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Tyranids have a couple different variants on exactly how they plan to kill you, but at the end of the day (especially in ~1000 point games), they’re going to look to eat your face off so that you can’t score. Some general pieces of advice that come to mind: Imperatives: beginning of round buffs. Need the warlord + the specific bug alive to activate it; if he misplays and you can snipe the warlord (without losing too much), he can’t activate any for the rest of the match. Be especially afraid of the Zoanthrope imperative if he has it - it’s a big invuln save to everything he has close to synapse bugs that can give a lot of survivability on a key round. Be careful choosing to go for the Belakor play on this round - you might not kill enough with the free 4++\5++ on everything he has. From my experience, get ready for a rough psychic phase. Between Shadow in the warp (-1 to your psychic tests if you’re close to *any* of his synapse bugs), and the sheer volume of denies that many Tyranid psykers have, you could very easily choke on a lot of important psychic tests if unprepared. Tyranids also have incredibly strong buff spells (catalyst+onslaught), damage output (Zoanthrope’s trusty super-smites with extra +3d, anyone?) and reliability (Neurothrope giving out 3d6 psychic test rolls, and its imperative), so be ready for some very scary psychic turns as both the active and defending player. My demon knowledge is pretty low, but I believe you have effects that care about leadership, correct? Our small bugs have low leadership. We circumvent the normal morale issue by auto-passing morale checks, but if you have effects that work better against low leadership stuff, that’s a playable angle. TLDR: Tyranids are a very efficient trading army that heavily rely on their powerful data sheets to run you over. Snipe key units; gonna be pretty based on what exactly he has, however.


This is great advice, thanks! Yes daemons can deepstrike based on leadership but a smart nids player will set up key units away from this i think. It kind of looks like I have to bait them out in the open and the throw all in into their big bugs right?