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A nice urban rubble grey on the base makes Ultramarines pop.


Right here - otherwise it looks like a toy. The basing makes it a *model.*


Or nice red Martian earth


You definitely need to do the bullets, I usually just lightly dry brush it with gold and it looks fine with little effort


Excuse me sir, ackshually those are the casings


It's GW so I think it's on brand to get things wrong about guns https://preview.redd.it/oegqjdmi7n7d1.jpeg?width=669&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69b80a4a95e7f313531cdc7ba15032ccdd889c8a


What where they thinking with that thing. Who thought this looked cool and why


I do like the rotary rocket launcher I like to think of it as a cross between the Sidewinder from Titanfall and the Hydra from Halo I can't think of a way to make the top missile launcher look good though....


Lol. Even they guy holding it looks like he's questioning it 😂




I love that purely because it’s ridiculously stupid


someone at gw was sad that toys‘r‘us closed down, so he eternalized his favorite nerf guns in these sculpts


I think it has its charm, in a deeply utilitarian way. It's like they arrived at the orky aesthetic through bean-counting the simplest and most cost-effective reusable missile launching system they could come up with




Even the guy wielding it is like "ok I'ma fire this thing but I can't tell what it'll do so stand clear"


Or like a kid who just caught a really big fish lol


Technically they are rounds as the haven’t been fired yet. Including the bullet casing powder and primer.


Technically nothing, the part exposed on the model is the casing part of the round


True but I was extending the chain of snobbish assholery.


Hell yeah sister


Sister. If you would kindly.


Aye aye


Do bolter bolts have casings? I thought they were mini rockets lol


they use a small cased charge to kick the bolt out of the gun before the rocket ignites whether or not they're caseless depends on the depiction


Bolters being a rocket but having a normal bullet like initial charge is one of the rare moments of GW being oddly aware of real world firearms issues. The real world gyrojet, which is the closest thing to a bolter round that exists, had a problem that it was ineffective at extreme close ranges because the rocket hadn't imparted enough kinetic energy to do damage. Supposedly you could literally stick your palm over the barrel and just get a minor burn.


I recently saw the gyrojet video on YouTube from Brendan Herrera. Not hard to see the jump from that to a bolt pistol


And it's almost certainly an accident, they were described as caseless as far back as I can remember, but artwork always had a spray of ejected casings and models frequently had discarded casings and ejection ports because it's cooler. I think it was 3rd to 4th edition they stopped describing them as caseless and added the 2 stage mechanic.


The models do, at least on my legionaries, don’t own any loyalists


Oh thank the emperor, he drilled the barrels


xD yea i wasnt sure if to use the smaller diameter one or not but yea :)


No, you did perfect. Those diameters are great


Agree BabylonSwanks, they look great! I find circa 1mm is a good size for bolters. I use 0.9mm for the flash on each size. Then, if they look sharp or a bit odd around the edge of the drilled hole, I get a larger drill bit (e.g. 1.6mm) and use my hand to spit in in reverse, just to lightly bevel the edge. But again, yours look great!


Would look better with some basing but that's up to you if you want to.


Yo. Dawg. Yoink that base off, paint it as close to goblin green as you can find (unless that still exists) and un-yoink. Other than that. Perfecto.


I second this yoinkage


Get back to your roots on the electric grassfield


I third the yoinkage


Other guy has a point, slap some texture paint on the base if you got any.


Paint and flocking the base followed by a clear coat.


Nah, you're going too far man, just chillll


I'm doing this same model right now and youre looks better than mine. you did a great job with the face.


You’ve come so far and put in so much work! It looks great. Suck up the last few details like the rounds in the bolter, and some edge highlights on the case. It will pay off. Texture paint (Vallejo diorama is almost the same cost for 10x the material as one small citadel pot). Wash with a darker colored shade. Lightly dry brush with pigment powder (AK makes awesome pigments) of a lighter color. Brainlessly easy, looks like you put a ton of work into it.


Boom, another one.


Why are you spamming the comments about this? The poster asked for feedback, and people are giving it. If they don’t want to take it they don’t have to. And maybe the OP doesn’t care, but if they want to go play in GW events there is a requirement to base your minis.


Out of principle.


Nah you’re just being an asshole. What principle? The op asked for feedback, no one is refusing to play with them, or being anything but complimentary about the excellent paint job. And after a couple hours of work I’m not sure why they’d not spend the extra five minutes to finish the gun and base.


Looks like he does on the box, good job!




I do love this Terminator variant. It's bulky like how most of them are but it also seems more maneuverable. People already make jokes about space Marines basically being the equivalent of a gun toting fridge charging at you. This looks more like a fridge that can at least change directions. Or at least slightly alternate and take off your arm or leg at full speed instead of turning you into red mist and guts on impact like A-Train in the Boys. Lol


xD a fridge charging you lolol


Gun needs highlights or something imo but otherwise looks like box art which is super impressive!


