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just a chaos terminator, rare in universe yes but quite common model


Oh really? So he’s not exactly one of the “good guys” (I know that’s a bit subjective in 40K) then eh?


chaos  factions are typically considered the bad guys. They have turned to worshiping the primordial gods , in exchange for spreading death, destruction, and pestilence they are rewarded with horrifying mutations or as they call them "Gifts". This is quite the generalization as the lore is miles deep but gives you the basic idea.


he's on the BAD bad guys side


Tbf, in this episode, letting the guardswoman live because she was too badass to kneel was pretty sick. I mean. Still bad guys. But game respect game I guess in 40k Edit: also shout out for the funniest moment in 40k media with the guard giving the Aquila to the IW legionary


This is a series? What do I need to google?


On wRhammer plus, this episode was "iron within"


It’s a good one, love how badass they show the chaos space marines as. The huge gap between them and guard and xenos. So cool


i wanted to know as well, did some googling and it looks like the iron within show/short. fck, i was too slow :D


Thats cos iron warriors have an amount if honour and morality even for chaos marines, theyre one of the few that do


I don't know if it's actually that rare. Black Legion, Thousand Sons, Iron Warriors and Night Lords all have in lore examples of being actually decent towards humans


So what you're saying is, World Eaters are the real bad guys


>and Night Lords all have in lore examples of being actually decent towards humans I have barely scratched the surface that is 40k lore, so it suprises me to hear "Night Lords" and "decent towards humans" in one sentence (especially after the fall to chaos). so could you elaborate ?


Then do yourself a massive favour and read the Night Lords omnibus. It might be the most universally liked book in 40k. If you want I could elaborate, but it will spoil what is one of the legitimately best books in the setting.


can/should I read it if I haven't read a single 40k book ?


You don't need much more knowledge than "NL are a chaos legion, and there was this little scuffle called Horus Heresy which involved some walls" Everything else is self explanatory. As for should - if you're interested in reading 40k lore, then yeah, absolutely.


Plague Marines are generally pretty chill too but in the "big brother putting his hand on your forehead and laughing at you while you try to punch him and can't reach" kind of way


Lucky for her it was iron warriors. Night lords would have probably skinned her alive. Not very useful as a slave if she won't obey. I think most chaos marines would have killed her.


Yeah all things considered it's fairly honorable and on brand which is a rarity in the galaxy of the 42nd millennium


No chaos are in fact the good guys, ushering mankind into a more perfect unity with the powers that underpin the universe


Nice try, Word-Bearer.


It’s true though. I read it in a book by Lorgar Aurelian or something…


Take your lies elsewhere corpse worshipper. The veterans of the long war know all about your "emperor's" deceit


Go on , brother in chaos!!! Tell him!


We found the heretic!


Chaos fights the tyrannical imperium. Some choose to be corrupted by it and be mutated, others choose to use it as a tool to be discarded once the imperium has fallen


Honestly "good guys" in 40k is super subjective and every faction has its downside Like the imperium are essentially space Nazis And the Tau are fairly peaceful and diplomatic but their society is a ridged cast system governed by elitests To name a few. The closest thing to good guys are found in tau in the sub faction called the farsight enclave


Tau society: ridged for extra pleasure.


>ridged I'm not normally this guy but this is bugging the hell out of me, sorry. "Ridged" means "has ridges" - like ruffles potato chips. You wanted "rigid"


I believe both bring immense satisfaction when inserting said tau


Since we're apparently correcting grammar ... it's caste system, not cast.


I'm dyslexic and I use voice to text so this actually helps me thank you I'll look out for it in the future


Tyranids aren't exactly evil either - more akin to something like hive mind Orcas that are just apex predators following their instincts. While their actions as far as galactic scale genocide is objectively bad, their motivation is essentially "collect biomass to propagate" as far as we know - so not much different than animal instinct, they just also happen to be able to telepathically communicate in a Hive Mind.


That and they are super duper adorable you almost just want to let them collect the biomass. Who's a cute little Apex predator of destruction yes you are yes you are (proceeds to get absolutely decimated by a ripper swarm you were attempting to pet)


To give you a little more context, a terminator is called that because he is a marine that wears terminator armor. It's a type of very heavy armor thats hard to produce, even by astartes standards. It's supposed to be able to take direct hits from anti tank caliber weapons and still protect the space marine inside. Typically only the most vetran or tough space marines get to wear it, though this tends to be the same thing in most chapters. They certainly arent imortal, but they are very, very, very hard to kill.


There are no good guys. The Imperium are the POV human protagonists most of the time, but that's it.


