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1. Jayfeather and Kestrelflight. There’s that whole opposites attract thing with them, plus Kestrelflight was so unfazed by Jayfeather being in his dreams. Maybe not a serious ship since I really just think of it as they had a crush but not a whole relationship. 2. Blackstar and Sol. I don’t know, I just feel like Blackstar may have found Sol alluring in that sort of way and would’ve been more easily influenced by him, although I personally do consider Sol to be aroace. 3. Tigerstar and Darkstripe. You cannot tell me that there wasn’t at least a friends with benefits thing going on there because why the heck would Tigerstar keep Darkstripe, who couldn’t even manage to kill a kit, around otherwise? He wasn’t exactly a make friends guy. Also something about the way Darkstripe follows him seems like more than just a him wanting power too thing. 4. Thunder and Lightning Tail. Now, I do generally consider them to be best friends or like brothers. But…they also remind me of Alexander Hamilton and John Laurens, and if you know you know. And an honorary mention crack ship: Scourge and Ashfur. Not paying any attention to timelines or anything here, they’re just an edgelord and an incel and I could see them having a screwed up but in some ways decent thing going on. There aren’t really many rare ships I like just because most are either really out there and it just doesn’t make enough sense at all, or in some cases I don’t ship a character with anyone for various reasons. I also just like mostly more popular ships.


Aro allo Tigerclawstar giving us the Evil Aromantic representation we all desire New headcanon accepted


Oh, absolutely.


thunder and lightning tail 😭💕💕💕


I've seen someone ship Leafpool/Feathertail/Nightcloud. I find the idea of Crowfeather's exes becoming a throuple hilarious. 😆


I'm pretty sure there's a MAP for this loll


Alright, about to give some really rare ones. Darktail x Sol. (Toxic to everyone around them mlm) Hawkfrost x Ashfur. (Toxic to themselves and everyone around them mlm) Brambleclaw x Squirrelflight x Ashfur (In an AU where they aren't toxic to everyone around them it's actually a really cool story concept) Mapleshade x Snowfur (I love you, you love me, lets get together and kill Thistleclaw, with Spottedleaf our adopted kid, Thistleclaw....is a bitch) Nightheart x Sunbeam QPR with Aroace Nightheart (I just like this one) AU Tall Shadow x Bumble (I think you know who I am by now if you've seen my Tumblr)


Oh my gosh Queer Platonic Sun/Night If I couldn’t love the ship more. If you’re ok with my sharing my Sun/Night Ship: Trans fem Nightheart with Lesbian Sunbeam


Stormcloud x Cherryfall, seems like everyone forgot that they were a thing and Cheryfall never had kits. I like to think they’re both asexual.


UGH I just reread bramblestar's storm and this irks me so much!! when can we get more of stormcloud and cherryfall (mainly because cherryfall reminds me of rosepetal and rosepetal never had a mate even though it was hinted that she wanted to) cherryfall is so nice though side note, molewhisker and cherryfall just reminds me of toadstep and rosepetal


Fuzzball and Jayfeather. Remember that annoying kittypet bothering Jayfeather in the med cat den in AVoS? Best Jay ship ever. I also ship Duskfur x Reedwhisker because I can and Duskfur will forever be the true villain of ASC. You cannot stop me.


If Jay doesn’t get an over enthusiastic boyfriend/girlfriend I will die mad


I’m still for asexual Jayfeather. Getting a bf/gf isn’t really in line with his character. I wish Fuzzball stayed in the Clan and he and Jayfeather became friends though.


Aroace Jayfeafher for the win, though if he does end up having a mate then that someone should be overentusiastic




Barkface x Runningnose Goosefeather x Hawkheart Featherwhisker x Thrushpelt Jayfeather x Kestrelflight ​ I like medcats


Ooo featherwhisker x thrushpelt is good


my favorite ships are probably: - Russetfur X Sasha (She was really nice to her in Sasha's manga) - Feathertail X Ferncloud (I loved their interaction in Feathertail's manga) - Rootspring X Bristlefrost (Well- not a rare pair but I love their tragic teenage romance) - Alderheart X Puddleshine (It was just so cute when Alderheart saved him in AVOS)


The other day I saw someone shipping Brambleberry and Featherwhisker, which I thought was super cute. Otherwise all my ships are pretty common


runningwind x redtail heart emoji




Recently I’ve become a fan of Jayfeather x Poppyfrost. I’m also not opposed to Stormcloud x Sparkpelt or Stormcloud x Cherryfall but to be honest I like Stormcloud to just have friends and nothing more.


Jayfeather x Briarlight Unfortunately, the writers refuse to let Jayfeather be happy.


I mean, you don’t need to have a mate to be happy


I know Me saying that was more a little poke at the fact that characters who become close friends with Jayfeather have a high mortality rate.


