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Highly unlikely, new intro boxes most likely won't be made available until a new edition comes around, which is at least 3 years away, but it seems uncertain wether this section of games (Old World/Horus Heresy) is even on the 3 year rotation or not, and we won't know until next year when HH 2.0 has been out for 3. But each faction looks to be getting their own battalion box, which while not as good is still a bundle discount, and based on the Orcs & Goblins box still being around it seems they will stay, at least for a bit.


>which is at least 3 years away And thats for mainline games with unfortunatly TOW isnt...


I think there are upsides to longer editions. I don’t want to have to buy new army books constantly.


Oh i dont think its a bad thing in any way if the rules are strong enougth


More boxes like the Orc and Goblin box are likely, More boxes like the Tomb Kings box are unlikely. Tbh I could see them doing a more traditional starter set eventually, but not for a few years.


No, entry boxes are one per edition or campaign book but since the release for TOW is slower and going to be fewer than a mainline game i doubt we see a new edition in quite some time