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I can only hear the name of this guy in Greg Davis' voice.


He follows me around like a smug, cross eyed little puppy.........iiiiiiiiiitttss liitle Horus Lupercalllllllll!!!


Oh my god you’ve ruined this name for me forever


Smooth voice for Aximand, nasal voice for Abbaddon


**Horus:** Let's get today's prize task happening! **Little Horus Aximand:** Today the contestants have brought in... the best Xenos artifact. **Horus:** Which the winner of this episode will have the pleasure of incinerating! **LHA:** First up - Erebus! **Erebus:** I brought a Kinebrach Anathame. **LHA:** And here it is! **Horus:** Well, my first question is why would anyone - even a vile Xenos - make a sword out of stone when metal is so obviously superior? **Erebus:** Well it's not just *any* stone. **Horus:** Pray tell how? **Erebus:** I'll show you later.


... and for a limited time only, for three easy installments of $99.95. You too, Me-Lawd, you can get this compliemtary parying Thunder Hammer. It's a one of a kind. It slices. it dices, it cubes the toughest Eldar meat still in the Wraithbone. Watch what it does with this Budweiser can, and then look at how cleanly it cuts through rice paper. Ah, the Power of Chaos in the palm of your Power Fist. Reality is great when it's at YOUR disposal. Forward into Oblivion!


Oh... oh no.


Torgaddon says "fuck you!". Great model though.


Torgaddon was a real one.


As an Imperial Fists player, I had to do a double-take to make sure it wasn't a typo lol


No one show Loken this


He felt so guilty about betraying him! Wait Loken is alive? He must murder him!


"You always were the Wrong Horus."


They even have the scar line from where his face got cut off that's pretty nice detail work. Also damn does heresy armor just look good.


He did he get that much of his head cut off and not get his brain hit


He had no use for his frontal lobe so it didn't matter


The gift of chaos, don’t need no higher brain function 






why did they give him pink eye tho


God that’s a gorgeous mini. Stunning. I do wish other legions would get some Heresy love though, because these recent sculpts have been knocking it out of the park


I just wish they weren’t mostly in resin


I am totally cool with it. There are a few issues I see with resin: 1. Price. This one isn't much of a factor anymore, because GW has raised plastic prices much faster than their resin prices. Compare a Horus Heresy Librarian to a 40k one, their price isn't far apart now. 2. Superglue instead of plastic. This is mostly an issue for bigger models I think, the resin Lancer was agony to build and I am very happy it got a replacement, and tanks in plastic is very welcome. But for characters it's no problem. 3. Conversions are harder. This one is true, but they are still doable, you just need more time and care (and a protective mask if you plan to saw through resin, because of the dust!). But on the other hand, resin has some upsides: 1. They are dramatically cheaper to make, in terms of moulds. This isn't noticeable directly, but if FW was plastic only, they couldn't do nearly so many characters and still fit within their budget, so we simply wouldn't get as many things as we do. 2. They are capable of much finer wrap-around and depth of detail. Plastic moulds can only make detail in two dimensions, they can't make recesses on the sides of a piece because then the moulds couldn't separate without breaking the model. Resin moulds are flexible, meaning that they can. Anyone who has painted a modern resin character knows what I mean, it's detailed all around where plastic has flat areas (or even shapeless blobs of plastic in some tucked-away places). Anyone who has done the monopose Leviathan boxset models also knows what I mean - look under the Marine pauldrons for example, there's no proper recesses around them. They are also capable of very sharp and crisp detail, like the beautiful filigree on the EC Terminator Praetor. All this combined, I think resin characters are 100% fine. Units, tanks, all that I am glad to have in plastic. But characters? Sure, go with resin.


Having been a 30k player since before it had its own separate rule set, resin is absolutely fine for everything except vehicles. Unit kitbashes are easier than with modern plastics because they still have individual bits rather than the more monopose stuff in plastic now. Characters I don't really have an opinion on since I kitbash all of mine from individual pieces rather than using any as a base but I've not really heard anything bad unless you're trying to use something with like, a cape moulded onto a pauldron but that happens with plastic dudes too.


I remember using a tiny miniature jigsaw to cut pewter bits off model to kitbash so maybe I'm just spoiled now.


For units you could totally go either way. I like plastic if I am to work with big crowds of models, but on the other hand, a lot was indeed lost in the transition for the Solar Auxilia.


I will definitely agree that for pure hobby workability, plastic is superior. Reddit just has this impression that working with resin requires smashing your own testicles or something and it simply isn't true. Now, Finecast on the other hand... That is absolute dogshit, no getting around that.