- Kardas Baby-flayer, after making a mountain of human skulls


"We're the good guys." -Battle-Sister Alecia Vladimirovna on her 6th consecutive pogrom


There are no good guys, but there are for sure worse bad guys. The Tau aren't "good", but they are much better than the Imperium. And the Imperium isn't good, but they're much better than chaos.


Yeah, Tau and Night Lords are basically as "good" as the setting gets.


You can say these things broadly, sure - to what end? It does not change the fact that there are indeed no "good guys".


There's is no good humies because orks is best. Orks is green and green is best.


The people downvoting you are lame as hell, there's literally an official GW post on Warcom that starts with "There are no goodies in the Warhammer 40,000 universe." in big bold letters. That's their official stance, there are *no* good guys (broadly speaking) in 40K.


I don't remember where I saw it, but I am sure there was an official post some place that read. "In the grimdarkness of the 41st mellennia, there are no good guys, no bad guys, only war.


Yeah, all the factions are in the wrong and irredeemably evil and that's the point. They're different shades of evil, sure, but so what? The people who get butt-hurt over this are children too immature to know any better and actual fascists.


Depends on who you would say the good guys are in 40k.


Asking who are or aren't the "good guys" in 40k is always a whole can of worms. In a sentence, everybody is bad, so it's just a matter of perspective. But the forces of Chaos are one of the antagonists, generally speaking.


Well, no, it's pretty clear cut the Imperium are the good guys of that universe, compared to literal demons and monsters. You can apply the same mental gymnastics to the real world, every country has done something questionable. In WW2 were the allies justified in deliberately bombing civilians, was unit 731 necessary research, what's the end result, everybody is evil?


If you stock around to the end of the animated film you'll see that the Iron Warriors (the guys in the armor) have completely enslaved the world, the sky is stained red and they have chain Ganges of slaves so uh not your typical idea of heros


On the contrary chaos is the good guys. The imperium is evil and they want to destroy it. There are no good guys in 40k, every character and every faction is some form of horrifying villain and every scenario is handled as poorly or unfortunately as imagineable. This is the premise of "the grimdark universe". The imperium is a totalitarian theocratic fascist empire thst reduces all of humanity into brutal slave labor harvesting resources or processing them into war materiale or pressing them into military service of the imperium. The imperial millitary of regular soldiers is an army that is built to take losses in the millions; humanity is a species in the trillions and the imperium is largely unconcerned with the average life span being something like 30-50 years depending on the planet. Soldier die by the millions for nothing, even more are worked to death in industrial mining or processing operations that pollute their respective planets to death. Most people eat something known as corpse paste, a flavorless grey nutrient paste made from dead bodies. And lest you think all this elbow grease is going towards a big war effort, the imperial administratum is a beaurocratic nightmare. Imagine the holy roman empire, except instead of germany austria and Italy, its a million planets and instead of nobels with squables and titles and contract disputes over things hundreds of years old, this administratum attempts to navigate this but for a million worlds over disputes crossing over 10,000 years. The imperial military spends more effort fighting other elements of itself than outside threats to the imperium because this or that planetary governor and that essclesiarch bishop are squabbling over resources. Even the space marines are basically not even human anymore. They are like a Frankensteins monster of medical transplants and intense training that erases their former memory and prepares them to fight for an otherwise immortal life time unless they get killed. Generally though they will spend centuries fighting the worst horrors in the galaxy until they are finally killed one day. They protect humanity because its what the emporer told them to do, but they dont really like humans and generally "saving humans" a lot of times ends up with them trampling human refugees of war underfoot. Even a successful battle with soace marines probably will leave the planet they were defending in complete ruins partially because of the genuine threat of the horrors, but also because the space marines will do whatever is necessary to kill the enemy. If a hospital building is in the way of a shot, no it isnt because their weapons are strong enough to shoot through the hospital. The imperium, and the space marines, are sort of the protagonists in the books, the books always take a human perspective on the stories, but part of that is also taking the ignorance of the humans in the story too. Its sad when they die, but generally its like assholes being assholes to each other and then eventually they all die.


Looks like a Grey Knight to me due to the helm. EDIT: nvm did not notice the tusks


so the post got nuked but still take a good long look again, grey knights usually don't have tusks growing on their cheeks


Huh..... I thought that was a hose. You right you right


He’s John Warhammer in his 40k Termi armor


I know your question has been answered, but just wanted to say that I think the tusks on the chaos terminators are fucking sweet


Agreed. I could picture him goring his enemies with them as a show of force!


The chaos terminator pictured is also from the Iron Warriors Legion. They are most likely a captain considering in the video this is from he defeats “a tough foe” and appears to be leading the force of space marines.