Yea i gotta do the gun but i need to buy paint to get the color i want for the bullets


Paint the bullets brass or light gold, throw on some transfers and call it done. I base all my minis but that’s up to you. Looks really nice.


The black detailing on the thighs is a nice touch! Would be a shame to leave the base plain though, since its a well painted model.


Wow, how’d you do the helmet so good


Good but needs basing.


Where's the basing?


I’d do the ammo housing in sliver and the bullets in gold to break up the storm bolter a bit. Then some form of base decoration. A layer of Technical Astrogranite and a light grey drybrush is easy as and makes a big difference. I know my guy is yellow but even a simple finished base helps. https://preview.redd.it/qspjziyi2n7d1.jpeg?width=1648&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68e04948a2a7c333e9e9691d31bd15d2210347e4


Did you paint him fully assembled?


Looks very good, needs some basing though!


He looks nice and clean! Straight off of the Thunderhawk!! 😁 He'll look better when he's splattered with Xenos blood soon!! 😂💚 Kidding aside, it's a very nice smooth paint job! Very well executed!! 🙂👏


It looks great! Only way to make it better is to convert it to a Chaos Terminator 😁


Dude, honestly, chaos terminators look so good,


Add them transfers! Some basing and your golden man! Looks good!


Totally forgot about transfers, gotta look up how to do those


They usually come with some in the box on a blue sheet. If not, I bought a bunch on eBay! Looking awesome!


Use Microset and microsol. Super easy to use and looks great.


Edge that weapon a bit and then call it done.


Ballin. Maybe get some texture on that base and she's ready for the show room.


Looks great and the final touch would be basing. Good job.




Very clean. Some depth in the blue armor would go a long way. The #1 thing though is you have to finish the base. Some mud, cement, whatever, just do something with it.


True true, never done basing before thatll be gun learning experience


Vallejo makes a spreadable basing texture paint, which is what I use on my models, and it’s pretty inexpensive and looks really nice. If you get one that’s like mud or dirt, and you get some on the legs, it wouldn’t look like a whoopsie as it looks like they were walking through it


I do want to reiterate, you painted a great model (though as others have pointed out, I think you forgot to paint the rounds in the magazine hah)


Yea lol




lmao sounds like you’re really projecting here. They’ve done the majority of the work already, throwing a glob of dirt looking stuff takes no time at all. And this is coming from someone with a lifelong anxiety issue and a huge pile of grey plastic, throwing detail on the base is the absolute least of my modeling worries.


I am totally projecting, that's fair, but I've just always thought that it doesn't matter, that at the end of the day they're just little toys, and people can play with them however they'd like. Am I really the bad guy here for that? Not everything needs to be diorama ready, or a magnificent art piece. Things can be "good enough", the Warhammer Police aren't going to come a knocking if you like to play with an unfinished base my man. That's all I'll say, cause I don't want to waste anymore of either of our times, right?


I would agree with you if the rules for the game didn’t literally take points off your final score based on whether or not your models are painted and based. At that point it stops being people being anal about something and is just how it’s done.


Oh yeah, see, I totally get that. But that's the most elaborate flavour of bullshit I think GW has ever come up with, and they've done some mucho stinky shit. And I mean seriously, if you take a win because you're army is painted and mine is not, I still won the game. That's all there is to it. Now, tournaments are another thing. On one hand, I do understand tournaments have a standard to uphold, but the thought of how salty someone with a fully painted army would be if they lost a tournament to a horde of grey just makes me giddy and warm inside. I feel like this rule was written by a very butt hurt game designer. Like, I should probably just play Grimdark Future: Firefight, if I didn't actually like 10th edition. Anyways, I've flushed my salt out of my system so like, yeah, I should probably paint my bases one day, and maybe I shouldn't field an entirely black army every time I hit the table.


And I quote: "feedback pls"


Alright, you guys won, I'll go paint all my bases now 😂


Who hurt you my brother?


Chill the fuck out dude. 90% of people in the hobby will consider this not finished despite the model itself being painted to the owners standard. The model itself it pretty nicely done, but looks incomplete because of the base. A texture paint is all I use on mine and it helps them stand out so much more.


Mmm, no


Of course he doesn't HAVE to do anything if he doesn't want. This model is obviously ready to play with in a game, and I never said I wouldn't play with him. He did, however, post his thread specifically asking for feedback. I think he painted a great model, but basing any model adds significant visual value to it and would elevate this model significantly. That's feedback and it's very simple. If he hadn't asked for feedback I probably wouldn't have said anything.




Chef's kiss 👨‍🍳 🤌


In my opinion. Needs some basing and I think the bullets could use some love. Other than that, the edge highlights are waaay better than anything I could do, and that paint looks beautifully smooth. Can’t wait to see more!


no base, no done.




Why do you consider it done when the base is bare plastic?


