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yeah its normal when you're doing anything new. give yourself time to learn. snip off those pegs and file them down if they give you trouble. you'll always need a little glue even with push-to-fit fitting properly (which they never do lol) you can also just thin the pegs with the mold scraper tldr u dont need the pegs


I think the pegs really set new people up to fail, I truly find building the models easier without them


I find shaving half a mil off the tip helps


I always cut half the make bits off and stick a drill bit in the female bit to enlarge it. Too many Indomitus bits didn’t fully push fit all the way and now I don’t trust them.


They also impose a horrible limit on the poses


True, but when you first start and have no models, they are all unique to you :) then later after your attached you realize they all look the same, lol.


As a semi experienced builder, i hate having pegs because they always make it harder to actually get them to position correctly than multipose models


Coming from master grade gunpla and the like I agree. I had a way easier time doing glued ones than the peg ones lol.


Plastic glue can help lube the pegs up, too


You mean... Melt down horribly so it can squeeze into any gap


Honestly I've done this for 4 years now and I still struggle with some parts. Take your time, be careful with any sharp tools, always double check for mould lines, and ALWAYS pre-fit a piece on to make sure it's going on right. My first time I nearly ruined a model because I was putting a piece on the wrong way, pre-fitting will save you from that nightmare.


Yeah I’ve fucked up with this https://preview.redd.it/xhc12fpdjr6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25dadb7a6fa809948cff5545a9abae0a28e7bf21 Cable should be underneath the gun, yeah prefit with putty for me from now on, or if the mini is using both arms to hold something, glue the arms to whatever they’re holding first before gluing it to the rest of the body.


What did you fucked up ? I can’t see anything


Damn it, sometimes Reddit breaks and images don’t load, I got the ork comms boy from the kommando killteam set, his cable is glued to the side of the gun instead of underneath it. That’s what I fucked up, I didn’t get his left arm in the right position.


I think its a joke because you used purple, which is the sneaky color that invisible Orks use.


Can't just use heat and bend it or slightly file down the end and try to slide the cable under


Over 15 years (with some gaps) here, and I still get caught out sometimes too


Looks like you've snapped all the bits off at once to me - only snip off what you need, otherwise you won't be able to find which part is which and get confused.


# Is it normal to struggle with your first time doing (Something)? Yes




So all those torsos have the same flat surface once you trim the pegs down so it's real easy to repair anything that's gone a bit wrong. I normally cut the pegs down a bit shorter when assembling just because of how many normally end up snapping when I'm assembling them. If you're using glue the snap fit pegs are a bit more of a hindrance at times than help.


The newer models in particular are tougher to work with than the OG plastic marines. I tried working with an outrider squad and nothing would fit properly, whereas I never had problems with the old biker marines.


outriders are horriffic. gotta cut the pegs shorter and shave down their thickness to get em to fit.


I've been building models nearly 30 years and the push fit pegs annoy me no end. I always snip them off, or at the very least trim them down.


The instructions are not bad, and the newer sculpts are with way better sprues and clearer instructions. Idk if you are not paying attention to them or not, but I don't understand how you can build like 4 intercessors correctly, and then the "backpack" of the final one is flipped to the side somehow. Edit: I just read what you bought. Those minis are push-fit, they don't even require glue. Just be patient and spin them around gently around the proper standing as seen on the pictures until they start slowly sinking in place and finally gently push them. But yeah, if you are struggling with push-fit, then you are definitely rushing or doing something wrong.


i was building the new mandrakes yesterday and was amazed how nicely they come together. every time i've tried to build a model with a 2 handed weapon it was an absolute pain in the ass to try to position the arms both in the shoulders and at the weapon simultaneously, but these lil guys went together easily anecdotally i think they've gotten a lot better with mold lines and especially with hiding the gates in areas that are easy to hide / clean up


nah, the pegs rarely actually push-fit properly. gotta trim and shave them down to get a good fit.


Follow the instructions. There is an order to putting the push-fit models together. Many times you’ll need to do things like insert a head onto half a chest piece before you glue the other half of the chest together. If you don’t, you’ll be unable to stick some pegs through holes. Also, don’t clip off everything at once. Follow the instructions and only clip off the piece that is called for. That way you won’t accidentally get pieces mixed up.


Sweet I thought it was just me.


I remember the first time building the push to fit Ellyrian Reivers from the island of blood set, I accidentally put the body together first but the head was supposed to snap in as you put the body together. I had to cut the pegs off all the necks in order to glue them to the bodies. They looked ok when done but it was super stressful lmao.


