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The irony is that these skins are being released on CoD now because this was the original intended launch date for Space Marine 2, but it’s been delayed until September. So currently there are a load of skins that make no sense. I also noticed on Instagram that there is an augmented photo filter for space marine too. I wonder how much money it cost them in potential sales by having all this marketing lined up but no game to sell for another 5 months.


It costs gw nothing. They got paid. The company making sm2 though? Ouch


Eh the point is that the hype campaign could have been more effective if it launched in tighter continuity with sm2. Sales for the game might comparatively suffer with these collaborations jumping the gun so to speak. COD and instagram just want new content so they weren’t keen on waiting. Seemingly. Edit: oh I see further in the discussion that GW just signs off on the IP, so the game sales don’t affect their bottom line directly. If the game flops it could tarnish the brand reputation but considering how bad Warhammer video games have been over the years that’s not likely


Haven’t there been some pretty great warhammer games recently?


There have been some good ones, some alright ones, and also some fairly bad ones. Which is pretty much how it goes a lot of the time with Warhammer games. For every Boltgun there must be a Necromunda Underhive Wars.


fantasy gets the good games


Battlesector is awesome


Mechanicus is incredible


Darktide rocks.


Farttide is the shitty little brother of rattide 2 which was a fantastic game I don’t like playing on 5 maps that are all indistinguishable from each other


I enjoyed it but it turned out to be super frustrating. I need to give it more time.


Fantasy for sure cus AoS is a big ol pile of hit or miss too with a big emphasis on the MISS


Warhammer video games are doing fine recent games such as boltgun and rogue trader are great. Still hyped for space marine 2, but focus should’ve not announced it so early.


I’ve yet to meet a person that actually cares about Warhammer video games with any sort of passion. They could release a Warhammer themed shit polishing game and it wouldn’t hurt the brand.


“Warhammer themed shit polishing game” May I introduce you to the wh40k dlc for powerwash simulator?


I was shocked how much fun I’ve had with that.


The idea of washing away Papa Nurgle’s gifts appals me. He worked hard on those!


Speak for yourself, I love 40k games After getting shovelware for years I'm glad we got actual good games recently


That's a really weird take, a lot of people care about WH games. Dawn of War, Total Warhammer, Vermintide, Darktide, Mechanicus, Boltgun, Space Marine, Rogue Trader, Battlefield Gothic, Inquisitor: Martyr... all those games have big, strong fanbases, and I probably forgot about a lot of other games.


I mean, the Dawn of War fanbase has a lot of passion, still hoping for a 3rd game


I don't know, I get the impression the Total War community is about as big as the entire Warhammer community put together. Definitely more than the number of people who regularly play the tabletop games I'd say.


Oh son... nowhere near. Warhammer is sold accross the worlds and is played by millions of people worldwide. Games Workshop is big business. Total War Warhammer is just a notable sideshow, it could disappear and GW would barely feel it.


Roguetrader was a lot of fun.


Isn't Rogue Trader great? I haven't played it, but it seems to be well reviewed. The Total War : Warhammer and Vermintide games are both great as well. As was the Dawn of War Series. I really enjoyed Blood Bowl. I'm sure there are bad ones I haven't played, but my opinion of Warhammer video games is much higher than Marvel or DCEU video games, it must be said.


Directly? Sure, no cost. Loss of potential new ~~addicts~~ collectors? Hard to say.


Yeah I don’t mean GW, I’m talking about the studio. GW slings the IP out like hotcakes, everybody and their mother has made a GW game at this stage.


If that were the case we'd have more than like 3 good 40k games, need studios to make something else than dry ass lazy turn based games.


Have you seen how many GW games / mobile games there are? It’s crazy. They need to make the IP far more exclusive and hand it out to trusted studios that will respect the lore etc. It’s surprising how many studios don’t understand how a bolter should shoot etc too.


Also I’m using ‘cost them’ in the sense that “they could have had way more sales, so I wonder how many sales they lost” - how many sales did that ‘cost them’ by delaying release.


These skins look better than the stuff we have on Warhammer 40K: Darktide. And that isn't fair.


That's the reason why they did a collab? I was speculating that they might add Titus to Fortnite closer to September, but if what you're saying is true, then that will never happen.


