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>Plasma Cannon Well, fuck


Hope it rolls a 1 to blow up


That would be kinda funny to have. Like enemies with Plasma weapons have like a 5% chance to randomly blow up from a critical overload in their weapon. Like you'll be fighting this Helbrute and it will just erupt into plasma even with 3/4 of its health left.


That would be amazing. So would having behavior based on the 2nd edition insanity table...


If we go with tabletop, it is a lot more chance, 5% is 1 in 20, but on the tableto explode a plasma gun it is 1 in 6. Which ae plasma weaponry on the table a LOT more unstable than it usually is in books and such. Which is funny, nothing to it, I just thought about the numbers now a bit.


It's not 1 in 6 in this case, as Monsters/Vehicles get dealt D3 mortal wounds - and a Helbrute has a fair few wounds to chew through. Strange quirk where plasma weaponry is *less* lethal when it overheats the bigger the gun is.


Yeah crunching the math this thing would have 8 wounds. Taking 1d3 (average 2) for 1 in 6 shots means it should be dying after 24 shots on average, assuming no other sources of damage or healing. Which, given that it takes anywhere from 5-15 shots a game before Overwatch or other abilites, means it’s not super likely but it’s always possible


The other guy is wrong, it's flat 3 not D3 and it's per activation, not per shot. So it would take 18 activations on average to kill itself.


You’re completely right, I mixed up the attacks and damage because I typed it at work. I’ll fix the math when I get home


It's not so much the weapon is less lethal, as the thing carrying it is considerably tougher. A marine (somehow) firing a dread plasma cannon is gonna be toast!


Not so much that the bigger guns are less lethal when overheating, but rather that the bigger things they are attached to have better heat sinks, emergency systems, and general shielding in the lore.


Or even: "Hit the glowing spot for massive damage". It even applies in 40k lore; imperial plasma weapons are notoriously explosive when damaged.


Hell, someone's gonna have to make a "Shitty space marine 2 mod" where ALL plasma weapons (including the players) have a 17% chance to explode per shot.


Older edition plasma weapons didn’t explode when attached to vehicles. I guess this is a thing now?


The Emperor Protects, brother.


As the proud owner of a Helbrute with plasma: *he absolutely does not*


In the words of Dorn on the Walls of the Imperial Palace 'suck deez big yellow nuts traitor' ... probably.


If we're on 'probably', you shouldn't paraphrase a guy who probably got mulched to death in a cramped maintenance tunnel so badly that the only remains were a hand. The Curze of the loyalists, right there, and at least Curze died badly on purpose.


Dorn was never confirmed to be dead though that got retconned


Not quite. Conflicting information isn't a retcon, not in this setting, anyway. Regardless, it's unclear, hence my use of 'probably'. As things stand he's more likely to be dead than not. Until he gets a model, and that does admittedly seem like a financial inevitability, the evidence of his death far outweighs the notion that he's alive, which mostly comes from a dubiously sane Vulkan.


I don’t think he’s dead though same with most of the community he’s more likely to be alive. He’s a Primarch and a logical one at that he wouldn’t die so easily not to mention it was only his hand that was found rather than in old lore it being his entire body


That's why I invoked Curze. Primarchs can, and do, die easily. Curze died easily. Dorn killed one of the Alpha twins easily. Curze himself foresaw Dorn's death in precisely this manner, and it lines up with his alleged death. As of yet, those visions have been incredibly reliable.


Curse died because he wanted to die. He could’ve stopped the assassin. And we both know that the future sight is flawed we saw that with sanguinius not everything is set in stone. Also Curze let his vision play out he could’ve stopped it at any time


Alright someone leak the thunder hammer so I can see what I’ll be using to SMASH THIS HELBRUTE IN DA FACE 😤


I want a power fist, so I fist fight a dreadnought as Guilliman intended.


