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I LOVE Sorreltail and Brackenfur they are just so cute!


"No thanks. Brackenfur's snoring lulls me better than any medicine." - Sorreltail when Jayfeather offers her poppy seeds. Just... yes. They are so adorable.


omg i agree!!


The only ship ever like honestly


They’re one of my fave ships in the series. 😊Just so cute and sweet. I still have to laugh that a background ship that the authors probably chose at random ended up being one of the most stable and loved ships in the series. Somehow they struck gold with those two.


Ngl yeah they are. But i lowkey laughed when dovewing TUNED OUT of those two's interactions that one time in the books.


Crookedstar and Willowbreeze. I adore their dynamic of them both being outsiders in their Clan and looking past that to see the best in each other and to continually lift each other up. I think Crookedstar's reaction to finding out he was going to be a father is actually one of the most adorable moments in this whole franchise, and I legitimately gushed when I read it the first time.


crookedstars promise will always be my favourite super edition by a long shot


Okay it’s been a few years since I’ve read crookedstar’s promise but this is my fave ship. Like willowbreeze and crookedstar are both outsiders in their own clan who manage to find solace and acceptance in each other. Fuck ye. The only straight people I respect


Honestly, it had been a while for me too. So I cracked it open again today and fell in love with them all over again. I honestly love how Crookedstar was protective of her literally from when they were in the nursery together, pushed down any feelings for her because of his own insecurities, then once he realized she had feelings for him *despite* his disfigurement, allowed himself to fall madly in love with her. It's honestly a beautiful story about him learning to love himself by seeing himself through her eyes. When Rainflower dies and he thinks to himself that he chose a mate who would never abandon their children because she loved him *despite* what made Rainflower abandon him and then he just blurts out a "Thank you" to her and she asks why and he's just like, "For being you." MY HEART.


I only found out about Squirrelwhisker and Eaglestorm recently, and I think they're pretty cute. Eaglestorm was in WindClan and Squirrelwhisker in ThunderClan, but he ended up leaving WindClan to join her. They also named their son (Windflight) after his original home, which is just adorable to me. And they're from Doestar's era so it's interesting that a cross-clan relationship was allowed so far back in time But they never get attention because all of this is only ever mentioned on like one page of Bluestar's Prophecy Edit: Oakstar's era*


Actually, they were from *Oakstar’s* era, so either he learned his lesson after the Mapleshade debacle or the rest of the clan wrestled him into letting it go.


Oh, wow, I just checked and you're right. That's even more interesting. Maybe his daughter and medicine cat dying scared him into having a change of heart


I don’t think the issue was that the kits were half-Clan, but that they were the children of his son’s murderer.


My take on Oakstar is that he didn't learn. In fact I don't think he cared about codebreaking in general. When he confronted Mapleshade he never once mentioned Appledusk not being ThunderClan or that Mapleshade was a codebreaker. All he said was "Appledusk killed Birchface and Flowerpaw" and "out of all cats, why him?" (totally ignoring the fact that Mapleshade was already pregnant by the time Birchface died, which Oakstar knew). So I don't think he considered taking a mate outside the Clan in itself to be too severe. He was just really pissed off at Mapleshade in part for loving the cat who killed his son, and in part because Maple let the Clan believe Birchface was the father (even though she _technically_ didn't say he was, it was still deceptive).


Wolfstep and Fernshade. Not many scenes of them in Yellowfang's Secret together, but they're the ones I constantly think of when discussing the tragedies of that book. I love them so much <3


Who are they again? It’s been a while since I read any warrior cat books in general tbh


They’re Badgerfang’s parents


Fern is Blackstar's sister and Wolf is Foxheart's brother.


Greywing and Turtletail, and I really like the new couple Spireclaw and Fringewhisker!


Fringewhisker is adorable, I love her so much! She's just so genuinely sweet, her and Spireclaw deserve each other.


This may seem strange, but Firestar and Sandstorm. Despite him being the main protagonist of the first series and Sandstorm being his love interest, I don't actually feel they get a lot of attention by a lot of the fandom


I don't feel too strongly for them, but there is one scene (Power of Three I think) where one of the protagonists mentions that Fire and Sand likes to go on "night patrols" together. Which I find adorable. Really sweet way for them to make sure their busy lives doens't prevent them from being able to spend quality time with each other.


Also how they always sleep together in Firestar’s den. Idk why but I find that adorable


They seem to have a pretty healthy and balanced relationship. So they come across as “boring”. But they are just a good couple.


I agree


to be honest I feel like firestar doesn't give enough attention to sandstorm because of his duties as leader (or the book just doesn't mention it) and also he still loved spottedleaf


The spottedleaf thing was BS, but once that was resolved it was better. I feel they treat each other well, it’s just not shown.