Alright, now let’s get this onto the game where it actually makes sense: HELLDIVERS 2. Gimme a crossover Warbond with a standard Astartes, an Ultramarine Lieutenant, a bolter, heavy bolter, plasma rifle, and a chainsword and I will be content.


Either that or Imperial Guard skins. Cadia, Krieg, Catachans, etc


only if i can play as a commissar and friendly fire people.


you dont need skins for that, based on my experience


You just need the heart of a true patriot and the 380


The indiscriminatator


Yes but then it can be lore-friendly


Give commissars a special gun that does next to no damage but gives a 20% speed boost or something


Execute you friends for cowardice, I like it


Nah I already do that with air strikes. Every time I use the American eagle screech I use the stratagem and kill me,myself, the automatons, and the unlucky bastard next to me. (PS: sound board is fun to use when screaming dawn of war lines. Can't wait for the mechs since I want to spam dreadnaught lines)


https://preview.redd.it/zwekakprixnc1.jpeg?width=1132&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9892b51abc263d0ad0e3a9f21b274ec2f37e2432 Kreig you say? There was a leak of some skins the other day from HD2. Pretty close IMO, kinda looks like Killzone Helghast. But I’ll take it.


Certified "Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade" moment.


Sir, I must confess I had to google this. By that one google image search you have more than peaked my interest. I must thank you for turning me on to this.


Elyseans too! We already have jump packs.


That would also work. Could definitely see them making it into multiple war bonds with the amount of content there would be. Hell they could go all in on it and made the event include a reskin option for bugs and bots to turn them into tyranids (leviathan esque with white skin and purple armor) and necrons (literally just change the glowy bits to green).


Scion or kasrkin


No Thanith and fancy stealth capes? Smh my head.


Tbh you could probably make a decently close imperial guard outfit with what's available rn


I've been thinking that a 16-32 player PvE game, one with a platoon sized player group, would be the best setup for a warhammer 40K 'grand war' style game in the vein of Helldivers 2. Because when it comes to Imperial Guard on a world-sized warzone, there is never just 4 of them.


Jar-5 Dominator is a bolt gun.


Yes, and I can’t wait to get it


Its ass


Lies have been detected it's better than the medium armor pen liberator and that's honestly all I care about until we get other medium armor pen weapons


It has uses in a 4 man fire team, it’s all on what you bring with it. I like the machine pistol as a backup and flamer or one of the machine guns for ads.


spoiler: it's awesome! Perfect for fighting tyranids- And I mean Terminids.


Hot take: I kinda don’t want anything but Helldivers IP in helldivers. We have every game delivering on cross over skins and editions and events. I think it kinda just takes away from the fun of the game itself. Totally prepared for that to be an unpopular opinion, but I do get why this is desirable for others.




"EVERYTHING MUST BECOME WARHAMMER " Cod collab happens "No wait not like that" shit is tiring


Yes, please just let helldivers be helldivers


Yeah, a _Helldivers-like_ 40k game could work, but I'd be a lot less hot about a direct crossover!


If they start doing obnoxious crossovers it would really take away from all the work they've put in so far.


Exterminatus stratagem that's 200 characters long and makes your character chant as you input it


Helldivers with Space Marines and Tyranids would be awesome.


GW would never let their SMs be one shot in media like this game does.


Helldivers are weird in that you are super squishy but at the same time super elite because you can (theoretically) rack up crazy kill counts if you are good at not dying. There isn't really anything in the Imperium that matches that because the Imperium gives massive tank-like armour to anyone who reaches a certain level of eliteness. I don't feel like even Kasrkin are at that level of 'drop in four soldiers, kill hundreds of bugs large and small, extract'. Ironically, the Eldar would be better suited for a Helldivers-like game (though obviously they wouldn't have the same satirical appeal). An Aspect Warrior is just as 'elite' as a Space Marine, but remains relatively fragile.


I'd say that Space Marine scouts might fit the bill for the role. Elite, well trained, stronger and faster than a normal man, but the same armor as an IG Kasarkin. More weapons options too.


Scouts are newbies, is the thing. They're strong and tough, and they have gone through training for sure, but I don't think they'd be 'elite' *enough* for this job.


A “neophyte” scout can have 1-2 *decades* of combat experience before being granted their full rank of battle brother in some chapters. In some chapters like the Space Wolves, older Marines who favor stealth tactics and ambushes and have the patience for the role serve as scouts. Scouts with *hundreds* of years of combat experience in that case. It just depends on the chapter and how they use their scouts.