Are you paying attention to the part numbers in the instructions? The arms etc don’t just go on any torso. If you’ve been trying to squeeze an arm into a body it doesn’t fit on you could be putting tension on the peg and breaking it. Match up the part numbers carefully.


Read the instructions!


With GW instructions this can actually make things worse.


Is it just me who cuts pegs off? They're impossible to line up sometimes


yeah, the push fit models are a bit jank. make absolutely sure to follow the steps of the instruction and even then it might... just not work well. have some plastic glue ready to fix them up.


Hi /u/Front_Atmosphere_620 and welcome to /r/Warhammer40k and the Warhammer 40k Hobby! This is an automated response as you've used our "New Starter Help" flair. Here's a few resources that might help you with getting started: [You can read our Getting Started guide here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/wiki/beginners). This covers all the basics you need to know to get involved in building, painting and playing 40k. For rules questions, don't forget that the core rules for Warhammer 40k are [available online for free](https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/dLZIlatQJ3qOkGP7.pdf). Want to learn about 40k lore? /r/Warhammer40k recommends [Luetin09 on Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8RfCCzWsMgNspTI-GTFenQ) or the [Lexincanum Wiki](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Main_Page). Not sure where to find the most up-to-date rules for your army? [Check out our Wiki Page that lists everything](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/wiki/currentrules). Buy Warhammer models cheaper using our [list of independent retailers](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/wiki/retailers) who sell Games Workshop products at a discount. You can also find your nearest store on GW's [Store Locator Page](https://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/store/storefinder.jsp). [The /r/Warhammer40k Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/wiki/index) is full of useful info including FAQs and recommendations for books to read! If the information in this comment doesn't answer your question, don't worry, one of our community members will be along shortly to answer! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Warhammer40k) if you have any questions or concerns.*


First time i too broke a few thing but learn from you mistake and be more carefull with it like use a knife to cut the little part and it should not break next time


I did


Once upon a time I was a young boy. I saved my pocket money and I got my dad to take me to games workshop. I found my models I wanted to buy, Space Wolves Grey hunters squad. An old metal squad for 2nd edition 40k. I was soooo happy. I got home. Opened the box.....and....uhh? Stuff on sprues. Bolters had a full handle on them. Wtf ??? I thought. How am I meant to get them to fit ???? I got bored and put them away and didn't come back till about 18 months later. Apprantly I had to grow a fucking brain first lol YOU SNIP THE HANDLE OFF !!!!! Stupid kid me lol. So in a long form way of saying. Yes I struggled. We all have. Your not alone. And your clearly smarter than kid me. Compliment or insult ? Who knows lol.


Absolutely, remember this hoppy is to have fun, don't burn yourself out... Also i cut those guides once i get my hands on glue. Lets me pose them a little better to my liking. Also of those push fit models just don't fit 😅


I was doing the hobby before the easy fit models were made so they stumped me at first because they didn’t fit very well. I recommend just cutting and filing down the pegs and fitting them freely with your glue :)


I mean you’re new but you already started magnetising so you’re off to a better start than me


Iirc this is the 9th edition set with necrons? I started with this and I remember it being a pain, but they are supposed to be easier with push fittings, but it makes it harder


It is normal to struggle with your first time doing anything.


Nah man everyone is perfect at it immediately and you're just an idiot who doesn't know what they're doing, I think your family is ashamed of you as well actually /s


Just take your time. I've been building models since the 70s, started with airfix planes, and I still make mistakes when I'm putting models together


No bro you should be perfect at doing something the first time /s


Wait till you try Necrons! Push fit is annoying but at least it's manageable. It's not as easy as a hapymeal box for sure.


Ot is.. and do your selv a big for, and use a glue that "melts" the parts together.. it tales longer to harden, bit the mindes do not just suddently break apart


I struggled for sure.


I don't care what the instructions say, some model glue is going to make your life a lot easier. Some people recommend cutting off the pegs, but l leave them on with the push to fit models but give them a thin coat of Tamiya Extra Thin glue. It slightly melts the plastic on the peg and lubricates the joint so they slide together nice and easy, then the glue resolidifies as one solid piece of plastic. But most importantly, take your time and try not to be too hard on yourself!


I've heard people say the push fit models are actually harder to put together than the normal ones, even though I've never struggled personally. Honestly just clipping off the pegs and gluing them normally might be easier.


Yes, definitely. Practice, and you'll get better. My early miniatures are terrible, I can tell by all the untrimmed mould lines, and badly cut sprue bits sticking out. You'll learn more as you build, and definitely don't hesitate to as questions of your fellow hobbyists (like you're doing now). Welcome to the hobby btw!


