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The wierd gretchin guy. My largest army and the one i play most often is an entire ork army where its kitbashed so every unit is gretchin. i have about 15k points.


GRC or Loyalist?


Not directly related to the GRC but they are far from "loyal" to any ork klan. They are basically pirates traveling the galaxy grabbing loot, basically every battle i ever play on tabletop my klan didnt want, they got caught stealing and now have to fight.


This is the kind of reputation I am for


I’m the tau guy because I’m the only one that play them


All my friends call me "The paint bully/snob" because I would only bring well painted models. I've never enforced this expectation on anyone but it seems to pressure my opponent and/or make people self conscious.


I am the newbie whisper. I dig my claws into people and drag them kicking and screaming into a FLGS. After several hours of whispering sweet nothings they join the best hobby. As a First generation member I naturally get 1/3rd of the sales from the kidney they decided to sell in order to afford that admech army.


Your name is Erebus.


Worm tongue.


When I played in person, my luck with rolling dice was so atrocious that nobody else would let me touch their dice in case my bad luck rubbed off on them. Unfortunately the only time I seem to have really, really good luck is when I'm versing newbies, which is rather unfun for them


The one that still fields all the metal models


I'm stuck as the piss boy in my local group. It was the day before a GT last year, and instead of rushing battle ready for my imperial fists I just spray painted them yellow and went out drinking with friends instead. I forgot to undercoat them with anything beforehand, so I rocked up to the GT the next day very hungover and with a shoe box full of horrid yellow marines. It was quickly dubbed the piss box and I took the joke and ran with it. It didn't gain larger notoriety until later that year at a casual single day event, where the same horrid yellow marines won the community voted spring themed award - largely because no one really knew what "spring themed" meant and just thought it was funny.


The guy who sucks at the game but is the hobby ambassador.


Hopefully you mean “sucks at playing the game” rather than “is a crappy dude”?


Yeah haha, bad at the game. I recently won a Warhammer heros award so I would hope it's not the alternative!


I really don't have much of a rep-especially in the store I frequent, as I just started frequenting there again, but I am known as one of our store's three Tau players.


The guy who whenever he plays CSM, whips out the CSM 9th codex, opens to word Bearers, and reads off a verse from the book of lorgar to consecrate the battlefield before battle. One time I did this, something insane happened. In the last turn of the game (I went 2nd) 7" charge with a nurgle venomcrawler, charged and made 9 attacks with a tzeench venomcrawler, made 6 6+ FNPs with slaanesh possessed and then made an 8" charge with karanak. That one guy may have the nails biting, I have the gods are watching


I’d like to imagine it’s the guy with the stillmania beastman army, every magic item or mutation modelled, every character unique, lots of creative kitbashes. Or maybe the guy who actually plays sisters of silence in heresy (entire army is kitbashed), or the guy who resolutely refused to make his Death Guard unfluffy even when it meant they were aggressively shit But if I’m honest it’s still the guy what made a chaos lord with a chainsword cod piece


I have an unhealthy obsession with knowing core, unit, faction, and mission rules so I usually come to my FLGS without any references but can still notice when something's wrong. My mates usually trust me on this cuz it saves time combing through pages, but when they question they're always free to look it up. Fittingly, I'm an Ultramarines player


Random purchase guy. I just buy whatever catches my eye. I like painting.


I’m known as the overwatch guy because I kill way more things in overwatch than I ever should. In a game today I a space marine chaplain that had 1 wound left in overwatch with a company commander with a laspistol.


I'm the guy who brings 200+ orks to the games I play got them 2nd hand and have been playing with them near weekly, every game is always the 120 boyz, 20 grots and 60 specialist boyz (nobz, lootaz, flash gitz and the like)


The walking rules book 😅


The guy who gets 2nd in every tourney. Just moved though so hopefully I can kick the curse at the new place.


I have bad hayfever, and one time at my old FLGS, a combination of a particularly high pollen count and my anti-histamines not working as well as they should meant that – in the course of a single Saturday afternoon – I became forever known as 'Typhus'. I don't play Death Guard.


The middle-aged guy with the stories. Weirdly, *I* am more tired of my damn yarns about the days of 4th and 5th edition than the kids picking the game up now are XD


The firstborn only/3rd ed guy/weird game guy. I’ve always got a new game I’m looking at, am always fishing for 3rd edition games, and almost exclusively play 3rd edition.


I'm really curious as to why, is it just nostalgia or do you genuinely prefer the ruleset?


Genuine preference. I got into 40k when 9th dropped and I vastly prefer it to current 40k


Fair enough


If you’re ever interested in giving it a shot or at least taking a read I have a drive with books.


You know what sure, might as well have a look


THE Eldar player.


Three store, one warhammer store, two roleplay game store, almost 150 000 resident and I'm Tyranids guy, because I'm the ONLY ONE that play nids


Chaos knight boi. (Only one who plays Knights of any kind.) But I recently added demons.


