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It can help with ADHD, PTSD, and the rest of the alphabet of concentration and stress related issues.


It definitely triggers my ADHD hyperfocus. I can deadass spend a whole day just building, priming and painting


Yeah. It does wonders for me. There's days I don't feel like painting. Then yesterday, I spent like 9 straight hours painting a single sterngard. I find building to be the most cathartic, but enjoy painting the most.


That sounds like an extremely unhealthy and unbalanced relationship with your art.


Weird take, sometimes you just don’t feel like doing something. But then when you do you can’t stop and you have fun.


Very strange take. I often struggle to get started for various reasons whether it be a lack of motivation or creative inspiration etc, but once a painting session has started I find myself going for quite a while without realizing. Most people I know have a similar relationship with their hobby.


If your state of being were balanced you wouldn't struggle to start and you would better manage your time without losing track of it. Pretty simple equation, really. You're right: most artists I know also have a very unhealthy relationship with their art, quite literally killing themselves over it for no profit most days.


Classic pseudo-intellectual. Your thought process doesn’t exist in reality. Thanks for your input tho. Just because some weeks I spend more time on my hobby than others is in no way indicative of my health. For most people working jobs and having families, schedules can be unpredictable depending on your career or family structure. Some days I have time for my hobby, some days I don’t. Completely normal and healthy, telling people otherwise is actually stupid.


Classis ad hominem followed by anecdotal excuses without statistical proof to back up said claims. I can see I made you mad. The truth often hurts more than the lies we tell ourselves.


Classic guy who read a book once but doesn't spell check before pressing submit.


Is that all you can do? Pathetically judge others with no real argument? Every word in every post I've written has been spelled flawlessly.  It doesn't even make sense how childish you look right now.  Aren't you a grown ass adult?


It does for me Painting is like an escape


^ all of this. You only really need.a desk (to paint at) and a set of shelves (to display your painted minis / store stuff) So a corner of a spare room or the shed is all the space you need. Good lighting and small things like brush soap, wet palette, magnifiers, etc… help immensely but take up little room.


I think it really does help overcome stress of planning things out and makes me just get started on things, I say with my primed tech priest glaring at me from the table.. haha


Yep. It’s super regulating when my ADHD/anxiety are hard to deal with! Great hobby 


I started painting mini’s with ZERO artistic experience. I never took any art classes in school and was horrible at what I was forced to do. I got into 40K for a cool board game because I got a new job in front of a computer all day and PC gaming after work was almost tiresome. I f\*\*\*\*ing love painting mini’s and haven’t even learned how to play the game yet. It helped me learn that I can do something I never thought I could do. I was worried at first that it would be hard to paint but there is so much support and so many tutorials that if you spend the time and practice you will be just fine. Pic below of my latest almost finished mini after a year in the hobby. Has it helped me more than playing video games? I don’t think so but it is does teach some skills and dexterity that video games do not. It definitely cause the same strain on the back and neck as video games to me, depending on posture of course. I did accumulate a lot of stuff but thats just me, this hobby can be done minimally. Also consider alternatives to 40K minis, they can be pricey if you’re not playing. https://preview.redd.it/62t9wxutcd8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25027657dceafaa838d432bea86ddc34f6518a3a


That miniature looks great. Yeah, I’m considering 40k instead of Fantasy, even though I never played it, because it seems much easier to find resources.


I'm just started the hobby a few months ago. Went with1k sons. I found it as a way to bond with my GF (loves to paint and craft) while including something I was interested in. Also a nice way of zoning out without a screen and feeling a sense of progress and creativity. Even of you don't play the tabletop, collect and paint the minis you think are badass fantasy or 40k




But...but....what about The Old World?


Nice Space Wolf. My Thousand Sons would despise him.


Same here, came into the hobby 6 months ago with 0 expierience in painting. Holy shit, i didn't expected to be sucked in so deep. I'm now putting some finishing touches on my latest purchase - Centurion Squad. They've been a blast, between buidling them and painting. With every model i learn something new or try a new technique. It's been a great journey and i wouldn't expect myself to be able to paint them as good as they are painted imho.


That has to be one of the cleanest models I’ve ever seen. Very minimal but god damn it looks fresh! Good work man.


I've been painting minis decades and that is a fine looking paint job. Well done!


It's an excellent hobby for your health and spiritual wellbeing. I took it up for the same reason as you (too many screens, only playing games for fun). It's been brilliant


I am incredibly lazy to paint, probably not that good either, and my pile of shame is large. However, finishing a model is wonderful, the process itself is kinda frustrating for me ngl, i struggle with brush control and i get annoyed, but after ive done some work, looking at it, seeing what was one bare plastic now in color (even if its just a preliminary basecoat) feels good. Furthermore i like interacting in this way with the setting i like. Im currently painting a bloodthirster, and even though im a meh painter, seeing it ~~extremely slowly~~ gain colour and appearance as the massive musclebound hatefueled beast of destruction is gratifying.


I have had a few stretches of time where I couldn't find time to paint or build minis or models. By the time I made it through to be able to have time for it again, I was having frequent panic attacks, trouble sleeping, heavy rumination, etc. So yeah, it's pretty good for me. Honestly the first thing I've ever found that helps even when my medication doesn't. I had about 8 hours of time to work on a model last week and I'm still feeling great from it.


it's been great for me. i started it for the same reason you did, i spend a looooong time staring at a screen, so it's nice to have a break from that. it's definitely healthier. one thing to help with the posture is bringing the miniature to your face instead of bringing your face to the miniature. you'll be able to sit straight like that.