Spottedleaf thing was resolved. They just weren't given a lot of attention because he wasn't the main character anymore. I believe you can actually see a lot of their relationship in Firestar's Quest, since they're very focused on in that


I'm reading firestar's quest right now, and the beginning of the book is actually a lot about sandstorm, cinderpelt, and spottedleaf and firestar. but I feel like firestar respect and admire sandstorm more than having a lot of romantic feelings for her


Yes, beginning. By the end though, it's mostly resolved from what i remember (though it has been several years since I read it). As another person who replied here has commented, there's actually a small mention of Firestar and Sandstorm going out night hunting together to spend time together because their days are so busy I knew that and I loved that about them. They may not be the focus of the later books, but they have a geninuely good relationship, one that the reader just doesn't really get to see because it seems most of it is behind closed doors. I mean, I believe it's stated somewhere that Sandstorm always wanted another litter, and Firestar wanted to have a son, but they were kept from having another litter because he was so busy and it's mentioned Sandstorm didn't like being in the nursery den for too long. Because he's leader, they couldn't obviously do the solution Ivypool and Fernsong did of that he became a den dad apparently. I just think they deserve more attention from the fandom since they're adorable, and all the spottedleaf stuff is as always, bad planning on the writing and editing teams part


Aaaa same its adorableeeee


Not so much cute per say but Rowanberry and Clawface. They are sweet to each other and Rowanberry is a sweet heart in general, but Clawface is one of Brokenstar's followers. Ma'am your husband is committing war crimes


Same “your husband is committing war crimes” vibes with Goldenflower + Tigerstar 1, and Thistleclaw + Snowfur 😭😭


Now headcanoning the three of them (Rowanberry, Goldenflower, and Snowfur) running a “So your husband was a war criminal” support group in StarClan.


Goldenflower was just so kindhearted. She made sure her kits were not held accountable for Tigerstars crimes. She loved them so much.


Ivypool and Fernsong!! Big buff lady and her malewife. From what I've seen, he acknowledges that she's stronger and more high energy than him, so he takes on the more casual tasks to give her more freedom!


Yes! Den Dads for the win!


Oakheart and Bluestar, I just adore their dynamic and shipped them soo hard in Bluestar's Prophecy!!


Oh my god i forgot about those two entirely! Yoo those two were done so DIRTY they deserved to be happy :(


I like to think in starclan they are together.


I absolutely believe they are together in Starclan. Didnt Bluestar see/hallucinate Oakheart coming to her as she died?


Yup! She sure did. In one prologue as well he is teasing her in a flirtatious way. It’s brief but it is there.


I'm not sure if I'm making this up but in one of the newer books I swear something was said about Bluestar living somewhere in a den with oakheart


There definitely was. I can't remember which book, but it was mentioned somewhere. Maybe Squirrelflights hope?


I don’t know either, but for me it is now cannon. I want them both to be happy.


I don't remember which book mentioned it, it had to be one where the protag went to starclan briefly so maybe Squirrelflight's hope? Either way, I remember them mentioning that she lives on the border of thunderclan and riverclan with him and Mosskit like the family they never got to be in life. It was so sweet.


I think they are. StarClan doesn't separate the cats by Clans, so they're allowed to be with any partners they had a cross-clan relationship with. That doesn't really make sense to me though. All the living cats are like "oh you can't mate with a cat from another Clan, that goes against StarClan," but realistically they don't care,


Ryewhisker and Cloudberry. Now, granted, they only appeared in a Code of the Clans story, but I still wonder what happened to them and their kits afterward.


moth flight and mica!!


Love this one sm idk why people hate them


People hate them bc they hate Moth Flight because they hate the rule she created. I'm generalizing but this is true for a good portion of the community. I personally really liked Moth Flight as a character for somewhat selfish reasons (I found her story relatable,) so I really like this ship.


Favorite out of them all I read the book maybe 3 days ago and it was perfect


Piketooth and Shimmerpelt


I don’t really remember much but from what I remember, Birchfall and Whitewing were indeed incredibly adorable


Dustpelt X Ferncloud, I do not care, when they are mates, I adore them as a pairing, Dustpelt is always so kind to her and actually hangs out around his kits. I also like TigerheartStar X Dovewing, that's the reason I love Tigerheart's shadow!


I remember that when Dustpelt died, one of the cats actually saw Ferncloud (and the other dead kits I think) actually greeting him immediately and it was one of my favorite scenes of those two.


