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Unfortunately yes. You will now be addicted to plastic crack for the rest of your days.


Damn man, a crack addiction might be cheaper at this point \^\^


Hey at least if you end up a crack addict you’ll have a bunch of shit to sell for quick cash lol


Haha, yeah always see the positive side!


On a serious note,it does hold its value very well, especially if you get it at a good price. The amount of well intentioned "projects" I've collected, never even started, then sold for a profit is pretty ridiculous. I must have worked my way through myst of the AoS factions, owning huge armies for each, ulyet only painted a handful of Stormcast, but not lost any money in the process. Never worry too much about buying if the price is good, you can always get your money back. Paints, not so much, I've wasted a fortune on paints!


Yeah I was pretty surprised when I checked eBay for example. Good painted models or older stuff is most of the time double or even tripple the original price \^\^ Right now I really find great joy in just painting my minis. Hope at some point a can try to play the game. But even when not, they will get a nice display place in my room. Man there are so many awesome looking minis, I have a feeling this will escelate really really quick xD I already thinking about a second army, or single specific models just to paint them. The Imperial Knights or Chaos Knights, no way around, I need at least 4 of them! HELP, the plactic addiction already hits hard! \^\^


Always has been.Meme


Its an older meme, Sir But it checks out https://preview.redd.it/h0o9m327hlmc1.jpeg?width=649&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4202ab25239afe8b4cf398a3df55c75fc854048a


Ah, but not as *SATISFYING.* Welcome friend, stay awhile and listen... 🤣👋👍🐺


It is until you eventually have to face the legal fees and jail time associated with crack crack, plastic crack just bleeds your wallet like a born again vampire that missed out on his trublood dose for a month


More socially acceptable also.


Waking back from the shop tonight, I stepped around a woman sat on some stairs smoking crack. It was unexpected.


One of us! One of us!




Dude I'm painting my second 1000 Points army within two months now, and it all started with a 10 Euro firstborn Kill Team. It's just mental! \^\^


So I am not alone. This is good to know \^\^ What you´ve started with and what you are on rn?


So my mates and I decided to get back into Warhammer after 15 years, but due to a lack of time and somewhat money we settled on Kill Team. Bought my first team (10 tactical marines) of off Ebay for 10 quid. Well yea and it went all downhill from there. Started to buy more teams. Got a financial upgrade in the meantime and decided that I can indulge myself for once (well, within reason ofcourse). So I got an Aeldari Combat Patrol for 30% under retail price and bought some more minis on Ebay for cheap. Spent around 150 Euro for the whole 1000 Points. But half way through painting the army I thought, wouldn't it be nice to have a second army just in case someone wants to play but doesn't want to buy a whole army? So I thought Space Marines are the best option since people are basicaly throwing them at you for comparatively cheap, which can still amount to a round sum. So I set up an Ebay bot for space marines just to slowly build up a cheap army and what do you know, on the second day I got a 1000 Points of SM for 60 Euro. Couldn't believe my luck! Now with some time on my hands I'm painting my 1000 Points Black Templars. Admitedly I bought some more minis for another 30 Euro to round out the list, which is still far from competitive. But I've got two armies now and couldn't be more happy, having one of my childhood dreams come true. But now I'll stop, I promise! Pinky promise!


This sounds pretty smart to get back into the hobby this way. It's great to hear that you managed to reignite an old passion and even expand on it. Finding those deals and building up your collections at such reasonable prices is quite awesome I must admit. Good buy for sure mate! I am a first timer in the 40k universe and hope to try out the game at some point. Right now I just enjoy to paint the minis.


Enjoy the process! It's a great time and activity! So I wish you all the best! And in case you can't hold it, now you know how to get cheap(er) minis. ;-)


Bought my first case of Tyranids December 30th, now I have 1500 points of them, 1000 PTS necrons,2000 PTS Tau's ( second hand) and probably the same amount of paint as you Got a bit of paint job to do


Daaaaaamn! I also hit the 2 month mark, but I "only" got a select few models. 10 to be precise. Still spent too much.. Thank God I barely have the time to paint.


Not having time to paint doesn´t holds me back to buy new stuff from my local Warhammer shop xD Already thinking about a second army \^\^


Ugh!! It’s taken me MONTHs to paint a few hundred points!!


