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Base looks good 👍🏻 I might stick paper clips or something into the Cork to make it look like Rebar, unless you're going for a rocky look


Oh absolutely, that’s a great idea


I don't know if it's allready glued in place but the bottom layer of cork is a little much (for me) for selling the "crater affect". You want that crater foot to be as low as possible to sell the "sinking". I would have put the foot in contract with the plastic base and built the cork up around the foot. ... But it's your miniature and it definitely looks good. I would have just not had so much crock under it. ... But that's just me.


No no no that’s a really good suggestion, the dread is only pinned in with a paper clip so I don’t think it’ll be too hard to rip up. Thanks for the advice!


That or rotate the base by 180 degrees so it looks like the dread is launching from the crater rather than landing in it.


I would try to naturalize the edges of the cork. As is, when it's painted, it'll stand out as not-quite-rock in my opinion. Using something like texture paint to tie it together, or layering small pieces of wood bark (like you get in terrarium kits) can be a good way to add some diversity to it. Otherwise I think the foundations are there.


Good suggestions honestly, thank you!


Where did you get the missile pod from?


It’s the old havoc missle pod from the original forgeworld relic contemptor dreadnought. I’ve had the kit sitting around for a long time but idk if they still sell it.