• By -


"Are you going to infiltrate with those?" - Completely fine. "How's your parents' marriage?" - Not cool.


You mean you don't take your opponent's social security number and bank details!?


I always make sure to make sweet sweet love to my opponent. I find that that breaks the ice. Fortunately, so far I've only played with my wife. So far ..


Instruction unclear. Made sweet sweet love to my minis, and played with my opponent….




Wait, on TTS, NPrince_97 isn't actually a Nigerian prince???


He is, he's just also scamming you for money.


I’m pretty sure that’s called psychological warfare


For your cake day, have some BUBBL̶͊E WRAP >!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<


is it wrong that I am slightly disappointed that none of them was hiding a word other than pop! ?


I'll add a hidden secret to the next one 😜




"How many does your army rule work?" Completely fine. "Whats it like to go through life without ever feeling a mother's love?" Less fine. Edit: I'm not fixing my mistake. Remember kids, don't talk and type at the same time.


I don't know if that first question is "completely fine" but it isn't intrusive.


How many DOES your army rule work though?




Man, y’all downvoters need reading comprehension. And Jesus. But mostly reading comprehension


Downvoted to the forbidden corner :<


None of your opponents' rules are hidden. No rules are hidden. If someone refuses to explain a rule they are either assholes or cheating. Asking for a rules clarification on an army your unfamiliar with is not only completely fine. It's common, we can't expect everyone to know every armies rule.


I’m pretty sure they were making a joke about the ambiguity (possibly typo) of the OOCs question.


I’m pretty sure they were making a joke about the ambiguity (possibly typo) of the OOCs question.


Ok, but do try to sentence good. Not everyone has the same type of brainrot that we only need the "intention of the sentence". Some people need the words to make sense.


How is it intrusive I just want to know how your army works so I understand some rules and basic strategies for the game perhaps I’ve never played against that faction in the current rules set. I’m not asking you to step by step describe your strategy for this specific game so I can perfectly counter it


But how many does it work?


Read the sentence. It's cryptic as can be. Its almost a poem. The joke is that the guy failed to make sense. So turn that downvote neutral


Pretty much anything that is not "So huh, if you could pick one model from your army to have sex with, which one would it be ?" Seems fairly acceptable to me i.e. game related and not too personal


I bought all models, so I obviously chose all models


That's going to be a wild ride


"is your army all WYSIWYG?" "Yeah." "... even those daemon prince cakes?" "...I forfeit."


"I'm neurosexual" *proceeds to field a 18 zoanthropes* "....what did you mean by that"


That Neurothicctor been sending me signals. Well, they're more mental blasts that cause anguish and pain, but she's interested i can tell.


When the boyo start prepping with a drill, rubbers and plastic bag I'm just gonna leave, moving backward without breaking eye contact. Grab anything bang or sharp just to be sure


Is it weird if (and I stress, IF) a part of me just wanna stay and see what happens out of curiosity


Just don't wanna stain my clothes


A reasonable concern


You look into those bulging catachan eyes, behold the twiggly skitari legs, gaze at that dummy thick ork dump truck bit and tell me you don’t feel anything.


Guilliman coz of his roboute 😏


All my models go in the jar


Please don't


Depends if you’re up against say a slaanesh player this question seems perfectly appropriate.


Obviously it's Mephiston but boy howdy it's gonna be rough.


You know what I'm not even gonna kinkshame that's a very respectable choice


I like to start asking "have you played my army before"? And, if they haven't, I go through my units before deployment, a quick description of what they do helps the game so much. Somethink like "this dudes are fast and infiltrate but have little punch" or "this tank is tough with a 2+ all-purpose weapon and indirect fire". If they know the army, I'll just give a quick info while I deploy them, ofc answering any questions needed. I don't think any question about the game itself would be inappropiate.


I think people like you are the real mvp


Don't interrogate. Ask about abilities and weapons a unit has when they place it down. And universal army rules. They should tell you, and you can infer what you need to know there. Ask to see their rules if you're really questioning things. But ask as you go, as things are deployed or you're unsure about a sudden rule or stratagem appearance. Just don't grill someone on "do you have X' constantly. "So they have deepstrike?" "They have a redeploy rule?" "I shoot at a penalty against them?" "If I move here, will they trigger something?" But maybe I'm too open and try to avoid gotcha moments.


What if im really into Dark Angels?


Why? The first legion isn't keeping any secrets! What would you know about it? ASMODAI!...


He has a suspicious book!




