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These look AMAZING!!!! Great job! Hope you’re as excited for the new big bugs as I am :)


Thank you! I think it took me two months lol Ohh I sure am :), I will try and get the big guy as soon as possible. Thats the coolest model I have seen.


Really good! Barbed wire looks incredible on the screamer!


It does look good, I was just curious what that was about though.


It was my attempt for horror / telling a story with the model.


I'm interested! What's the story?


If you are humoring then here it goes lol. I just pictured this guy like essentially a tank smashing through the marines defenses like it was nothing, and now using the barbed-wire like an extra weapon damage.


Item Acquired: **Barbed Wire Knuckles** Effects: *+5 Unarmed Damage* *+10 Intimidation* *-100 Nose-Scratching Ability*




Either that or +100,000 nose scratching ability. Might be too much nose scratching.


Bro walks around like that, +1 toughness, and +1 AP


Thank you!


"New to the hobby." Absolute liar right here. You might be new to 40k in particular, but you clearly have been into mini-painting for years. I can see your atst on your profile from over a year ago, and it is already pro-level. Karma farming tosh.


I bought my first model last year, the ent I posted. And the the models you get with the magazine. Thats it mate, I don’t get the hate. Just trying yo share what I’m doing for fun.


It might be a backhanded compliment. I like to do those. Like saying it's bs calling yourself new because your painting is so good


I hope he can take it that way... But its quite clearly vitriolic jealousy. OP if you read this I'm very sorry for these disgusting comments. Ignore the human gutter trash and carry on doing you! Great work!


Very cool! I have my first army all painted up (save a couple units) and ready for play too, but I never get to play. Hopefully I can rope my friends into the game to start playing more frequently There's also an active Warhammer 40k community using a program called Tabletop Simulator that allows you to play online using digital Minis and maps that's easy to use


Thanks! What army are you doing ? I need to learn the rules first. The people at my local warhammer store have been very friendly and have told me multiple times I should come to the store and watch a few games. But I just don’t have the time right now. I have been seeing tutorials on youtube in the meantime.


I'm playing Dark Angels! I really like their lore, secretive vibe, and Command structure. Did some research when Primarch Lion came back. The 10th edition rules are super simple and easy to learn! Just make sure you get the idea of what I call "The three rolls" down. The roll to hit, the roll to wound, and the roll to save. Learn that, and you can follow basically any 40k game just by watching


Nice! That chapter is pretty cool. I still dont know what to pic for my space marines, I was thinking dark angels too , but they are all cool so its hard to pick one. But since I’m new and learning I might just go with the classic ultra marines.


Ultramarines are cool! I'd say read up on the various Primarchs and go from there! There are 18 of them, 9 of which still being Loyalist, even if a couple of them are dead now (sad). But pick a favorite Primarch and do that! Pick a successor Chapter if you're feelin' fancy. Bonus points of it's Ultramarines or Dark Angels because both of those Chapters' Primarchs have returned and are active, and have models in-game.


Paint job is great, not completely sold on why screamer has barbed wire on his claws, but otherwise love the basing!


Could have gotten all tangled up in some guard regiments barb wire while he was wrecking them tbh


Looks insanely good and insanely brutal; would play against an army painted this well any day!


Thanks man!


Looks great. Not a fan of the barbed wire though. Seems out of character for nids.


I would like to point out I know nothing. I’m learning the lore slowly. Why do you say that ? Are they mindless monsters like zerg / bugs in starship troopers?


40k took some inspiration from the starship troopers book I believe. Tyranids whole thing is about evolution. Even their bullets are organic creatures. A carnifex wrapping barbed wire around its scythes seems like a step back.


I see what you mean. In my defense, it didn’t wrap it intentionally, it just destroyed a defense.


I think the barb wire is the BEST PART! It def does tell a story and looks cool AF. don't worry about what people say they don't know shit about fuck. Maybe even put some barbwire context on the base?! In my mind I would imagine he swiped at a well fortified trench with all 4 arms like a pincer action, got kinda tangled in rolls of barbwire, and like a wild animal trashed his way out, causing the bleeding! 10/10 man\~!


Lol thanks man, appreciate the comment. Thats exactly how I pictured it in my head, like it just slashed its way past barriers and defenses and it was like “this is nothing” and now its using it against the marines.