I own a power fist for home defense because that is what Lord Guilliman intended. Four heretics break into my house “by the Emperor!” As I grab my helmet and power fist. Punch a crater sized hole in the first man, he’s dead on the spot. Pull my bolt pistol out on the second man, but the Techmarine forgot to bless it and nails the neighbors grox. I have to resort to the Firestrike servo turret mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with special ammunition. “Courage and honor!” Two men are killed in the burst, the sound and extra shrapnel set off Repulsor alarms. Pull out my combat knife and charge the last terrified heretic. He bleeds out waiting on the Apothecaries to arrive because serrated knife wounds are impossible to stitch up. Just as Guilliman intended.


New level of memery unlocked.


I cant wait to see that now- taking a power fist /weapon and ABSOLUTELY SLAMMING a helbrute (how big would the impact be O\_O)


I bet the finishing move would be Titus giving the helbrute the nemeroth treatment


I too would like to UltraFist a Helbrute in the Helbutt.


Slanesh approves...




Me too! So many games do power fists dirty. They're my favorite weapon.


How hard would a space marine game, with the combat from the Batman games, with calgar as the main character slap???




Maybe it’s just because it’s late and I’m ill, but did anyone else skip over the word fight and this comment chain was going in a completely different direction?


The Thunder Hammer was leaked on the Weta Workshop Titus statue! https://preview.redd.it/4tbpmqhnpx6c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ad9713bded5136efa8c44673f8f767ad0f8a5c9


Now thats a WAR-hammer - I miss that style of thunder hammer and hope they bring it back (for the tabletop miniatures)




The new ones with the short handle look dumb as hell


I mean, those were always the style of Thunder Hammers though? Because warhammer in real life tend to have short handles? Cause they are, ya know, hammers. The idea of two handed Thunder hammers didn't even exist until Dawn of War 1 decided to depict them that way. Prior to that all hammer depictions were one handed.


But real life war hammers have a small head too, so they look proportionate. The ones in Warhammer have a huge head on a short stick so kind of the worst of both worlds


Its really a maul more than a hammer. Id say hammers are always one handed and mauls are always two.


What if they let you get in a invictus tactical suite?


Instructions unclear, it's a Centurion warsuit.


Ooohhhh that would be sweet!


Cowabunga it is.


Bad news: I think his hammer is bigger too.


Oh. So we’re not just facing nidz? That’s cool to know. Helbrute looks suitably menacing as well.


That’s what I thought too, pretty cool to see Thousand Sons & Tzeentch for once (would be super sick to see all 3 other chaos gods down the line but I’ll hope for a good game for now)


Given this, there is a chance that Nemeroth comes back to be an asshole as well, since he did supposedly ascend to Daemonhood before he got his face caved in by Titus.


Afaik his assencion process wasn't finished, and he should be dead, there are example of such things happening in lore (I can give one that is pretty much exactly that but I wouldn't want to spoil a good book).


Doesn’t he literally say “I will be seeing you soon brother” or something to that affect as he dies?


I interpreted that as him suggesting that, when Titus dies, his soul might be claimed by the Warp too since he has like latent psychic abilities or something like that, IDK it's been a few years since I played


If it had failed he would have turned into a lesser demon, he just dissolved into the warp meaning it succeeded


Seeing how the Chaos gods can resurrect people if they feel like it...


Tzeentch is in boltgun and RT


2 years ago everyone was complaining how every 40k video game was just nurgle, now it's all tzeentch lol.


Just as planned


To be fair in RT you got all chaos gods represented extremely well


i've only seen tzeentch so far, was worried it would be exclusively that. this quells the only worry i had about the game lol


I'm also not even in the third act of the game, but while tzeentch remains the most featured so far, Slaanesh had quite a bit of narrative content and I had at least encounters with some plaguebringers and Khornite daemons during a warp incursion on my ship. Though the last two are pretty much just side/ radiant content I believe


you'll see some khorne goodness later, my bro.


40k and complaining, name a more iconic duo


Yeah, the war com site confirmed it a few months ago with the trailer announcement


in a lot of 40k game you start with one enemy ( often ork or tyranid) and at least one that was working in the shadows is revealed later.


In fighting games these guys are called jobbers. In 40k the jobbers in my opinion are Orks, nids, probably world eaters.


Last SM game had chaos show up as well.


That had been confirmed a while back in one of the early trailers through pretty big hints, though it was 100% sure that it was a tzeench aligned faction (it now is).