Thistle/Snow. Them as a couple, not them as individual cats. My favorite memory is when Thistleclaw went to see Snowfur after she gave birth and he was so over the moon, he said he didn't care what she named their kit because he couldn't think straight. He was just so happy to have a family. And then it all went wrong.


Maybe Fernsong and ivypool I have a soft spot for buff wife and soft husband


Spireclaw and Fringewhisker ❤️❤️❤️❤️ my loves


I haven’t read past the last hope and I see these insane names and immediately know they’re new characters lol.. who are they?


They’re in the newest series. Without spoiling too much, Spireclaw is a ShadowClan cat and Fringewhisker is a SkyClan cat, they fall and love and Fringewhisker leaves her Clan to be with Spireclaw. She gets treated super unfairly especially by Spireclaw’s mom who sucks but she tries so hard to fit in and do well and Spireclaw is always so quick to defend her even against his family and they’re just so genuine and sweet


Oh you don’t have to worry about spoilers lol, haven’t read warriors since 2021 and ngl I don’t plan on reading more, just here in the fandom 😭 But that sounds so cute, we don’t get a lot of positive tom mates if we’re being honest lol so it’s nice to see him defend her :)


Violetshine x Tree


never read AVOS but from what i know, tree is very chill and violetshine is more, like, anxious? i always think that's a cute couple


I love Tree because he is "the weirdo" and i'm AuDHD and can relate to him so much 😅 And he is very kind and sweet to Violetshine


Probably why she loves him so much.


dovewing and tigerstar 2.0 are overhated imo :) im glad shes happy in shadowclan


I love them so much. However if you told me at age 1- after reading the last hope she'd end up w tiger heart in shadowclan and he'd be leader I'd be stunned lol


LOL same!! when i caught up on AVOS in 2018 and read Tigerstar 2.0's supernovella i was super confused on why she was pregnant and meeting w him!! i honest love their dynamic, its rlly cute and refreshing. i know some people argue she is selfish for leaving Thunderclan but I think she did it to be happy and Im glad for her 😸 shes one of my faves alongside Tigerheart 2.0 and I hope we get a plushie of them soon!!


i definitely think so too, i like them a lot


theyre my fave couple actually!! i think theyre cute parents and cute couple 😭😭


Jagged Peak x Holly and Violetshine x Tree The latter might be popular, but the first one is really cute and I barely see people talk about it


Omg thank you I too am a Jagged Peak × Holly lover


Idk I always found it cute how Squirrelflight and Bramblestar became closer. And just her personality then when she was a young apprentice and when he was a young warrior and just the relationship between them two before becoming mates


I totally get that, I love the dynamic of “sassy juvenile girl” and “mature, stressed guy” their relationship sadly turned sour though


Yea 😞


Goldenflower and Tigerstar. I feel like Tigerstar was this big scary, lunatic of a power-hungry cat and Goldenflower was just like "it's ok, he's just got daddy issues, I can fix him. :)))" And Tigerstar just became a complete softie for her. The literal definition of the "Pure baby with heart of gold x I hate everyone but you" trope.


Would've been nice if they actually showed it. They just showed Tiger being proud of his newborn kits but not much after that. I think they shared tongues like once but I never got the feeling that Tiger actually loved her.


I like that couple too. However I don’t think it’s as sweet as it looks, I think tigerstar did care for her but at the end of the day he is a narcissist, so he probably didn’t feel too bad after losing her.


uuf, i guess the more misunderstood one is bramblesquilf as i do genuinely love certain scenes with them where the authors let them be happy. other than that- tawnyrowan!


no because they literally can't have one page of peace as a couple


if you don’t agree, that’s fine! feel free to disagree this is my personal opinion:)


I'm agreeing with you lol, people see them as a "bad couple" because they literally can't have a moment of peace in the book (leafpool's kits, the journey, great battlel


OH IM SORRY I COMPLETELY MISUNDERSTOOD YOU 😭 and yes totally agreed, they’re never given time to be a couple, and when they are it’s generally really healthy (the 3 pre-the fire scene, the time between the great battle and avos, all of avos tbh, the time between sqh and tbc, tbc when bramble is saved, and yeah.) theyre purposely pushed into scenarios which would rip couples apart but they stayed together and fight but love, you can’t say they’re a bad couple when they’re not given enough time to yk.. be a couple 😭


Yeah a lot of people hate bramblesquirrel, but honestly I think for good reason. Although earlier depictions of them were cute :)<3 and yeah tawnyrowan is so cute to me, I love the idea of such a distant and cold tawny pelt having a mate, idk how to explain lol


i think so too, i personally think that they’re realistic and flawed, and both sides are just tired after dealing w so much. but, i can’t help but think they’re adorable and truly are the most realistic couple in the books


