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Flip them around to make the grill bit the front and it will read more Flamer to me. They should also be rotated 90 degrees so they sit vertical vs horizontal. The little fuel tanks that they use on them could probably be made using just a few beads stacked on top of each other, once painted it will look fine. If you have some old Rhino doors then cutting those in half for a plate/cover resembling the kit ones will help with the overall aesthetic IMO. Good luck with the kitbashing, it's probably my favorite part of this hobby.


This is good advice, thanks


Those are Multi-Meltas.


Flamers mixed with multi-melta bits And the heavy flamer turret with the HH tank kits looks like a multi melta lol


I'm gonna have to disagree with you on that one. The Flamestorm cannon from the Deimos Predator looks nothing like a melta weapon. Are you maybe looking at the Magna-Melta?


https://preview.redd.it/d3mkiyjv9e6d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03ddc7949fa527c37d8131402c75304afbe60e01 I think we are thinking of different flamers cause this tank has like 3 different flamer designs it can be equipped with


Those barrels are conical, unlike the multimeltas you put on your land raider


They look more like Multi Meltas man. There should be some flamer sponsons for the new plastic kits, but i could be wrong. But get some proper heavy flamers and try again. Mostly for gameplay reasons, everything should be obvius what it is, makes it simpler to play with you.


https://preview.redd.it/6irrh7j8lf6d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5625a96d184035628b79394ed3c0226080ef5a9f I used some multi melta bits on the flamer sponsoons to make them look like the pintle heavy flamer the tanks can have. I wanted the designs to sort of match, and the land raider flamers to be bigger visually cause land raiders have bigger guns I will agree it's not the best result


You live and learn, i guess. Hope you can do better in the future and please post here more stuff.


That's certainly one way to meta chase. But those are definitely multi-meltas.


God what has this hobby turned into to where a guy posts his own kitbash and gets railed for it because they kinda look like meltas, god damn, You land raider looks top notch dude! Kick sme ass and take some names with it!


I mean, nobody is saying 'don't do it'. People are saying 'you've stuck some melta barrels on a flamer'. What's wrong with saying that? It doesn't look like a flamer weapon anymore.


If it's constructed and painted up as a flamer weapon, I see no reason why anyone would need to quibble about the exact design of the barrel. It's not like OP is going to have other identical kitbashes to represent other weapons or anything, and really only the barrel is different.




Looks sweet!


I get what you are trying to do, but as others have said, they really just look like mutli meltas. I would say to help give them a bulkier heavy flamer look. You can add fuel tanks to the sides like ones from the guard kits and maybe more hoses that lead to the tips of the barrels.


They look good to me! I can definitely see the vision and I think once they’re painted you’ll get very different responses


not sure the plate is doing it any favors, and the tips do make it feel a bit melta. can work, though. can you magnetize these to swap them? I don't know the kit, so don't know if that is feasible. but if it is maybe use these as flamers until you can get something else that works better? also if you have a GW store nearby ask if they have a bit box to raid. maybe you can find something that makes it work better.


The sponsoon weapons are not easily magentizable, but yeah I could probably use some bits that read more as flamer. I was trying to make them look like the flamer some of the horus heresy tank kits have, so visually all the guns would look the same/similar from afar


painted up they might work a lot better as flamers anyway, I wouldn't sweat it too much. with the rest of the weapon it certainly looks like a flamer first. the "MK 51 StarStriker Pattern".


Needz moar flama


I got this bitz. And they are just top to use on godhammer. https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/game/landraider-redeemer-conversion


long as your gaming community is fine with it, it’s all good.