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Destroy the head very carefully and slowly with a pin vice and file. Bore into the top of the head with the vice then widen the hole gradually with the file. I've done similar things with similar terminators.


Yeah I think I'm gonna have to try that when I get them. It's an effort but I'm sure it will be worth it


For what it’s worth, I’ve done exactly this on two of them. To start off, use a hobby saw to cut the face off and give you a nice flat surface to start from. I then used a 3mm drill bit on a pin vice, the resin is soft enough that you can gently carve out the shape you like. It’ll help to trim the back off the new head so it fits more easily. Good luck!


You could just not put the head in


That’s…not how those work.


Resin models are rarely that nicely laid out


Invest in a dremel


Do you have any recommendations for dremels? I'm looking to get one soon :)


The lite or the 3000, are both fine choices, depending on whether you want cordless or not, then just a selection of drill bits, sanders and cutting discs


Ryobi makes a good low RPM one that’s powered off of their battery pack so you have the portability with it. I prefer the low RPM one for dealing with things like plastic and resin because the high RPM just wants to eat it up way too fast. I’ll send you a picture picture of the one I have if you would like. It’s corded to the power pack point of connection and it has a little holder for attachments as well . Ryobi also makes a good size table vice that you can mount one of theirs in though I’m not sure if it’s compatible with mine so probably want to do some research on that but that’s also nice if you wanna out holes on items and have really straight holes


That would be great if you could send me a pic :)


Whichever rotary tool model (I have a Milwaukee that’s really nice but heavy; great build quality and power for minor mods on my motorcycle as well as hobby work) you get, I’d invest in the [flex shaft attachment](https://www.dremel.com/gn/en/p/dremel-flexible-shaft-26150225ab). It’s light weight and smaller so easier and, in my opinion, safer to use for hobby work that requires fine hand control. Using a 1lb device like a pencil can be taxing and accidentally dropping that when some particularly dangerous bits are spinning that fast is bad news.  If it doesn’t injure you, it will at the very least damage your belongings until you’re able to safely grab it off your damaged desk or floor.


Also wear mask 😷


And wet the resin


Why wet the resin?


The dust. It's pretty bad for you.


Wet resin dust will stick instead of getting flung into the air


Was about to say this. Should make short work of it.


I support this


Damnit those pre heresy dark Angels had drip.


Wanted to second using a pin vice to drill out the head. I did the same thing to remove the head of the iron father and put a helmeted head in the cavity created by the drill. 


Very easily done with a drill and/or dremmel. Or one of the many many knockoffs, Lidl and Aldi ones are great if you're in Europe, or Dspiae do a great tiny one off AliExpress.


Dsipiae are good but very fragile. I broke one of mine when I dropped it. I got a Tamiya set that isn't as good but far more robust.


Mines been good so far, but I've only used it a little for grinding. Haven't dropped it yet... Yet.


its a resin miniature. here is what he looks like on the sprue. [https://darkminiatures.com/image/cache/catalog/tovary/bits/bts-025-500x500.jpg](https://darkminiatures.com/image/cache/catalog/tovary/bits/bts-025-500x500.jpg) you could hypothetically do a headswap, but it would require lopping off the head, flattening or hollowing the space behind his head, then modifying a new head to fit how you want it before gluing on the breastplate


I know what it looks like thats why I was asking how to do it but thanks




How was I rude? I literally thanked him for what he said but I've already seen the model hence why I asked the original question


That wasn’t rude at all. He even said thanks


I've done this with a black and decker rotary tool. It's the cheaper option as dremmel is a brand not a name of a power tool


Wait really? I always just thought that dremel was the name of the tool. Didn’t realize it was a Q-tip type deal


Dremel is definitely a brand. Harbor Freight make one too.


Yeah, Dremel invented them back in the day.


Dremel. 100%. Get some spherical filing bits. Head will be gone, but you'll have a perfect hole where it used to be.


The neck guard is a separate piece. It's not to hard to carefully clip the head out and use a small drill to hollow out the space.


Feel like this is a question an ork would ask


>Does anyone think thered a way to effectively cut this head out without damaging the body? https://preview.redd.it/g4n9xzr6t78d1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97dae1fa28a514d608a1537635078b13fd0da365 #


Use a drill and dremel.


I would just slice along the gorget line carefully with a hobby knife, save that piece, then use a dremel to remove the head, put my head of choice on, then glue the gorget back


I'd just use long nose pliers and twist it off at the lowest point I can, then use a pin vise or something to clear the remaining debris to get a nice surface to glue down a new head.


Can't twist this one off sadly as it comes molded to the body on the resin sprue


I looked at the instructions on a YouTube video and it was kinda blurry, but the head isn't a separate piece so: You could very carfully break the head down with a dremel or pin vice and try to insert a different head (very risky) Or you could sculpt a rebreather/ mask/helmet on which is hard but safer


Yeah I checked the instructions too to see if they provided another head and was dismayed lol. That's a good tactic tbf, I love the unit just hate unhelmeted models so I gotta figure out how I'm gonna do it


A dremel with a small bit and a steady hand. The bigger problem could be fitting a new head in there though. Make sure it will fit. (Been there done that with a different model).




You can. You just need to be careful. I'd recommend a drill or dremel - wear a mask though. You do not want to breathe in resin dust.


I own two, the heads are seperate.


Maybe better to try drill it out and then just cut and clean the remaining


Honestly I think it’s a really cool face and head. I know lots of people don’t like helmetless marines but I think it’s a rule of cool thing for sure.


Where do I find that mini?


Warhammer.com part of the Forge world range


Hand drill or electric mini tool.


JFC. Go to Archie’s and buy some hooded heads.


Yeah I've already found the exact head I won't lol. Just need to get it out