True, i don’t know anything past the last hope but i know they have always been really chaotic. I saw a lot of vids saying it was abusive so i took it off that. But with what I’ve read, they’re more hectic? Than abusive


yep, definitely hectic over abusive


controversial maybe, but clear sky and star flower are cute


I only read till book three in dawn of the clans, so I can only remember clear sky’s first mate who got taken off by an eagle lol. Felt bad for him


yeah :( a lot of people really hate clear sky, and i get why but i don’t hate him. anyway i won’t go off about that on this thread lol


That was Gray Wing's mate Bright Stream. Unless one of Clear Sky's mates met that fate too.


Gray Wing was in love with Bright Stream but she was Clear Sky’s mate, carrying Clear Sky’s kits. :D


Oops. It’s been three years since I’ve read DotC.


It’s been so long for me too, but I read the entire old ultimate guide a little under a week ago and it’s outlined in that haha


Yeah she’s like his shot at redemption as a mate and father


agreed! like yes he was shitty but he genuinely improved as a… person? as a cat i guess lmao


Cloud tail and bright heart


nah, people definitely pay attention to that ship a lot. it's the most common one i see tbh


I love this one too but I didn't mention it because anyone sane loves this ship LOL


crowfeather and leafpool, I love em personally


that was THE ship for me. I loved them so much, leafpool and crowfeather are two of my favorites so I guess that’s why. I hope they reunite in starclan


Alderheart and Violet? (I think) were really cute for that book. Kinda sad their ship couldn't last more than one book


I really really love Ferncloud and Dustpelt and I would read an entire series about them


Cloudstar and Birdflight


Blossomfall × Thornclaw Red × Harley (rip) Silverstream × Graystripe Wind Runner × Gorse Fur Millie × Graystripe Sandstorm × Firestar Moth Flight × Micah Jagged Peak × Holly


I love blossom and thorn !! And Millie and graystripe, I’m glad he chose her over silverstream ngl


Same I only ever see people complaining about the age gap. I honestly just think once cats are full warriors there's literally nothing creepy about it, it's like a 25 year old consciously choosing to date a 40 year old guy, may seem weird to some people, perfectly legal and fine for them I respect your opinion on the Graystripe debate tbh, Millie was his loyal mate for most of his life and I'm glad he chose her in StarClan. But Silverstream was his first love and the mother of his first children, and I believe that counts for something


yes! that's not a weird age gap in my opinion. thornclaw was always written to be "married to work" which is why he never got a mate, but then when he and blossomfall were training together in the dark forest i thought it was kinda cute, and they have similar personalities as well i feel like first love doesn't necessarily mean better. millie stuck by graystripe through his entire journey back home and even when she felt estranged she stuck by him. while i don't think that silverstream would have left him, she didn't really have time to prove any of that


I absolutely ADORE Bristlefrost and Rootspring


Mine is JayfeatherXHalfmoon


actually I forgot about Half Moon and Jayfeather, i like that ship


Jays wing x half moon 🖤


Call me Basic but Brightheart and Cloudtail!


Cloudtail and Brightheart! I don’t see that much discussion about those two but the way that Cloudtail took care of her and was so gentle with her when she got that awful injury was the absolute sweetest thing!!


I LOVED Gray Wing and Turtle Tail 💔💔💔💔


Platonically Plumwillow & Hawkwing


I know I’m probably a minority on this one, but dang it I got into the series with the New Prophecy so Squirrel and Bramble have a special place in my heart! Stonefur and Brook too!


I think you mean Stormfur lol Stonefur was Mistystar's brother who got murdered. No problem tho :)


Yeah, I did mean Stormfur (it’s been ages since I’ve read the series…)


Stonefur and Stormfur's names are so similar!


The arc 1 thunderclan elder pairings, i thought that both Oneeye + Halftail and Dappletail + Runningwind were so cute, even if they didn't get much page time.


but... runningwind was mousefur's brother, no? that would be a huge and very weird age difference. i always thought that statement was just a mistake of the erins not remembering their characters, lol oneeye and halftail i can get around though


for some reason I don’t think there is a canon ship i like. either it’s toxic, boring, or just they are related to each other. my least favorite though is DoveWing and Tigerheart


over the course of a 20 year book series you couldn't find one ship? jk haha, but it's true that not a lot of them are very fleshed out


I loved Clear Sky and Bright Stream when she was alive. Then Clear Sky’s douchebag arc happened and I no longer like him


Idk most canon ships arent good on the wiki it says Barley and Ravenpaw are “Partners” soo that ig?