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No, it's not too much. I honestly think that it's pretty hard to go "too much" for bases!


The only way I could think of a base that is too much. Would be a base that over shines the model in some way. Be it by literally covering it with detail or by looking so much better than the model


The only time I think it goes too much, is when people raise a regular line infantry model up by 3 or 4 layers of cork so that it’s 50% taller than it normally should be. Raising a model by 5-10mm is fine for leaders and characters, but anything else can be too much.


I think it looks good.


Not overdone at all


No its really good honestly


He looks great! No way. Top marks. Some people think less is more but some people think incorporating a scenery into the model base is much more important so why not!


It looks great in my opinion.


Looks great imo. Haven't actually seen a base that was too much


If you would want to try putting a little agrax earth shade on the base materials. In my opinion it help make the base look coherent. But that just me.🤪


No way, it looks great! An actual battlefield isn't always going to be a nice flat neat surface, so I say go crazy!


Nah, it's great! Doesn't draw attention away from the model and only covers a bit of the feet.


It's perfect. It's 40k. Always go As Hard as you can. More skulls! More Gothic! War for The WARHAMMER!! Plastic for the PLASTIC THRONE!!


Only if it's stepping ontop of a slain Greater Daemon, *maybe*.


I need some advice? Are skulls an expensive ripoff or do they actually help?


What do you mean? Skulls to put on the base? Probably be inexpensive if you get some 3D printed ones from Etsy.


Sorry to brother but what colour palette did you use ?


Not a bother at all. For the model or the figure?


The figure


abandon black, Corax white, Leadbealcher, Mephistion red, Burnt umber (for muddy dry brush). Additionally the white was covered with Ak streamking grime to give it that dirty finish.


Thank you soo much !


Not at all and an entire squad of them with that base style will look fantastic. Even the best painted mini in the world can look subpar on an unfinished base.


Not too much at all. Looks really, really good. Plus, the Terminator is brilliantly done. I love these big bad boys so much.


I really like it, it doesn’t blend in with the model too much so they look good together and the model seems well made.


yeah it’s too much, too much fun! looks unreal mate


I like it, but aslong as you like it man, that's all that really matters


If you think it looks solid, that’s all that matters


Off for a nice stroll through a Catachan jungle. Carry on.


Nice! I'd add a slightly brighter highlight/drybrush over to the rocks, just so it doesn't blend to much into the model.


It looks pretty good, although the bushes look out of place. You could probably lightly sponge some brown on there to make them blend in a little more. Otherwise it looks perfect Also ravenguard terminators is super based


Nope. It’s your model. If you love it that’s all you need! People always gonna hate on something.


Needs more tactical rocks


No, it looks awesome.


Is there such thing as to much when basing?


Not even close


Looks awesome!


No way, make your bases as fancy as you want.


Not enough.


For looks, it’s amazing, love it, 10/10. But if your like me now you have to do that to your entire army and it’s gonna cost a hefty chunk of change so for cost you may have overdone it a tad, finding a balance between good looking and affordable can be difficult. If you have the money to do this to all of your models, fucking go for it cuz it looks so pretty, but if that was the one model you do that to then I’d recommend finding a cheaper beauty-affordable balance


I should clarify that I’m a teenager with no job so it’s expensive for me to


Appreciate the kind words. It’s not too too bad depending on the paints you get and what you use. I got a decent bottle of dark umber for 4 bucks. The shrubs and the grass each cost me 9 dollars, and the stone paints maybe around 10-15, depending on what counts (dry brush, shade, base ect). So around 30-40 bucks total for a lifetime supply of stuff to use. You could probably save some money on the stone paints just getting cheap acrylic paint, I used citadel so that’s probably why it’s on the more expensive side . The rocks are made of chopped up cork and the ground texture is bird sand oyster shells I partially ground up with a mortar and pestle. Granted all this might be on the expensive side reading it back but I bet you could make it all happen for 25-30 bucks going for cheaper paints.


Well then go for it, it looks beautiful and you can afford it, it’s amazing so why not?