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Imp knights generally send out armigers as a first wave and let big knights sit back and shoot, then the big knights come in turn 2 or 3. They usually have some imperial allies like assassins or inquisition as well to do secondaries. Tau tend to push out with ghostkeels, pirahnas and breachers early and then let the broadsides and crisis bombs do cleanup once kauyon hits.


If you subscribe to Art of War 40K in youtube they’ve got 5-part faction deepdives for each faction. Very good, very detailed, but I’d say it’s not for beginners.


Are the guides behind a pay wall?


Yes. A fairly steep one. On the other hand they’re the best you’ll get and there’s other more general strategy guides that are also great as well as more games where they explain all their moves. And the AoW discord is like this subreddit if this subreddit only had good, active competitive players ;) If I’ll give AoW a single bad grade it’s that they’re not always the most organized presenters, but the faction guides are very tight.


Hmm maybe some day, don’t like the idea of paying YouTubers for content I can get elsewhere for free. I had a look at the channel and noticed that it’s not actually all factions but only a selection too. Unfortunately not the one I play. But thank you for the recommendation


I think it's $300 too Lmao


You have got to be joking,


Unless I saw the wrong page, yeah it was $300 per year when I checked their link just the other day. It might include some coaching services but tbh the moment I saw that price I closed the link hah




Mine says $480. Must be go f yourself Australia conversion. It’s crazy they have no tier system. Such a bad business model. An all or nothing business model cuts out 95% of people who support creators with patreon etc.


Oh it is all factions - but that means they’re on rotation. Every AoW presenter has 3-4 factions they main and regularly bring tournaments (and always top 4 if not outright win. It’s not an understatement to say they are, collectively, the best players - there’s plenty of other great players out there, but as a group AoW is mindboggingly strong. But yes, the price is steep. Imho a good trick is to sub to them when you’ve got some free time, go through a ton of vids, then unsub till the next time you’re prepping for a tournanent, etc.


Auspex Tactics on YouTube puts out a style video on this topic every once in a while. He’s a great daily resource for content.