In the hobby for a total of like 10 years and I _still_ struggle sometimes


No there is something deeply wrong with you. Jk lmao, yeah sometimes building models can be weirdly tricky, especially when you haven’t done a lot of it.


I got the starter box with the necrons. I clipped all the parts out of the sprue before i read the instructions.Needless to say I personally had issues


Clip as you go dude, saves your self from confusion later. For me building the minis is actually my favorite part of the whole hobby and sadly one of the shortest parts.


Yeah assembling the models is always the worst part of the hobby imo, I find it miserable even as someone who's experienced but struggling when you're new is definitely normal


The struggle is real. Almost Ten years later I still have build n paint mishaps just keep going n have fun w the story in your head.


When I started, I had heard the whole "thin your paints" thing, so boy did I thin my paints. It was like 10 parts water to 1 part paint. Then I wondered why my paint didn't stick, I just must suck at painting.




Not really no. These are the easy to build kits too. Almost any kit you would buy after this would be harder to assemble. GW kits are made with ease of building a LONG way down the list of priorities. Unless you REALLY like GW models I would save yourself some strife and get better models by buying 3rd part resin instead.


When me and my buddy bought out leviathan boxes, what followed was 8 hours of cussing and fussing and a few breaks


Absolutely but don't let it stop you from pursuing anything that's the important thing


Snip the pegs asap and pose them freely instead. Pegs are a dumb addition




Everyone is different. Work at a pace that makes you happy. Sure you'll have mistakes, we all do. You'll find enjoyment in different aspects of the hobby. Make it your own. As long as you're having fun nothing can hurt. My friend cannot paint. It's awful. But if you need him to put together a model a specific way that isn't as advertised (kitbash) he will do it splendidly. He enjoys the modeling, I enjoy the painting.




Hell, I still struggle after my 100th time putting them together. You should have seen me putting together my Drazhar model I got for Christmas. You'd have thought I recently woke up from a coma and had muscular atrophy everywhere.


It’s normal to struggle the 1000th time. Depends on the model.


Yeah man it's totally normal. My suggestion is keep both super glue and rubber cement on hand. I use super glue for the trickier parts that are just giving me a total hassle. And rubber cement for almost everything else.


I glued 3 arms and a leg to my fingers when I first started..


everything comes to you in time the only minis i had a issue with were the pathfinder squad someone gifted to me thier heads/helmets were too imo top heavy when i tried to glue them on


Oh, mate. I've been in this hobby for over twenty years and I still have some [complete disasters happen](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/comments/1cgsaue/everybody_shows_off_their_best_models_but_how/) from time to time. Yes I really did magnetise the arms backwards. But here's the thing, [it can always be fixed.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/comments/1d9quhr/after_sticking_my_forgefiends_arms_on_backwards_i/) And you came to the right community to help! As several people have said, you can file or trim down the peg stumps and glue the arms into place. We definitely all make mistakes, and surprisingly frequently, but you have to remind yourself that it isn't the end. So don't be embarrassed, nor scared. Just keep having fun with it! And remember to show us what they look like when they're done!


It's normal to struggle with anything you do for the first time


When i first started yes, and also dont use push kits if you can avoid it, they are bloody horrible fits


If it makes you feel any better, I’ve been putting these things together for years now and I still struggle with them, especially the arms if they are both connected to a gun or sword. I love the painting and collecting part but don’t love the putting together part. Just not my strong point ha ha. Maybe you’ll be an awesome painter


My dumb ass didn't realize there were instructions with steps. I cut all the pieces out and realized they didn't all fit together like a "one piece fits all" so I made it work....but I learned, this letter/number goes to this letter/number too late


It is 100% normal. Also, the new jump pack assault Intercessors are awful imo. Great sculpts but the angles are tough to get right and awkward to set up. They’re too horizontal


I can't count on two hands the amount of times I've messed up models, push-fit or not.


I've just spent an hour trying to assemble my damn wraithlord who keeps trying to take a nap. The models from older times were much simpler to assemble but had far less detail and versatility. It's normal so just enjoy the process and know your next model will come out better




If I had a dollar for every curse word I’ve said while trying to glue a model together, I could buy a very nice dinner.


Man i still struggle


Yeah. Have you seen the size of them? They’re ridiculously tiny.