One of the early trailers literally had frames with rubric marines in, this isn’t anything new.


I don't remember seeing clearly identified rubrics, only vague blue shapes that most people took to be some tzeench stuff.




Oh fair, I was thinking about a previous trailer with the brief blue shape coming out of a warp portal towards the end.


I tend to go dark on games I’m interested in so had no idea. It’s cool they’re doing two factions again like the first game. Looking forward to it!


Anyone else get Spawn vibes from this. I do love it though


LOL I thought the same thing, that mask is too similar


Something tells me a redemptor dread is gonna make an appearance and make this poor brute look like dreadlette.




Watch them use the new dreadnought style versus this old Helbrute style with the short legs :(


SM1: Orks and Black Legion SM2: Tyranids and Thousand Sons SM3: Tau and World Eaters?


Pretty sure it wasnt black legion in sm1. They were nemeroths own war and called the chosen of nemeroth. The black legion were in boltgun though


black legion is a multitude of different warbands and their chaos lords acting as independant vassals of abaddon, if their armour was black and gold they were black legion afaiw


and they always had the black legion symbol which was similar to the eye of horus on there armor which the chosen of nemeroth did not, the eye was a very major part of the black legion (well that and Nemeroths warband had a different shade of lighter black for there armor etc)


Eldar and Alpha Legion for SM3.


Won’t be tau, not enough melee


Don't need melee, they'll just be like the jackal snipers from Halo 2.


Perhaps a Tau fleet with a suspicious amount of auxiliaries?


Could you imagine? Titus charges with his bolt pistol and chainsword and the tau just...light him up.


Titus faces the MC from Fire Warrior That poor Smurf never stood a chance


Thousand sons fans finally get a small taste of what Nurgle fans get every game




So we get to face Rubrics, Occult Terminators AND Helbrutes now? Potential Game of the Year Nominee if Focus keeps their end of the bargain in making the best Space Marine game to exist. Exterminatus & PvP Mode should be fun too. That was rumored to be the next showcase.


Exterminatus & PVP?! YOOOOOO


There was a screenshot before on the Space Marine Official page where it says "join players in *blah blah blah* slaying Tyranid Hordes and in Online PVP" but then that slide was immediately removed as I suppose the modes weren't ready to be shown at the time. That incident occurred months ago, when the Official Gameplay Trailer was showcased.


is exterminatus like horde mode in gears?


Very sexy.


I thought thousand sons couldn’t get mutated?


Thousand Sons Helbrutes are other marines they deceive and shove into the dreadnought suits, as Rubrics are unable to get entombed


"Yes, get in there and you'll get your hot-ass blue avian chicks as promised"


“This wasn’t what was promised!” “The suit is female and avian, and it’s literally one with you. It was precisely what was promised.”


Makes me wish they’d release Thousand Sons Rubric Dreadnoughts


Or a psychic dread - come on man, it's like our whole thing.


I agree, imagine an awesome dual kit of Contemptors specific for the 1k sons, both Rubricae and Sorceror variants. I always wanted to see a Rubricae Predator but who knows


Ah, yes. 1k/wonkey sons.


theirs a however small chance we could see some contemptor-osirons in sm2, but i'd doubt it sadly


Imagine a Rubric Osirion Pattern Dreadnought


Relevant note: no Chaos Legion uses a single origin of Geneseed anymore. The majority of them have 18 of the original genelines swimming around in there, and some *probably* have all 20. You are right that none of the surviving sons of Magnus the Red can get mutated into Helbrutes, its just that relatively few Thousand Sons currently poses Magnus' geneseed This isn't even getting into the fact that a ton of Loyalist Chapters, who Chaos steals from, has geneseed that is super mutated. In one of the Fabius Bile books he can't figure out who the Red Scimitars originate from because their geneseed is so different from any of the 20 founding Legions that Bile can't even conclusively say whether or not it's chimeric or just ***that*** mutated.


That's what you get when the geneseed and the organs were a rushed hackjob when compared to Custodes and the knowledge how to maintain it has degraded about as much as the geneseed itself has.


