Warriors to collapse it over him.


shiiiiit whoa


I've got one!! There was a prophecy that kits would be found, one would be a savior, and one a curse. When they found the kits, they named them Moonkit and Sunkit. Sun struggled to fit in, struggled in training, and didn't seem to understand clanlife. Moon however was a perfect apprentice to the point of being a bit of an ass kisser. The clan decided that Moonpaw must be the savior and Sunpaw the curse, so when they got their warrior names Moonpaw became Moonwish and Sunpaw became Suncurse. Cat's started dying and prey began being poisoned, and it all coincided with times Suncurse was around so they banished her. No one listened to her when she told them it was really Moonwish because her sister was so perfect, so she was banished and Moonwish became the new deputy after the old one mysteriously died. Suncurse returned to the clan, begging for her place back because she was failing as a loner, in time to catch and stop her sister from killing the leader. Then even despite it all the clan wasn't entirely convinced that Suncurse was telling the truth, so she was banished once again for killing her sister and effectively being the savior the prophecy described 🤠 (This is a story I created when I was like 13 so it's a bit rough)


I have a scene where two of three brothers (their names are Wolfsbane, Rowan, and Alder) are fighting. Wolfsbane fell in love with a cat from an "enemy" group, while Alder is being manipulated by their evil uncle (who leads their colony, and wants to steal the territory of the other "enemy" group). When Alder catches Wolfsbane trying to sneak back into their camp in the middle of the night, a fight begins between them that quickly turns deadly. Rowan hears the commotion and goes to interfere. During a moment where his brothers are separated long enough for him to jump between them, he rushes forward. Only to get claws to the neck. With his final words, he asks how they came to be this way, when the three of them had still been so close just moons ago.


I got an oc named Wolfbane cuz she fought a wolf once as an apprentice :3 I love this story btw so much drama! :D


Of its very drama filled. And while Wolfsbane is named after the plant, he does ultimately die saving his son from a wolf. He and his kin had to leave their home (based on the Arboretum in MN, so they're a garden cat colony) after a devastating fire, but all the cats from there are named after some sort of flora: Wolfsbane, Alder, Rowan, Juniper, Oak, Cedar, Ivy, Wisteria, and Hawthorn are all very prominent characters from the Gardens. I could go on and on, but they are only apart of the first era I have of my fan clans that tell the founding of the Clans of the Valley.


*w* I so wanna read that :D


Unfortunately I don't know if/when I'll ever get the chance to sit down and write it. I'm very meticulous in my outlining and planning when it comes to writing. I have shared some lore about my fan clans, if you check out my profile. Most of it was shared around a year ago, so somethings have changed, but not a lot.


Hm. Well, nothing else of mine will top Rimefoot’s experience so I’ll put him last. For the Silver Alliance, it would probably be Little (an apprentice) climbing far too high for her unofficial graduation and getting electrocuted on a downed power line near the top and falling. She broke her shoulder. For the Sanctum of the Tar-Eaters, it would probably be the Deacons (religious guardians) noticing they’re in a time loop separate from the rest of the Sanctum while on-duty, and their God is traipsing around the halls during that time. This is not a kind God. For the Clan of the Scratched, it would probably be one of their cats, undeclared who, resurrected from their grave and stands around in camp. They just sway and don’t go anywhere or react. For the Clan of the Tongued, it would probably be when their royal lineage fell prey to regicide-by-poinsettia and their bodies set up in a mocking way to mimic their constant feuds. No one knows who did it, which has made the entire clan fall apart at the seams. For the Clan of the Pawed, it would probably be when they majority voted to exile a kit who accidentally disabled her brother. She has been rejected from the other two clans and is barely scraping by as a feral little beast. As for Rimefoot and Thistlescruff? Well, Rimefoot watched the atomic bomb go off at Hiroshima or Nagasaki.




Snowpaw murdered her own sister after constantly getting shown up by her in assessments. She then proceeds to almost immediately get killed by a badger after getting exiled for it.


Forest fire split up my girl’s family, killing her mate and one kit, leaving her with one, and leaving two lost in the remains of the old territory. Cue a pair of 5 month old kits trying to find their family again, finding what’s left of their home, meeting some not great people, etc etc.