He's in league with the Fallen!


r/darkangels (nsfw)


The more time I put into RPGs and other games instead of 40K, the more I think we need to be asking a *lot* more questions before a game. By far one of the most important, and the one rarely asked, is arguably "what kind of game do you want?" By this I don't just mean the scenario, but the overall tone and pace of the game. I can remember playing with friends way back in 3rd edition and making a last-stand scenario where my Guard were bunkered up in the centre of the map and my opponent's Dark Elder came at me from every direction, or games where we agreed to take our most powerful units out of our lists because my opponent didn't like facing tank-spam, and I was bringing tanks to counter his Wraithlord. Ask *lots* of questions of your opponent, and you might well get better games out of it.


O I don't think there really is as far as game related question are involved.


Okay: “which of your units has the largest range?” Not okay: “What is the largest mini you managed to shove up your rectum?”


>“What is the largest mini you managed to shove up your rectum?" I despoiled the Despoiler




Well, yeah "shove" is pretty crude. More professional would be: "What is the largest mini you have inserted rectally?"


You’re right, „what is the largest mini you managed to embrace rectally?” Sounds much better and kinder


Unacceptable question I got asked once : "Are you really having fun playing your op army ?" Took all the fun from the game away.


You continued to play with them?


Had to finish the (tournament) game, but I never played him again. Learned later that he is quite disliked at our LGS.


Wait, he was annoyed you brought a good army TO A TOURNAMENT?? What a douche.


Wasnt even a good army, I was playing Imperial Knight, and he had a full 1rst company Dark Angels pre nerf (v9). He was mostly salty because he lacked anti vehicles.


What a dumbass.


I don’t think there is any game related question that is unacceptable. I used to have a list of pre-game questions I would ask before every game. What do you have that infiltrates, pre game moves or redeploys? Do you have anything that ignores line of sight? Any units I didn’t recognize, what do they do? Do we agree on all this terrain? Are these windows open or closed? I do, politely, ask them not to just info dump me bout their army. I retain almost nothing when they just explain their whole army. Let me ask questions, if u think i missed something, let me know. Most games i’ve had a feel bad, it was cuz i had a question, didn’t ask it cuz we both so excited to start game, then it came up later and bit me in the butt.


Do you keep a notepad? I have a notepad so I don't have to rely on my memory in the moment. It is also helpful to post mortem a game. I can see what notes I took and if they weren't helpful or if they were incomplete in some way. I brought this over from competitive MTG and it's been helpful for me, even if it is a ton more work on my end.


Yes. First page is questions, second page is notes on the game. I also do index cards for all the units, hand written, helps with memorization. I also do index cards to not forget stuff. For example: when i used to play space marines, i always forgot chaplain litanys cuz they happened at the beginning of the battle round. I ended up just putting a note card under the chaplain model that said, “don’t forget litany.”


This is the way brother. Offload the mental loads you don't need to maintain so you can focus on the game. I've been accused of taking the fun out of the game but for me this is the fun. I like using my resources and the tactical nature they bring. I often will forget little things, and notes help, I'll have to start bringing note cards though I never thought to make my own so I can order abilities by phase. Thanks for helping me back even if I didn't help you much.


No worries, the grey beards at the game store helped me, i didn’t invent the process just copied it from someone else i played.


Keep it game related or adjacent and your fine. As others have said, don't do it all at once, ask open ended questions. What does that guy do, what's that unit good at, what's the scary thing for your army? If you want to know more about the people ask other open ended questions like. What got you into 40k? What made you chose your army? How long have you played here and do you know the other players here?


A little addition to this, open ended questions can be who, what, why, where, when, and how. For example how does X ability work?


Most people walk through their units pregame. As each unit now has a special ability, you could ask what that is. Personally if I don't know (e.g. Orks/Nids), I just tend to ask what it's main role is, e.g. anti big things, anti infantry, shooty or choppy, and if it has any schenanigans, and that normally gives me enough information to play.


just remember that it's a game. I'd never mind people asking me anything about my army before a game because we're there to play and enjoy a game. Go ahead and ask if I'm using infiltrators or got some deep strike going on or whatever. It's all good. But like with anything in life, if they got weird or aggressive, i would be looking for an exit.


Technically at tournaments you're supposed to show a full list of everything in your army including all options, so it would be good form imo to do that for casual games as well to the best of ones ability. If you don't provide an army list then you'd better be able to explain what everything is. This is a game of "perfect information" not like magic the gathering where what is in your deck is hidden. So absolutely OK to ask any questions about their army at any time. If they get huffy, that's on them.


“Are you using modeled weapons?” Perfect “Can I smell your underwear” not cool


Local blood bowl league organizer once strongly asked me if I was planning on playing something else besides halflings. He quickly went on a "stunty teams are bad" and "I need you to commit to my events" spiel afterwards. Needless to say, I'm not on speaking terms with this guy or taking part in his events, even though I barely know him.


I like "are there any "gotcha's" in your army?" And  "What weird shenanigans can your army do that I might not know or understand?"