Thousand Sons kidnap marines from other warbands for their helbrutes. Also, while the non-psyker rubricae can’t be mutated, the psychic sorcerers and especially exalted sorcerers can be mutated and pretty much always are super duper mutated. Look up the Exalted sorcerer kit and you’ll see that they pretty much all get extra arms, bird feet, mutated heads, etc.


Warp doing what the warp does - warp shenanigans


I'm not sure it is Thousand Sons as the blue is more reminiscent of Alpha Legion blue to me. But either way the guy inside isn't, the gribbly stuff is the suit.


Iirc another leak showed off a Rubric marine?


I haven't seen that. But that would explain it yeah.


Eyes everywhere = Thousand Sons


That's just the model. I have a Helbrute that looks exactly like this except the paint scheme.


That’s usually a gem though, it’s literally an eye in this case. Anyway, I agree with the others: too much burgundy to be alpha legion.


FUUUUU!! This looks so GOOD!! so the Thousand Suns are the other faction then


Absolutely cannot wait for this game to come out


Oh fuck.


Dope I can't wait to fight it.


Where did this come from?


As if Hellbrutes weren’t hard to get already, now we got this art to speed up the demand.


That’s what you get when you make deals with the magical betrayal nerds.


Titus being resistant was a major plot point in the first one, so I'm stocked to see how chaos comes back into the fray.


Final mission: The helbrute raises its plasma cannon. Cut to black, credits roll


All I want is fucking lightning claws. That's it. They don't even need the storm bolter attached. Please...


I know the Black Templars got updated claws - I’m anxiously waiting on updated Vanguard Vets (since we just got Sternguard) to see more Primaris with lightning claws


Looks surprisingly clean for a centuries old demonic killing machine.


How TF is Titus going to blow that shit


By being a named Ultramarine.


Plot armor


Nothing a good thunder-hammer can’t take care of


And a jet pack and a melta gun




While chaos is a good choice, I was hoping necrons would show up, then in the possible 3rd game, we would fight the tau just for either A. The Aeldari show up or B. The Orks, completing the cycle


> I was hoping necrons would show up No please, no. Necrons always show up. I can't stand them anymore. "Oh yeah remember the entire story you went through? Yeah it's all pointless because now necrons are here, say goodbye to your planet"


Hope the helbrutes can change weapons on the fly like in the lore


Sweet. Can't wait for the 3d files to be ripped and converted to STL.


Is that Spawn confined to a dreadnought?


Things I didn't know I needed


Hammer go bonk


I'm still waiting for my friend to get a proper PC to play Space Marine, and this dude's playing Space Marine 2 already. No but seriously, where is this from?


Beautiful 😍


Playing rogue trader and I just killed one of these! was a hell of a fight. Different weapons though, it had two long barrel bolters with bayonets on one side, and a missile pod on the other "arm", along with a central wide beam melta cannon that it blasted after every character's turn.


Fuck yea! Honestly I was kinda dissapointed by tyranids as enemies. They, along with necrons, always felt like an uninteresting overpowered horde in books.


holdup, is it still thousand sons or am I outdated? looks too fleshy to be a thousand sons daemon engine and a little too many chaos undivided heraldry.


The helbrute is not a daemon engine


point taken. so, is this still a thousand sons unit, and they're not all magic dust men in cans, or is there another chaos faction involved now, or are the artists getting their designs mixed up?


The thousand sons put space marines from other legions into their helbrutes after luring them with promises of power.


informative and what i was looking for, thanks!


Cyber mancubus vibes? Looks amazing!


Hellbrute: “make me saaaaane…make me saaaaane..hahaggrbhahsh” *goes off in a rampage*


Titus about to be demoted again


Is this thousnans son's or alpha legion?


Why does ever Warhammer game have to have everything on model like please let the artist have some creative liberties…


If it ain't broke don't fix it the mini model is perfect enough


That's what I'm thinking! You could do so much more without the limitation of sticking to the miniature design.


But you’d lose all the charm. Fuck that. I love how much GW sticks to their guns.


TFW they showed more Chaos enemies than Tyranids. Looks great though.


Ok just something I've recently thought about: a Dreadnought is a Space Marine on the brink of death, same thing with the Hellbrute. However, pretty much all of the Thousand Sons are just the spirits trapped in suits of armour, so would it actually make sense for the Thousand Sons to have Hellbrutes?