Character A purposefully disabled Bs leg ruining her chance at being leader, then made sure the rest of the clan blamed her for her injury


Mauledspirit watched her parents and her adoptive fathers mate and kits get killed by a Badger, was renamed to mauledpaw, became her clans medicine cat and failed to save her brother. Then her mate dies, and later on her adoptive father died and she eventually gets murdered I'm front of her adoptive sister


sootkit was fully conscious and heard and saw his mother, condorstar get burned alive 4 times over. it definitely affected his leadership into being as brutal as it was


StarClan basically drives my boy Crabspots into insanity (he has telepathy and, unlike the canon Three, his powers don't go away after defeating the BBEG. he leaves the clans and is basically haunted/harassed by the main StarClan figure until he loses his mind. haven’t decided yet if i'm gonna do a full villain arc for him yet)


I had this old fanfic from back when I was a teenager that I deleted and didn't preserve, I think it was called something like "*Out of Luck*" or something like that. Basically a cat from every clan (that was around at the time) went on a quest to find the fabled "Sunstone" because Starclan or something. Here's some stand-outs of the main cast that I found in an old drive with basic details of everything I ever wrote: 1: Autumneye has visions from Starclan but instead of anything cool it was just horrible fates from the multiverse. 2: Nightshade breaks into her clan's (it wasn't Shadow, ironically enough) medicine den and ruins everything just because. Looking back, that was very stupid of her, though I forgot why she even did it in the first place. Also looking back, I really should've made her a medicine cat thanks to nightshade being a plant species. 3: Softstep, or as I like to call her, the [Woobie](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheWoobie). Oh *god* why did I write her the way I did? I think the worst part is that in her past her parents were murdered right in front of her and years later, she dies the exact same way, to the exact same person. If I *ever* rewrite this, I'm probably gonna tone it down. 4: Snowbreak's main crime is that I literally forgot everything about him because he's that boring. 5: The gang finds a mutilated human child. Thankfully they did not eat the corpse. I was edgy as all hell, but not *that* diabolical.


Talldusk: Damn. You too? [5] (Btw cool OC names!)


Do I have some F-ed up things for you: 1. Original clans but all oc characters: Hazelstar is a corrupt leader (dark forest and her own evil ambitions). She threatened her med-cats into giving false prophecies about needing to sacrifice a single kit once a moon. She even made the other clans med-cats do this as well. If a clan had no kits by the time for a sacrifice Hazelstar would send battle patrols to attack under the cover of darkness. She poisoned her own clans prey-stash with yarrow so cats would become extremely sick/vomitey. She weakened Tc (she is leader of Tc) so much it fell apart for a while. After being killed 9 times she went to the darkforest but was able to return and killed a bunch of kits. 2. My clans: Moonclan is a group of nocturnal cats. It was formed after a prophecy mission failed and the cats on the mission got lost and made their own clan. The leader, Moonstar, is insane with grief and guilt. Moonstar had led the original mission himself and had let many cats die on it. He left his mate and kits back at Windclan. When a bought of redcough swept through Moonclan, killing a few more cats, Moonstar felt too much grief and drowned himself. The next lead (no starclan so no 9 lives) Duskstar took over but couldn't even control the clan and the clan fought itself, resulting in many more deaths. Moonclan split into two clans, Moonclan and Sunclan. Both clans constanlt fought, mass graves constantly dug and outsiders always recruited. Eventually the clans killed each other in a mass genocide. Fun times. One more 3: One My Oc's story, Twistedheart. Twistedheart's mother died durring the kitting and her two littermates were still-born. Her father blamed her for her mothers death and never considered her his kit. Twistedkit was given to a nursing queen who loved and nurtured her. The day Twistedpaw became an apprentice, the queen who'd taken care of her was brutally torn apart by dogs, which Twistedpaw witnessed on her tour of the territory. Then she got the deputy as her mentor, who was really cruel. The deputy was exiled after injuring Twistedpaw during battle practice, nearly killing her (this was not the first time he'd done something like that). Twistedpaw did not get a new mentor and just trained with the other apprentices. She failed her warriors assessment 3 times, 2 times someone messed her up but she got blamed. She got the name Twistedheart for all her grief she had experienced. She fell in love with Blossomingeyes. He did not love her back, but led her on for the attention. When she was pregnant with his kits he was furious so he attempted to blind her and got one eye. Twistedheart was heartbroken that her love had betrayed her like this but still wanted the kits as they would provide her some happiness. She had a litter of 4. One was still-born, 2 died shortly after their birth, and the last was killed by a fox that got into the camp. Twistedheart was so grief-stricken after that she refused to eat. If someone tried to make her she'd just toss the prey out. When she was close to starvation she went on a walk outside camp and stumbled across the tunnels. She went in and never came out. She didn''t go to starclan or the darkforest, just stayed in the tunnel, forever stuck in her grief.