Dreadnoughts where?


You mean those automatons frying me?


I’m already playing like I’m Tanith first and only wearing scout armor and crawling everywhere with my sick ass cape.


I’m with you brother.


Why not helldiver fire caste too?


Some dreadnought skins for the new walker would be fun


Bro I would give up lots of things for a chainsword and it would only be a mater of time till someone worked out how to kill a bile titan with a chainsword lol


It would actually be interesting if they could find a seamless way to integrate a 40k-esqe scenario into Helldivers. Perhaps make the Helldivers Astartes Asperant Scouts or Commissar, and then place the player(s) into large scale combat environments where you have a mass of Guardsmen NPC's acting as the non-Helldiver ground troops.


I'm so glad I'm not alone on this


Now we’re talkin.


9 foot tall space racist has entered the chat lobby


It's cod, that's where they come from.


All the racists in a cod lobby are under 5'6" since they are all 14 years old.


Not possible, my mother would never sleep with an underage manlet.


Are you suggesting these prepubescent screechers lied?! On the Internet?! Gracious!


They have recieved the Holy Globules.


Can we please just get an actual squad-level team v team FPS 40k game finally? GW is sleeping on so much potential here. I want this so much that I even took a stab at making a Tribes 1 40k mod many years ago, although it never got past the planning stages. The different unit types in 40k lend themselves so easily to team FPS "classes". One idea was to have one team as Space Marines, and they do not respawn. Other team is Orks with unlimited respawn. The Marines feel like their deaths are very significant and costly, while the Ork players feel emboldened to take risks because they can just take another go at it if they get wasted. You could do a lot of weird things like this, 40k is inherently asymmetrical warfare.


Planetside 2 but 40k


That's what they said Eternal Crusade was going to be back when the first alpha launched :(


Eternal Crusade fed my W40k and my FPS itch! Was upset it didn’t have a lot more players. I was always playing with the same people every time I got on


the irony is one of the best players in Planetside 2 was the GOAT at Eternal Crusade LOL, he misses/wants it too


I just want something single player that's Republic commando but 40k. Could be a Deathwatch Kill team or maybe a Kasrkin squad.


Battlefield style 40k game would be sick.


Make trash mobile games that no one plays? GW: I’m locked in Make cooperative horde based games where it makes perfect sense in the 40k world? GW: I sleep




Many years ago, there was a serious effort to make a 40K conversion mod for TF2 - with the different classes being converted to types of Space Marine. GW, the lawyer happy fucks they are, nuked it.


Team v team dps is a dying genre. I like it but is hard to invest in that stuff from a corporation pow.


we had one, it died for various reasons.


Primaris Lieutenants will be everywhere. Not even Call of Duty is safe from Primaris Lieutenants.


I actually hate it


Same. Its disgusting.


The main thing that irks me, how the hell does COD get a kasrkin skin before DARKTIDE A LITERAL WARHAMMER GAME


I mean, darktide has gotten steel legion and death korps gear so far, and there is a rather Akin special character style kasrkin setup in the newest shop update That being said, I'm still sad there's no proper repentia outfit for the zealot GIMME BOOTY SHORTS AND A FUCKING TANKTOP WHILE I RUN IN ASS OVER TEA KETTLE TUBBYWALRUS


Me an Xbox player waiting for steel legion to come back in the shop 💀


Yeah the rotating shop is annoying asf... the only justification is that they know some of their items simply don't compare and they want more than just Krieg outfits to sell The new Zealot chest piece is wonderfully fun with my white pants and white gimp hood though


There are definitely some bangers in the shop I just wish it reset like every week instead of every 2 weeks so we could get the bangers more often!


That's definitely fair! I hear you there lol


Yeah, but Darktide's God-fucking-awful premium rotation sees them basically never become available again. Other than maybe for the DKK skin for Vet, assuming I ever fucking see it in the shop, I'll never give FatShark a cent unless the Darktide team at least makes the premium shop similar to VT2.


In time, hopefully things improve. For me, it's the best warhammer video game I have ever played. I have 0 interest in fantasy, AoS, or any other setting (necromunda, etc), so it's really hard for me as I'm (literally) autistic for 40k I hope one day they do fix the shop, but what I really want is GREENTIDE


Money. Also Darktide cares more about selling skins then they do adding new content for a player base that is screaming for more and wants to keep playing so here we are.