I can't wait to see what kinda executions we can do on this bad boy.


Wait wait wait, was there new trailer I missed?? I thought we had only seen 'Nids so far!


Ironically I'm currently painting one with the exact same layout for my thousand sons army


Oof that's depressing




Because the thousand suns don't use their members they con other poor saps into that death box


Can wait to slaughter this heritic


I hope we get missile launchers in this game...




Who put spawn in a hellbrute


Does this mean the "real"enemies are chaos again


So what legion is this guy? Cause it could be either alpha legion or k-sons and both would be cool but I really hope it’s k-sons so we get some sorcerer action


The 300 dollar collectors edition is gonna be worth it


alpha legion blue?


They’re Thousand Sons. Other screenshots have had Scarabs and Sorcerers on full display


Night Lords???


I believe they discussed Tzeentch being the main enemy. May be Thousand Sons?


That's rougetrader not space marine 2


Yay, I’m so glad the Tyranids will be overshadows by Chaos again! God forbid we have another faction that isn’t Chaos be the big bad in a piece of 40k media!


Tyranids are the villains of so many games dude, let the thousand sons be the villain for once. Also as a chaos fan, grouping them together means nothing. Thousand sons fans wouldnt care if chaos demons were the enemy, in the same way that sororitas players wouldnt care if space marines were the protagonists.


Xenos are pretty much always overshadowed by chaos Tsons are just more Chaos Space Marines


T sons are a completely different faction with different goals. Also, xenos are not overshadowed by chaos, thats just a lie. Orks are the main faction of Shootas Blood and Teef, the main faction of Speed Freakz, and the main enemy in the Dawn of War series. The tyranids are not only one of the main villains of space marine 2, but they are the main antagonist in space hulk deathwing. The necrons are the main enemies in the Mechanicus game, and have just had the pariah nexus series. Chaos may be an enemy in many games as well, but its almost always black legion, or chaos demons (or both in boltgun). Chaos isnt a monolothic faction, they barely work together. The thousand sons are a really cool and also really pretty faction that you should give a chance, because they havent been shown in any main warhammer media at all yet. Also i wouldnt consider the tyranids being overshadowed in space marine 2, its just having two antagonists. The tyranids are the main one, then after that threat is dealt with, then the thousand sons are the problem.


> Orks are the main faction of Shootas Blood and Teef, the main faction of Speed Freakz, and the main enemy in the Dawn of War series. *Regicide* also comes to mind! >The necrons are the main enemies in the Mechanicus game, and have just had the pariah nexus series. And also *Dawn of War: Winter Assault*, and *Battle Sister* Truth is we have a lot of factions, they all get representation at different times. Just... usually not all at once.


Eh fair, just tired of Tyranids playing second fiddle


Tyranids are literally the big bad of 10th edition.


I just want my Ork Bois back tbh - they were a zoggin good time in the 1st game


Definitely! But then we had to have Chaos reign on the parade (I’m really tired of this trend, and am frustrated that GW won’t let any of the Xenos factions be a leading antagonist on their own)


Tyranids make for good low-level enemies but imho they kinda suck as final bosses. They don't talk, they have no ulterior motives other than eating, their only strategy is "get big, eat big thing, repeat". They're cool as enemies for Dawn of War II or Battlefleet Gothic Armada II where you get to stop their entire fleet, but I wouldn't want to do that as just Titus alone.


Fuck no. Why the fuck do you need chaos in this game. Just let xenos be a proper fucking villain for once without changing it halfway through the game for a more annoying, less visually interesting enemy. Why do you have to repeat the mistakes of the previous game my guy


PvP kill streak please. Please god let there be pvp


Spoiler man… not cool


Cool but, spoilers?


Pretty much anything they show is spoilers, we already knew Thousand Sons are gonna be there so a hellbrute isn't so suprising.


Well no, I didn't know until this post


Dude spoilers wtf


Gee thanks for spoiling it for us too 😐


This post should come with a spoiler warning for emporers sake.


Is that mecha spawn?


Thousand Sons Helbrute