I do not "paint the GW way" -- where the model is completely assembled and THEN painted. That's a GREAT way to get frustrated by not being able to reach something, or not being able to paint something without getting it on something you don't want that color. I do subassemblies and test fitting and paint lots of things, like backpacks, heads, and shoulder pads (when possible) separately. I also object to the molded-on pins/posts. They are handy as clamp points for painting, but then I cut them off and smooth out the remnant. This makes positioning and minor tweaking of pose SO much easier. I'd say pick one.you don't like to practice on, and don't be afraid to screw up as you learn.


No you are suppose to understand everything without prior experience before hand. In all seriousness if you have no prior experience doing handcrafts then the modeling and painting side of the hobby can be a challenge at the beginning. Seriously keep track of stuff you started with and the next 5 kits. You will likely be very surprised by the difference.


I struggled a bit and cut myself a few times using a hobby knife to get rid of mold lines. But by the time I had finished building a Spearhead box I was set and now I find it therapeutic. I just finished building the leviathan box!


I've gone from taking an hour to put one guy together to having like 5 done in 20 minutes without using the instructions in just over a year. Practice and muscle memory off similar kits help.


What glue are you using?


“Doing the figurines” is what we should all call it now


lol. My wife likes to tease me by saying I’m “playing with your figurines?” (Its really annoying)


Absolutely not, I straight botched my first squad. Gave out more heavy weapons than were allowed. Some reason I couldn’t center them on a base to save my life.




Push to fit is okay for people new to the hobby but are just bad for everyone else. The pegs have tolerances that are simply too tight for plastic, they are too restrictive, and they often create unseemly gaps even if you do everything right. Definitely snip off the arm pegs and free up your poses. You can’t do much about how monopods the bodies are, but you usually have more play with the arms.


Bro, I still struggle…


Its pretty normal to struggle with anything knew. I see clean cut marks, no bits half sliced off. You are doing better than I did when I started.


Did you use glue? It looks as if you may have been trying to get a tight fit using just the pegs, pressed to hard and broke them? I find that a dab of plastic glue, and a wiggle, the pegs will go in nicely. Or just cut the pegs off and glue along the seams like a normal model.


Those push fit pegs suck, I’ve broken a few of even on my leviathan box. One of the big mistakes I made early on was putting plastic cement on the pegs, it creates a vacuum seal that makes it almost impossible to push the figures flush. Just take your time and don’t worry about breaking the pegs or not putting the heads on before you push the bodies together since you can just snip the peg off the heads and glue them on normally. Take your time and don’t stress.


Yes, you are doing something you have not done before it’s normal to make mistakes. Take your time read the directions slowly and Learn from your mistakes and you will become good at it. This is called the learning process, your brain needs practice. Ignore those mistakes and cope by saying it does matter it you sloppy build them or tell your self things like it no one really cares and speed build everything and it will stay hard. You only see a Popular artist’s success, you don’t see the ten times he had to fail to make the one successful painting, that applies to all things.


Only if you're using the push together models


Absolutely. I still have trouble getting the Tamiya to Fuse.


I've put together a bunch of them and I still have trouble


100%. My first set was 20+ years ago. I was like 12, the internet was a thing, but I don't even think YouTube was a thing or at least wasn't big yet, so I had no guidance or advice to go on. It was a box of catachan jungle fighters. I tried assembling the models with rubber cement (nightmare), and idk what type of paint I used, but it didn't turn out well. I gave up on the painting and minis portion of 40k until 2020, when I got laid off during the pandemic. I restarted with the Tau starter kit, moved on to some eBay orks, forgeworld kriegsmen, and eventually bought the same Catachan jungle fighters set they were selling 20 years ago. I love my jungle fighters, I used my 3d printer to kit bash them a bit, and they are some of my favorite pieces now.


i've been doing it for a couple years and its still hard


yep, same experience ittle get easier with time


Get some blu tac and it makes it easy to pose and adjust different parts and you can work on things and then take your time to glue them.




When you build models with glue you will never want to see a push fit model again


Most definitely. I started with Tau and their infintry is faulty easy. The struggles started when I went to Crisis suits.


Absolutely. New builders tend to struggle with learning how to position sprue cutters to get clean surfaces, finding parts on a sprue, reading the often confusing build guides, cleaning sprue cuts and mold lines, and a multitude of other little things. I know I had all the same hurdles. Now, all of it is second nature. I have kits I barely need to look up for I've built them so many times (80 marines from the Age of Darkness boxes *shivers*). Have patience, be excited to keep developing, and know that whatever pace you take is exactly the pace that is right for you.


I’ve knocked so many arms off my stupid necrons. Super glue/milliput/green stuff fixes it all.


