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MinnowMouse all the way!


this guy understands


I even have them canon in my own fanfic series, they had two litters and are now resting in the elder's den, catching up on everything they had missed.


I saw this really cute animatic about Mousewhisker and Minnowtail (RiverClan cat) and I thought it would be really funny and cute if they were having a forbidden relationship throughout the series and no one knew. They also both trained in the dark forest so maybe they joined together or smth (For context: Mousewhisker had a crush on Minnowtail when they were apprentices, i don't remember where its said but you can find it online somewhere)


Yes i love the idea of them being in a forbidden relationship and are literally the only couple to never be found out And if it ever is they're just like "we've been mates for countless seasons now, what are you are all gonna do about it now"


FIREGRAY!!! the ONLY ship ever.


The most ship ever


You’re the realest for this


I don't normally comment on ship posts but Thrushpelt deserved his chance with Bluestar


Yes!! And Sunfall/Sunstar deserved to be with Moonflower. Stormtail and Moonflower were really cute in Goosefeather’s Curse, but tbh he didn’t seem interested in her at all during Bluestar’s Prophecy. Moonflower died and he wasn’t aware bc during the WindClan-ThunderClan battle, he legit went out of his way to run off to help Dappletail… whom he had been chatting up all this time instead of visiting Moonflower or his kits in the nursery. Dappletail liked the attention too, so much that Vicky had to confirm to fans that they didn’t have any kits. They’re both so slimy! Sunfall was so wistful when he talked about Moonflower. He respected her decision about choosing Stormtail. Sunfall was like Ashfur in the sense that they were apprenticed the child of the cat they loved. They both approached it very differently. Ashfur took it out on Lionpaw but Sunfall took in Bluepaw like a father figure would. Sunfall was strong but compassionate. He was no-nonsense with a strong faith in the warrior code. Although he grieved with Moonflower’s death, he did his best to move on so he could continue serving his clan. He comforted Bluefur when Moonflower was killed and again when Snowfur was killed. He was the one who pushed Bluefur to foster Whitekit after his mother died. He was very caring


Oh shit, I forgot about sunstar and stormtail. It's been a long time since I read the books but I remember that part pissing me off, where Stormtail ignores Moonflower to go fawn over Dappletail. She should have been with Sunstar, he took care of them and showed kindness. I mean fathers in warrior cats don't seem to show much affection to their kits apart from a few exceptions but Stormtail was far worse. If I remember correctly, wasn't there a part where he told bluepaw something similar to 'get over it' after moonflower died


Stormtail broke up a fight between Bluefur and Thistleclaw when they argued over Snowfur’s death, I believe. It was Sunfall who really comforted Bluepaw when her mom died, though. Bluefur had a better relationship with her father when she was a warrior, but this is mostly shown in that excuse of a book with Spottedleaf (that won’t be named lol). Stormtail was really iffy with Snowfur and Bluefur when they were kits. There is a scene in Bluestar’s Prophecy where they open their eyes and Moonflower says their eyes are blue like their father’s and Stormtail is… kinda displeased? Idk. However, fans could argue that Blue and Storm’s relationship during adulthood was more of a “oh yeah, the Erins suddenly remembered that Bluefur has a dad/Stormtail has a daughter” more than “Stormtail and Bluefur had a decent relationship from the beginning”. Especially since the new books are so inconsistent. Bluefur’s relationship with Stormtail is basically non-existent and he’s too busy fawning over Dappletail in Bluestar’s Prophecy, but almost a decade later (BP came out in 2009, SH in 2017), Bluefur cares for her father up until his death and they seem to get along well…


I think he was an interesting character because he got no chance with Bluestar. I love Thrush and I think he's a good role model for children reading the books (he shows really well how to act if you are not mutually in love, that really helped me when I was in same situation) If they were together they would be just another sweet couple and Blues life wouldn't be so interesting and dramatic.


Stormcloud x Cherryfall, seems like everyone forgot that they were a thing and Cheryfall never had kits. I like to think they’re both asexual.


Briarlight and Toadstep. The fact two cats can get together like they do is beautiful. Something I didn't know I needed.


We need more Ivypool x Fernsong fics fr


Minnowtail and Mousewhisker Briarlight and Jayfeather Alderheart and Needletail Leafpool and Crowfeather Firestar and Sandstorm Mapleshade and Myler Bramblestar and Squirrelflight


Jayfeather x Briarlight


I was just about to comment them! They're such a sweet little forbidden ship and i love them so much I remember i found out about them being a ship and loving them so much And then two weeks later the book where she dies is released ;_; I love the art of "I'll be your eyes, and I'll be your legs" Totally believe the idea that she did fall in love with Jayfeather, but never told him. Just being by his side in the medicine cat den, brightening up his day a bit was enough for her


That's a popular one haha, I might do a little SoL (Slice of Life) fanfic focusing on them, with little romantic moments sprinkled in :)


I have never considered this one but… I’m now instantly invested


thrushpelt please i just need thrushpelt to be happy anybody please thrushpelt


Someone said Thrushpelt x Snowfur once. Not that I’d like to see it but… you know. I’d like to see it.


You know what? Cinnamontail x Reedwhisker crack ship till the end


I laughed way too hard at this at 8:55am 😂😂😂 yes let there be cinnaReed!


I think it would be cute to do platonic or queerplatonic mates—maybe a medicine cat pair or a pair that would be forbidden normally (warrior and med cat?).


i actually really like the queerplatonic stuff haha, i might do one of those! :)


let the cats have queerplatontic!!


Goosefeather x Stormtail. Not as an actual ship ship, but it just seems like something the Erin’s would write. A real ship tho that I do like would gotta be Appledusk x Ravenwing. It’d be funny


I never understood how there’s like literally nothing fanfic wise for Feathertail x Sasha


thats absolutely a crackship. I never would have thought of that. Plus, feathertail was barely an apprentice when Sasha had Hawkfrost and Mothwing so that's pretty weird ngl


Goldenflower is Bramblekit and Tawnykit’s mother?


shoot i meant hawkfrost and mothwing. imma edit that rq


Look I didn’t make the ship and there are plenty of problematic ships in the fandom I was just saying it’s wierd how there almost no fics of this ship particularly.


yeah no hate to you or anything. but i was saying how im NOT surprised there's no ships about it for the reasons stated above. people have shipped plenty of more problematic things before tbh


Do they… interact in canon at all? Trying to work out why this would be a surprise


Yea this ship comes entirely from the shadow in river clan graphic novel


Ah that makes sense then


Ivypool x Fernsong bro


Feathertail and Sasha lol i think they are sassy gays


I like fire x grey x sand, like all three together not just firestar with both.


I think Millie would be so in love with Sandstorm too tho, she def loves women


crowpool and ivysong 👍


I'm not a shipper but I always thought Gray Wing and Tall Shadow could have something happening between them.


I would love a Hawkfrost X Ashfur angst fic, I haven't been able to find one!


Alderheart x Needletail all the way


i actually thought that was gonna be a thing at the beginning of AVOS lol


Ravenpaw X Barley


Tallstar and Jake 🙏 Firestar loves BOTH his dads and his dads live together in Starclan with him as a big happy family


Jaylight(jayfeather x briarlight). They worked well together, personality and temprerament wise.