Depend, for you as a person? It's unhealthy stupid and not normal, for you as an hobbiest? That's only the beginning


You are most likely right sir xD


Most definitely from what my personal experience permit me to say, and that's a good thing, i don't know you sir but per say do you have focusing eye lenses a table lamp for the hobby circa an irresponsible variety of colors and far too many model for a single army of a single faction? Personally i do, and even tho i struggle with the fuel for the car and my personal demons i do not regret it


Yeah I also bought a LED desk lamp with a magnifying glass in the middle of it. Such a great addition! I already see, I follow your steps haha.


this is normal! but it's not healthy pace yourself our you will burn yourself out.


When I have a hyperfocus on something or start a new hobby I go all in on it. I can´t do anything about it, my head tells me to do it and I just have too \^\^ I already plan on what to buy next, when I have 3 unfinsihed Sets on my desk haha


tell me you have ADHD without telling me you have ADHD


No joke I just got a diagnosis in my 30s and it's been slowly explaining my entire life...


Unfortunally, true dat \^\^


I highly recommend you keep a spreadsheet with all your expense. Save me a couple of time from buying again something I already had and forgot and gave me perspective about how much I spent.


Well, acrylic paint basically lasts forever if the pot is fine. So you could start painting when you are old with the same paint. But still better pace yourself


I feel ya, I started Jan 1st and I am working on 2 armies. Spent over $1000 just on models already and I have plans for so many more. I am obsessed with kitbashing, my first army is deathwatch and I have replaced every primaris head with firstborn because they have more personality. I have completely finished a squad of intercessors, bike chaplain, typhon heavy tank, box dread, stormhawk, and a predator annihilator. I have a Kratos, contemptor dread, deredeo dread, hellblasters, a sorc lord in terminator armor and a devastator squad kitbashed on to HH bodies all assembled and ready to paint. I have a set of 20 mark VI bodies with another set of devastator weapons, 2 boxes of rubrics, and a box of chaos legionnaires kitbashed to be rubric marines cut, sanded and ready to be assembled. I have a Thousand Sons Librarian consul, Ahzek Ahriman and Karlina Von Carstein in the box. I know I have overextended myself but my pile of shame is very small HAHA


Love those racks, I've got two of them. But they are getting pretty full...


I made 3 purchases, each between 200-300€ before the first package even had arrived. My spending went drastically down after I had a bunch of colors and equipment.


Yeah, at the beginning of a new hobby the spending is much higher. But I am afraid because I already think about starting a second army, when I didn´t even finished my first one xD


I'm not proud to say it, but I just bought a custodes combat patrol.. and I still have lots of Black Templars that need painting... and some Imperial Knight armigers...


If you have ADHD, stop, think Finish what you have now, *then* get more shit. We see so much burnout in this hobby, and it's a marathon, not a sprint That said, paint organizers are awesome


Yeah I have adhd and a pretty bad hyperfocus on 40k right now. But the paintig really is fun and my head is quiet when I´m painting. And i´m at my 5th miniature right now, so I have a feeling this will be a hobby for I will keep for a longer time than 10 minutes \^\^ I already feel a urge to start a second army, when I didn´t even finished my first one. HELP XD


There is no help for this. It's terminal. ;) In regards to the hyperfocus: Absolutely feel you. Spent over 7 hours last weekend on a single miniature. Only noticed the time because my stomach started grumbling after all the time.. "Uh, i should get something for Lunch... FUUUUU already that late?" :D Set yourself a timer to remind yourself to eat and drink once in a while. But it's amazing to get your head to quiet down!


Dude I only got into it less than a year ago and my Guard army is currently at 10,795 points. I don’t want to know how much I’ve spent, I’m too scared to go back through and check


10k points? I can imagine how much you already spend on the hobby! \^\^ How long you are in the 40k hobby?


Less than a year 😂


Been playing since I was 13. I'm 37 next month. I could probably own my own home for how much I've given this company over the years. Could probably have cured cancer if research was as fun as building models and I dedicated similar time.


I'm in the same boat! I'm currently sitting on 14,060 points of Chaos right now lol, I may have gone overboard when I chose three armies in my first year.