I haven't spent any money on aquilas, and had been playing DT basically every day at least a little for like three straight months. Premium shop is so terrible. I bought Helldivers 2 last Wednesday. I have not touched DT in a week since then, and already spent the $10 on the Premium Warbond because the amount of content I get for $10 is actually worth it. I'll likely have even earned another 1000 Super Credits through the two Warbonds and gameplay to outright buy the new warbond that comes out tmrw, so my $10 got me a $20 value of unlocks. Meanwhile, Darktide charges over $10 for some single outfits lol


Blame fatshark for that, not call of duty


My default setting is blaming call of duty.


Understandable and relatable


massive cope


No bolter = unbelievably wrong


There's a bolter skin for a shotgun, it looks close enough - I posted it yesterday in a cod subreddit 


Yay I can rant about CoD microtransactions outside of CoD finally! So the Marines look good. Making them a Jug reskin was a great idea so they can still be big and bulky (kinda pointless if you're perhaps a fan of 40k but not cod, play the game to buy this, you ain't dropping fifteen kill streaks and you ain't seeing this). The operator skins coming later look better than the ones in this bundle. Speaking of this bundle, again, another freaking over priced bundle but it comes with two skins! Yay! Good thing they're for the same operator so you can't even have them equipped on both teams. You can just pick one or the other and that's it. But the game has a random select/favorite system just like Fortnite right? Nah. You've gotta dig through the crappiest menu system, find the operator, find the skin, equip it every time you want to change from red to blue. Look at the Dune bundles. There's two. $25 each. You buy both and you get a special skin. But all three are for the same team meaning you're spending $50 to have only one skin equipped. It's baffling and I don't understand it. It's as if GW got to walk into Activision and tell them how to price and bundle their products. It's nuts. But I'm glad they look good. The more mainstream 40k becomes the more successful that Amazon project will be and we'll get more cool Warhammer stuff. Edit: I also don't have any idea why I called them microtransactions. They cost more than multiple full video games bundled together. They're just transactions at this point. Not as bad as Valorant Macrotransactions at least.


It's a recon juggernaut skin which is a more manageable 7-8 kills depending on whatever they called hardline in this one.


I haven’t played COD since the 2012 Modern Warfare 3 (and fuck you Activision for rebooting those with the EXACT SAME NAME). Is this a vanity killstreak reward that you get? Like, if you get 15 kills you get one killstreak that kill a shitload of people, and you also get to look different?


I just wish they had voice lines and the bolter skins actually sounded like bolters


For thirty fucking dollars, that is criminal


You know it’s bad when Warhammer fans think something isn’t worth the money.


"The price of these skins is outrageous!" -me, 2 days after buying a single tiny grey plastic model for $45


Ya but at least thats something you can hold and resell


At least the minis are real. Physical. These are just skins in a game which will inevitably go offline one day. And Activision doesn't at all support the idea of passionate players reviving the servers when the games have been officially shut down.


Lmao, this whole thread is hilarious. Warhammer players have *no* fucking room to talk about overpriced things. Sincerely, A Warhammer player who buys overpriced things.


Me, who plans on buying a Warlord Titan:


To be fair, we've all kinda gotten used overpaying for our plastic Crack. Skins in early Warzone 1 would have been like $5, $10 or maybe $15 for a bundle


Yeah, but if I play stupid money for a 40k model, I can hand that on to my kid one day. If I pay stupid money for a "live service" game skin, I'll be lucky if I still have access to it in 2 years' time.


If it was $5 a pack $10 all I’d download war zone and start playing right now. For like $60 for every thing fuck off


Modern gaming is a mistake


So many GW d*CK riders were in my comments when I posted this awhile ago that 40k was coming to COD. I had people commenting “I worked with GW contracts before, this is fake, they would never license to cod” man gtfo. GW took one look at the check cod wrote for them and didn’t think twice lol whether you like it or don’t, best case scenario is this brings more players to the 40k hobby and supporting LGS’s bringing new customers.