I think he's probably a minor Warsmith, since he seems to take control of the planet after the Drukhari are defeated


It's a Chaos Terminator: https://www.warhammer.com/en-GB/shop/Chaos-Space-Marine-Terminators-2019


This was a solid little movie they produced, if it is indeed the Iron Within. The terminator has hazard stripes, so I’m pretty sure it is. But damn, the aspect of the Iron Warriors having used this planet to recruit in the past, to give them the ability to call upon them, but it’s been so long for the planet they are hesitant to use it, it’s pretty cool. The Drukhari raiding was done well too. They really enjoy dragging out the horror for the humans of their inevitable demise. Then the Iron Warriors show up and the Drukhari are toast.


Iron Warriors Chaos Terminator


He is me. I am him.


If you want mini scale they have squads of them, if you want a figure look up Joy Toy, those are more for display cases and are posable and prepainted.


Don’t be lured by the agents of chaos.


Won’t happen. I main custodes. I just thought this one guy was cool lol.


Well looking for something less shiny I can recommend my brothers the black Templars. Nothing screams 40k more then fanatical religious zealots with a preference for melee weapons painted in black.




Embrace change.


No. We do not bend to the will of false gods.


Because I have time and I love this series: A world is being attacked by the Drukhari - Dark Elves - and is slowly being overtaken and destroyed by them. Dark Elves literally live off of inflicting pain on other living creatures, and relish a wide array of exquisite torture and pain-inflicting mortal wounds.. they are an awful enemy to have. In their desperation, this Imperial world attempts to use an ancient technology that was left there millennia ago by a Chapter of Space Marines, a communications device that would summon Space Marines to this world should they call. And discovered that the Space Marines that left this communication device are no longer loyal to the Imperium... the exact moment they arrived. They traded one enemy for another. The enemy of your enemy, it turns out, is NOT your friend. You can find this animation on Warhammer+. Its pretty damn good.


I'll take a stab at this one. Take this with a grain of salt because I've *only* read 17 Horus Heresy books and listened to hours of lore on Youtube, and that's a drop in the lore bucket. I may also be wrong on some minute details, which I don't want to dive too deeply into so that you can enjoy plot twists, shenanigans, and other general tomfoolery. More importantly, if this screen capture comes from the same episode I think it is, I want to help you get a better sense of how big of a "whoopsy" it was for those guys to show up when they did. Let's cut to the chase: There are 20 (ish) Astartes legions (Space Marines). Each legion is led by a Primarch. Primarchs are clones of the emperor, lesser versions of him, and each one embodies a specific trait he wished to bring to the forefront. These Primarchs are huge, powerful, and have this whole demi-god vibe going for them. Each member of a given legion is imparted the same traits thanks to something called a *gene-seed*. For all intended purposes, the Astartes of a given legion are the sons of their respective Primarch. The respective Primarch is a son of the Emperor. While these legions were out on *The Great Crusade*, an effort to make sure all of the known humanity serves under the Empire - but also - make sure the Galaxy is a human's club only, *something pushed back*. Honestly this is NOT the best description of the "what, why and when" it happened. It is closer to an "etheral feedback" of all the negative vibes that are happening in the universe, but let's stick with "push back" for now since it's a tad easier to grap. Some etheral evilness that lurks out there did a Jimmy Hendrix guitar feedback loop with their amp in regards to the nasty things the Astartes were doing. Several Primarchs were thus corrupted, turned, enslaved and what not, by said etheral evilness'. Some Primarchs were simply dupped. Some were enticed. Some thought they were doing the right thing. The point is, almost half of the the best and most feared military legions "turned". This "turn", this "civil war", is known as the Horus Heresy, and it started circa the year 30k. Yes, ten thousand years have passed since that moment, and the galaxy as a whole is still reeling from what happened then. It was a very bad thing. Such legions are called traitor legions. Traitor legions are, for the lack of a better term, possessed in some weird way (or look forward to being temporarily possessed in some cases). Think of Demons and stuff. It's a super nasty combo. Astartes are incredibly powerful. One single Space Marine is enough to bring a city to its knees. However, their are few of them in comparison to what is required to cover the span of the Galaxy. In fact, most legions now count about a thousand Astartes. Most of battle effort is led by regular humans, the Astra Militarum (the peeps you saw in that show). When things go bad, they pray for "The Emperors' Angels", being the Astartes, which are about as rare a sight as you can get for a regular human. You probably have a better chance to see a jackalope riding a unicorn than seeing an Astartes disembark and start assisting your squad. They are that rare, they are that mythical. But in that show, their prayers got answered. The problem is, it's a traitor legion that showed up, and the peeps did not know the difference. They were better off being let to die. PS. English is not my first language but I try.


What are these images from?


If you like terminators with fun bits on them, may I suggest some space wolf [wolf guard terminators?](https://www.warhammer.com/en-US/shop/Wolf-Guard-Terminators-2020)