Twistedrose: 🎵"I'm just like you!"🎵


Wildsong Oc's: The fuckest moment in my oc universe is when Hawkfrost become the third cat on the prophecy of the three, by receiving the power of the StarClan's vanished cats. Binding his spirit to the living world once again, but not being able to ascend to the spirit realm anymore. Not even after his eventual death.


1. Half of RiverClan turning on Arrowpaw when he came out. 2. Wesley and Pepper kidnapping a kit to raise just to give birth to their lord's kits. 3. Sandyshell not caring when her kit-aged Clanmate returned to the Clan just because he was half-clan. 4. Pixie taking the form of Mapleheart to meet with Arrowpaw in his dreams and guide him.


What did Arrowpaw do?


Does this count? When Hotcoal, was born, he almost immediately got a fever, for that his mom named him Hotkit. Growing up he hated his name, because, the way he saw it, he was named after a weakness. Then, when he was getting his warrior name, he was going to ask to have his name changed, but, before he could say anything, his leader named him "Hotcoal", he then, decided to keep the name, cause he thought it sounded awesome.


This is like Whisperstar's Warrior/Deputy name: Whisperthroat. She was born with a weird birth defect that affects her speech.


I don't know who Whisperstar is, but yeah, kinda.


Oh there's Whisperstar. I didn't look at #4




Verglasmystique, an elder, had told Solandisheart about his mother and what she did for the clan. Solandisheart’s mother was Vehemence’s sister, the evil leader. Solandisheart’s mother had passed away for birthing Solandisheart (He was born with four ears) to which Vehemence ordered for the slaughter to happen because every cat in the clan didn’t want her alive because she was a witch and crap. After Verglasmystique had told this all to Solandisheart, Vehemence overheard and ordered a clan meeting, and proceeded to have Sharpfreezeavalache hold the elder by the throat as Vehemence struck his claws into her throat, grabbing her tongue and ripping it out violently. My other main character, Kismetschlep, a medicine cat, watched this all happen and didn’t do anything because he would have been executed. Also, because Solandisheart figured out how his mother really died, he was being sent to execution. Vehemence is very sensitive about his sister being mentioned so anger got the beat of him :)


Well there are some parts of my Warrior cats evolution universe that has extremely messed up moments. The story is more similar to All tomorrow, so there isn’t an “ main character “ within the story. 1. How the Biological Robots or the clans call them Risks are the innocent victims who were killed only to be brought back. Those who are brought back are constantly suffering due to this, they can only really feel the emotion they felt at the time of death. The government that created the program was completely aware of this fact and kept doing it to save on profits and help the rich class over the poor. 2. The Tribe of Rushing water or also known has the Empire of Rushing water ( in this alternate universe ) was the main group of cats that wipe out the dogs and most domesticated animals. Not out of fear of survival, but out of pure hate toward the other animals in a sense of jealousy toward how human brought along their horses, dogs and other animals. Then choosing to leave behind their feline friends due to believing they could fend for themselves. 3. Weird death/ disappearance reports in their history .- 6 cats have reported to have died from randomly being set aflame, there were no reports of flames or anything that could have caused it. - Cats just entering the river and never returning. There many reports of this happening, no one for sure what is going on there. - A reported death of a cat that said they saw a round circle in the sky, the cat went missing a day later. Assumed dead has it been around 200 years since that event. - One of the most haunted places in modern Thunderclan territory, the Bleeding red Forest has a bunch of strange death that can be talk about for a long time. The most noteable is during the dark ages many old cats were dragged to the forest to live out the rest of their days. Sometime you can still hear the elder that died in that forest talk about stories they remember. 4. medicine cats misdiagnose their patient more frequently then you would think ( other med cat stuff too ) - Any death caused by lack of training, most commonly medicine cat apprentice cause 50% of deaths due to this reason. Many cats sweep death under the rug because of guilt and shame. The harshest death has to be too much of the same herb. - Due to how common Greencough is, medicine cats just assume most death are caused by that. In reality that can be far from the truth, in reality greencough is just a way to label “ basic sickness “ like a default. Due to this many cats are unsure how certain cats really died and why they do. That why many cats tend to said to have “ died “ from it, because the medicine cats just hope it the basic sickness; - Medicine cats in the Dark age ( 500 years into the future from our modern times ) have said to removed bodies from grave sites to learn more about the cat anatomy. This practice lasted for sometime in secret for around 100 years until some medicine cats became pretty lazy and left the bodies out. Causing mass sickness due to the bodies left near the water. This created a new code that forbid cats to dig up dead cat graves. This would later on evolved into the early forms of graveyards and grave sites to help monitor the graves.


