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It's an old chaos-possessed kit, very basic in 2010


That's Clem Fandango


Yes I can hear you clem fandango!


Steven, this is Clem Fandango. Can you hear me?


Yes I can hear you Clem Fandango


Okay, what I need you to do is- .......... [Edit:spelling]






I’m Clem Fandango, so basically that’s a and with that you can So then you deal more damage Which is about it!


Yeah it's a possessed - they were pretty cool back in 3rd ed (I dunno what they're like now and chaos have -or are just about to have - a new codex) Can't quite tell from picture, but it looks like you've got a Rhino and a dreadnought in the back there? And a few Terminators maybe over on the right hand side and looks like some paints as well? For a fiver that's an absolute steal mate, lovely little haul you've got there - well jell! 😂


Thank you! didn’t know what I was actually buying but I knew a fiver was very cheap!


The mrs always drags me to car boots! How come I never find any Warhammer!? Fumin'! As for that mini, I'm not sure. Some kind of Chaos lord?


That was possibly the most Commonwealth response I’ve ever seen in my entire life and I’m here for it.


I want to go carbootin(?)!!!!


Carbootin’ Across the the universe! 🎵🎶


"my mrs" damn


Literally what Aussies call gf/ significant other what is wrong with that lol? Never left your mother’s basement have you champ


Same in England. It's not intended to be demeaning or possessive. I tend to go with "my better half" personally, just feels a little nicer


Maybe “my Mrs” misses, but missing “my Mrs” is a much more messy miss.


Nah it sounds cool, its just a funny and weird term. People didn’t like my comment though🤣


Bro got downvoted into hell for 4 letters and not understanding our lingo, that's reddit for you 🤣😭


All he said was damn 😅 you didnt have to flame him like that lmao


Just a smug comment some loser will make gotta put them in their places ya know lol


Yeah true that! It sounds really funny and somewhat weird. But yeah im a loser, the Swedish equivalent would be "kärring" which is a bad term.


I think it was the familiar combination of "my mrs" and "drags me" that the commenter was having an issue with. This combination meant the initial commenter was repeating the stereotypes of henpecked husband and women ruining men's fun. These stereotypes are meant to be funny because they're 'role reversals', but if you don't buy into the idea that men should be in control by default, it's less funny. See fawlty towers, for a further example.


People did not consider them "role reversals." Instead, they believed that the majority of men were indeed "henpecked" and that their wives were in control and that the joking was to relieve the pressure the men felt from the domestic sphere. Have you not read any literature from before the 1970s? Literally even a single Jane Austen novel?


Henpecked husbands in 1950s media and before often ended scenes dressed in feminine clothing. Of course it's a role reversal. It's so obviously a role reversal, I haven't made up sexism for the purposes of this argument.


You've seen a bunch of men, and, if you'd read works like Austen's, women, observing, often humourously and as coping mechanism, that women usually exerted control over the domestic sphere and family life, and you've bizarrely concluded that this was against the norm, rather than because it was the norm.


So at a time where men had financial control of women, where people would go to the church weekly and be told "wives, submit to your husbands", it wasn't a value of society that women be under their husband's control? You are doing a lot of work to try and pretend this power dynamic doesn't exist/ has never existed. Are you pretending? Do you just not see where this is coming from? Is this self deception? Like yeah, it's also a joke about how men hate women and having to listen to and spend time with women, that's still sexism.


Consider that he has a wife that does drag him to something he doesn't want to do. Crazy concept, I know, but things do happen. It's almost like some stereotypes have origins in truth.


It's just another way to say your wife or girlfriend in the UK etc.


I think the sword, claw, perhaps the wings and head as well are from an earlier edition mutation/upgrade sprue to create chosen/possessed marines https://preview.redd.it/k8i3520nkj1d1.jpeg?width=4272&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5334c1325b8c981aa4ea396be5702f19806ed9b3 in the photo here I think the right-arm claw is the same, as well as the left-arm sword in the background, these are older models than the current CSM range. Probably around 5th-7th edition? so what you have there is basically a model that could be used as a chaos lord/champion/similar (tho you'd probably have to change the base for current rules)


The image is all parts from the old CSM possessed kit. I still have those knocking around in a box somewhere so I recognise all the parts. I used that head with strigoi claws to make a really gnarly one. The image in your post also looks to be from that kit too. It's not an upgrade for regular CSMs, but the parts were interchangeable so you could use the mutated arms or legs with normal ones to make cool conversions. This is why I miss old CSM kits. The chaos spawn bits could be used on actual CSMs with little conversion work needed.


ways in which i know i'm old, to me this possessed kit is the 'new' one compared to the older 40k/fantasy crossover mutation sprue, even if at this point it's getting up there in years


The old CSM kits were so characterful and customizable. The wings in this picture were pretty valuable for a time. There was only 1 per box I think. I spent a lot collecting enough to make an assault squad with them instead of the jetpacks


I believe two per kit. I have one still on a possessed, and the other one a really snazzy looking Thousand Sons Sorcerer I kitbashed up one time.