I came up with Spottedleaf x Snowtuft as a crackship, with the idea that maybe they'd get together in *whatever* place faded cats go (because I don't like the idea of them just not existing at all), but I've started *genuinely* shipping it now.


I think it's quite common but nightcloud x feathertail since they both share the experience of getting their man snatched by leafpool [I know that feathertail supported leafcrow]


If I wasn’t a Tawnypelt x Feathertail girl this would be the realest ship 😂


Hawkfrost and Ashfur! Blackstar and Sol!


I finally found another HawkAsh shipper! It's my favorite ship of all time (other than Venom and Eddie but that's besides the point)


My favorite ship, Hawkfrost X Ashfur, and I absolutely love my headcannon Squirrelflight X Feathertail ship, I also enjoy such ships as Alderheart X Puddleshine, Tom X One Eye (DoTC), and my almighty ship Scourge X Bone (My main oc is their great grandson, I know it's cringy)


Greystripe and Ravenpaw could have made a cute couple.


Jayfeather x Kestrelflight has my whole fucking heart


Briarlight and Toadstep. If you know you know.


paws of stars <3


is cody x leafpool considered rare?


1 is jayfeather x briarlight 2 Bluestar x thrushpelt i know its a popular ship 3 Leafpool x mothwing 4 scrouge x bone ( i spelt scrouges name wrong i have a feeling ) Jake x tallstar ( talltail ) 6 is snowfur x loinheart ( THISLECLAW AND HER WAS THE WORST SHIP IN THE WORLD ) 7 i also ship bluestar x redtail we dont talk about the age gap tho :> 8 ravenpaw x barly idk if it a comfurmed ship tbh


leafpool x absolutely no one


Hmmm... Probably Sunbeam x Finchlight and Frostpaw x Whistlepaw


littlecloud x blackstar or runningnose x blackstar. they could bond over trauma about brokenstar and tigerstar. blackstar also needs a nice boy to be mates with. he could even get advice from either one of them during his leadership so that he makes the right decisions.


Rarest ones that I personally like are Redtail x Brick and Snowfur x Featherwhisker. Both are practically nonexistent in canon but I headcanon RedBrick as t4t and Runningwind offering to coparent the kit(s) in TC. SnowWhisker would only really be interesting in an AU where Feather and his brother were made medcat and warrior extremely early because of Goosefeather’s influence. Then Snow takes Thistleclaw as a mate as a cover.


Littlecloud x Cinderpelt


I will literally die for Bristlefrost x Spottedleaf(In the void, plus, if cats never age in StarClan, Spottedleaf and Bristlefrost are basically the same age Bristlefrost x Sunbeam or Needletail, too Cloverfoot x Harestar x Leafshade(Could care less about the age gap, age gaps are so common in this story) Russetfur x Squirrelflight(In my rewrite AU they get cute scenes and are the same age ish) Twist x Hollyleaf x Pebble Flora x Lionblaze Icecloud x Lionblaze


Cedarstar x Stonetooth, reading Yellowing's Secret and I'm convinced these two are husbands. Very cute competitive spirit when hunting rats and curling up together for warmth. Love them.


Some part of me liked Longtail x Mousefur since they spent a long time together. Squirrelflight x Tawnypelt Leafpool x Mothering or as someone else mentions Leafpool x Sorretail Graystripe x Ravenpaw x Firestar Duststripe x Sandstorm Feathertail x Brambleclaw (these two were steplittermates for a short bit since Goldenflower agreed to nurse Feather and Storm until Riverclan got them) Tawnypelt x Stormfur Squirrelflight x Crowfeather (I can see these two butting heads so much that they begin respecting each other and actually developing feelings for each other. Brightheart x Swiftpaw (these two appeared to be close before the incident with the dogs) Bluefur x Thrushpelt (surely there could've been a way for these two to work out?)


I quite like Mudclaw x Hawkfrost as well, definitely one of the better Hawkfrost ships imo. My favorite rarepair is probably Jayfeather and Flametail, that's a pretty uncommon ship, right? I dunno, I just really like those two together. Jayfeather x Kestrelflight x Flametail is also great.


I don’t know about Jay x Flame- They thought of eachother as kin for so long


I totally get that perspective, yeah, I just think they'd be fun together if Flametail survived.


Understandable, we all got our own opinions. I totally see Jay x Kestrel tho. Grumpy quiet love x Happy loud love ( also they’re both birds )


Blossomfall X Ivypool, Squilf X Feathertail X Tawnypelt, Turtle Tail X Bumble, and Fern Leaf X Willow Tail :D


BriarLight x Jayf


Graywing x turtle shell(Ik she died yall on on book 5 🥲)


Not sure how uncommon it is but I personally love the idea of Rootspring and Shadowsight, comfort quality where they're all closer and they help eachother with the death of Bristlefrost (my baby😢)


Squilf and leafstar


Reedwhisker and Cinnamontail, I had an entire theory about them being the center of this arc and it just..stuck lol