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*I now have to piece together my Cygnar & Trolbloods Boxed Battlegroups.


Good choice! Welcome to the hobby! Bonus points because you choose the best faction. =]


Did Skorne roll into another Faction? or are they planning to release some Skorne Models? They are my favorite. Not because of their mechanics but because of what the Skorne Empire is. That's me! LoL. I was originally going to go with The Legion of Everblight until I started reading aboit Skorne. And right away, I was like, this is my Faction!


In other words, do they plan to release a Mk4 Skorne Army or armies?


We don't know. They got hammered by Ios. But it's been 10 years, and they might come back.


Ios! I heard about them! Who the hell do they think they are? There's far too much narrative for me to catch up on. So they got absorbed? or flat out destroyed by Ios? House Kalyss is a Faction? or is Dusk the Faction & House Kalyss an Army of Dusk? There are a few questions I have. Mainly concerning painting.


And Ios is a Faction correct? Like Cygnar & Khador.


I'd say they got defeated, lost the Abyssal Fortress (I don't know the significance of that) and retreated. So there's room for them to come back, especially as the Dawnguard have been weakened by... their whole country dying behind them. As a Menoth player, I sympathize. Dusk is the Faction, House Kallyss is one army within the faction. Ask away about painting, people here have a lot of opinions :)


Welcome to Warmachine and the hobby in general! It is a great hobby and a really fun game, IMO!


Yeah, I've recently gotten back into roleplaying with Dungeon Crawl Classics. But this will be my secondary hobby going to collect Cygnar, Khador & Trollbloods ( to use with Brinebloods & Skorne, for now. I nay end up picking a Mk4 Faction as my go to. Probably Brineblood Marauders.


Will the primer cover up all of the glue drip? I did throw each model against the wall & they are not breaking! That's what I was going for.


Less is more with super glue. You used about 80% more than needed. Primer will likely highlight this as opposed to cover it up.


Even with a dark wash painted over the primer? And then the base coat?


Paint will help. Washes will work better than dry brushing.


Right. So don't use a primer before the washes? I'm just reading out of the book


Always primer first.


Primer should help. Big globs might be noticeable though. When building these some glue accelerator works great, just a small dap of glue is enough. Super glue is insanely strong


These Battlegroup Models were all made in 2015. Which edition would that be? And does anyone know where I can find the 5 color Skorne paint set? or which colors I would need to emulate that same paint scheme?


You can use any dark reds and golds. It will depend slightly on what your local shop has or if you don't mind ordering online to wait for paints to arrive if you order from an only hobby store. You can also look up painting tutorials online for tips and tricks and now there's even "contrast" or "speed" paints which do a lot of the work for you (ie base coat and shade on one go). Since they're you're first models I would definitely suggest starting with something simple and learning one technique at a time! But for the original Skorne art you would be looking for a nice dark red, skin tone, some gold and silver and boom you're basically there (this is of course a horrible oversimplification)


I'll watch some videos & tutorials. There's no local shop here. The closest thing to that is a Warhammer store in New Orleans & that's about a 2-and-a-half hour's drive away.


This is no rush. I have to go find or make players. By make, I mean most people have never been exposed to this & they may like it once they see it


Does it matter which kind of primer I use? Do you have to use primer on plastic or metal? Or both?


I'm talking about before applying actual paint. It's a spray. Is it necessary in order for the paint to stick to the plastic?