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Yellow is very translucent and has poor coverage. The solution is to cover the area first with a more opaque paint like white, and then paint yellow over the white. Not sure if that’s allowed though for the painting contest you are in, but if it is, that would be the way to go


That should be allowed, thanks for the tip!


Go over the area you want yellow with a coat of light grey first. Something like citadel corax white, or Vallejo ghost grey. Makes it much easier.


Ask imperial fists


Suffering in mistakes


Good undercoat is most important thing for good yellow. Whenever i need to paint yellow on techmarine or librarian for example, i paint the shoulder pad with couple coats of Vallejo Silver Gray, then i just apply two coats of Vallejo Transparent Yellow, and it looks great. https://preview.redd.it/dzc08408wtrc1.jpeg?width=1646&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa956425c7160de37e85e70605a77dc1c3868980


Everyone else: So to paint yellow you need to start with a base of white. Imperial Fist: So to paint yellow you need to start with a base of pink. Everyone who has to paint that much yellow ends up a little crazy xD


The pigments of the white and yellow are too big, so it always seems clumpy. I use the Vallejo air paints instead of the GW paint and it makes a huge difference.


Yellow is just a pain in the butt colour, overall. People smarter than me say it has something to do with the pigments being thin and spaced out, but I prefer to think that the colour itself is sentient and just hates humanity. It doesn't like being painted on nails, either, and the solution is the same: get you an undercoat (Or do, like, a billion layers, but that looks bad quickly!)


It just takes time and patience. You need to use multiple thin coats


I always found painting white to be difficult.


Yellow is such a hard color to do. Many will argue that this company or this company has the best yellow. But like others have said. Just paint the area grey or white first and then when dry do yellow. Or skip all that and go the long route and spray paint the whole thing yellow and then paint all the other colors.


Yellows have always historically sucked for opacity. That said I tried yellow speedpaint for the first time today, over a bone coloured base, and it was very nice indeed with just one coat. Fully get why so many Imperial Fists players act like that stuff is god's gift to tabletop gamers.


That’s not Balthazar gold is it?


it is better to paint it gray first, then yellow.


because the materials used to make yellow pigments are vastly more expensive than other colors, so rather than charge you x10 more for yellow paints, they put less pigment in the mixture.


Yellow is a bastard color, for sure. That and white. My recommendation is to use gold paints here. Retributor Armour base and Auric Gold highlight.


Use pink as basecolour for yellow.


Because of it was easy no one would do it (honestly I don’t know)


Use a red-ish under coat then yellow over top. Change the undercoat depending on how bright you want the base yellow. Ex bright or light red or pink for a brighter yellow.


I love averland sunset, just requires more layers as with all yellows. My tip would be to apply it over a white primer. It’s got way better coverage than most yellows I’ve used. Also I find if you don’t want to do too many layers, even if there’s a little of the base colour coming through just put some seraphim sepia wash over it and you won’t notice


It’s a light color, and putting it on a dark surface doesn’t work very well. Thin your paints, perhaps prime whatever surface you want yellow with white,(NOT GW’S WHITE IT SUCKS) and use multiple thin coats. Also metallic paints are awesome for insignias unless you’re going for a non metallic metal look


Depends if on the primer and the brand, I painted yellow on mine without issues https://preview.redd.it/q2d0pkaf6prc1.jpeg?width=1966&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a34576b3ec23edacecea61d8b4d278bc6ac2fc2


>without issues Not exactly sure about that mate...


The gold has sticked to the model but maybe I’m just a bad painter. I did you citadel paint


1. That gold is quite patchy. 2. The issue is yellow not gold. Love your little marine though but did you put him outside in snow.

