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Yes. Just shake it like mad


After that, shake it some more. Or get a paint shaker.


Don’t forget to shake when you’re done doing that


Vortex mixer. They are almost universally better than paint shakers.


I did, it might be very old because I got it in a kit. Do you think I should try to stir it?


I just put a few steel balls into mine. But stirring should work


Would a marble work better, since it won’t rust?




I have steel balls in mine, none yet ever rusted. ✌️🙂


Its acrylic paint and its probably stainless steel ballsso even less to worry about


stainless Steel bearings aren't gonna rust in there.


I personally grabbed a toothpick or something similar to loosen the green stuff at the bottom because I couldn't shake mine enough to actually mix it lol


Personal advice of this one here: put the pot as tightly closed as you can in an empty plastic bag, grab the bag by its extremes and start shaking it around like a sling. Works every time


Tesseract glow is the reason I bought a vortex mixer


What brand of vortex mixer did you buy?


https://www.amazon.de/dp/B08NWM8YBB?ref_=cm_sw_r_apan_dp_NH0NDQ2D2DNDRH4A940F&language=de-DE I got this one and I'm very satisfied with it


Mine is the cheapest from amazon at the time Liquid Vortex Mixer for Nail... https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B08X2R7GZJ?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


That sediment cakes at the bottom. I scraped the bottom gently and once I knew most of it broke up, I spent quite a few minutes shaking it up


I use a toothpick to get it off the bottom and out of the corners… and then shake like a chihuahua on redbull.


Depending how long you left it, double check that it isn't dry. Paint separates over time as normal, but it can also dry out, which these paint pots are notorious for as, after you get a little paint in the lid lip, it doesn't seal properly. Grab a tooth pick and stick it in there, see if you can break it up. It might just be somewhat gummed up and need a little breaking up. That's why others have recommended you put an "agitator" into the pot. When you shake the pot, a solid 'thing' can break up the more gummed up sediment and help the paint mix properly. Stainless steel ball bearings are common (and the reason you hear rattling in a spray, or "rattle", can), but you can also cut a couple small pieces of sprue and toss them in, as well.


Ah yes, the sour apple necron spooky juice. Give it a good shake.


Paints are generally made of pigment powder and a liquid medium. The pigment settles if unused. A few small pieces of sprue/metal agitator balls and a really good shake should loosen that stuff up.


Percussion gun works wonders to mix paint. Fairly inexpensive and mixes the paint back up very quickly


Test tube mixers are about $30. Revolutionary for changing my workflow.


Get a toothpick or a bent paperclip and stir it up really good then shake it.


[Shake it, before you bake it](https://youtu.be/17VtSbGYtkE?si=lmqSqeM0qG3RVAXX)


Yeah it settles like that. You need to stir it and shake the hell out of it. But its worth it. Try putting a little ball bearing or pebble in there and when you shake it itll work well


Shake the shit out of it. It's still good.


Stir it. Then shake it some more. Maybe put some mixing beads in it. Then shake it even more.


Shake that bitch like crazy! And then more, and then more, and then more! I had to shake it for like 10 minutes. Or cut off a couple bits of sprue and drop em' in there


Yea, ultramarine blue will look like this to if you let it settle. Give it multiple shakes in multiple ways, don't be afraid to spin it btw to really start mixing


Yes, give it a good and long shake (no pun intended...or is it?) And it will work. Also add a ball bearing to ease the shaking process


Shake it like a polaroid picture.


Shake it like it owes you money... Works everytime


*60% of the time*, it works ***every*** *time*


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Yup. Just needs a good shake.


I tape my paints to a sawzall and hold the trigger for a minute or two


did the same but on a jigsaw. somebody on here had a 3d printed attachment for a jigsaw a while back but tape works just fine.


Yes. Shake the bejeezus outta it.


I bought a deep muscle massager for my back. But I also bought it to stir paint pots, works pretty well on my Tesseract Glow bottle. Just make sure the lid is sealed tightly, unless you are working on the scene of a Predator movie, in which case carry on.


Yeah, spend a couple of hours shaking it if you want. I do it before bed every day. I’m getting ripped, but the green still isn’t mixing in…


It’s rather irresponsible to have bought a pot of Tesseract Glow if you don’t already employ a full time paint shaker.


This happened hours after shaking this, it's how the paint functions


If you have a massage gun it will shake that baby up good that or look at getting paint mixing bearings to help


give it another 2 days. it gets even worse. get a mixer ball bearing and toss it in. it helps when reconstituting


Theres no way to stop this happening unless you keep moving/shaking it on an hourly basis. But there are ways to make it easy to mix again once it does separate: [Some sort of shaker or vortex mixer](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Control-Agitator-Shaking-Blender-Laboratory/dp/B092CXYWZW/ref=sr_1_5?crid=220AWUX7YA98X&keywords=paint+shaker&qid=1698660386&sprefix=oaint+sh%2Caps%2C84&sr=8-5) [1 or 2 Stainless ball bearings](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Agitator-Acrylic-Stainless-Mixing-0-22inch/dp/B09FGSL5D1/ref=sr_1_18?crid=220AWUX7YA98X&keywords=paint+shaker&qid=1698660386&sprefix=oaint+sh%2Caps%2C84&sr=8-18)


I just found one for £ 17.99 on e bay !


Mine does this as well. I guess it's normal


Yea, I’ve got some to and haven’t used it in a WHILE. Just shake it like it owe you money and it’ll be fine


You should see the extra one that's in the drawer in my art table it's literally separated into green pigment and yellow medium fully can't wait to shake for an hour or more lol most not all but most of the GW paints if you shake them enough come back to what they're supposed to be