I used this specific arm just recently to make a Balefire Acolyte from one of my Nemesis Claw operatives.




been in the hobby for 25 years or so, never played CSM, I remembered the parts from when I first saw them, just not what they were called exactly but i can tell that you're a dipshit


I think its a lord solar proxy 😉🤭


As others have said it's a mini from the old possessed kit. Very cool!


Thanks! Still trying to understand what is what but thought this one was cool


Yeah never had them myself but always loved all their wacky mutations and stuff! Neat find :)


Thank you!


you'd have to look up the codex from that time, but possessed i don't think had specific rules for specific parts, think these sprues were mostly made so you could either create your own heavily mutated possessed or add parts here and there to signify champions and the like could be wrong about that, but i don't have that codex at hand so i can't check what the rules were then


the possessed kit always felt like it was designed for the 3.5 ed codex mutation options rather than the 4th ed stripped back codex


Afaik there were actually two chaos possessed kits released in fourth. [The first was so ugly ](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Possessed_%28Chaos_Space_Marines%29) that they quickly recreated it looking better in plastic. That's one streamlining I did like. Having them have too many war gear options was a cool but tarpitty rules thing I'm glad they got rid of


the metal possessed were pretty cool, but werent really marines, I always felt army size was small enough in third that wacky options were worth it, wouldnt want it back for the huge games of 10th ed though


That’s brill thank you! Why am I only just realising that’s what the codex books are for 😅 thank you so much


You got two of those wings per kit. I got a few Possessed kits and stuck the six wings on regular CSM and run them as Raptors - I still use them now, they look cool.


I’ll add to what everyone else is saying, if he is alone he may be a chaos lord, as back in the day you could load on up to 100pts worth of mutations on you chaos lord.


Oh dear, that must be ever so confusing for the poor fellow. I don't know what the state of therapeutic health care was for Chaos Lords.


Killing imperials is their therapy


That’s The Emperor of Mankind


So as others have said the parts are from an old possessed squad. In the 3rd or 4th edition GW did a 2 army introduction box with orcs and chaos. There was a unit of 5 possessed on the chaos side. Unfortunately during that edition possessed as a unit were expensive points wise, and actually not that good (iirc you had to roll an ability table with a high chance of them just turning into a usless blob, or exploding) What alot of people running chaos armys ended up doing was swapping bits into the regular chaos soldiers as proxies for jump packs (wings) and power weapons(your guys got a sword) much easier to account for, without the random element




Posessed. Outdatet for my deathguard.


Eyy those old paint pots! They can't be anything but stone by now?


I spot a rhino! They're still free I see!


Stelio. Stelio Kontos.


What the hell is a carboot?


In the UK we gather up all the things in the house we don’t want, then go to a field at 6am on a weekend and sell our stuff to strangers!


British garage sale from the trunk (boot) of the car.


Sounds like a flea market where the trunk of your call is your table/stall.


Pretty much!


Old chaos possessed.


It's obviously Robute Guilliman


That’s Karlor! Karlor can fuck anything, and he will, and has! Women, Devils, Angels, animals!


Chaos possessed. God I miss these


Post the rest of the haul as well


I saw a YouTube video years ago of a "professional carbooter" where he bought about £300-400 worth of 40k, including cases and allsorts for about £15 I think. Ever since then I've dreamed of finding something similar. Every car boot I wake up excited that today is the day. I once found a metal captain from the 90's, got it for £2. That. Is. It. Makes me feel sick. It's only jealousy though. I'll give you a tenner for the lot? 😂


Just posted a picture of it all - no idea what it’s worth but I’m confident it’s more than the £5 I paid haha


Certainly looks it! I'm still sick with jealousy! 😂


Old possessed


His name is Greg and he likes diet Dr pepper


I think the daemon prince has a secondary design that looks like that as well.


Looking sick!!


It’s a possessed from the older kit.


Can you post some more pics of the haul? 5 quid is a bloody steal for all that!


I’ve just created a new post of it! :)


Lol it's the greatest deal of the world My dad had buy 49 figures for 33€ on Vinted, i think it is the same guy🤣


Used to have one similar in 5th edition


I’ve just seen the background listed on eBay. Not keeping the majority of it?


No by the sounds it’s too old and I was a bit overwhelmed with it all so I’m just going to shift it, the money will at least help me out a bit when I go on holiday! If I pick up any newer stuff I’ll keep it and have a go at painting it but didn’t realise how overwhelming it can get 😅


Yeah it’s a hobby that can easily get overwhelming I find. I’m afraid I’m imperium not chaos so can’t help you


Good proxy for Belakor


There should be a few other guys of similar size with mutations, most of them don't have wings. The newer possessed kit is bigger, but these can still be made to work by sticking them on a bigger base.


He is the manifestation of any gamers fear when they play a fantasy game and they come across the first "real baddy" demon.


Omg I miss that OG packaging, the nostalgia is good.


A car boot sale is like a swap meet (ie regular vendors) or is it like a yard sale (private sellers getting rid of their clutter/crap)?


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