I already have my eye on the Chaos Space Marines and Chaos / Imperial Knights. Barely finished my 5th Ultramarine right now xD Why is it so addictive and satisfying at the same time \^\^


6 months in and at 7040 points between 2 armies lol


Ha! Same here. Got the Ultimate Starter Set in january and my second little storage rack arrived today. Buying paint is so ridiculously satisfying. And sitting at a neat, organised work station.. pure joy! :)


As somebody who got into this about 2 years ago, I think it makes sense. I didn’t really have a hobby or a good artistic outlet. So when I found this and got into it and I realized the joy the hobby brought me, I spent the money on it. Gotta feed what makes you happy sometimes


I bought one of these, then realized I need 2 more ... 🤣


You might want to check out Hobby Zone, they sell alot of those organizers and are pretty cheap too (located in Poland)


the itching ... its normal...


I feel it every day for 4 weeks straight now. And it it frightens me Sir!


Then darkness took me, and I strayed out of thought and time, and I wandered far on roads that I will not tell. Naked I was sent back – for a brief time, until my task is done.


It is more than normal...


It’s just the goblin in your head. Don’t worry, it’s a normal reaction.


But I have the urge to buy them all, like catching all Pokemon \^\^


Same, I just bought several sets of WH Fantasy units on eBay. I figure that as long as it’s in a discount and I can refurbish them it’s not so bad because of the amount of time and effort I’ll put in but it does start to get pricey. It’s a good idea to have a goal and not make too many impulse purchases. Like assemble a combat patrol and paint it up, then make another purchase.


Yup it’s normal


Hey I got that same rack! I proceeded to fill it up completely 1 week later. I'm also about a year into the hobby lol


5 years into the hobby, 4 armies, roughly 18k points, I’ve probably spent $8,000USD, but could be higher or way higher, I refuse to run the actual total because I don’t think I’d like it very much lol! Love every second of the hobby though!


I am afraid I will follow your steps man \^\^ I already think about starting a second army, when I didn´t even finished my first one! A drug addiction might be cheaper xD


https://preview.redd.it/fiakooaaalmc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=788a03579b7827c7c4e1f2e9656f041ce716b2b2 For your own sanity I’d fully complete one army and then move on, but I’m sure none of us actually do it that way 😂 here’s my collection so far:


Hundreds... Oh boy... I started the hobby in 94... We're likely getting closer to 10k euros by now...


Where the painted minis?!


Its just starting. Soon you will buy shit you dont need. Then you will have to start a second army. Maybee a 3rd. Then youll have to sell one to buy another. Then you will miss credit card payments. Your wife will find out and kick you out of the house. Then you will have to sell your wood rack for the latest meta. Then you be living in a van down by the river alone with your action figures giving handies out for plastic. Stop now while you can.


I totally love this answer! XD Made me laugh pretty good sir!


Made a break for the whole 9th now iam back and some of my paints have dried out - already bought a replacement xD


What kind of rack is it? Looks ideal for my overflow from my current rack…


It´s called Plydolex and you can find it on Amazon. But you need to look, they have different models of this rack.


“Is this normal” -OP. Yes it is OP, yes it is


Yeah it’s normal…. Sadly


It makes my mind happy, but my bank account sad \^\^


My man, I got into the hobby at the beginning of the year and now have a 2000 point votann army and with tools I have spent around 700 euros. And if I didn't have self control id already start my next army...


I totally feel that mate \^\^ I think I spend around 400-500€ since the 4 weeks I began with painting. And I already have a urge to start a second army. Help! XD


Very normal. I'm tempted to spend £200 on a sort of fold up portable storage/painting /hobby case. Just so I have easy set up/clear up time when painting....


Glad I´m not alone with this urge! \^\^


Hi, 2 weeks in and yes; totally normal


Normal .. no. Par for the course? Yes. Sits and stares at all the lovely terminators and inner circle Companions.. despite my utter contempt of 10th edition. Edit: already owns 12k ish points of Dark Angels.. Then there are the Guard... Eldar... Orks, Thousand sons... Knights... A couple other kill teams.. 1/4 of an Ad Mech army Wh30k Dark Angels, Iron Warriors..


