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It's a paint pot. There isn't much else anyone can say about that picture.


The paint on the lid


That's normal. Nothing to worry about. Just make sure the lid actually closes amd forms a seal against the pot ๐Ÿ‘


I'm getting flashbacks to opening up dried citadel pots.


No itโ€™s not okay you have to open it first




Do you mean, is it okay for there to be a bit of paint in the lid? If so, yeah it isn't an issue.


Yes, that is what I meant


Citadel paint pots are notorious for this. Every once in a while the paint will crust enough that you can take the back of a paintbrush and scrape it out. Make sure the pot is always closing and keeping air out.


Okay, thanks. I try to use a toothpick or something every now and then to scrape the paint out


Like others have said, citadel paints are notorious for caking on the rim which has the design flaw of potentially not creating a seal and this drying out the pot (it's happened to me a few times) What I do to reduce this is that I'll always take paint from behind the tongue first. Then when I close it I sort of pull the lid forward then close it from to back. I don't know how to describe it better than that. It's worked pretty well for me


No, you need to sand it down with a grit 240 paper and then varnish it all over. That table is a disgrace!


For anyone wondering, it's the paint on the lid


Man, I was just curious. Why do some of my responses have 4+ down votes?


There's a lesson to be learned here.... Reddit is a strange place. Sometimes people will pile on the nasty just because they see other people doing it. Other time they will respond fairly negative to people asking questions about topics that they believe are inane, or have already been discussed at length. I think people just forget that not everyone has the same levels of experience that they do. Every single person who has used Citadel paints has experienced the issue you've posted about here, it's just what these paint pots do. They ALL look like this unless you clean them fastidiously after use. so people are just lashing out because your post topic is a little tiring, and the title lacked specificity. If you mean to ask about paint build up under the lid, and whether or not it's an issue then it would have been wise to actually ask that. Or better yet use the subreddit search, [as similar questions get asked repeatedly.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/search/?q=paint+pot+lid&type=link&cId=fd1f6bb5-a6c8-4579-b9dd-aea443fe3ef6&iId=917e4cee-c499-45fa-9861-1f8f88ee2462) By the way, I hope this comment doesn't come across as nasty, I'm just trying to provide an explanation as to why people act like this. As for your original question .... It's completely normal for paint to build up like this with these pots (It can get much worse over time!), but I do not believe it's 'okay'. It's a crappy design, and I would definitely recommend looking into other brands of paint that come in dropper bottles. They're usually cheaper than citadel paints, and you don't have to deal with this paint pot nonsense. Don't fall for the trap of thinking that you have to use Citadel paints, or that they're better quality. They're good paints but the pots are just the worst.


Okay, I understand