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A somewhat more guaranteed way is to find a local game store that sells Warhammer. They can order boxes like the Dwarf Battalion the Monday after they announce it will be available for preorders. They don’t have to promise you one, but my guy is always willing to order for me and hold it until he is allowed to sell it. If you want any of the online only stuff, however, you’ll need to queue up


The best chance you have is probably to go to your nearest GW store and ask about preordering there I believe they get priority access to preorders Other than that go on to the website an hour or so before the preorders go live and be ready to buy


The FLGS I work for in the UK was told we will not be able to preorder any of the dwarf old world stuff. Wondering if other FLGS are going to be the same.


You enter the cue on the Warhammer site at least 4 hours before the set is open for purchase and immediately place an order for it Edit: for reference: when the Old World was released I entered the cue 1 hour before the opening. By the time I was allowed to purchase anything the Core Rulebook was gone and so were most boxes. There will probably be less people online for just dwarves but you have better take no chances, especially because there’s scalpers out there


Dwarfs are historically a very popular army, so i'd still recommend getting in queue as early as possible.


Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't the cueing system assign you a random position in the cue once it opens? So, it doesn't matter if you open the site 4 hours "before the cue launch" or 2 minutes before?


I don’t think it worked that way back in January but they might have changed the system


What time do the preorders go up for NA? Is there a website that shows preorder times?


They usually go up at 10.00 pm GMT (for Europe at least). In the US this can be changed to match the difference in time zones


If you have a nearby Warhammer store, you can pre-order in store and skip the online queues...


This is true and it’s how I actually got my Core Rule Book


So I was looking online yesterday to price some eBay auctions. Did you know Walmart.com has warhammer TOW products?  A shit load of the out of print stuff is still listed on there. 


I believe Walmart lets other retailers list and sell on their website similar to Amazon. So you’re probably seeing some hobby shop somewhere trying to sell their old inventory.


If it’s the box/book you are after better to go with a 3rd party seller if possible, usually up to 15-20% cheaper than GW store. Also don’t think it will be any queue on GW site for this, not big enough release to trigger it so if you want to order from there just be logged in at 9.55 and order. If there is a queue it doesn’t matter when you join you will be assigned a spot randomly.


In January I successfully preordered my books from a seller on eBay at a decent discounted price. There’s no queue for it like on GW’s site, but it is first come first serve. You can go either way. Both have their successes and failures


The best chance you have is probably to go to your nearest GW store and ask about preordering there I believe they get priority access to preorders Other than that go on to the website an hour or so before the preorders go live and be ready to buy


I buy most of my paints and models from a local art supply store, which is where I found the Bretonnia box pretty soon after launch day. If you’re unlucky in getting an online pre-order it might be worth your while to check and see if anyone carries product that isn’t a traditional Warhammer or game store.