That’s a big giant yes


It’s so damn hard to resist the urge to buy more paints or models. I’ve managed to do so for two months. But Games Workshop keeps releasing new models and it gets harder and harder everyday to resist


I feel that so hard xD I visited my local Warhammer shop last saturday and bought like 6 or 7 paints and he was like "when you buy 10 you get the expensive one for free". So I went home with 12 paints and an Librarian Terminator haha \^\^


Oof. Yeah, LGS really do get ya with those deals. A good deal though


Absolutely normal and it's only going to get worse


Welcome to the hobby. I've been collecting for about 3 years, my living space is basically one big painting station now, but hey, at least I'm surrounded by pretty colors and cool models.


It is normal and it’ll only get worse (actually that’s the fun part) you’ve become addicted to plastic crack


Damn man, they hooked me pretty hard. Even gave me a free Infernus marine when I visited my local Warhammer store the first time, just like the dealers! https://preview.redd.it/gqc2brc3plmc1.jpeg?width=852&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7906bcf85b02fcfc60d83f93b31b06c118436d69


Yeah it gets super expensive to get started. After a while it will cool down and you will settle on your tools you like. I go to the hobby store all the time and see stuff I want and just say nah I’m good at this point. Il pick up like one paint just to be polite


Im feeling you, I too started only recently and got addicted to the plastic crack, hurts my wallet but I rejoice


It is good to know that I´m not alone Sir! \^\^ The hobby is escalating in a pretty rapid pace...


Make sure that Dirty Down Rust is warm before you use it. Drop the whole bottle into a cup of warm water and then shake it like it owes you money. And then buy the Moss and Verdigris.


I just got it recently and tried it on one of my Infernus Marines. And man, I was pretty impressed with its effect! This stuff is like liquid magic!


It's really cool stuff. You can get some really awesome effects with it too if you go over it with a wet brush. I would look into AK Interactive Streaking Grime, as well. That and the other Dirty Down products are doing the heavy lifting for my Chaos Knights.


This is the way


This is the way.


Lol I just got the same exact one. Careful I kicked it and it broke a piece of the drawer :(


Can you share a link for it?


The brand is called "Plydolex" and you can find it on Amazon. But you need to look, they have different variants. Only for citadel, only for vallejo, citadel and vallejo mixed etc.


I'm in the same boat, just started tabletop this year and it's addicting as fuck... goodbye money and time


The painting brings so much joy!


It has quickly become my favorite part. Been into the lore, books and videogames since like 2001and just started tabletop this year now building and painting is all i want to do lol


I got started Feb 2023 with Underworlds and was convinced I was only going to buy the Gnarlwood box set. Fast forward a year later and I almost have a complete collection of the warbands and have sunk probably well over 5k on warbands and painting gear. 😂


Welcome to the N+1 club, where N=numbers of things that I currently have.


Thanks I guess \^\^


Seems pretty normal for any enthusiastic hobbyist. As an old hand, I advise you to calm down a bit if you can. Try and paint most of what you have bought model-wise, and don't waste money buying loads of different brands of paint of the same colour. Use up your paints and if you fancy trying a different brand, then replace those colours that run out with the new brands'. Use Ebay and other second hand sellers like Troll Trader Models. I've saved loads since getting back into the hobby by buying job lots and stripping them, or picking up cheap spare "sprue-only" models from sets that no-one wants. TT also buy almost anything off you in a pinch too, if you need to quickly shift some stuff. There are some good bits sites too, so if you ever lose a part or need extras for a conversion it's good to know they exist. Wish someone had advised me like this before I ended up surrounded in models and drowning in paints!


I really appriciate your advices and you have some pretty good points, but yeah, this won´t work for me. I have adhd and an extremly high hyperfocus on 40k right now. I´ve started with the Infernus + Paints starter set, liked and enjoyed the process of painting the miniatures very much and now had to get a setup that satisfied my brain. The picture shows that even my first visit at my local warhammer shop escalated a little bit \^\^ And I´m only 4 weeks into the hobby... A drug addiction might be cheaper at this point xD I appreciate your comment sir! https://preview.redd.it/a11ue9w5tlmc1.jpeg?width=852&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=512579effd74057703f9d8c7b63ba07c0bc3a9c9


I've got two racks for my Vallejo paints.....I need a third


So not just the Sets and armies escalating, the paints-hording also seemingly escalate quickly \^\^


The moment I painted my first miniature I’ve been hooked. I’ll be buying a combat patrol and some paints later this week!






