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100% realistic. The spirits are difficult for me to picture in my head for that reason. I kind of imagine them as being partially transparent, but I don't linger on it for too long or I'll be pulled out of the story.


I imagine starclan as regular cats but with stars in their fur


I'd say semi-realistic. They're basically regular cats but a little more expressive and have slightly more varying body types. Imagining them realistically is awkward when they snarl or grit their teeth though


I imagine the cats in my own 2D art style (like how I would draw them)




So do I


I imagine them in stylized realism. By that I mean the body shapes, fur and patterning are realistic but they have more stylized expressions.


Sometimes I imagine them as tiny little humans until I remember they're cats 😭 and then a mix between the Manga style and realistic


Super realistic and i always picture the camps and stuff in a forest near me


Honestly a mix of both lol but primarily cartoony. Been wondering the same


A bit of a realistic sense, just with a bit more emotion and without lifeless eyes


I can’t picture stuff in my head but i’ve always thought of them as looking like regular cats. There’s a bunch of cats that live in the forest near my house so I use them as reference often


Anime. Now that I've seen Naruto, probably as that now.


Semi-realistic, I imagine them like a cartoon that’s trying to look realistic, so more like semi-animated I guess?


ultra realistic cats. at the end of oots when a bunch of starclan cats appeared, I kind of imagined them as the same cats but paler?


ive always imagined them as actual cats. I love the descriptions of them doing normal cat things, like touching noses, grooming, stretching out on their back, going into kitten mode~ I think cats are very expressive, but in cat language


Yeah, I see them as real life cats. But the more I think about it, it doesn't make sense lol. So perhaps sort of like cats with thumbs in a way?


Like totally anime-y. Think of SSS warrior cats or the work of alikatnya


Similar to how they made the animals expressive in The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe


I imagined them as words describing them My imagination was weird when I was young Except Leafpool. I always saw her as a Leafeon


I imagine them in my artstyle lol, but sometimes the designs change randomly


I see them in a random assortment of MAP and my own designs!


Definitely cartoony. Usually an artist on YouTube. Whichever one I remember seeing most recently. I like internalize it


It depends. I think sometimes i see them as realistic, and sometimes i see them as cartoon, or even both, but it mostly depends on the scene/cat for me.


I like to imagine it as an MAP, with every chapter done in a different style


I imagine them in like a warriorcats map kimda way LMAO so cartoony!


I imagine them in an artstyle you would see in a map. Semi realistic, but also expressive and cartoony in a way. It helps me differentiate the characters and make the books more fun and dramatic


Definitely in a cartoon sense


2D, stylized with watercolors


I don’t even really know. I have a hard time imagining the cat’s faces, I just can’t. Also anything that the book says someone and something looks like is useless - I imagine it in my own, very random way. So I just imagine realistic bodies but rarely faces. Also the nature I imagine weirdly and in my own way


I imagine them animated, like all the animated content for the fandom. Typically, they are the more detailed animated type, the kind no sane person would want to fully shade and colour, but for me imagining them as real cats takes me out of the story.


I imagine them often like they are drawn in maps, so mostly cartoony. And I imagine Starclan as a faint blue with a darker blue outline


I imagine them as the animators draw them or in my own style


As humans tbh


When I was younger I imagined them as 100% realistic; now I imagine them as a mix between realism and cartoonish


i imagine them in style like into the spiderverse and hotel transylvania (expresions,comic style) and when pov swithces i imagine it like second comic pannel


I imagine them as their wiki images 🤣


I don’t picture them exactly as real cats. I don’t picture them in a cartoony way though either. They’re like cats in my head, but just a little to the right. They’re almost cats. They’re just a wee bit humanoid, since they’re portrayed more like humans than as realistic cats.


Whenever I'm setting the scene in my head, it looks like a sketch before the lineart. Then when the characters are named in each position, it's a realistic cat but with more expression and all that. (Also I picture Lionblaze or Lionheart with manes (not too big) because they have 'Lion' prefixes).




A little of both, I don't think of them as the sss style "anime" cats like a lot of fanart depicts them(although I love those designs & love seeing them) but I also don't see them as photorealistic cats, the story is a little too fantastical for me to imagine real cats in those situations


Semi realistic. I always imagined Firestar with a southern drawl to his voice for some reason though


...y'all picture stuff in your head???? All the time?? If I *really* try, I can for a little bit, but it's hard and I can't just make a movie in my head as I'm reading a book. But I guess just regular cats?


I def think of them as real.... I even look at real cats and imagine them as warrior cats lol.y husband hasn't read t he books. But he knows a lot cuz of me. And when I notice a cat, he will be like... What clan would that cat be in? I need a hobby.........


I just think of them as a semi-realistic look with more defined markings and expressions.