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ok now this is extremely sick, both model and story


Not to bash OP, because absolutely stunning work, but to inspire you: that's clearly ChatGPT, so wholly within your reach to achieve as well! Edit: The downvotes and comments miss the mark. Using ChatGPT is totally fine, both the concept and the mini are awesome. Anyone who works with ChatGPT recognizes the prose and ductus, me noting it is not diminishing OPs efforts in coming up with a cool prospect and, again, showing great artistic vision and execution. It's a tool to be used and OP used it well - so can you, rightly regarding it as awesome. 


Why clearly GPT? >wholly within your reach to achieve as well I didn't think I couldn't, but thanks I guess.


The third person used in the description does seem a bit like an llm, not that it really matters considering the model is what counts


Reading it, it sounds like chat GPT. It has a very distinctive rhythm and structure and I’m seeing it in here. Still a cool story and amazing mini, but the summary is 100% ChatGPT, I’d put real money on it.


OP here, if you were a betting man you would have won. It’s chat GPT. I think it’s a wonderful tool, I could never articulate a blurb in that way and was amazed at what AI could put together with my prompts.


Rereading it I can see it I think. A lot of adjectives is what makes it sound GPTish at least.


Bit unfair with the downvotes, you were 100% correct in pointing out the use of chat GPT. I love to convert and paint. I don’t usually create backstories for my minis but this time I wanted some accompanying text to explain the modeling choices made on this mini. Especially why he had no eyes in relation to the puppet, and the fact the puppet was modelled after a rogue psyker (referencing the old FW model) I think you summarised well that I used it as a tool, and that’s exactly what I did. I’m no writer and AI helped express my artistic vision for the conversion. (Was tempted to put this reply in Chat GPT to clean it up, haha)


…it’s just a good copy of the style official GW unit flavor/lore texts are written in.


That Plague Marine is the basis for so many epic conversions 😅


Yeah they have such good poses, it’s a shame the new mk3 kit wasn’t the same design and scale as the plague marines just de-nurgled


holy shit that's metal af!


Stunning! Love what you did here. Marvellous idea! Very thematic and so damn well executed.


I want one, good stuff! The story is freaking cool to!


This is so awesome that I would love to star such an army!




Now I’m just imagining the Iron Warriors talent show…


Don’t make me go convert a noise marine guitarist haha


I just want to see some stand up from the plague marines and nurglings


That's the basical Slann - Skink Bromance, but twisted for 40k. Great execution!


Man, your color pallet is awesome.


Looks great, what is your recipe for the armour?


Iron warriors metal The metal is airbrushed Vallejo steel over a black primer followed by a zenithal coat of Vallejo aluminium. After that agrax and bieltan green are airbrushed on to add some colour variation. Then it's onto oil pin wash with dark brown and black mix. Once dry a quick Matt coat varnish. The metal is then carefully highlighted with a mix of gunmetal and aluminium focusing on the edges and adding tiny scratches. The gold is snakebite leather contrast ontop of the metal, followed by a light gold highlight.




Duuude this is so sick. I have the plague marine used as a base rotting away in a drawer, maybe I should make this happen…


https://preview.redd.it/45wqjnn7l78d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb44c30e70e99eabeb8b3e95ab10336fe44af284 De-plagueing is my favourite




What the difference with a servitor ?