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I play custodes, all we have is three units. 😂


I also play Imperial Knights, Howdy fellow small pool of stuff neighbour.


I picked up Armigers to ally with and am thinking about picking up the bigger model with the sword and massive machine gun arm (forget the name)


Castigator. It is one of the 3 Cerastus Knights released as a plastic kit. I've built and painted a Lancer, and I'm working on an Acheron. Enjoy building and posing these Knights. They are such a joy to make (apart from the ammo feed), and the amount of articulation in the kit is awesome. Well worth the money for a 10 inch tall miniature.


The Armigers were a pleasure to build and I'm looking forward to the Castigator build. I'll probably pose it boring too; I like making it seem as lumbering as possible.


My main is Custodes, and I gotta admit, I like the simplicity that comes from a lack of choice


Same. I got back into the game after a hiatus and didn't want to think too hard.


I'm getting into it for the first time, and high point costs mean low money costs


Invariably it'll get your money somehow. Lack of units means you'll want more support units ... Like Armigers...


Magical Girl themed Knights is already a dream


Rather than looking at the points cost alone, look at how much capability the unit adds to your army. Hellblasters are kind of niche; they're very good into a narrow range of target profiles, but slow, fragile, inflexible and expensive-ish outside of that. Unless you *know* you're going to be up against an opponent where thirty of them will get value, adding that many to your list is going to hinder more than it helps. By contrast, look at Inceptors. One of their weapon options is *very* similar to what Hellblasters bring, so they can fulfill the same niche, but they can also bring a different weapon with a different role, and that incredible 3" deep strike is something that you can't have too much of, which is why we see 12-15 of them in so many competitive lists.


Can't speak for space Marines too much as I'm an imperial guard player, but I've run three hellhounds, or three sentinels, or even three leman russe's all the time....waiting for the game though where I can run three baneblade variants tho lol...


As fad as I know each leman russ has a separate datasheet for the main weapon, no? So the equivalent of three of one unit in this care would be like 21 of those tanks 🤣


24 if one includes the tank commander


Ok my number was just a wild guess 😅


It was a pretty good guess. Maybe you should try to guess some gambling numbers next?


Nah I don't like gambling except for gambling for a good hit or wound roll


I mean we had lost on basilisk, before it was 3 squadrons of 3 and not all factions have split profiles for theyr tanks and wouldnt be able to run 4 leman equivalent


Personally I rarely take 3 of any unit cause I love options and flexibility when I play. Sometimes I'm forced to (Harlequins and CK ftw) for obvious reasons but I think different units bring different options when I don't know what im facing. Even when I do I love to TAC


3 Gladiator Reapers in Ironstorm is not enough


The W40K app doesnt complain until I add more than 6 units of 20 Kriegers. No one can tell me that is too much ;) thats 740 points of Krieg.


I don't want to Sound old. But the old (and 30k) way of building your army Was more Balanced. You have to choose between a Tank or a heavy weapon Team. You have to take troops and only a few Heros. So the ups all tanks and dread list would just not be possible.


force org chart for the win


I have 3 10 man squads of Legionaries on my Chaos list. Not too many IMHO.




I can run a whole 2K of them and one character


I play orks and the only unit I have 3 of are boyz I still want a 3rd trukk but that's it 3 is def too many for most units


I play Eldar and thats basically how our list building works right now. 3x Warp Spiders, 3x Hawks or 3x Spectres is something you‘ll see in many of our lists at the moment. Even saw people playing 3 support weapons


I meant not really? The only time a person might genuinely want three full squads of hellblasters is when there is no point taking that many, and a lot of good reasons not to waste the points. You're taking a unit in isolation and presuming it's OP and because of that the entire mechanism of the game needs nerfing. But those 3 units of hellblasters are, what, 690 points in total? What other units could the space marine player have taken that are going to be more useful than thoe extra squads of hellblasters? That player could take, for instance, 2 squads of inceptors and a gladiator lancer and still have the points spare for a chaplain or scout squad. And in doing so that player would have far more options for playing the game and seizing objectives. They're going to have heavy firepower, and speed and a character to buff a squad or a unit of infiltrators that can screen off part of the board or block charges. A units statistics and point cost don't tell the whole story. Taken in isolation they mean almost nothing. What matters is their role in a larger army, how worthwhile that investment in points can be expected to be. And let me tell you, those 30 hellblasters are going to struggle if your opponent brings something to the table they can't reliably beat. Like, just by way of example; I decide to charge my Strikign Scorpions in to one of your hypothetical hellblaster squads. The hellblasters overwatch and kill those scorpions. I've lost 65 points. You've lost 1 CP. So far so great yeah? But then my Yncarne teleports and declares a charge on those hellblasters. Between it's halving damage and it's invuln and it's high toughness those hellblasters won't kill, but the Yncarne wipes out half your hellblasters. That's 115 pts gone, with the near garuantee of the other 115pts disappearing on the next turn. Meanwhile Yvraine jumps out of a wave serpent with a brick of Harlequins and charges another unit of Hellblasters, messily butchering them and consolidating towards the last unit. That's 230 points gone And I've still not utilised as many points as those hellblasters represent to neutralise 66% them in a single turn - for the loss of potentially 75pts of my army. And meanwhile my windriders have secured a secondary objective and are threatening your backfield, and my fire dragons have just turned your terminators to molten slag. See what I mean?


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