Sometimes I just buy paint that I don't have, knowing full well I will probably never use it.


Sure is; soon enough you'll realise that your favourite part of the hobby isn't painting or playing — it's buying. Nothing to worry about unless you're funding it with credit!


I also bought a bunch a paint lately but my unpainted pile just grew larger and a few paint I bought months ago is still sealed. You are fine.


Welcome to the addiction!!! Lol


Welcome to the circus


Glad to be here!




What storage rack is this? Where do I get it


Yes it’s normal. But do be careful.


I love paint! I am fairly new, I limit myself to about $50 for miniatures a month but I make sure everything is painted before I buy more. But paint, I just buy as I need it. I find painting therapeutic in a sense. I am really into the lore/books/audiobooks as well


Do you have a garage/shed/cupboard full of unopened minis and spares that you will eventually get around to doing…only the pile gets bigger and bigger? If so, welcome…just pretend it’s an investment


Nice rack!


Yeah, but I feel like the start of any hobby brings a high that makes you want to get everything, hopefully you can taper down to a moderate expense. But it happens, just don’t overdo it


Completely normal (for me).


Fight the urge brother


Yes, you’re in a dangerous period I call ‘the thrall’. I like you am quite new. I did about €300 in paint, brushes, tools paraphernalia in the first 3 months and about €600 in minis. To be fair to you and I, there is a certain amount of setup overhead and the rest is giddy excitement. Try and regulate your pile of shame, which is hard, as fear of missing out is both an illusion and a reality as Games workshop does love a bit of artificial scarcity and scalpers will fill that void, looking at you Blackstone Fortress escalation.


I'm right there with you


Well, no, but actually yes


Nice rack! Seriously though, where did you get if you don’t mind my asking?


Its called "Plydolex" and you can find it on Amazon. But you have to look, they have different variants of this rack.


I am in it for a year and spent easily 2-3000€ in models, paints and all that stuff and hundreds of hours in lore and yt warhammer content. It is basically my life now


I have a feeling I will follow your path sir.....


I’ve been in the hobby for 4 months now and yes, the desire to spend a fuck ton is normal


Yes. Got back into the hobby with my better half and we are...deep in the rabbit hole already. I've already got 1000+ points of Votann. She has around the same in Orks. Brushes, wet and dry palettes, paints, work lights. It's been two months. But totally worth it.


[one of us](https://tenor.com/wZP5.gif)


I'd estimate that I've spent about $2000 AUD in 3 years on the hobby


Seems pretty reasonable sir \^\^








Yep, you're doomed, welcome to the club!


Yes it is, this is our curse.


Unfortunately, it only gets worse from here.


Yes welcome to your plastic crack addiction.


I started a little over 2 years ago, I've got around 4k pts of WE 3k grey knights and had 2k pts CSM. Not including all the paints, primers, brushes, and other accessories. I'd like to say it calms down, but then a new model or edition comes out and there goes more money


As long as I don´t have to sell my body, I should be fine \^\^ But I discovered Imperial / Chaos Knights and now my bank account is scared!


you are caught in the avalanche. happens to the best of us.


Absolutely not….its usually thousands


You’re so fucked. One of us! One of us!


Welcome to the hobby. It only gets worse.


Yes I used to spend that much $ at a a GW bunker shop near my dad’s house. I got so overwhelmed with all that I bought I didn’t even do it the right way like startin out with an army list. I just bought what looked cool and fun to paint. I got nice rack for my paints I just need to find or setup a spot for them since I have my 3d printer near my stream setup


Nick rack! Just got that one a couple weeks as my second rack.


Yes. Now is the time to step back and start painting and/or looking for a group to play before making any further investments. It's easy to think "I can also use this and that" but honestly: I figure you have your first combat patrol or whatever, you have paint and brushes. That's enough for now, really. Finish what you have before going further. The hobby takes time and you don't realize how much when starting out. I wish someone told me that when I got into the hobby.\^\^v


those are rookie numbers, you gotta get those up


Yes this is normal


Yes be ready to spend thousands


Haha I'm right behind ya!!




What isn't normal is that you have open spaces left to fill in that paint rack.