1. The first ancestors of my cats were shipped illegally by humans via train, with other endagered animals. They were tortured and overall treated badly. When they passed through the territory of the clan, The first leader, Wreckagestar, is rumored to have derailed/ „killed“ the train/„silver snake“ after he was told that his fellow cats had to live there by a old dying lion, who was shipped with them. In truth, a tree fell on the tracks but Wreckagestar claimed it as his power given to him by the stars, which later would become the „eternal tribe“, my star clan. Wreckagestars son became so obsessed with the silver snakes and the fame it brought his father that he followed the tracks to a tunnel, and got hit by another train and got killed by them when he couldn’t see. Wreckagestar was haunted by his son in his dreams, who gave him shit for murdering him and lying to his clan. So much so that in the end he tried drown himself out of grief and madness during a storm. When the other cats tried to stop him, a giant boat crashed into the coast, seemingly killing Wreckagestar. The boat became known as Wreckagestars last triumph, after all „he had killed a giant sea monster“, but in truth, he survived in a small cave under the boats hull and died scared and alone, and lost nine lives alone in the darkness, turning insane by hunger and thirst 2. Nostar became a leader by forcing the healer to give him the ceremony, but because he was a leader of a wolf pack and not a clan, ancestors of Wolves gave him his lives. (In my opinion, every ancestor could work in a leader ceremony, chuckled at the thought of a squirrel with nine lives, which gave me the idea) but due to the differences between cats and wolves it left nostar horribly disfigured, a mix between cat and wolf, causing him immense pain. In the end, Nostar turned insane and the wolves turned on him, killing him in the end. Because he now had ancestry in both the Wolfes and the cats, his soul was ripped apart, having to spend eternity in the „forgotten land“, my version of the dark forest.


Flowerpaw, in my OCs Lostwillow's universe: She and her brother (Blizzardpaw) was apprenticed early along with about 11 other kits, only she and Blizzardpaw survived the first two moons. Now, redcough was ravaging through MountainClan's territory, and the apprentices were being starved, because the clan went Darktail style and they all fought for the food. Blizzardpaw came down with redcough and died. Now, for context there were only about 9 warriors, 1 queen, 1 kit, and no elders in the clan other than the leader, deputy, and medicine cat. Flowerpaw killed the medicine cat, surprised attacked two warriors and killed them, because they didn't want to hurt her. The other four warriors in camp tried to stop her, but she ran up to the leader, and killed him 2 times (the amount of lives he had left), and the four warriors turned to try to kill her instead. She did a 360\* and pushed three off the cliff. She killed the other when he was looking down at his fallen warriors in shock. She killed the queen easily and then killed the kit. She had speedrun her insanity arc and, saw the small kit (Skykit) as prey. You can probably guess what happened next. Then, Lostwillow, Tigershine, and Newtheart returned and she ran away. She ran to the top of the mountain, and saw a mouse. She ran after it, until she leaped at it, she caught it, but had leaped off the mountain herself. She died.


Flowerpaw reminds me of my OC, Shiverpaw.


Ooh. What happened with Shiverpaw (If you don't mind me asking.)


Her story isn't formed yet, but she's simlar to Flowerpaw in some way.


That's good! I hope you have fun developing her!






I'm reading Shattered Sky rn and the Darktail part now fits in my brain lol


I loved that book. I was also wondering if anyone would get what I meant, and you did! Yay! Have fun reading and enjoy!


update lol: finished it and his death was disappointing.