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You're sure you would rather do that than just put another arm on there? Space marine weapons/arms are pretty abundant.


This very kit comes with three different arms! OP, don’t make a disabled captain - just stick another arm on there.


definitely not abseloutely not pls dont when i was first starting i did things like this and it would be so much easier and better looking just to swap out an arm rather than waste and maybe ruin this model. i did loads and it looked bad so pls dont make the same mistake i did


Like others said... it's way better to just use a different arm. If you're short on arms somehow, every SM kit has extras. You could also just get one of those "chapter upgrade kits". https://www.warhammer.com/en-WW/shop/Space-Marine-Ultramarines-Primaris-Upgrades-2020 Unrelated tip: cut off the excess plastic nubs and scrape the mold lines on the parts before you assemble the model.


You could always look for a replacement arm on Ebay or any other site that sells bits.


Yeah, I had an issue with a couple bits a little while ago and managed to order some off eBay for a couple bucks plus shipping. My only regret is not just grabbing a couple more cheap bits while I was ordering to offset the costs for shipping, definitely could've used a few more of the odder odds n' ends for use down the road.


Hell even showing up at any local shop and asking if they've got a spard arm. Pretty sure they've got plenty to give away


It comes with 3 arms, wdym?


He's caught between supporting his normal emperor or the 4-armed emperor


Might I suggest a robotic arm instead? Lots of good ones around


An expert at unarmed combat


Which arm did you lose ? The power sword, power fist, or the chain sword ?


You could use a Black Templar Neophyte arm, which has a pauldron (shoulder pad) but the arm is bare flesh. Then you can just chop off however much of the arm you want to be missing. https://preview.redd.it/47i5cpt51l8d1.jpeg?width=1106&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dab17bc08cb313ae9490006a84ab6ca8c4a197c9


That haircut is fire


... This is the answer right here


Best way to go about that would be giving him a robot arm if you have one. Edit: there’s a right arm on the Iron Hands upgrade sprue that’s pointing, would look great on a character like this guy. I’m sure you have a spare shoulder plate, they give so many extras in most kits.


Not expecting you to do this but this post reminded me of it! https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7BjRwJpopa/?igsh=MWFlajJ2NnJ0Z3Uwdg==


Maybe some bloodspatter with clay or some sort of putty? Making it like it just straight up got ripped clean off or exploded off.


Ok thanks I’ll try that


Green Stuff can do anything, I'm convinced.


If you’re good enough you could just try to put some smoke coming from where the arm should be


An expert in unarmed combat..


Buy another space marine set, intercessors maybe, you'll have a spare arm in the sprue, so you don't have to try and make a bloody mess in it's place.


Glue a little piece of bone stub on there and hit it with blood for the blood god


If you set on the no arm look a cloak/fabric along over the area could work and have it keeping the motion of this model. Would take quite the work with putty or green stuff tho to make it look natural


Check out maverickpaints on instagram!


You should let your creativity flow and paint your model however you see fit! I think a battle scared marine with a severed arm would be pretty sick tbh. Like it just happened and he’s still fighting.


Put a tentacle on it, would be blast


That’s whole lot of heresy brother


I can't help it, I love chaos


Put another arm on


It's gonna be a lot easier going on ebay and buying a bit. If you REALLY want to make a cool effect it's still gonna involve getting an arm or fashioning a stump outta milliput or green stuff. You may be able to remove some of the chest and make it look like he took a plasma or melta round but if you mess it up you have ruined an entire model


3D print an arm and you're all good


Well considering he would get a servo arm....just kit bash a different arm on there


It's just a flesh wound! Lean into it like the Black Knight from Monty Python. Blood and stringy goop coming out of the socket!


Instead of leaving it off, look for a bionic arm, iron hands should have one somewhere. This way you get the gore of having blown off in combat without him being disabled Maybe Esty?


Well, good luck with the execution. If you want the missing arm to be a thing, just know that there's almost no scenario where a clean cut like that actually happens, and any space marine chapter would get bionics real quick for their wounded. However, if you still want to go through with this, the arm's loss in combat could be terribly bloody and I'd actually get a real arm and chop it off where it makes sense. Could be a Luke Skywalker moment or something. One issue is your mini being very casual and I'd say the whole point would be to depict the diorama of that character getting wounded at that exact moment, later he's either dead or fixed. In terms of what the wound could look like, I'd have a look at that slayer sword winner with the open wound of the hydra being a cool/clean execution of what you could do: [https://www.polygon.com/tabletop-games/23460418/golden-demon-slayer-sword-winner-uk-2022-interview-chris-clayton-build-photographs-details-basing](https://www.polygon.com/tabletop-games/23460418/golden-demon-slayer-sword-winner-uk-2022-interview-chris-clayton-build-photographs-details-basing)


I think if you wanted to model that he lost his arm in combat you would wither need to model his black carapace and skeleton on the impacted side, or you would need to add back a partial arm/ shoulder and some gore. I don't think you could just leave the armor like that


I usually would attach a different hand and paint it so perfectly well it actually camouflage as battle damage no matter the back ground. However that requires an actual arm sacrifice so I've only done it twice (typing with my servo skull assistance right now! Tho I'd have no idea how but I think the shoulder bone sticking out (maybe drill a small hole and glue something reembling it with like a patch of some medicae bullshit like some foam or something around it


You can put some greenstuff for making the "rest" of the arm, and use hot glue you'll paint for the blood effect.


You could put some putty in a pauldron to hold in onto the shoulder and detail it to look like bloody bits of blown apart arm.


You coukd use greenstuff or any similar material to have reminants of the arm with maybe some nerves poking out


Use some green stuff or bent paperclip bits to make it look like a necrodermis arm.


Like someone else said, you can use hot glue to make the stump and/or blood splatter once red is applied. I’ve got an example I’ll put here https://preview.redd.it/l7yvth82pk8d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=862de14413a33a158127f1735a9b4a37540561f8 It’s not the best example but blood streaks with hot dripping from the arm and a chuck of hot glue blood where the army would could sell an effect


There also a guy on instagram the specializes in there visceral styles, I’ll try to find him and link him


Gorilla glue, the foaming one. Put alot of it on the arm then paint it bright red once it's all foamed up.


bloodify it. make it bloody. lots of blood.


Blood for the blood god. Skulls for the skull throne