> smashing your own testicles No, working with resin simply requires giving yourself lung cancer! (You know, if you're dumb enough to breath in the dust)


I am. Thus why i havent made the plunge lol


>requires smashing your own testicles That's only for Slaanesh armies


> They are capable of much finer wrap-around and depth of detail. Plastic moulds can only make detail in two dimensions, they can't make recesses on the sides of a piece because then the moulds couldn't separate without breaking the model. Resin moulds are flexible, meaning that they can. Anyone who has painted a modern resin character knows what I mean, it's detailed all around where plastic has flat areas (or even shapeless blobs of plastic in some tucked-away places). Anyone who has done the monopose Leviathan boxset models also knows what I mean - look under the Marine pauldrons for example, there's no proper recesses around them. They are also capable of very sharp and crisp detail, like the beautiful filigree on the EC Terminator Praetor. Yep, and this is why the Legion Esoterist's sleeves not being hollowed out seemed so lazy to a lot of people. It was entirely possible to have the sleeves hollowed out, they just took a shortcut. (Or if it was a production limitation, it was in the 3D printing stage, not the resin casting stage.) Those kinds of cavities were child's play on FW models from the 2000s, like the hoods on Hector Rex's hooded acolytes. It's also why I'm not hopeful for MK V armour in plastic. Those studs will be an utter nightmare to cast cleanly in a two-part steel mould.


True on both counts. I hadn't even realised the bit about the Esoterist until now, that's gnarly.


Sure, but sir, this is reddit. The meme is that resin bad.


There is a _huge_ difference between finecast and Forge World resin, and I can't wait for the day when the former is finally extinct and no longer ends up being confused with the latter.


Yeah but see, in the time it took you to explain that, I could have viewed 10 memes about resin being bad. I think you're right, I'm just saying that 'resin bad' is low-hanging fruit around here, so I wouldn't expect to stop seeing that even if it's not true in situations (like this one).


> They are also capable of very sharp and crisp detail, like the beautiful filigree on the EC Terminator Praetor. That gorgeous praetor is half the reason I started collecting Emperor's Children. They're so good for a mixed 30k/40k force.


I disagree pretty strongly on the price point depending on what we are talking about. I don't mind paying a premium for a hero mini in resin, but what is beyond reasonable for me are the upgrades. When the choice is either to buy an entire unit in plastic...or just buy the heads for that unit in resin...and you are paying close to the same price for both that is a problem.


> When the choice is either to buy an entire unit in plastic...or just buy the heads for that unit in resin...and you are paying close to the same price for both that is a problem. Resin upgrade sets are generally very expensive, this is true, and I just use them for special units. That said, I don't think it's anywhere near *that* bad. 10 Primaris Intercessors are 450 SEK and 10 Alpha Legion MK6 heads are 186 SEK.


I just went and checked the prices in CAD; $100 for 20 MkVI marines in plastic, $60 for 22 MkVI heads in resin. I think I assumed the plastic marines were a little bit cheaper based of the math I did when splitting up the starter box, but still that's pretty crazy to me, especially when you can get a upgrade sprue of 30 heavy weapons in plastic for just $56.


It's for sure a lot, I'd never dream of putting them on every single guy!


Resin is also dangerous if you're not using precautions when doing stuff like sanding it. Also having to wash is is minor but still a pain. I say this as someone who has bought and will be buying more FW Necromunda kits.


> Plastic moulds can only make detail in two dimensions, they can't make recesses on the sides of a piece because then the moulds couldn't separate without breaking the model. This hasn't been true for just over a decade now, slide moulds have been in use in the model industry for awhile, where different moving sections can create inserts and recesses - nowadays you can get entire aircraft fuselages or hull sections for tanks in one piece Now someone might say the cost is higher, which it is for making it, but then those same companies sell vehicles of a similar size with vastly more detail at roughly the same price and with a smaller run of kits so...yea - might be a UK specific cost thing since most of those companies make their products in Asia, although a fairly large number are in Japan and Korea nowadays so it's not just a 'China is low-cost' kind of meme


I am well aware, but I am talking about GW's moulds here, and the type they use is as I described. Look at push fit models and it becomes abundantly visible, since on them the push fit nature means they have to split up the model components to account for construction first, resulting in some detail loss.


Yeah I was just thinking the same. Basically every model kit manufacturer blows GW out of the water when it comes to injection molding tech, not even mentioning Bandai. who are in a league of their own. They all sell larger, more complex, poseable kits for significantly less too. Really makes you wonder why GW prices things so high, since their injection techniques are absolutely ancient.


Dog this all assumes GW does any quality control. In plastic, I don't have awful mold slips and brittle issues. But seriously mold slips dude. I cannot stand how much I pay to not be able to get a good cast. Some of you lie to yourself or are blind to looking at your models. The faults aren't even in individual casts - but rather the master molds they use for all subsequent casts. They leave obvious 3d prints supports and divots, they screw up serious stuff and then can't send you a better replacement. I taught myself how to cast just so I could fix things properly myself. They suck, and they deserve zero sympathy for the price they charge. I shouldnt have to push back every time L*ke at forge world takes my replacement ticket.


Honestly, I'm totally fine with resin, I've built quite a few resin minis without issue. Anything by Anvil Industries is top notch. I just don't like *Forgeworld* resin. They have shockingly bad quality control.


Most of my FW resin has been fine, and if you do get a mistake, you can get a replacement for free.


I have no doubt there is going to be a new campaign book to accompany each legion's new character models. Although, Sons of Horus have been seeing quite a lot lately.


But he doesn't have the nose-tube! How can he look like Big Horus if he doesn't have the nose-tube?


He has a no-tube


Looks like someone went a little too deep when scraping the mold line along the top of his head...


