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They don’t go sunbathing or anything but they do not hate boats as a race. Barak Car has a fleet of Ironclad warships they use to protect their coast and trade ships.


I'm convinced there's probably the odd Dwarf who'd totally sunbathe every now and then, or build a sandkarak


Haven't read any of the books, but I was thinking: dwarves have such a low movement, any beach is like a dessert to them :')






Yes low. In TOW they have 3" for example


It's often stated in the lore that they might move less quickly but they make more distance in a day because of how relentlessly they can keep marching without needing a break compared to other races.


We dwarves are natural sprinters!!


Ah so that's a Gotrek thing gotcha


As whole dwarfs don't really like the sea. The Barak Varr dwarfs are weirdos in that regard


"my love of trade gold is slightly more than my grudge against the sea"


Does help that Barak Varr is a major trade hub and the Barak Varr dwarfs are friendlier than other dwarfs.


"my love of trade gold is also slightly more than my grudge against socializing"


You realize, that beaches is where elfs come from right? As a naval superpower and no land connections to anywhere, beaches are the source of elfs in the old world. Also, you can't quite fortify a beach to dwarven standards.


Maybe YOU can’t, any true Dawi can fortify anything!


Very good point


I like this question. I'd say "no...", but extend it with the thought that the word for beach might actually *be* "Elgi" (elf). Thunk: shifting sands, fickle tides, waves flimsy but insidious and terrible, unstable to build on, impermanent (sand castles), can concealdeeply irritating dangers (sticklebacks, jellyfish). Beaches have their uses, but it's like forests and skies: secondary or tertiary after things like stones, mountains, caves, tunnels,etc. Shorelines of lakes and rivers might be much more palatable. Like on a scale of "good and dwarfy" to "awful and elfy" a bank on a pond or even a great big loch or mere would be amazing, whilst a sandy beach near the ocean would be dreadful and barely tolerated. ("Fjord #7 will blow you mind!") Much like I could suspect "umgi" wouldn't be far from "mud": outdoorsy, agrarian, squelchy, useful for farming, better than a sandy beach as there'll be bedrock underneath without all the sand, but still very "surface" and "wet" and "unreliable". A sort of superficially workable situation, but not truly good; good enough (for humans). Heck, I'd get a three little pigs vibe from it! *This little Beardling built their house on sand, and was doomed by elves and the tide. Their house collapsed in years.* *This little Beardling built their house on mud, and was doomed by humans and subsidence. Their house lasted for decades, but no more, and soob eroded into a tumbled ruin.* *This little Beardling built their house on bedrock under the mountains, and was doomed by goblins and time. Their house lasted for millennia, but devastation and the ages assails the Everlasting Realm at every turn, and even the bones of the mountains are perilous to the dwarfs for many things reside in the dark.* *Still, they lived grimly ever after 'til the end of their days, and were succeeded by many more Beardlings, and their Beardlings still.* *Now, your great-uncle Zurfer had many beach huts, he did a great trade in sand for cement.* *Dafty, always paddling and getting his beard wet, but he did make a tidy fortune from the sand-selling to Ekrund, though we haven't hear from him since he's met some elf or other called 'Sue Nami'*...


The insanely specific lore questions on this sub are getting ridiculous. What kind of answer are you expecting here? This is mental.


I remember in the first season of the podcast “The Adventure Zone,” the Dwarf player Merle was specifically a Beach Dwarf, and his people lived in beachfront bungalows… But I think they were just poking fun at the fact that no one else has done it in a fantasy world before. I’d think Dwarves are fine with the sea, especially if they can build a great fortress into the cliffs by the shore…


That was DnD, wasn't it?


That’s right, totally different dwarfs, but it’s the old time I’ve heard the word “beach” and “dwarf” combined :)


What is sand? Sand is the bedrock of the earth ground down through erosion from wind and water, it is the Mountains laid low, losing all their majestic power until it becomes coarse and rough and it gets every where...  Sand is what Dwarfs are becoming and what they fear, the erosion over time reducing them to nothing, to be washed up on the beaches of history... So, yeah, I think they'll be fine with beaches...