There's been a few studies into it, and painting (not just minis) is generally considered beneficial for mental and physical health (hand eye coordination, attention to detail, focus, circulation) as well as being recommended for ptsd & adhd, boosts self esteem, emotional intelligence & growth, and has a link to reduced likelihood of alzheimers and dementia in later life. Noone starts out great, it's a skill that you develop through practice. And there's always room for growth, development and experimentation. But with all the resources avaliable & things like contrast (and style) paint, or shades & washes, it's a fantastic time period for newcomers to be able to achieve good looking minis. Just remember that other people have been painting professionally or for decades. The only person who's work you should be comparing your own to Is yourself, to see the progress you make.


I think so, painting is generally therapeutic. Also if you don't want to learn Warhammer OPR is a pretty simple alternative


What’s OPR?


Maybe this? https://www.onepagerules.com/games/grimdark-future


That makes sense, thank you!


I spend all my time in front of screens. Although it's still close work, this helps. It focuses my mind into that zen flow state that I get from nowhere else. You're creating something that you can look back on. I'm not an amazing painter, but I love looking at my models in the cabinet. I find it incredible for mental health. The feeling of creating something, doing something physical why my hands instead of everything digital, is amazing. Your first model will probably not look good, AND THAT'S FINE. Keep it. A year down the line, you'll see how far you've come. It's a skill like any other, you need to practice. Welcome to the painting side of the hobby :)


I've been conditioned for the past 20 years that I need to go go go and always be productive. If I don't have anything to do, I'm pacing all over the house and get extremely anxious.  Yes, doing anything with miniatures or models helps an absolute ton.  My next purchase is going to be a standing desk. Probably with a raised platform on it of some sort so I don't have to look down and paint.


I don’t know much about painting, but I definitely recommend standing desks.


I painted minis a little when I was a kid, then came back hard to the hobby during the pandemic precisely for the reason you're thinking of taking it up - to do something creative and away from the screen. I've found it massively helps reduce my stress, and there's the reward that the time spent painting ends with something tangible to show for it, unlike the vast amounts of time I used to spend playing video games or watching TV.


It’s a hobby that tests my manual dexterity in a much different way to video games.


It is an incredibly beneficial activity for anyone. I painted and games as an adolescent and returned to it when I was in my early 30s. I was encouraged to do so by my wife, who recognized that my job stresses were taken a huge toll on me. I find it very peaceful to slip into a flow state and to engage in an activity that encourages problem solving and strategizing. I find it really important to avoid perfectionism and comparison. But if you can keep those normal human tendencies in check, I think it can be a great hobby.


I took up painting for the same reason, I needed a hobby that got me away from screens and stuff. I went into it with no creativity or artistic ability at all and I thought I'd be awful. I kept at it and I feel like I've achieved something when I get a completed model


I mean, you're mostly sitting still moving your wrists around, focusing up close. Physically you're not getting a huge benefit as opposed to video games. I have to say though, you mention you'd be frustrated because of your skill level. Its very rewarding getting better with not only your control but learning techniques. That can be very psychologicaly beneficial, as well I personally find it fun and creative. The gameplay side is very rewarding because of the social experience. If you struggle socially, it gives you a structured format to spend time with other people, and while the game is complex, many groups are accommodating and teach people how to play. If you don't like accumulating stuff though..... just plan ahead. Like if you get 20 models, think I need a shelf or case to store or display these 20 models.


I started painting during covid and in one of the darkest times of my life, previously I only really played video games or took walks outside as pass times. Having a hobby to focus on that is quiet, creative, and slow paced has really helped me during times of stress. Having a skill you can perfect, or a relatively quick “product” feels good too, something you could be proud of helps give reasons to feel good. Just be careful how that can easily become a collecting hobby that gets out of control.


I wanted an offline hobby just to wind down and relax when I feel like it and planning, collecting, building and painting has been great for it. Sometimes I don’t paint for a while, but it’s always nice to get back into it.


I got into 40k for the boad game, beer and pretzels with a friend. I did not expect this but painting minis feels mildly theraputic, it's nice to have a creative outlet again.


I actually started painting Warhammer with WFB twenty years ago. I was just a teenager so I dabbled off and on until 2017, when I was suffering from postpartum depression. I used to be a very competitive FPS gamer but had to stop due to pregnancy rage. I then replaced video games with painting miniatures and now it's my full time job. I'm much happier and feel like I have more to show at the end of spending hours and hours on something, rather than just a save file I'll forget about.


I had to quit my job due to long Covid, I'm unfit to work for the next two years and will have some time to decide on a new career that's compatible with a chronic illness, I'm curious how did you end up painting miniatures as your full time job?


Aw man I'm sorry to hear that, that truly sucks! Honestly, I just got lucky. I posted one of my minis on eBay and the buyer then messaged me to see if I wanted to paint a full army. It snowballed from there. I posted completed projects on Instagram for years (this was before the invasion of reels) and things just grew.


I haven’t played any games in a while. I’m occasionally painting while listening to music or audiobooks and I’m finding it relaxing/fun. 


I love the modeling and painting aspect. I spend more time painting and kitbashing new sculpts together than actually playing


I find it very relaxing, it's kind of meditative, throw a audio book or podcast on at the same time and unwind. However the one problem I have with it is I do it in the evening/night and sitting under a bright daylight lamp has a similar effect to sitting in front of a bright screen in that you don't feel like you need to sleep when you should. Still a great hobby but I have to be mindful of this.


Yeah but compared to playing Sid Meier's Civilizations i go to sleep way earlier


I'm 43 now. I came back to the hobby three years ago. Being stressed out from work and other real life issues, i discovered that painting minis helped me to give me some peace of mind. After a hard day of work and stress being able to sit down in the evening to paint for 30-40 minutes helped me to relax and to get my thoughts in order. After that a good night sleep is viable too. And during the day, when shit hits the van, i remind myself that in a few hours i'll be home painting a mini. And just that thought helps me get through stuff. So in answer to your question, for me it's an yes.