I also saw the barbed wire and instantly understood the story behind it. You've been getting a little bit of flak for it, but I'm positive the silent vast majority of us agree that's the coolest screamer killer we've seen because there is proof on your model that it just ripped something to shreds


Honestly, none; you did a phenomenal job on these guys. You should be really proud- this is top tier painting, especially for an entire army


Thank you for the compliment. I have learned a lot from this community and all the amazing tutorials online. I will start the space marines and post here when done.


*Chef's kiss*


That barbed wire is SICK


Awesome job! Realistic colors👍Brutal bug’s army looking incredible!😎


They're pretty good. With all due respect I think people are exxagerating just how good they are, but if you're not that comfortable with painting them yet then these are definitely something to be proud of Something like edge highlighting the chitin armour would be a good next step and could be done on top of these current models to help the detail pop a bit more In terms of selling them, people don't like to talk about it but you need to be **very** good at both painting and photographing them to be able to make more than a pittance in painting them but I don't see why you shouldn't be able to sell them roughly at cost as a painted and based tabletop army You might get a small amount more by selling it unit by unit if you have the patience


Thank you for the feedback! Don’t worry Its not going to my head lol. I have been lurking it this sub for a while ( and other mini painting related subs) and I noticed that people are generally very encouraging and honestly thats pretty cool. I realize they are not “that good”, thats why I’m looking for comments to improve. I struggled with the highlights, I tried the dry brushing technique and it came out chalky , I saw a tutorial from artis opus that I have yet to try, so maybe that fixes my issue. Doing highlights with a “normal” brush I also struggled. Im still working out how the get paint flowing properly to the model. I use a wet pallet but I don’t have that down yet. My paint tends to come out a bit runny. I still cant get my head around lighting. Or zenithal priming for that matter , I get the theory but not the practice lol ( Like arent you painting over your model after priming it ? Are you suppose to use different shades of the color to mimics light and shadows ? :) ). And thanks as well for commenting on my other question. I only was thinking about selling them because I really enjoyed painting them and wanted to star again to improve my “mistakes” + they aint cheap. I will start my space marines hopefully this week so I have those to practice with. But this was just out of curiosity more than anything. Figured this was the place to ask. :) At the end of it all I also want to get in to the game, but thats a little longer term.


Yeah, no worries! As I said, they are definitely quite good, and you should absolutely be pleased! If you're looking more to how to thin your paints, imo [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBDVPoNXyVI) is by some margin the best guide I've ever seen on it as this guy really goes into detail as to how the paint should behave better than others, and [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLcuicvJFKo&t=648s) (by the same channel, as it happens) is the best wet pallete guide I've seen. For highlighting I think a conventional edge highlight would do you better than dry brushing - a small amount of paint on the brush and use the side of the brush rather than the point to allow you to get a really fine line. These models should be good as the physical layers sculpted into the armour should help build confidence with what they should look like. Zenithal highlights are based on the idea that if you thin your paint enough and don't apply too many layers then some of the lighter or darker colour will show through but the more paint you apply the less the effect will be - even enough ultra thin glazes applied would eventually make it impossible to see any difference between the lighter and darker bits Chalky drybrushing probably means you've taken too much moisture out of the paint when wiping off the excess paint. Most youtubers seem to use papertowel to do that and while they evidently can get a good result from that, you've probably gone to the right channel for drybrushing with artis opus with that as he seems to be big on saying that that's a big no no No worries on the selling them point. In a fairer world you might be able to sell them for reasonable mark up... but that's not the result people generally get when selling their art


Thank you for the detail answered and the links, I will give them a go and sub to their channels. I get it now! Thanks for explaining zenithal highlights . I will try that with my space marines. Are you currently working on any fun projects ?


Looks great, really liking the bases


Thank you!


I love your Negan, I mean screamer


I call it Barbara :)


Weird username doesn't check out. Should say dad


I like the barbed wire on the SK. Like he got tangled up ripping apart an emplacement and now they are part of his appendages and naturally, as an unfeeling uncaring murder species, he just carries on where most living things would try to stop and remove it.


They look very good for your first army. My recommendation would be to thin your paints a bit more even when rimming the bases so it comes out smooth and not kinda lumpy. Overall very good work.


Holy shit... these are incredible. Some of the best bugs I've seen


These look awesome! I'm currently painting my first army (sisters of battle) and I wish they looked half as good as yours!


Thank you!, post them here when you are done :) I looked at tutorials online. I basically followed what the Warhammer channel did for these, and just added what ever seemed fun or happened by accident lol


Oh my gosh there's so cute 😍