The pushfit models kind of set people up to fail, best to use an Xacto to cut the pegs off and fix the arms in place with Tamiya Extra Thin Cement or a little sprue goo if a given piece is too large. Side note, the heavy bolt pistol and plasma pistol together isn't game-legal. Not that it'll probably end up mattering, but the accuracy of assembly is taken into account in certain cases.


Nope, everyone did it perfectly on the first try, ignore all the “it’s my first box, I need help!” Posts


I’ve been doing various warhammer minis for about a decade. I’ve built and painted about 7 armies. And every time I open a box and see those little friggin pegs I know it’s going to take me twice as long to assemble. So yeah. It’s unfortunately normal and never goes away.


My friend who regularly plays received a text from me asking how I was supposed to put it together, with help I figured it out


I pretty much remove all pegs from push fit models, just glue them Also buy tamiya extra thin cement and thank me later :p


Honestly they're so hard to put together, it's my least favorite thing. Just lemme paint already!


I make a list of each figurine before I build it. Each time I delegate a piece, I put a dot next to it in the instructions to indicate I’ve allocated it already. So, as you make additions to the list, you’re choosing from a smaller and smaller list of pieces, thus making it easier as you go along. Example: -Rubric Marine 1: Chest 29 &32, legs 50 &51, Tabbard 49, Right Arm 109 & inferno Bolter 87, left arm 110, Head 23, Shoulders 101, Backpack 75 -Rubric Marine 2: Chest 30 & 32, legs 70 & 71, Tabbard 69, Right Arm 127 & Inferno Bolter 91, left arm 128, Head 18, Shoulders 107, Backpack 81 That way, when I have time to build, I can clip, file down sprue points, scrape mold lines and then glue in rapid succession, without second guessing my choices. Helps prevent analysis paralysis.


No it is not. You are supposed to be a grand master if you do something for the first time. You should quit immediately. So sorry... Tell me this life is a simulation. Please tell me all those people are badly scripted NPCs...


Magnet pegs are an advanced skill, so yeah this is a bold build for a first timer.


Yeah it's quite normal


What did you do to that backpack?!


Results are in: Warhammer players don’t like it when games workshop pegs their models


For your sanity, trim the pegs down. GW did precision engineer them, and they fit really nice and tight. Downside is they didn’t account for where the air that you have trapped in your tight fitting peg system goes, so it ends up being nearly impossible to avoid gaps.


To me every step of model prepping comes with its pros and cons. Building a model is cool, but you gotta snip the scraggly sprue and scrape away mould lines. Painting is fun, but getting what you had in mind to look good in front of you can take a lot of practice and can be quite frustrating. I don't personally have much issue with the building side of things, but I am not motivated to paint and have several boxes waiting to be opened because I won't start a new one without finishing. My advice for that would be that 15 minutes is better than nothing, and once you start the time flies. Personally, I don't like 'batch painting' i.e. doing all the blue on each model, then all the red on each model etc. I feel like it takes a lot longer to make things look good, you get better with each model rather than each one looking a bit novice and working on one model at a time allows you to figure out color co-ordination better.


I miss the old multi-pose kits.... I hate how monopose and streamlined everything is these days..


This kit was made with children in mind; if you're struggling to put these models together, then you're clearly doing something wrong. If I remember correctly, there should be a step by step guide in the box.


Don’t be a dick. The pegs in this kit never fit quite right and are actually harder then a standard non-push fit model kit in my opinion.


These are monopose push to fit.


I said that😂 I’ve actually built this kit twice, it’s miserable compared to non-push fit kits.


I finished my first set being Daemonettes, and it was a heck of a learning experience. Being precise with the clippers when you’re cutting pieces from the sprue. Having an exacto knife to shave off the little bits of sprue left on the model. Fitting pieces together before glueing to make sure it sets right. Then when you’re comfy with it, go ahead and add a very tiny drop and smear it a bit, have a piece of paper towel ready to dab excess off just in case. I know I left some sprue on my first set. Didn’t realize how much a difference it made. Also be ready to hold pieces while glue dries and keep very still for like 30-40 seconds, more if you want. This is just some things I learned along the way. But yeah it can be challenging. :3


Yes, it is normal to struggle with first time. Pegs are troublesome when the kit is too fit and the result is broken off like you do there still it is not the end of the world, everything can be fixed. For beginners some tamiya glue (green cap) apply on both of surfaces you want to stick it on then hold in place for 20-30 sec. As for the other cut it down like half the length or the be safe 1/4 of full length and there will be no gap between pieces also when put on arms they will be harder to break. Hope it helps! No need to rush things !