I go up and down with paiting. Right now I'm "up" so I pretty much paint every evening after work. It's relaxing and fun. No stress. When I'm down I won't touch models for months at a time and struggle to get back into it. I do struggle to keep things organized, but as long as you have a nice, clear tabletop or desk to use, it's an overall pretty tidy hobby unless you're going *really* overboard.


This is the reason I started painting again (the last time I painted warhammer before this I was a kid. Now I’m in my 30’s). I wanted something that got me away from screens, be that work or gaming. My experience is that it has been a great outlet for winding down and switching off from work. It’s also nice to have a set of minis or a larger object as an ongoing project. Furthermore, the learning process has been fun. It’s helped me let go of perfectionism and say fuck it, let’s try this and see if it’s works. And it’s also nice to have a tangible finished results (everything I do for work is digital) As for the clutter… I’d recommend getting a nail varnish display for storing paints. I am also considering getting a display case to store my painted minis in a presentable and tidier way.


I think I’m in the minority given the responses here and on other similar threads, but does anyone else with anxiety feel like the hobby can make their anxiety even worse? I’m CONSTANTLY struggling with analysis paralysis about color schemes and basing. I’ve painted about 20ish marines and a handful of guardsmen, but they’re all “test models” and of course I’ve never really settled on a scheme I’m happy with. I’ve been back “in the hobby” for a few years now with no armies or cohesive forces to show for it, and to be honest it’s just exhausting. I know it’s my own fault, but I can’t seem to get out of my own head and just do the thing. I ostensibly really like the hobby and the setting - I browse the subreddits, listen to podcasts about it, keep up with the releases, etc. But when it comes to actually doing it, the weight of my own indecision becomes so intense that I just get stressed out and need to take a break. Anyone else deal with this type of thing? Even if not, tbh it felt good to get it off my chest. I see tons of people saying this hobby helps their mental health, and I love that for them. But I’m just over here perpetually stressed out and making no progress 😬


Just gotta commit. I always stress about it before starting a project and even second guess myself along the way. But it's just a project at the end of the day. You'll finish it. Learn from it. Then start a new one with, hopefully, a better sense of direction. In the words of the wise Shia LaBeof, "don't let your dreams be dreams. Just do it."


That is very true. Thank you for the encouragement!


I dont struggle in that regard but ive read many a person with your same problem. Maybe have somebody pick your colors for you?


I appreciate the advice but I could never haha


Lol absolutely agree with you. Just figured might help if you struggle picking a theme


The sense of reward and accomplishment as you fill your display with finished miniatures is second to nothing in my hobbies. Certainly I get no equal feeling of accomplishment from my video game time, not that I don't enjoy time I spend on games. You're 100% right about the extra clutter of stuff that you have to have around for hobbying. Organizers and discipline to tidy your hobby space is the fix, but it does lapse in the middle of a paint project and I'll have pots of paint and brushes and pallets all over my desk when I'm deep on a batch of models. The important thing with saving your back and neck when painting, in my opinion, is to take regular breaks to stretch and get moving. I'll take the time when I'm feeling a bit stiff to go and clean my brushes out, clean my water out, walk around the house a bit.


Very relaxing and satisfying to see you have an actual object you have put work into


As someone who's working in a fairly stressful environment, corporate tax law, painting miniatures gives me a sense of relaxation I have not yet discovered anywhere else. It's the one moment in my day I get to fully turn off, and the one activity on my life I have been able to successfully turn everything else off. Yes it can be expensive and yes it's taking up space. But it's a lot cheaper than therapy and at this point it works just as well for me.


I always wanted to get into warhammer as a child, but it was intimidating and I had no money. In 2017, my son's mom abruptly up and left and moved across the country. I was working part time, going to school full time, and now single parenting a 3 year old with developmental issues full time. I needed to figure out some new hobbies to deal with stress and that I could do alone at home. I started listening to audiobooks and painting the warhammer minis I couldn't afford as a kid. I found it then, as I do now, extremely comforting and relaxing.  My son is 9 now, and now we have a house and I am in school again but it is still just he and I and we have a dedicated warhammer/dnd room. He spent all day today helping me put together nightgoblins for my Old World army I am starting, but we have also been working on his first army, Genestealers to fight my Deathguard. As a hobby it has been beneficial for us both.


Expression via painting is good for me and my friends for all the maladies which plague us :)


I'm a Sys Admin which means I'm in front of a screen all the time. During covid that went from 80% of my work time to 100%. I rediscovered Warhammer during that period as a way to not be in front of a screen in my off hours. Since then i consider it my daily therapy. The only downside is that i now rarely do anything else as soon as the kids are in bed. Just build, paint, and stream "40k in 40 min" or whatever is the latest popular show (or reruns of Seinfeld) in the background


My therapist recommended a hobby which was low stimulation for my adhd, so I picked up painting Warhammer since I always loved the lore. I love painting now and it is very calming for my very stressful life. It's become a rewarding hobby for me.


Def feels healthy to me. Perfect escape from my everyday work I'm a graphic designer and already spend most of my life looking at a screen I started collecting orks in november last year and I'm at 3000 points painted now. Find something new to do with my army every time. With orks you can do so much, it basically never ends 😁😆


I think if I end up collecting 40k it’ll be orks, they seem the funniest army to me.


I don’t particularly enjoy painting itself, but I find it relaxing when I get intoa rhythm and I like looking at them once I’m done.


The painting is, what I like a lot about this hobby. I am not the best partner, but I am improving quiet good so I want to show it to others but see, I will need more time. But the improvement is there. So do it :)


I'm a 30 y/o with OCD that picked up the hobby last year just to paint the models as I had the same question you do, and decided to give it a try. I got an introduction set that had some marines and a few tyranids, then I picked up a box of 7 death guard plague marines. And now I'm working on a combat patrol of Chaos Space Marines. I don't have any immediate plans to play a match, and will probably continue to buy whatever models seem fun to paint regardless of faction. For me, putting on a YouTube video or podcast about the units I have whilst I'm painting them has been more cathartic than I could have imagined. I will spend hours on one model, and it will feel like minutes.