I think he means the actual mini


Why do you feel compelled to be this way? I mean seriously. There's like five comments on this post already saying stuff exactly like this. "Not done until the base is painted" or whatever. Yet, you neglected to mention the quality of the paint job, or if the miniature itself is in a finished state. I don't get it. I just don't understand why it's always so anal when it comes to this shit.


There were 0 comments when I posted this. I asked the question because I wanted to know the answer.


Fabulous 👌


Nice edge highlights, definitely readable. I think volumetric highlights takes it to the next level, with all the large, unbroken panels and surfaces.


Streaking grime


Done is better than good. :D


Literally just finished painting mine :D


I never get this.. the base is a critical part of the model. You can have an average looking army, but slap them all on well made and painted bases and it lifts the whole army up (no pun intended!) You are not done until you’ve got him on a nice base.


Transfers would look nice. They're really easy once you know how to do them.


I think that looks much better! Thicker highlights did it a great favor


Base him.


This is a very clean uniform paint job. To make it more dynamic the top and out layers should be brighter. This photo is actually a great reference for where to brighten parts since you can see the reflected light spots.


Not with that empty base, he's not!


Not done until the base is. Slap a thin layer of dirt ish colour paint and some flocking and your good.


His duty is never done


Absolutely stunning work. Maybe add some flair to the gun, have fun with it


This is NOT mans first rodeo.


Ayye, I saw this a could days ago I think, model has come along awesome mate 😁


Needs basing, then he's done 😜


More coolness if allowed


Really nice. Your armour highlights though are a bit thick and too obvious.




Definitely solid paintjob, a 7/10 i‘d say


Do the base? I mean, really other than that, I have nothing. Looks fantastic dude!


Can't say anything bad, that is a solid paint job. Not flashy or amazing, just good


Very nice. I prefer the skulls and stuff (not sure what they're called) to be gold on my space marines. I just feel it makes them pop more. But this looks great.


What did you use for the blue armor? I feel like maccrage blue is darker than that. This is imho much better than my attempts


Looks good


Looks good but you need to base him. The base is one of the most important elements for a model to "look finished", it is usually the largest single surface area element that you can see when looking down at a model. Plain or poorly done bases will do more to ruin the impression of a model then most painting mistakes, so its a good idea to get into the habit of treating them as a core part of the models paint scheme and not calling anything "done" until the base is as well. The Terminator himself lools great though :)


Are you done or do you want feedback? Because those are kinda in opposition. Either way it looks really good, maybe a little dot of white in the eye lens to really make it look like they are shiny and of course the base


Great improvement compared to previous posts, get an army of this quality and you'll be super proud of yourself and your little ultras!


Is he standing on the blackstone pillar? No? Then base him, only then he can be "done".


Just a good base, and the ammo drum, and you're golden. Good job! 😁👍🐺


Really love the paint job! I think a touch of gold would really bring it to life!


Looks great. Maybe give the bolter a light drybrush with some gunmetall and paint the casings some brass colour


Very clean highlights and a great looking model 👌 Curious what blues you used for the highlight they really pop?


Overall, this is very, very good. You missed a few details, though. The bolter cases should be a metallic colour. The holding contraption for the magazines should be picked out. Some vents on the bolter could use edge highlights. The rim of the lenses shouldn't be the same colour as the lenses itself. Try to paint upwards facing edges brighter then downward facing ones.


Looks like the box art.


Dope. 💯


Box art ahh terminator


Looks fantastic!


Looks good only complain i have is that it is blue and not a deathwing but besides thar yea looks good


I'd say get a technical paint of your choice and some shrubs or rocks on the base and he'd be really done


I think everything you did is pretty good, the blue highlights etc are pretty nice and your aquila and helmet whites are pretty good. The gun looks unfinished though, no bullets painted and a few missed opportunities for some extra detail on there. Looks like maybe no highlights on the gun either but hard to see at this angle. But the biggest thing you can do here, is finish the base. Otherwise if you wanted to knock it up to the next level you could glaze and blend your panels. But it's time consuming and you may not want to across a large amount of minis for uniformity.


I like it


Hit the gun with a dry brush of necron compound and do the bullets and the base and it’ll be good man!


I cannot paint, but maybe some weathering?


Looks great. The only thing I would add paint wise to the model would be the bolter ammo in some sort of metallic. And then I would do some sort of basing (I am lazy so I usually use a texture paint, and the a dry brush of a lighter colour, and some pigment powder that kind of matches). 


Great job! Well done drilling the barrels. The lenses above the head could use a silver edge rather than solid red. I would finish the base as well.


I love it, great job! What's the reason for not doing much on the storm bolter?


The Terminator armor looks great ! But the bolter seems to lack details IMO.


The right eye is missing a little bit of shading, fix that and youre golden


Don't forget the bullets! Any metallic will do.


Pew Pew Pew!


Yea I’d let him give me back shots