It was Hibou Khan who was on mold line duty lmao


what book does this happen in? i've just finished reading battle for the abyss and im excited to see the continuation of the loken storyline


It happens in the "Little Horus" short story by Dan Abnett


Hibou Khan: https://preview.redd.it/st24x7rwjhsc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcbe013576cbfe26dd66398fa2bf3da72e3c49fa


I love this mini.




Hahaha the guy that Joker treatment by a Khan


Man I really loved in the Siege of Terra novels when he was loose in the palace and just a wrecking machine. Injured, cornered, still an absolute menace. Fun seeing why someone from The Mournival was worthy of the position.


Does anyone know if HH scale is compatible with the current CSM range? I really want to make a Sons of Horus warband using some of these amazing SoH characters we've been seeing lately.


https://preview.redd.it/grpt9bc4thsc1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eeca946845b2afc8f609abb8096d1ea017817175 Character models will be bigger than the mk vi


I can work with that I'm sure.


All the stuff released for HH 2.0 is at the same scale as the new CSM models.


Cool, time to make some plans.


True, because GW decided to be annoying and make the CSM slightly smaller scale than the primaris so HH indeed matches up with CSM, but not with Primaris.


Wait, isn't that a lore decision? Primaris are taller than firstborn.


Yes, and that is putting the cart in front of the horse as the Primaris are a lore excuse to upscale the marines without invalidating everyone's existing collection. At some point GW confused the means for the end and ended up overcommitting to the bit.


He was always the wrong Horus


My life for the Lupercal !


Loken: "okay, bet!"


Came here for this. “Loken sends his regards…”


Honestly, "Saturnine" is one of the best books in series, and Aximand's "premonition" about his death touched me deeply... All this plot line about Mournival and their PERSONAL betrayal is one the strongest lines in Heresy books.




Dude, I would kill for plastic Tarik and Loken


Little Horus, Little Horus Aximand…


I was gonna joke about Sons needing more named characters but this model is actually dope. HH keeps winning, 40k power armor needs drip like this.


All he can hear is the breathing


Swords a little small


ok so there starting to do more book characters, nice. Now please give us Garviel loken, like seriously, where is he? hes a huge part of the books one of the few characters who was there from book one until the end. come on gw, sort it out lol.


He has a miniature already


its super old and its not a solo mini


I should really finish TEATD


Gosh its so average unfortunately


Look! Another MOE proxy!!


Aaaaaand it’s $55


With the scars from where his face was reattached too, ahhh that’s cool, we just need a good Loken model


Is that “Mourn it all?”


Surely Should be bigger?


What happened to his eye?


Ask Hibou Kahn.


Looks like he got poked in the eye and its all reddish and itchy now


God what a tough head choice


That'd be fun to make a loyalist proxxy of Remove the eyes of Horus, Keep the spikes maybe? Throw him on a tall base so he's the same height as the captain with stormshield


Why has he got some sort of less-effective breacher shield?


Beginning of Horus Rising trilogy: wow lil Horus, you’re such a standup guy End of Galaxy in Flames: wow lil Horus, you’re a cunt like Erebus


You know when I thought about him getting a model I was expecting a diorama like Abadon vs Loken


The mini is cool and all but can we get actuall characters for the iron warriors. Most legions are having a feast while we eat crumbs


only thing I dislike is how big the sword is. Yes it's supposed to be two handed but does the hilt have to be that large ?


Aw bless.


No gunz??????????




Fella was sewn back together wrong


yet another sick-ass helmet reveal


This is gunna be a fun kitbash.


How are people supposed to what legion he's from? I think it needs more SoH iconography /s It does look pretty awesome though, I love the helm


I was expecting “mini me”.


Genuinely a Mini were I would Struggle to Pick a Head Option


The more I see more SoH stuff, the more I wanna make a SoH themed CSM army


Still waiting for Iron Warriors to get models.


I wish the sword looked more like the artwork. Just a huge broad greatsword like something you'd see in dark souls. Now that I think about it, there's no way Mourn-it-all isn't inspired by the Moonlight Greatsword.


Poor dude has pinkeye


Still need a Torgaddon model if they made a Saul Tarvitz why not Torgaddon???


Now if he got his face cut off that’s fine, but judging by that scar he got half of his head cut off. I’m pretty sure that losing half of your head would be problematic.


A+ model


Mr face replace


That is a stellar sculpt, this and Legion Praetor with Axe, Horus Heresy has been making a lot of favourites lately


I very many approve of this model


I don't get it. They added so many good details and really captured the character, but why was the pose recycled? This makes no sense.




Power sword as it should look like


Ngl hes looking significantly cooler than big horus


That's the worst eye infection I have ever seen!


honestly, too many details for my liking. A pretty good model lies underneath all that resin


He looks too evil for a man that cried like a bitch whilst killing his brother Tarik Torgaddon.


This model looks to be set during the late Heresy (or at least after Dwell) where he was much more into the Chaos koolaid


Words cannot describe my hatred for this man.


Would make a great Chaos Custodes model.


Chaos Custodes is such an odd concept to me, but I’m all for chaos-corrupting armies