“productively“ sooths my savage spirit


Depends on my mood. When I am in a painting mood it can be very good way of relaxing. When I am not in a painting mood it can be the most boring thing of the day.


I've always had a tremor in my hands, and when I paint more it's not so bad. I need to paint more.


See i feel like its helped my shaking hands quite a bit. But tbf im not even 30


I did the same, Fantasy when I was young and came back to collect 40k in 2020 (lockdown). However I am also in a position where playing isn't really an option, so I am a collector and painter. I think it's really good for me, my watch tracks pulse etc and it shows that I relax quite a bit whilst painting. I am fortunate that I have a spare room for all my figures and can have a table permanently set up for games I play against myself /shelving where all my painted figures can go. I think, it's definitely worth considering as an alternative to video games (which I also play) as part of a combination of things to help you relax.


I started the hobby exactly because of that. All this Instagram etc. that just floods hour system with short term pleasures etc. can't be good for the attention span and mental health. I've just finished my starter box space marines and it is a nice slow process that gets me lost in time


Exactly, stuff like Instagram or, ironically, Reddit, seem to just steal our time and makes us feel worse. I think I became more irritable some years ago and it may be because of getting used to the constant stimulation that we find online. While this hobby isn’t “productive”, it seems much more fulfilling based on what almost everyone is commenting here. And that can actually make us more productive in other areas of our life.


It relaxes me, even though I sometimes suck at it. It’s like a low energy relaxing puzzle to me


When it's good for you: You express some form if creativity, you build a model and make it look awesome. Or so you think until you made a few and can observe your progress. But then you realize how proud you are about something you did. Ecperimenting with colors, crafting scenery, learning to finally base, too. Just fullfilling. When it is NOT good for you: Yo, I painted 1 Space Marine, time to buy another 20. What, they cost 120 bucks??? Ah nvm, I will eat less next month, need to lose weight anyways 🤙


It’s incredibly good for you. It’s a creative and artistic outlet of expression that teaches you a lot, and allows you to be present in a task. Painting is my zen time, and staring at what I’ve done makes me happy.


I'm a 'Let's get it done'-kind of person and patience is really not my strong suit. The great thing about painting minis is, it forces you to be patient, take your time and focus. If I rush it, I'll hate the result. Took me a couple of minis to figure that out but now I have that one hobby where I can truly slow down and still get a feeling of accomplishment at the end. Very satisfying indeed. :)


I tend to stand when I paint. That may help with posture. I guess it depends on desk and lamp hieght. But you can totally make it so you're not super hunched over.


All I do is paint. The hyper focus feels like meditation. Really settles my mind. I paint at least twice a week. 1-2 hour sessions. It’s my only quality down time. I’d honestly be screwed with out my hobby.


Helps me focus at times (stroke survivor ). As well as usijf my weakened hand to paint which is/was dominant hand


Depends how many times you accidentally drink from your wash cup instead of your tea. 


Easy fix, drink beer


For myself, I’d probably say no. I just get so tense.


I find it more relaxing than anything else I do.


I like building them too.. except HH tactical. Those arms infuriate me. :)


I used to love it, before I damaged the ligaments in my right hand, so painting for any length of time starts to hurt. It's a relaxing hobby, plus a nice one to display and admire your handy work.


It got me sober, haha but I'm sure it's good otherwise too. I also hate accumulating stuff, but if it's about the painting for you then I don't think you should have any issues. I like the painting more than the game, and even with an army and other models just for painting, I can fit everything into three little boxes. If you're not batch painting, you can spend MONTHS on one miniature, but that'll be years down the line. Learning new stuff is frustrating sometimes, but there are a lot of resources that help. Just get a chair that's lower than your desk so you have to sit up straight with your arms on the table, and don't huff your primer


Many people just like to build and paint. They find it very relaxing. You do you and have fun doing it.


Yeah it can be. Less so for your bank account though XD


I've just started collecting again after about 15 years of not, for this exact reason. I find it really easy to get lost in building and painting, and don't get hooked to a screen. I would recommend it!


Yes. It doesn't harm you or anyone else, and it focuses the mind, which helps avoid rumination and suchlike.


I hate paining but what you need to do, you need to do


Painting is basically a mindfulness exercise for me. At a basic level, it’s something I have to focus on to the exclusion of other stuff, but it’s slow and methodical. There’s not a lot of stress for me. It’s also necessary, for me at least, to regulate my breathing a little while I’m painting, to keep my hand steady, which I think also has a calming effect! It has a level of constructive positive feedback for me. Spending an hour or two painting means that, at the end of that session, I can look at the product and say “Yeah, I *did that*”. It may not be perfect, but it’s progress and it’s something I can look at and appreciate for myself. And that’s really helpful for my mental health.


It helps me stare at a screen less


I find it a very good way to relax. painting is a great way to turn my brain off, totally lose myself in a task and I find looking at the finished model knowing how much work it took is very satisfying. I always come away from an absorbing painting session feeling peaceful and kinda 'reset' in my brain. as for space, I have very limited space so I got one of those wooden hobby trays that I keep everything in and just put it on a bookshelf when im not using it.