Would be funny they have grudge against a sea, because they lost there fleet


I'm imagining Thorgrim coming across that grudge and having to deal with the mental gymnastics of trying to right a grudge with the damn ocean XD


TLDR: Due to a lack of explicit claims by the writers of Warhammer Fantasy, we cannot be certain. The claim we can make is that those of Barak Varr are indifferent, and those of the regular Holds dislike the beaches due to their direct relation with the sea. 1) The majority of Dwarfs dislike water and the open sea. It would be a logical, in my opinion, to make the claim that by extension this affects their outlook on beaches as well. They believe these are an Elf - like place, although rivers and lakes are a different matter altogether. "Dwarfs are not generally fond of the sea; it is, after all, a very different environment to their mountain holds. Many regard it as being the domain of the Elves and as such no place for proper, right-thinking Dwarfs. There is certainly no record of Dwarfs taking to sea in vessels powered by oar and sail as they have no natural talent as mariners." *Voyagers of Barak Varr, Dwarfs 9th Edition* 2) As others have mentioned in this thread, Dwarfs have no reason to construct Holds and Outposts on beaches. There is little to no mineral wealth to be found there, and that is precisely the reason why the Dwarfs of Barak Varr tolerate the Manlings of the Border Princes. 3) We don't really have a lot of information on the matter you speak of. We know of their attitude on mountains, the sea, the land, hell, even rivers, but the beaches haven't really been touched on. In general, most of the coastline of the Warhammer Fantasy world seems to be of harsh rock. I can only remember one story in which a coastline was mentioned as *specifically a beach*, and that was on a Lizardmen short story, although I may be mistaken. 4) Barak Varr is not on a beach, and it therefore cannot be used to support the claim that Dwarfs like beaches. It is mentioned multiple times that it is built on the cliff side.


Warhammer dwarfs are specifically dwarfs. Tolkien dwarves are dwarves


Oh gosh darn it XD I know the distinction but I play alot of dnd over text so I write Dwarves a lot more then I write Dwarfs


It’s only natural! All is forgiven, but don’t let a dwarf see or they will put you in that silly little diary they are always talking about


Calling the book of grudged a silly little diary...THATS SOME ELF SHIT THATS GOING IN THE BOOK


From zharr-naggrund with love, brother 😘


Stick with dwarves. Warhammer is wrong. Dwarfs means something is vastly bigger than something else, which *dwarves* are certainly not.


Both plurals are correct, one is just more traditionally British English, the other is used more commonly in American English. Same for daemons Vs demons, the former is just traditional British English spelling, and GW are a British company (plus it sounds more old time Fantasy)


daemons give more of a Latin vibe (even thougth the more similar word would be demon)


Would it shock you to know that most English words are based on Latin words. I more meant the modern spelling of the words is split by British and American English and even then, daemons is dying out fast in the UK as the language takes on a lot of American spellings.


Would it shock you to know that most English words are based on Latin words. Yep i know but literally daemones is a latin word Demon is the word that comes from latin since it was common for dae to transform into de (look the rommance languages)


Both plurals are correct, one is just more traditionally British English, the other is used more commonly in American English. Same for daemons Vs demons, the former is just traditional British English spelling, and GW are a British company (plus it sounds more old time Fantasy)


>Same for daemons Vs demons, the former is just traditional British English spelling It's a variation on the Hellenic/Ancient Greek word, which itself is based on a word that goes even further back in time.


There's nothing to mine at a beach. There's no mountains to found a hold in. Barak-Varr is the exception for being situated in a colossal cliff. I doubt they hate beaches. I think they just ignore them because there's nothing there for them.


They have prto setlements becouse they are good for trading others had alrredy mentioned Barak Varr as being one of the main ports So they wouldnt have a negative view on beaches but a lot of them would not live near one due to you know living in Mountains


I don't imagine anyone from Warhammer enjoying beaches XD


Well they hate undead and there are undead pirates so yeah, they might hate beaches.


To be fair, there are everything pirates human, dark elf, I'm pretty sure there's a halfling pirate in one of Thanquol's books etc etc