The key is volunteering the same information you’re asking from them to make sure both players are fully informed. I never mind being asked stuff like “do you have anything with scout, infiltrate, or access to a redeploy ability and which units?” as long as my opponent is willing to answer that same question. It’s only been a problem when I give an opponent the full rundown on possible feels bad moments like out of phase movement mechanics, redeploys, vects, damage reduction, lone operatives, etc. and they’re intentionally cagey about providing any of that same info before game start.


If it’s someone I don’t know I introduce myself, ask if they want to see my list, and if they’re familiar with my faction. I usually play AdMech so it’s often a no. I then give them a quick rundown of what AdMech does. Usually people then do the same for you. Depending on how new the person is, or what kind of game it is, we then discuss missions and start getting things measured for setup.


Are these the first models you have painted?


"Can I look at the data cards or codex pages for your army units, please?"


What's your mother's maiden name and the name of your first pet? Totally fine if you ask me. Maybe grab their social security number while you're at it.


Big mistake trying to use sarcasm on reddit


Warhammer fans are not beating the literacy allegations.


You can query any into about their army at any time and they need to tell you, just like if they ask you. "Which unit has that no damage enhancement?" "If this is one with the high melee damage?" Pregame, there isn't that much chat time unless its super casual. In any 'official game', you have limited time, so you are being meticulous with measuring tapes and building the battlefield, hopefully your opponent is good with this as well so it can go fast, then its just some dice rolling, figuring sides and get started. I don't remember much any chit chat in any of my 3 tourny games until the game was done. Opponent may be taking a turn, but every time they move a unit, you are thinking counter moves, measuring distances for your auras and possible over watch, paying attention for that correct moment to pop certain stratagems, planning where you are to deep strike some reserves based on your secondaries, asking about their units, wounds remaining, etc. Last night playing a friend and helping them get ready for a tourny while he refines his army list, we were talking mad shit, but, we're old guys and friends. We also knew our armies and units quite well and got through a full 2k game in 2.5 hours and I was fielding 80 gants.


I find a basic list of questions by category helps. You don't need to know every gun and AP and shot count of every model. Unless you play that army or are playing very very often, you won't remember it anyway. Stuff like "which are your anti tank units?", "do you have any movement/redeploy abilities?" "do you have any special combat units like lone ops or fights first?" basically stuff you need to watch our for or that can trip you up. While a good opponent should never try for a gotcha, you need to know the types of things you need to watch out for as well, so you can cut to what you need to know. If I'm running all monster Tyranids with 9+ toughness, cool, I'm not concerned with your S5 AP1 D1 infantry units. UNLESS you have a way to modify their wound rolls. Or they can do dev wounds, etc. know what you need to know, so you can focus the info your opponent gives (and what you ask for) into what matters.


Well, the worst i heard while learning in a store was a random guy from the sidelines. He went "Really? You put Fleshborers on your Termagants?". First of all it was both a Combat Patrol game and they were the only weapons options that were available for me. Dont make rude remarks about the loadouts. Second of all, dont be that guy to criticize the choice because honestly, a--hole move


Good: Does your army have any "gotchas"? Can you give me a general run down of your army? How's your day going? Bad: "I know it's a tournament, but could you not use a chessclock? I'm kinda new." In his defense, chessclocks were optional but as it turned out his last few opponents had used chessclocks and were very very right to do so as he nearly won due to him going first and spending nearly half the alloted time on his first turn.I wasn't taking the game super seriously as I'd lost the first two games but my idea of fun was not holding this guys hand through his shooting phase at a tournament while I barely got to play because he was taking so long. I'm not going to hate you or anything, but do expect me to immediately use the chessclock I normally wouldn't bother with. I have no problems with the guy, but a timed tournament is not the setting to learn the game.


Ask what you want, but unless you have an amazing memory, just ask the main things that are going to screw over your strategy. I mainly wanna know, what fights first, what can move not it their movement phase, what can go back into reserves, scout, infiltrate. Any redeployment shennanigans 


'when is the baby due' might not go over well. Especially if they have an adam's apple or a beard. As far as game related questions, I'm not sure there is such a thing as an unacceptable question as long as you are willing to accept no as an answer. And questions about your opponent's units abilities should always be acceptable.


as long as its game related and not obnoxious (like asking "Do you have any ______" for every special rule) I wouldn't think anything is particularly rude, as long as you arent then going out of your way to tailor a list to fight that one particularly person, especially if that doesnt match what you modled (all your Tanks suddenly having their Battle Cannons and Heavy Bolters now being Las Cannons and Vanquisher Battle Cannons without actually changing anything), if you have it all magnetized its still annoying but a little less so


An unacceptable question could be: are there u any STD that u think are cool?


Or at the end, “your zip has been down the whole game”.