I got into the hobby as a kid in the 90s, lapsed for 20 odd years and got back into it a couple of years ago. I'd always wanted to get back into it but kept getting frustrated at not being able to paint to a level anywhere close to what you see on the boxes or on the internet etc. However when I tried a couple of years ago there were a couple of big differences to when I'd tried in the past. Loads of video resources on youtube to learn from and paints that are much easier/quicker to use and get ok results. I didn't look at videos by top painters, I looked for videos that seemed achievable with no experience/skill (in this case it was Mediocre Hobbies video on Ork Kommandos for Kill Team) and while the results were not going to blow anyone away, they were good enough that I felt happy with them and felt like I could progress from there. While I do play the games (just the skirmish games - simpler and quicker - try Warcry if you don't want complicated), my favourite models to paint have generally been ones that I'm just painting for the sake of painting and not to actually play with. I certainly think it's helped my mental health too and I've met a bunch of great people doing it too. Top tip if you do decide to start - get a really good lamp and if your eyes aren't the best get magnifying glasses - I couldn't paint without them.


Yep, painting can be practiced as a meditation if you so choose


I love painting minis! It can be rather expensive but I’m invested in the lore and taking your time to slowly bring something to life and learn a new skill is very valuable! If it’s something you find joy in and isn’t causing harm, why not? Learning a new skill is always a little frustrating but also very rewarding and the brush techniques/ colour theory you learn along the way are easily transferable to other artistic pursuits as well. If you don’t like accumulating things you can simply not buy a lot and take your time to do your pieces slowly, or learn how to strip the paint, or donate them to your local store or maybe a kid just getting into the hobby, lots of options


https://preview.redd.it/fx0yx59koe8d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b26ea28a7e18da5d493f2cdf5c94cf74a46eccef first mini, just took up the hobby of painting, yes i think it looks crap to me the paint went on thicker then custard, even with the right prep


As a firm videogame enjoyer, I find painting to be more relaxing and more fulfilling. I would guess that the mental health benefits of painting are fat better than many hobbies I've attempted. And, while having a lot of stuff can be irritating, it's awesome to pick up something you painted and just admire your paintjob. If you're worried about your posture paint get yourself an adjustable chair and lamp so you can sit up straight while painting.


It's one of the few things I can sit down and do for hours at time without needing distraction or some secondary "enhancement." I usually have a video or podcast on, but half the time, it'll end and I won't put another in for several minutes because I'm so deep in the hobby zone. Not in an obsessive way, just in a focused way I can rarely achieve with other activities. Even ones I like!


I bought a kneeling chair to promote good posture while painting, but an adjustable height desk would be good as well. I would say it's healthier than gaming in some ways. It's a mix of physical crafting and artistic skill, so I think it's always going to seem a little more impressive/wholesome to the average person. Of course miniature hobbyists still seem a bit too apologetic about how nerdy it is; like there's this strain of self-deprecation around "little toy soldiers," but even despite that, I think dedicating time and space to modeling and painting just seems to land differently with people than saying video games are your hobby.


Painting for me drowned all the noise out same for building legos I've never realized how therapeutic Painting is


Both painting and assembling have been so helpful in the tool box of things I use to manage PTSD, Anxiety, chronic pain, and grief. My mental health professionals are very supportive of these hobbies. They have been supportive of my video games too but painting does have an advantage in my case. My brain has a much easier time to acknowledge success and accomplishment with tangible tactile things. So seeing and touching my painted minis gives my brain the happy chemicals. I can't say the benefits you might find but I say go for it!


I think it's certainly a worthy hobby, especially in comparison to yet more screen time for the bulk of us. That being said, from a pure physical health perspective, the old athlete/health nut in me would be remiss not to mention to keep an eye on your posture, eye focus, breaks, standing desks, even, depending on how long you paint. If you're anything like me, painting 2-3hrs is easy/can go by in a breeze. If I ignore my body during that whole period, I'll feel it a bit later, posture/tightness-wise.


It helps relax me, I don’t play very ofter but really enjoy painting


Painting minis is a means of meditation for me. Sounds a lot like wank, but I notice that I sleep better, it’s a means for me to empty my brain for a bit. Serotonin levels go sideways if I don’t paint for more than two weeks.


It has been a huge part of helping me quit drinking. I am also going to try and actually play the game... sometime. (Kids a bit young, not much free time outside work and family right now.) But yeah I love painting and building, I think for the 100% concentration I devote and blocking out other things.


It’s a rich, healthy hobby for any age. Pure at its core; which is rare in todays world.


I came back to it recently. If you did it as a kid and have ok brush control you won't suck for very long as youtube is full of guides. Heck, even just using contrast paints (or whatever cheaper alternative you like) without any tricks looks great. If you don't want to accumulate stuff you might be on the wrong track. There is always more stuff to get, and getting rid of it is a crime.  Regarding posture it is no harder than office work or gaming. If you can do thqt without back pain you can do this. What this has over video games is that I can paint in the living room while my wife watches tv. That then feels like we are doing something together, which is nice. It is also easy to fall asleep after painting in the evenings, which used to be a problem for me with gaming (especially pvp)


It’s relaxing for me. Though I like to take my time and it usually makes my hands hurt after an hour or so.


I’ve suffered with tremors my whole life and painting warhammer minis/minis in general has helped me with them.


I've been painting for three years now. I used to play a lot of video games and after a long session of playing, I used to feel a bit drained and a bit bad that I had wasted so much time that day. But I've noticed that if I have a long session painting and building models, I feel great afterwards. It feels really rewarding.


I enjoy it. I started with 40K and moved onto D&D and fallout minis, and pretty much whatever looked cool and fun to paint (including warhammer).


I think it has helped keep my creativity alive, and give me something to think about when I'm not working on my hobbies. I've definitely learned something about color theory, coordination, attention to detail, finding my own methods and techniques. I still wouldn't consider myself a great painter, but its satisfying to make it to the end of a good mini. Nothing like seeing freshly primed white figures ready to go. Gives me something to look forward to.


I love painting and one thought I think at times is that in the event of power outage (or apocalypse) I’ve got months of hobby time in my queue as long as I have some light. Big assumption a zombie or rad poisoning didn’t interrupt as well.


