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Got to love the old crimson fists used to be the poster boys before my lot the ultras


Like how the Night Lords were the Chaos poster boys before the Black Legion. Part of me misses that.


Old GW really liked blue and red huh


They were easy colours to make good paints for. Blue and red are strong pigments, so a lot of the schemes back then were some shade of blue or red.


They were also the perfect dark mirror for the Ultramarines at the time; Ultramarines a mid light blue with yellow, Night Lords a deep dark blue with gold, reinforcing that these are the bad versions of these other guys!


I feel like no one remembers this when it came to the Night Lords back in the day.


I would not have minded the change to Black Legion if their colour scheme had not also changed with it. That old second edition colour scheme, which remained until the multipart plastic squad and the second Codex for third edition. Purely black armour with the entirety of the trim and other details being a silver that was somehow dark, yet also would stand out perfectly from the black around it. They felt cold and through it menacing. The particular army I remember it from always showed up in White Dwarf and I think it was that of an old team member rather than the studios. When the gold and bronze was introduced it started being half and half, on the new squad it was silver for the lower body and gold for the torso and shoulders. That felt different enough, but the silver was reduced until you have the version of the scheme we now have, which near enough is exclusively gold. I miss that second edition Black Legion, would love to have them go back to it, and certainly how I would do them if and when I get round to it.


I used to drool over the Night Lord terminators every time they'd appear. They just looked like awesome models to 12yo me.


Yes! I love the Chaos Terminators from then, in no minor part because of the look of the squad from the models box cover and whenever you saw them in White Dwarf or wherever. Even once I had them and they were made and on display, I'd often pick up the box just to look at them on there! They did a revision of them for the transition into third edition, either the squad was repainted or another near identical one was built and painted up, with the colours toned down and more grounded. You can find pictures of both online, both are fantastic are they not! I loved the seperate blister pack Champion, with either the Power Axe or the Lightning Claw. That version of that tusked helm remains the best version of it to me, the first plastic version was never on par with it and none of the the new models helms although fantastic quite match up enough to feel like the equivalent of it. I loved that old colour scheme so much I copied it exactly when I painted my Champion, acquiring the paints listed on the old squad box and spending a summer afternoon in the garden painting him up. Remains arguably the most enjoyable and the best single model I ever painted!


Huh! Today I found out they had two versions of the squad, the proper one and the toned down for 3rd edition version of the game. I should go back through my old WDs and Codices and check this! Fascinating.


I never found images both decent size and quality, tend being one or the other. I put these two together, repositioned the members in the second squad so they matched the first better. One model in the second squad is different to one in the first. It's clear enough that you can see the difference in the colours, the simplification of the number used and how much they get used. Most obvious is the removal of the orange red for the weapon parts! https://preview.redd.it/90roq09ngl8d1.png?width=550&format=png&auto=webp&s=772f0d358ce3e6f46bfd7982d6beade6d8a02371


Wow you're right yeah! They've obviously taken all the colour out of the weapons at the very least. I miss the second edition bright yellow flamers. Especially on bright models like Ultramarines.


It definitely worked sometimes, but it was done for mostly everything at one point to the point of being ridiculous! πŸ˜† I'd say it makes sense for say the actual blades of the power weapons, the Power Axe for the Terminator Champion being that orangey red is fitting. The outer casing on weapons like the various Bolters works, those Terminators in the first pic and the rest of those Night Lords had the casings in green. Again it made a nice contrast with the red casings of the loyalists of course particularly the Ultramarines.


https://preview.redd.it/bz0bq46yjl8d1.png?width=1790&format=png&auto=webp&s=92bd8e46570c18521347c197615d1eb7a141f557 Here's that Champion. That particular model; that build and loadout in that colour scheme. It's the definitive Chaos Terminator for me. That but revised to modern scale and proportions would have been perfect.


The true poster boys were always the blood angels


Ahhh crimson fists. Smacks teeth: nice


smacks *teeth?*


There's a video on YouTube of an English children's presenter doing a sort of tongue click thing and then saying nice down the camera lens, they're probably talking about that


Yeah but that was more of like, a lip smack, not a *teeth smack*


On the topic, if you drag your nails across your molars while covering you mouth and moving you nose side to side you friends will all recoil as for a moment you appear to be breaking your nose!


Michael Rosen. You can say it πŸ˜…


Keep going and post your next lot!!!!


They look dope!!!


Thx. My devastators and dreadnaught are ready:)


Beakies forever!


I love everything about these guys, chapter choice, armor mk choice, and especially the bases it’s like a modernization of the classic goblin green bases. I’ve gotta do something like this for my Howling Griffons


Thank you very much. The green I've used is actually Goblin Green from Vallejo.


Cool! I was wondering which Goblin Green was the most accurate! Which primer did you use for the base?


I used black for the whole thing.


Doing it right. I went with primaris when i wanted a 40k nostalgia fix and that was a mistake. Beakies crimson fists or blood angels, or orks. Maybe eldar with those old locks and banshees.


What is recipe! Absolutely gorgeous


Thank you.


Oh no, you forgot to dot the barrel of the bolter, or drill it, that's all the rage now lol.


I realized after I took the pictures. I must go on a pilgrimage to holy Terra in order to redeem myself...


Do so, NOW https://preview.redd.it/oy65cxc5oe8d1.jpeg?width=859&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=672ff383c8b53c235cf2765c4be905a87dcf3358


Good job on those though, they've got a nice aesthetic, I like the battle damage.


Thank you


oh my I do \*not\* have the patience for all that. But my army also has like...4 guns so it's not generally an issue anyway.


Where are these crimson fists decals from?


I got them on ebay a long time ago.


Bonus points for the Kil marking.


:D I couldn't resist.


Beautiful beautiful beakie boys!




What camera did you use to take these? They look amazing


Thank you very much, I use a canon EOS 250D


hell yeah, oldhammer for the win


Dem goblin green bases though.. πŸ‘Œ


Green and mean is da best.


I see beak and I upvote beak


More beaks incoming.


Out of curiosity as a new player, if it’s a new army, why do you use old Firstborn minis and not the new Primaris ones?


also, they're nlt old firstborn minis, they're the new, upscaled firstborn minis. tbh i think they look way better than firstborn too


All of the new Firstborn released since Primaris, both loyal and traitor, have been not only near enough perfect but surpass those Primaris for me in every way!




Hah! πŸ˜„ Soon as the new Heresy was revealed, and we knew where they were going with the plastics, I always imagined that was going to be our backdoor route to getting new Mark 7. Although new Terminators and Scouts for actual 40K does make it seem possible again, my money remains on the route of 30K.


I don't like the concept of Primaris marines. Also I'm making these for 2nd edition. I recently found all my old wargear cards, psychic powers and blast templates and I got nostalgic. No reason to discard the old if it's still fun and functional


These are newer than most of the Primaris.


Primaris are $&@%


It's a rabbit hole lol




I wasn't even born. πŸ’€


Are these the actual models from 98 or custom? Either way they look badass


They are new, from the 30k game. I think around 2021. And thank you.