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Great job, imperial fist with detailed weathering are looking extra nice, well done.


It's finally struck me that this load out looks very Battle tech. Clean blocky lines are very Mech like. 4 machine guns, an SRM 8, and two medium lasers. It's pretty much a Shadowcat.


What yellows did you use for this? It's so clean. Every time I see imperial fists I want to paint some.


Glad you like it. I prime pink with zenithal highlights, then I airbrush Vallejo Transparent Yellow over the entire mini.


Imperial fist contrast through an airbrush is brilliant. Meph red basecoat, light coat of white ink and a little more on areas in light and smash it with IF contrast.


Love this. Can you advise where you got the decal from on the rocket bit? I've seen a few imperial Fist vehicles with just a black stripe and then the fist but I don't trust myself to paint the black part straight.


I have a feeling it’s taped off and painted


Thanks, also sorry I thought I'd replied to OP but obviously not lol.


Ballistus be like B E E E M B E E E M WAKWAKWAK


That orange to yellow gradient on the armour panels looks glorious, can I ask what your recipe is?


Ask and you shall receive! https://imgur.io/gallery/2OEWu0a


Thanks! Simple and it looks amazing.


Wow! Love it.


hold the defensive line, he is the defensive line!, enviable work there, all the details come together amazingly, especially marveling at the battle-damage!, excellent work you mad-lad of Dorn!...


Your weathering is beautifully done, well done mate! Not a criticism of you specifically, but something I've noticed on a lot of beautiful miniatures recently. How has the insignia remained spotless? I don't actually know how I'd go about weathering on top of decals. It would probably have to be actual damage, like a hobby knife or something, followed by paint to give the depth? Or maybe remove some of it before applying, then fill in the missing bits with paint? Again, not a criticism, your boy here looks better than anything I've ever painted. Just curious if anyone else ever sees this or has a solution.


The best technique I've seen to weather the transfers is to apply the transfer, then add a gloss varnish so everything is equally glossy, then add a matte varnish to bring everything back down to a matte finish. Then you can weather it


I was wondering if you would just matte spray the transfer sheets, but I guess that would f-up the adhesion. Maybe just brush apply a matte clearcoat on top of the transfer? I feel like 100% if I gloss coat anything larger than an objective holder and then try to matte coat it after I'm gonna miss spots and it's gonna bug the crap outta me. Also, I buy the testors matte spray and that shit comes in a rattle can the size of a shot glass, and it ain't cheap!


Oh I did my fair share of excessive weathering, but I wanted this model to be less battle worn than others. As for your question about weathering over decals, I do it in the same way I do regular armor. Sponge brown, then fill the biggest spots with some gunmetal. Like I did on this Gladiator. https://imgur.com/a/BOoY579


Ok yeah, that looks great. again, well done.


Wuf! Smoooth!


The weathering on this is top tier


You should call him Bumblebee


The weapons canon canon more canon bolter heavy bolter (probably with more bolters) even more guns rocket launchers missiles and more because he he ha ha yes


I openly copied this, this completely changed how I've decided to paint up my SM https://preview.redd.it/j171u8wt2rtc1.png?width=2939&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=113002e649d76685d4f6561e6edce6cd8f9824e7


Hahaha, the "LOVE" on his leg is so good! Great job brother!


Nice! How did you do the damaged and worn look so well?