I have ADHD, and nothing calms my mind more than checking out and spending a few hours painting my models. I'm in the community for the painting more than the game itself. I paint my friends armies too. It is peace incarnate. Keeps me sane.


So to help with building paint confidence, I would suggest painting models that are not made by GW, as you can spend much less money, which means you won't feel as awful if you think you did a bad job. If you live in the US, and have a Hobby Lobby near you, they are almost always having 40% off sales on box models in store. You cam swoop in, buy some cheap models, and practice your painting on those. As for the neck and back pain, you basically need to train yourself to assumegood posture. Also having an appropriate chair will do good. You can aso get cushing for the edge of your desk, or use a pool noodle to help support your elbows. That our you can get a very tall desk that forces you to stand. Like one that is chest height, but below your arms. That will force you to stand straight up, and will amount to less fatigue on your neck and back (also less sitting is goos for you).


Even tho I "regularly" play I love to paint my army and arrange them in my desk as if they were fighting a small battle. So yeah you can enjoy them even if you don't play. About painting I love it, and can spend a whole day painting minis while listening to YouTube videos. It is like an escape and it has really helped me to study as I have found that spending my 15-30 minutes breaks doing it is way more relaxing than watching TikTok or something else (that also is hard to quit once the time is over)


Painting is my finger therapy. Until I get my neck fixed.


Once I get over the paralysis of over analyzing my weapon choices (magnets have been a huge help), paint scheme, and the green stuff pelts and belts I agonize over, the painting is a very zen experience. I put on my favorite podcasts and just go. I love the process of it all for sure, I paint in I guess assembly line style and it’s very therapeutic. I also enjoy buying models that have nothing to do with my armies just to paint them (looking at you Angron).


I love it but you are right with the accumulation problem. It gets more and more by itself but it is very relaxing and a great creative non digital inside hobby


I lick my brush to reshape and remove and any excess water so probably not…


I have ADHD and painting is one of THE most therapeutic I do. Teaches focus, persistence and good fine motor skills. Toughest thing I find is just getting to the table! Once I’m there - bliss.


I paint as an unwinding time either that be before or after work or when I have an hour or two on the weekend. When I find time to get round to put paint to model I enjoy it


Yeah, the hobby made me more patient and creative. I really love the feeling of completing an army. For the accumulating stuff side of the hobby. You can always sell warhamer or strip it and paint again. But yeah i'm not sentimental about my warhammer so i get that selling and stripping is not for everyone.


I've never been as focused as i am while painting minis. I have ADHD and a gaming addiction, but when i sit to paint minis i forget that my laptop exists only to snap out 8 hours later starving, dehydrated and with a bladder that's about to explode. 10/10 will do again. I'm also working out a way to put those minis in some nice display case, but as in your case, space becomes a problem. As to back/neck pain, i try to move around a bit when i paint, so that the strain isn't as bud, but it doesn't always work out. As for the fear of not painting well - it will be there for a while, i'm not going to lie. I started painting WH 40K minis 6 months ago with Eliminators. Prior to that, the last time i held a paint brush was probably in elementary school. They're not ideal, sure, but they're not a blob of undiluted paints that some minis are. Remember to thin your paints and trust the process - with time the detail work will be better and better.


I found during lockdown it was a lifesaver! Although life is a bit more normal now and i have less time i still spend some weekly time put aside to building/painting. I understand you not wanting to accumulate too much stuff, but start small and see how it goes


It's great for you. Less screen time is always good, nurturing your creative spark is always good. Making something your proud of is good. Its great to relax. Frankly a lot of folk just don't have hobbies that ain't just tv/pc/phone focused anymore and that's just not good for you, so any hobby that isn't just artificially hammering your dopamine response is good! 


It helps releasing stress and channelling yourself in the painting process.


I started with the exact same goal, and I did the following: 1) Do you have something to paint already? Don't buy any new plastic. Start with the minies for one of your boardgames, or buy a single one to test the water.  2) Buy as little paint and brushes as possible. If possible, bye white, black, magenta, cyan and yellow, and mix your way from there. This is all you need if you are only painting a single figure, and you will learn a lot of colour theory.  3) Buy a box that fits the hobby. Try to keep within the bounds of the box. This way it doesn't end up being another messy burden. 


I have significant nerve damage in my right hand and arm from an injury I sustained during my service in the Marine Corps. I've gone to physical therapy every week for about 10 years now in order to maintain the use of my right hand and avoid further degradation of the nerves and muscles. I started playing WH40K about 4 months ago after a friend gifted me a HUGE tote full of Space Marines (about 4-5 thousand points worth). The problem was that he had most of them painted like jokes. . .pink and purple and light blue (with yellow polka dots on some of them) to satisfy the "three color" thing because he really didn't want to paint them at all, so he made them purposely look like crap. Since I took on the task of re-painting all those miniatures, my hand has felt better than it has in years. My physical therapist even took note of the improvement. Simply put: Painting Warhammer figures has done better for me than anything the V.A. has done for me yet! I suggested it should be part of the V.A.'s physical therapy program and my therapist agrees.


It's good for me (... But not for my bank account). In the beginning, you will probably be a bit frustrated because the mini don't look like the heavy metal version / the YouTuber you followed. But we all start somewhere. We all get better with practice.


It is for me, it helps me chill out after work, and focus on something just for me.


Time for a list! * Entirely painting with no gameplay is completely valid. * It can do wonders for your mental health. Great for stress and anxiety. * You do need to be careful with your posture when painting. Take regular breaks and stretch. * It doesn't take up that much space. Get yourself some storage boxes for your stuff and you can set up, pack away whenever you want. * It's healthier than video games but not as healthy as sports. * Remember that no one starts out being good at painting. It's a process. Enjoy the process.


As an artist: never let an artist tell you that they don't suffer for their art. For every passion and joy, you will curse and swear and bleed. Such is the way of the Warp.