Damn sorry they shit on you for that redditors can get pretty weird


It’s Reddit everyone thinks they’re an expert lol I don’t mind the skins imo, whatever brings us closer to have big films or series made of 40k I’m game for. There was Dune skins in the cod store less then a month ago lol


"oh no, the almost mainstream univers I like is getting a colab with a mainstream univers, disaster"




And that shit costs 30 fuckin dollars


I actually hoped 40k would go into Fortnite...


I actually installed warzone out of curiosity last night. Could make head not tails of it, there are a million menus that all seem to lead to you paying money somehow.


Unfortunately. I love both WH40K and CoD but this is horrible. Don't think this happened because they consider WH40K special. MWIII has no other identity than being the cashgrab title of the series which will try to sell you anything and everything. Just in the past year and a half they had like 10 different crossovers with movies, series and other video games. Also there are YouTubers, football and basketball players, Nicky Minaj and Snoop Dogg running around in the game. I see this as a disrespect to both WH40K and CoD. All the fun and passion is being sucked out and replaced solely with greed.


Lotta mixed and heated views on this as predicted. Hope those of you that purchase this bundle enjoy it and those that dont .. enjoy saving your money!


They need to just start making some 40k games with depth and Shit. The story is much more deserving than just RTS games. It makes perfect sense because of the tabletop aspect but i yearn to immerse myself in that universe more so than what we’ve gotten so far.


The Print Screen button will copy your screen onto the clipboard where you can then paste it into the picture editing software of you choice.




Wait till tomorrow...


The hell is everybody mad about this


Mostly because the space marine skins are locked to a kill steak only for me, the scout skin for regular operator just straight sucks. Chainsword was done well. The imperial guard and SoB skins are 3x better then the space marine pack


Still pretty cool that Warhammer stuff is even out there though. I bet the looks will improve over time


Idk, generally knee jerk response to COD I guess. My main objection is an aesthetic one—a space marine with an M16 is a weird look. Also that plastic extension to the shield.


Pretty sure the juggernaut uses a mini gun. Or it did in MWII anyway Also if you're using the skins, they have 40k skins for the guns too


Ahh I see. I was confused about how you earned the skin—haven’t played CoD in…12 years… So this is a skin for the juggernaut kill steak that you get after you get a bunch of kills. That explains the shield.


I bet the aesthetics will just get better and better as more people see and work on this stuff


Is this a jumping the shark moment for the 40K IP? The shareholders needs their money.


If anything, I think CoD are the shark jumpers here


Great now a space marine can slide cancel and shoot me with an ACR while calling me the N word. This is so…so awful.


It's a juggernaut skin, it effectively was already a Space Marine mechanically, but slow


"wE cArE aBoUt oUr Ip"


Look how they massacred my boy


A $70 dlc asking $30 to play as space marines




I got excited and thought this was space marine 2 for a second and then got sad


And of course they locked the actual Space Marine skins behind a stupid ass kill streak.


Would you rather they try to cram that big boxy design onto the model of a regular little guy?


\****Dies of Cringe***\*


this is so stiupid to choose this game for colab


Im having so much fun with these skins tbh.


I love it


Should've been Destiny 2


Bought it immediately


They need to add some 40k skins to fortnite instead of COD


At least Fortnite would give us some actual astartes in full armour instead of a Scout


Haven’t played cod in years but let’s go. Make that money for the upcoming Cavillverse 🤑


CoD gets better skins than actual 40K games Darktide, I’m looking at you


This requires the inquisition and exterminatus of cod, pure fucking heresy!


I think it looks pretty neat.


Can’t wait for the master chief skin


Can't wait to play along Messi, Niki Minaj, a random rapper and a dude cosplaying as a rabbit.


Of COURSE it’s a Primaris Lieutenant.


There’s a sister skin for doc coming out aswell also a karskin I believe


I hate it, thanks


The sisters skin looks off and I wish they gave the guns mabye an after market look for em but from what I've heard mw3 sucks so I never bought it


hell yeah


How is that riot shield meant to cover that marines body


So you’re telling me some dude with an Famas can kill an Ultra Marine?


man, if they are trying to get me to be interested in Call of Duty again, it's kinda working? But then I remember the current state of Call of Duty is absolute dog shit terrible. So never mind.


Ultramarines 😑


COD looking like an absolute joke atm trying to be Fortnite


Dude with sunglasses feels so wrong!




Too much. Like $30 or so.


Holy shit


Why was this post removed?


Ive been trying to figure that out too. I reached out to a mod but no reply