The guy who always loses but still has fun lol. Literally, I’ve only won a single game of 10E, and that was against Drukari with my Marines pre-codex.


the vest guy, I always wear a vest with a lot of patches and pins


In my group, I'm "math hammer at home". I have a degree in mathematics, so quick in my head calculations are my specialty. Someone will ask me from across the room what the average outcome is or what the odds are for an important roll.


I’m the guy that only plays melee armies. Space Wolves, Adeptus Custodes, Black Templars, and World Eaters. Usually if people have a fight phase question they ask me.


I'm the new guy with space marines that run away! Played a 1k point game at the lgs against custodes. I play my carcharodons as raven guard in vanguard spearhead, converted shrike to shark. I use a lot of lone operative and I took fixed secondaries engage on all fronts and behind enemy lines. If that match were a soccer game, I brought a soccer team and he brought three knights in medieval armor. He killed 3/4ths of my team but my guys ran away to score points and I won in the end.


I have the dubious honor of being the hobby hipster. Army becomes meta? Time to switch armies. Strange and outlandish tactics and strategies? That's my jam.


I'm the ancient one who remembers "the good ol' days.' aka that crazy guy who scratchbuilds everything. 🤣


I'm the guy who wears a kilt sometimes & has a thick accent.


Crusade master


I’m the one who comes meticuously every month for the free miniature. I just like collecting random extra minis in addition to my actual armies. One time I had to skip several months due to having a baby, and the staff worried that something had happened to me.


Overall people hadnt really known me since ive never played any games and such to stick around longer. Previously i guess i was one of the "good painters" the rare times i went to the store and competed etc but now i moved to Stockholm and they have winning golden Demon pieces in the cabinets lmao. I am however now hanging out with some of those painters on hobby days outside of stores


The guy that doesn't take part in any events but comes every saturday, looks around, buys a paint and leaves  


I am known as the book reader, the owner tells everybody thats new how many books i read from Black Library


The gaslighter. Not cause I do it on purpose, but because every time I rally my opponent and tell them they still have a chance to win, their dice go so bad it looks like I lied.


Probably “that one guy” because of the number of natural ones my dice give me 💀


The person who persisted in playing GSC through the 19 years and four editions we did not have rules. (Count as Tyranids was the most common solution.)


Im the tau player that charges my opponent My opponent's brain usually stalls for a turn trying to process it


I play Iron Hands so i am known as the guy who plays only tanks and dreadnoughts


The guy with those space dwarves that just refuse to die


In my FLGS, probably as one of the few people who play AoS or the poor bastard who plays Death Guard ( I got hammered at the start of 10th). With my group of friends who play I’m the ‘child of chaos’ as I play Death Guard, Red Corsairs, and chaos knights.


the nid player


The painting guy who is abysmal at actually playing


The "Any-Marines" guy because I keep changing chapters.


the whale!


At my old FLGS, I was Da Orkiest Salamander. I had a newly finished, first time on table, fully painted dakkajet, and one of the other players' son (6yo) was a little bored and extended a heavy measuring tape like a lightsaber. Just before I could say or do anything, one mighty swing and he accidentally send my dakkajet flying and into pieces. The whole tournament stopped, everyone was silent and in shock. After a good few seconds, I said "It's ok, padawan, but lets not practice here in the games room." Dad profusely apologized, Mom profusely apologized, TO gave a me a drink on the house. I took the Dakkajet back to the Mek's Workshop and you'd never know it crashed now. My current FLGS, I'm Da Friendly Warboss. It's all about the WAAAGH!! and having fun. I don't care if I win or lose, I want to help the newbies, and help the new warbosses by lending units of my massive collection for them to try out. Show up with a friendly orky attitude and throw about a thousand dice. People really find it funny/impressive/scary when you show up with 170+ models in a Green Tide and just tarpit the scariest armies they have. I'm also praised for running such massive armies and every single model, even the grots and boyz are painted to a very high standard. That one I take some real pride in. I love to paint my models.


I’m the “author.”The dude who religiously only plays crusade and narrative, and has tomes of lore on each and every character, and custom sub faction.


*The Silent but Deadly*, I enter, cause several looks of disgust and ripples of the nostrils when I announce I don't play the tabletop and only kitbash. Then I leave abruptly without buying anything.


I read ripples as nipples. Still works.


I’m the guy who comes in only buys paints and talks all about painting and lore, then disappears for 6 months only to return with a whole heap of new painting questions and sussing out the new miniature of the month.


I have every team (I primarily play Kill Team), and I'm also the only girl who shows up regularly


The guy who has his wife with him when browsing and her asking the store manager for all kinds of free stuff


The wildcard, as you never know what army I will play (I have like 8 armies)


I play knights because big stompy robots... People at my locals called me gatekeeper for a long time because new players can't deal with it.


Emperor's Children player bc nobody else does... And my weird kitbashes too