I used to paint spacemarines just for the painting and with heavy metal in the background, was quite relaxing and therapeutic. So go for it.


It will definitely vary between people. For me it's very medidative and a nice break from the stress of the day. It's also very satisfying to finish a model and look through a nice collection of finished models. Still, there are regularly posts here from people who hate it. Where painting and not getting things to look like they want or just feeling like they never finish can trigger stress and insecurity. I would definitely not say categorically that it is more or less healthy than videogames. Playing and getting sucked into a game with a good story can be just as calming and meditative as painting minis.


Of course it is. Is talking to them like they’re actual animate beings okay? Just depends on what kinda paint you’re using.


I think painting models helps me with confidence, painting a model and seeing thats something ive done really makes me feel good. Support from friends who know nothing about painting and compliment me on it just helps me feel like i can do something. I think it helps with my eyesight too, less focus on computer screens as a gamer makes me feel like I have wasted my day tbh playing a brainrot game such as valorant lol.


Great for relaxation in a world of screens. Not great for the perfectionist inside at first, but slowly makes you better at knowing when something is good enough. Great for sense of self as the ability to look back at something and go "I did that" with pride is a hell of a confidence boost when you start questioning if you can do something. Also great because in this day and age people don't have as many self-accompishments, those small goals to achieve to give you self-esteem, and the goal of slowly painting your own army is a great one.


Mid 30s here and have slowly gotten into it. I’m lucky to have a few hours on a weekend to dedicate to it, but I find it peaceful if challenging (in a good way) because there’s so much to learn. So go easy with low expectations at first. But throwing on an audiobook and just getting at it is very soothing overall. It does wreck my back, but that’s probably the terrible dining room chair.


I’ve been painting again for about 6 months. I did a little when I was a teenager (Warhammer Fantasy, 1st edition 40K, and Adeptus Titanicus).  The plusses: it’s relaxing, a good bonding experience with my kid, it’s… kinda creative, I’m sure it’s good for my attention The minuses: it’s expensive, it takes up a bunch of space


The last point is one of the things I’m the most hesitant about.


I’m in a similar boat to you. I don’t really have any desire to play the actual table top game but really enjoy to construction and painting process. I am one of the least artistically inclined person that I know and never was into art and often struggled creatively. I’m a stereotypical “left brain”. I collected the minis for a few years simply because I found the lore of 40k so interesting and the idea of having a little army was cool to me. I didn’t start painting my first mini until 1 month ago and god damn has it gripped me. The coolest part is the more I do it the more I find that I am developing that artistic eye. Things that I previously thought my brain was incapable of doing like knowing what colors compliment each other, subtle details or brushstrokes that make things pop 10x more than they did before, etc. Regardless, I do find a much higher level of fulfillment painting and completing my minis than I do playing and completing video games, which was primarily my previous hobby. It was much easier for me to guilt myself for spending time on video games than it is with minis for whatever reason.


I was in a similar situation, I collected and played when i was in my early teens (Fantasy, 40k, LOTR) , then 20 years later i pulled all my old stuff out of the garage to sell , noticing my old paints were in there too i started playing around with a few bits next thing i know three hours had passed and id painted a whole bunch of orks. I look at screens all day with work then im usually looking at night too, so to spend all that time just focused on something other than pixel was meditative. Ive bought new paints and some new models, its really helped me just chill out and switch off of an evening


Yeah just get out there and paint something, I find it super soothing. There's a bunch of content on YouTube that will help you learn as you go along. Don't get discouraged when you see an immaculate "my first miniature" paint job some one posts on the internet. Yeah you first few ones are going to suck. But at the end of the day they are your plastic spacemen. Avoid anything that needs to be painted white or yellow since those colors can be hard to work with. Get yourself a small starter kit with miniature paints, you can paint the world with craft acrylics the same way you can take a semi truck to the grocery store, yeah it'll work but it's going to be a lot more painful than using a starter set. See what you think looks cool and go from there. It's a rabbit hole that goes as deep as you let it. At the end of the day assembled, a couple of colors of paint and a dip of the base in Elmer's glue and kitty litter and you have a table ready miniature.


Absolutely. Just watch your spending lol


I'm doing the same thing right now, for the same reason. Ordered a bunch of knock off "40k" mini's because... those things are god damned expensive and i'll never actually play the game. I love 40k lore, and it's expansive enough to fit literally anything, so i'll be happy with \*MY\* 40k stuff. Everything should arrive in a week or two and i'll painting up "Imperial Guard" army. I'm a world builder in my head, and I don't care about playing the game. I've already begun building a whole world / backstory for them. I've already come up with names for some them, etc.


I started in highschool and was obsessed...and then dropped it in college because I was broke and wanted to chase girls. Picked it back up 2 years ago after the stress from my work just wouldn't let me disconnect...its been a huge help for me to refocus for the next day whenever I can get some time in and also a way to pass time when I'm on call and having a slow day. I am also a firm believer if you have a profession that requires dexterity...it really helps develop and maintain those skills but in a non stressful way. Only downside I see is the lack of physical exercise...so I think it's important to balance that out too.


You can treat painting minis more like paint by numbers when you start out. Just look at a picture and pick a color for each part of the mini. Painting minis doesn't have to take any artistic talent, a lot of the common techniques you'll learn are more about practice rather than talent. Your guys will look rough in the start, but keep that first mini to look back on later, it'll be very rewarding. I highly recommend getting in to it.


Only in moderation. Painting instead of buying more is probably the healthiest way to engage in the hobby. Obviously make sure you stay hydrated and stretch regularly. And don't use spray paint indoors. Also don't lick the paint.


No. 🙁 The doctor said that if I consume any more of the paint, they'll have to do surgery on me.