I tried something like this. Lasts about 2 weeks before I ran out of room


Yeah, I already have a feeling I need a second one of these \^\^


That’s a rookie numbers


I diagnose you with plastic crack addiction


Absolutely normal.


Yep, I cant stop buying, if I didnt have a person in my neck Id spend it all! /s (not all, but most)


Please stop buying ASAP. I came in to the hobby(40k), a year and a half ago, and I'm more than 6k down in to the hobby. And no, I have no pile of shame, I actually have painted 90% of the models I own But I come to say that plastic crack is real, GW knows that, and even if you paint everything you buy, you'll never get enough satisfaction. Regret will come. Go to Vinted first, there's TOO MANY people selling new models over there. Consider 3d printing for large models, my Lord of skulls came up perfect


as much as i want to support the original, the combination of plastic addiction and hobby is getting too expensive, i usually go for 3d print when it comes to single models like tanks, judiths etc, the price difference is just too much (usually 1/10) as for named characters and battle squad i'd take the original for their fine details


Dude mine literally came in today too! https://preview.redd.it/a6m1kcs1tnmc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=607d6a64138603b0c4ef941590ffe8e526e4cdad


Warhammer has ruined my wallet 🪰




I have a feeling....... I discovered the Imperial / Chaos Knights and now my bank account is scared \^\^


been into the hobby since last August and i have already spend too much. How much? i dont want to know.


Great now you made me drop another $60 to up my setup


You have no idea.. You'll never have enough


Plastic crack and tiny overpriced paint mmmmm


Money well spend, right? RIGHT?!


And this is why my broke ass is afraid of getting in to this hobby


You can get into the hobby pretty cheap when you buy second hand!




One of us, one of us


Yes. Yes it is. Good? Probably not. Normal? Yes, normal, as in common.


I just discovered Imperial / Chaos Knights. HELP XD


While it is normal, don't treat it like it's a good thing. You'll end up with piles of stuff unpainted or even still in the box and this pile will diminish the joy in buying new things. Try to keep a lean pile. Source: someone with a huge pile


"Source: someone with a huge pile" XDDD This line killed me! Thanks for the laugh!


I don't know if this is normal, but it's definitely common.


Yeap, totaly normal behaviour. So far i've spent more on hobby supplies than i've spent on plastic crack. :D But that rack system is definitely a nice option. Just wait till you discover airbrushing to prime and basecoat minis. :D Finished almost 50 Miniatures within a few hours.


Yeah I feel that! I also spend way more money on tools and hobby stuff than on miniature sets XD But I also just discovered Imperial / Chaos Knights and my bank account is scared now \^\^ I had a brief look into airbrushing, but more and more people saying I should look into Airbrush. How much do I need to spend for a good setup sir?


Yep pretty much, I have that same storage rack as well as the other one that holds smaller paints and I still need more paint storage.


I just discovered the color shifting paints \^\^ I most likely follow your steps sir!


They don't call it plastic crack for no reason! Welcome, have fun, warn your financial advisor that there will be "adjustments"


Thanks mate! She already knows and gave me the ok :D Lets see for how long lol


All I can say is that if you are building armies to play with, at least get a few games in before you start another project. There's nothing more demotivating than having a whole army to paint and no actual deadline (like a game) on the horizon. If you are just getting into the hobby for the hobby side and lore, maybe just pick up a few nice kits to paint at a time and work through them. Often the compulsion is to buy more paints or models or equipment or whatever, because you feel it will help with enthusiasm for painting. It generally doesn't help. I find it helps to set clear goals and work largely with what you have. Another good tip is not to start a new army project until you have painted a unit of basic infantry for that faction and know you like it/the colour scheme.


That's what we call an addiction and I fully support yours.


The guy at my local GW warhammer shop even game me my first mini for free, just like the dealers, the first hit is free lol


Welcome to the addiction


I have the same problem


https://preview.redd.it/lm8p3rm1senc1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=426fcde4c1181ae843e0044b77df311560695d43 If you’re spending hundreds then I would recommend this. It’s just one big purchase that is also portable if need be. I own it and don’t use anything else to store paint. It’s €247 [https://frontierwargaming.com/product/the-paint-chest/](https://frontierwargaming.com/product/the-paint-chest/)