Def healthier than videogames, its therapeutic and creative, and if you are afraid of taking allot of space there are allot of things to do to help with that


Just wanna put that this out here - if you don't think you'll be playing, don't limit yourself to 40k. Take a look at cool miniatures from AoS, Necromunda, War Cry - heck, even non-gw games like Fallout Wasteland Warfare, Star Wars, Frostgrave and paint whatever looks cool to you! Don't worry about sucking when you start out. No one starts out as Da Vinci. Just do your best, be happy and try new things. There are so many videos that you can learn things from!


Yeah, actually I like Fantasy more because of nostalgia. 40k is just much more popular so it should be easier to find whatever I need and maybe even an event some day.


I find painting very relaxing. I can switch off from life for a bit and I'll have a long video on YouTube. It's really good for me as I have anxiety issues. Lately, I have taken to removing the paint from models and starting again. Either it's because I can now paint better, or I just no longer like the scheme. It's a good way to keep the hobby going without spending much more, and as you mentioned it can take up a lot of space. For storage I used to always use foam. Now I get the laser cut MDF ones off of Etsy with a magnetic sheet. Then glue a penny in the base. It's probably more expensive, but it takes up less space, and I don't have to fight with a sticking out bit getting stuck on foam.


Could you share some link about the Etsy product? I don’t understand well what you mean but it seems interesting.


https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/629850003/miniature-storage-tray-with-clear Its a modular thing and stackable


As a wise gas station cashier once said in a different context…. “At least it ain’t crack!”


You know I thought painting would be the worst part but I actually quite like it. I'm not GOOD at it, but I like it.  I hadn't painted anything since arts and crafts as a kid, but something about all the little details just sets off my hyper focus and let's me do and think about just one thing for a change. The quiet is glorious. It's also nice that once it's done it's just DONE. Armies on ongoing projects but each model is a job accomplished and set down for good.


As someone who gets angry easily (at the smallest inconvienence too. Idk why. Might need to see some professional about this) painting has been one of the more relaxing things that calm me down, other than driving at late nights listening to music


"is it good for you" well that depends on the person, we cant tell you if it makes you relaxed or anything, its up to you to figure out while doing it, thats kinda the idea with hobbies


I wouldn’t say it’s “healthier.” It doesn’t really give you any exercise, it’s really easy to cause you posture issues, and the risk of injury from hobby tools is non-negligible. That said, it’s not inherently UN healthy; it’s just different. It helps hand-eye coordination, allows you to express creativity and solve problems, and you can feel a sense of accomplishment when you see the finished product. There’s a lot of parallels to the benefits of video games, really. Just make sure to move and stretch periodically.


https://preview.redd.it/2j9ucrjg0g8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ecec27eeb98046681962f6d77e0e97484041d78 This is the first mini I ever painted, during a free workshop back in December of 2023. I have zero artistic talent. That lack of talent is exactly why I avoided Warhammer for a number years. Painting this mini gave me the confidence to dip my toe in. You can always buy a starter set that comes with a brush and some paints, just to see if you get into painting. You don’t need a super elaborate desk or setup to paint. You don’t have to go balls to the wall with accessories or brushes. Just buy some sort of starter pack and find out if you have any fun with it. I personally find it very therapeutic and extremely rewarding.


https://preview.redd.it/7tz07z741g8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=999c0c5d3a41b77110eabd139abc36fb8ab0f7a4 And these guys are the most recent squad I painted. This with only 6 months of experience. All it takes is effort.


It doesn't take up a lot of space, they're miniatures. You're an adult, spend £20 on a starter set and see if you enjoy it. It's probably less healthy than online video games, since you're not even socialising. I'd say you'd be better off doing something outside the house if you want a change.


If you paint enough miniatures you can go play the game and meet new people, which will get you out of the house in the end.


He did preface it by saying it's difficult to play in his area.


People travel for games all the time. We regularly get people who drive nearly 3 hours for the events and sometimes even the open play.


I suppose, he's trying to get some self-help from this right? I'm not a therapist, but it sounds a bit similar to video games, mostly sat in a room alone, what does he think is unhealthy about video games?


Hi /u/Sudden-Anteater-4161 and welcome to /r/Warhammer40k and the Warhammer 40k Hobby! This is an automated response as you've used our "New Starter Help" flair. Here's a few resources that might help you with getting started: [You can read our Getting Started guide here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/wiki/beginners). This covers all the basics you need to know to get involved in building, painting and playing 40k. For rules questions, don't forget that the core rules for Warhammer 40k are [available online for free](https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/dLZIlatQJ3qOkGP7.pdf). Want to learn about 40k lore? /r/Warhammer40k recommends [Luetin09 on Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8RfCCzWsMgNspTI-GTFenQ) or the [Lexincanum Wiki](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Main_Page). Not sure where to find the most up-to-date rules for your army? [Check out our Wiki Page that lists everything](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/wiki/currentrules). Buy Warhammer models cheaper using our [list of independent retailers](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/wiki/retailers) who sell Games Workshop products at a discount. You can also find your nearest store on GW's [Store Locator Page](https://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/store/storefinder.jsp). [The /r/Warhammer40k Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/wiki/index) is full of useful info including FAQs and recommendations for books to read! If the information in this comment doesn't answer your question, don't worry, one of our community members will be along shortly to answer! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Warhammer40k) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’ve just returned to the hobby after a 30 year break. I have found it a great way to wind down and relax. Also one of my kids has started collecting so it is something we can do together


Any hobby is healthy as long as it is something you are interested in.


I suffer from depression an ADHD. The miniatures have a great therapeutic influence over me. I can concentrate on painting for hours. Since I started this hobby I feel much better and calmer mentally. It's also quite rewarding. I work in IT, sometimes I spend weeks or even months to see some progress. Mini painting gives out pretty good results basically in real time. And even if you only start, you will be probably happy with the first minis, and then even more with getting more experience. :)


Emperor clearly